Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Fwd: From Mike Huckabee a G-d Fearing Man. What the White House just said about Hillary scandal is very interesting...


What Donald Trump has going for him is a G-d fearing team and Mike Huckabee is up there!.

Mike Huckabee, now promoting Trump, has earned my greatest respect ever since he addressed the Gush Katif Museum Dinner in Crown Heights in 2013, and unprecedented by most politicians, barely charged a fee at the time, if at all...

Here is a transcript of Huckabees speech at the Gush Katif Museum Dinner March 2013 still very relevant today! He received a resounding standing ovation!


Other media reports of this fabulous Dinner organized br Rabbi Wolbe and Dr. Frager, Dr. Brody. Odeleya Jacobs and Rabbi Algaze can be found at this link.


Raising awareness about the terrible injustice and stupidity of destroying Jewish homes in Gaza was not a politically correct topic at the time. Huckabees decision to speak at this dinner gave tremendous Chizuk to those who created the GK Museum whose intention was to document as a Museum this atrocity so that "Never Again" should Jewish Homes be destroyed in the name of a false peace.

A timely reminder now that Amona and Ofra are slated for demolition with legislation to normalize Judea and Samaria on hold awaiting for Israel's Supreme Court's decision to push off the expulsion of Jews off Amona and Ofra in the Shomron.

The Supreme Court of Israel unfortunately has difficulty resonating that this is G-d's given Land to the Nation of Israel, bowing consistently to pressures from Obama Administration and leftist NGOs.

(Though probably Huckabbe would not want this act of generosity in 2013 publicized since others might interpret him as being one whom can be taken advantage of and not understand his pure unadulterated love of the Land of Israel for not charging a well deserved  fee..) ...

Huckabees love for Israel comes from the depths of his soul unconditionally ( Sheeino Tluya Badavar.)

Compare this with the outrageous fees asked by the Clinton Foundation for their speaking engagements. Mike Huckabee is a time proven authentic friend of the Jews and a G-d fearing man.

He of all people deserves our financial support.

Donald Trump is a lucky man to have him on his team.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Mike Huckabee" <newsletter@mikehuckabee.com>
Date: Nov 1, 2016 8:33 AM
Subject: What the White House just said about Hillary scandal is very interesting...
To: <faigerayzel@gmail.com>


> The message you have just received was delivered by Mike Huckabee and includes a message from Huck PAC, his political action committee. 
> Robin,
> WikiLeaks keeps pulling back the curtain on the ethical toxic waste dump that is the Hillary Clinton for President Campaign. Today's revelation : her staffers knew as early as 2011 that her top aide's husband, Anthony Weiner, was being investigated for sexting with an underage girl, but chose to do nothing about it. Remind me again: which party is it that's waging a "war on women"?!?
> After reading my newsletter below, please forward this email to friends and family to help me spread the word!
> Sincerely,
> Mike Huckabee
> ------
> Message from Huck PAC:  
> HUCK PAC NEEDS FINANCIAL HELP: Chip in to help support Huck PAC endorsed candidates such as Tim Scott, Marco Rubio and Trent Franks. We rely on small donations from supporters to help fund our efforts, not big money donors from Wall Street .
> And in case you missed these:  
> Hillary Gives Us "Red Scare" Part II
> By Mike Huckabee
> With the constant fallout of scandal contaminating Hillary Clinton's Presidential campaign, it should surprise no one that she's taken to exploiting our fear of nuclear war. This is just about the last card she has left to play. If anything can make us forget what a criminal she is, it's the potential atomic threat posed by Putin and other world powers. She wants us to picture Donald Trump with steam coming out of his ears and his finger nervously tapping the nuclear button.
> Only Trump doesn't have steam coming out of his ears –- that's just how the campaign wants you to see him –- and no one ever has a finger literally on the nuclear button. In fact, a strong case can be made that, under a Hillary administration, we'd be less safe from a Russian threat than we would be with Trump. Hillary has tried to adopt the persona of a calm and patient grandmother, the knowing "adult" in the room, but we know her well enough by now to see through the pose. What has Hillary ever done in her life to make the world safer? America is arguably under greater threat now than it was before she was Secretary of State. The Iran deal has set us on a course for a strong nuclear Iran. Donors to the Clinton Foundation would surely expect favors from her, possibly at the expense of our national security. The "Russian reset" was nothing of the kind. Worst of all, with her stunning mishandling of classified material, Hillary put our agents in the field at risk and revealed God knows what to God knows who. If Putin wants to control her, there's no telling what he knows about her secret world that even WikiLeaks hasn't revealed. Will he learn it all at the same time we do, maybe a year into her Presidency, or is he already holding it in reserve?
> Out of desperation, Hillary's trying to frighten us with visions of a Soviet mushroom cloud, just as LBJ did when Barry Goldwater was running in 1964. Red Scare, Part Two. It worked for the Democrats in 1964, and Johnson escalated the Vietnam War. Let's hope we're all more savvy now.
> This is interesting
> By Mike Huckabee
> Now, this is what I call "interesting," as in the Chinese curse, "May you live in 'interesting' times." Hillary Clinton has martialed every leading Democrat for an all-out assault on FBI Director Jim Comey's integrity and impartiality (remember the good old days of, oh, last Thursday, when that was a horrifying example of undermining faith in the government?) But the most prominent Democrat of all just cut her off at the kneecaps.
> Speaking for President Obama, Josh Earnest said Comey is "in a tough spot," but "The president does not believe that Director Comey is intentionally trying to influence the outcome of an election. The president does not believe that he is secretly strategizing to benefit one candidate or one political party…The president's assessment of his integrity and his character has not changed."
> We know there's never been any love lost between the Obamas and the Clintons, despite the Obamas' recent unconvincing 180 embrace of Hillary's campaign. And Obama surely doesn't want Trump to overturn his legacy, such as it is. So is this a rare example of someone in Washington actually doing the right thing by backing his FBI Director, despite intense political pressure and great negatives for him personally? Or could there be something more behind Obama's support of Comey in contradiction of his party's chosen offensive defense? Could it be that he knows more about what's in those newly-discovered files than the public and realizes that it's so bad, he doesn't want to be associated with having defended it? Read the full story at the link and weigh in on what you think is behind the President's decision to stand with Comey against his party.
> ------
> Message from Huck PAC:  
> HUCK PAC NEEDS FINANCIAL HELP: Chip in to help support Huck PAC endorsed candidates such as Tim Scott, Marco Rubio and Trent Franks. We rely on small donations from supporters to help fund our efforts, not big money donors from Wall Street . We urgently need your financial support so please respond today!
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