From: "Mike Huckabee" <>
Date: Mar 16, 2017 9:30 AM
Subject: Second Travel Ban Blocked
To: <>
The message you have just received was delivered by Mike Huckabee and includes a message about Mike Huckabee's upcoming trip to Israel.
Even though President Trump had attorneys write his replacement temporary ban on immigration from six terrorist-infested nations to address every objection to the previous ban, and even though legal experts called it "airtight," a federal judge in Hawaii still put a stay on it. In what Trump described as "unprecedented judicial overreach."
The judge blocked the President's immigration order based not on the order's wording but on months-old comments from the campaign that he said suggested it was really intended as a "Muslim ban" (it's not: about 40 other Muslim nations are completely unaffected by it), and on a claim that it might harm the Hawaiian tourism industry. Apparently, Hawaii would not be able to survive as a tourist destination if nobody from Yemen or Syria could visit Honolulu for 90 days. Imagine if a judge had ruled that the nineteen 9/11 hijackers had to be let in to the US because keeping them out would deprive their flight school of tuition income. As I write this, word is coming that another judge in Maryland also stayed the order, although the reasoning hasn't been released yet.
It's obvious some federal judges have come to believe their gavels are wands, and that by waiving them, they magically assume power over decisions about national security that are specifically reserved to the commander-in-chief. It's ludicrous that these challenges should even make it to court, much less that any judge would have serious enough delusions of grandeur to rule in their favor. If every Podunk judge has veto power over the President's national security decisions, then we need to move them all to Washington right away. Maybe build a dorm in the Pentagon, so they can be on call 24/7 to don their black robes and hurry to the situation room to decide whether or not the President is allowed to take action in a national emergency.
I shudder to think what condition America would be in today if this rule-by-unelected-partisan-
egomaniacs-with-legal-degrees had existed during World War II. Imagine those stirring words of Winston Churchill: "We shall fight on the beaches, as long as a federal judge doesn't block our landing craft to protect the endangered sand newt…We shall fight in the fields, provided a federal judge doesn't rule that it might undermine the rural tourism industry…and in the streets, unless a federal judge rules that it might create traffic jams, leading to excess CO2 emissions that would boost our real enemy: climate change…"
Mike Huckabee
Message from Blue Diamond Travel:
For believers, a visit to Israel is more than just a trip to a fascinating foreign country – it's an opportunity to experience the complex and beautiful Holy Land that was the setting for the teachings, the battles, and the miracles of the Bible. In April Mike Huckabee will be leading a tour to Israel. Find out more about this trip of a lifetime here.
And in case you missed these:
Saudi Prince Backs Trump
By Mike Huckabee
A prominent official issued a statement lavishly praising President Trump for his "great understanding" and clear sight of the problems in the Middle East and of US-Saudi relations, and defending his travel ban as a necessary measure to combat a real and known threat, and not a "Muslim ban." This person said Trump "has an unprecedented and serious intention to work with the Muslim World" and has a deep respect for Islam as a great religion kidnapped by radicals. So who was showering Trump with all this effusive praise? Kellyanne Conway? Sean Hannity? Nope. It was Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, after a lengthy personal meeting with Trump.
Salman said the meeting "put things on the right track" and "marked a significant shift in relations, across all political, military, security and economic fields." He also noted that he was surprised by Trump's knowledge, his clarification of his positions and his positive attitude toward Islam, since the real Trump was completely at odds with the negative portrait that's always being presented in the media.
So this meeting accomplished two things: the Saudi Deputy Prince has a newfound understanding of both the real Donald Trump and the real American media.
Reforming the UN
By Mike Huckabee
One of the most heartening things about the Trump Administration so far is its refusal to genuflect before the UN. First, our new UN Ambassador Nikki Haley warned that body that its virulent anti-Semitism will not be tolerated any longer. Now, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has let it be known that the US will pull its support if there isn't an end to the relentless demonization of Israel by the laughably-named UN Human Rights Commission, a group that includes such sterling champions of human rights as China and Saudi Arabia.
Most see this as a pressure tactic to force the UN to reform rather than a serious threat to leave. Certainly, any reform would be an improvement. But I still like the idea of kicking them out and turning that building into some desperately-needed, affordable New York City apartment space.
Message from Blue Diamond Travel:
For believers, a visit to Israel is more than just a trip to a fascinating foreign country – it's an opportunity to experience the complex and beautiful Holy Land that was the setting for the teachings, the battles, and the miracles of the Bible. In April Mike Huckabee will be leading a tour to Israel. Find out more about this trip of a lifetime here.
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