Robin Ticker
Most of these emails are posted on
Shemittah, the Jewish Sabbatical year, brings security and blessing. The Torah says keeping this Mitzvah will prevent disaster and exile. Shemittah is Shabbat LaHashem. A taste of the World to Come. Learn about one womens quest for knowledge and rediscovery of this long lost Mitzvah according to the simple Torah reading of the text found in the beginning posts of this blog. Zichru le'olam b'riso, davar tziva le'elef dor. Asher karas es Avraham, u'shevu'aso le'Yitzchak. Vaya'amide'ha le'Ya'akov lechok, le'Yisra'el b'ris olam. Le'emor, lecha eh'ten Eretz K'na'an, chevel nachalas'chem.Remember His covenant forever - the word He commanded for a thousand generations - that He made with Abraham and His vow to Isaac. Then He established it for Jacob as a statute, for Israel as an everlasting covenant; saying, "To you I shall give the land of Canaan, the lot of your heritage."
Why Israel Hasn't Bombed Iran
Prof. Paul Eidelberg
In September 2006, I published an article on the July 2006 Israel-Hezbollah War in Lebanon. (It was also called the "July War.")
I am resurrecting this article because Hezbollah, undefeated in that war, and having been supplied by Iran with thousands of rockets, may deter an Israeli attack on Tehran.
A. It all began with Israel's disengagement from Gaza. Former Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Moshe Ya'alon admitted that Israel's retreat from Gaza in the south incited Hezbollah to attack Israel in the north and that triggered the Lebanese War. But what led to Israel's retreat?
1. We must first recall that Labor's policy of "unilateral disengagement" from Gaza was the paramount issue of the January 2003 election. The parties that opposed this policy won 84 seats or 70% of the Knesset's 120-membership! The Likud alone won 38 seats, while Labor won only 19 – the lowest ever for that party. Clearly, a vast majority of the public rejected Labor's policy.
2. Nevertheless, Likud Prime Minister Ariel Sharon adopted that policy! He thus betrayed the will of the people unequivocally expressed in the aforementioned January election.
3. However, to implement Labor's policy, the Knesset had to expel 8,000 Jews from their homes in Gaza, and this required the passage of an Evacuation Law. But how could the Knesset pass such a law when (a) 84 MKs, including 38 Likudniks, had opposed disengagement, and (b) Israel's highest military and intelligence officials had testified against disengagement before the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee?
4. Since Sharon had offered no rational defense of disengagement, he had to induce a sufficient number of Likud MKs to vote for the Evacuation Law. This he could only do by means of political bribery, such as the plums of cabinet posts. And so, 23 Likud MKs voted for the law. Hardly any would have done so had they been individually elected by and accountable to the voters in constituency elections – the practice of all genuine democracies, many of which are smaller in size and population than Israel.
5. In Israel, however, its first government in 1948 made the entire country a single electoral district in which parties with fixed lists of candidates compete for Knesset seats on the basis of Proportional Representation. Since no incumbent has to face a rival candidate for his seat in the Knesset, MKs and those who become Cabinet Ministers, can ignore public opinion with impunity. This is exactly what the Sharon Government did when it retreated from Gaza.
6. This perfidious act (which led to the ascendancy of Hamas) was sanctified by the Supreme Court, a self-perpetuating oligarchy that declared Gaza "belligerent occupied territory." This ruling, which actually violated the Court's own precedents as well as objective international law, is another hidden cause of the Lebanese War.
7. It follows from the preceding facts that Israel's undemocratic system of government led to the Lebanese War!
B. The Government's Ineptitude
1. To win a war with an ideological foes, Israel's Government must accurately define the enemy.
a. Hezbollah is not merely a guerrilla organization; it's a Shi'ite terrorist army. A guerrilla organization attacks and retreats; an army stands and resists the attacker. Since Hezbollah was too well-entrenched in Lebanon to be defeated by air power, a ground invasion of appropriate magnitude was required near the outset at the war. None took place.
b. Hezbollah is a proxy of Iran. But with 14 seats in Lebanon's 128-member parliament and two cabinet posts, Hezbollah is also an integral part of the Lebanese government. Contrary to the "Ceder Revolution," however, Lebanon remained a Syrian puppet. This is why Lebanon facilitated Hezbollah's deployment of 13,000 missiles supplied primarily by Iran via Syria. Lebanon is nonetheless responsible for Hezbollah's unprovoked attack on Israel.
2. Hence, it may be argued that Israel should have declared war on Lebanon and bombed certain Syrian targets. Failing to do so made it appear that Israel was merely fighting a terrorist organization. Since Israel could hardly have attacked Iran, it was all the more crucial for the Government to demolish Hezbollah as a fighting force. But this is beyond the mentality of Israel's milquetoast government.
C. The Ideological Dimension of the War
1. The war between Israel and its neighbors is a religious war and not merely a war over territory. Yet no Israeli government has ever told the truth about its enemy. The enemy is totalitarian Islam, an imperialistic creed. Since a large percentage of the world's 1.3 billion Muslims support Islam's Jihadic agenda, Islam is more dangerous than Nazism and Soviet Communism. Armed with weapons of mass murder, Islam could conquer the world and enslave mankind.
2. Israel's debacle in Lebanon did not help the cause of freedom. The winner was Shiite Iran, a regime animated by the fanaticism and world-conquering ambition of the Ayatollah Khomeini.
D. Israel Needs Systemic Change
1. The debacle of the July War prompted many Israelis to demand the resignation of Israel's ruling elites, including the wretched Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, the utterly unqualified Defense Minister Amir Peretz, and, for good measure, Chief of General Staff Dan Halutz. Others demanded a national commission of inquiry. Still others called for new elections. However, here is how I perceived the mess into which Israel's dysfunctional government had fallen:
a. If Olmert were to resign, Vice Premier Shimon Peres would step into his shoes and head a caretaker government – hardly a promising option.
b. Any national commission of inquiry would be a protracted affair and leave Olmert in power. If the commission is chaired by Chief Justice Aharon Barak, a cover-up would follow since his ruling regarding Gaza is one of the hidden causes of the war.
c. And new elections would only bring the same fools and scoundrels back to power.
2. Clearly, Israel's system of governance is a disaster. Systemic change is absolutely necessary. The present writer proposes the establishment of a Constituent Assembly to draft a Constitution based on a unique synthesis of Jewish and democratic principles.
a. To democratize the Executive branch, the corruption-infested system of multi-party cabinet government must be replaced by a presidential system.
b. To democratize the Legislature, its members must be individually elected by the voters in distinct constituencies (and legislators must be excluded from the cabinet).
c. To democratize the Judiciary, Supreme Court judges should be nominated by the President and confirmed by the legislature.
d. But to prevent Israel from becoming "a state of its citizens," the Constitution must enshrine Israel's Jewish essence as a paramount law.
E. War and Peace
1. Israel is at war with an implacable foe. We need a government that will prepare our people for war. This will require a wartime budget, a civil defense program, a war-winning strategy, and various economic and scientific programs to make Israel a self-reliant superpower.
2. Israel must destroy the Hamas-led Palestinian Authority. I therefore advocate the annexation of Judea and Samaria, a Land Act to settle 250,000 Jews in these areas; and financial incentives to facilitate Arab emigration.
3. Neither Israel nor the U.S. can tolerate a nuclear Iran. Israel must be prepared to launch a preemptive attack on Iran if the U.S. fails to do so.
4. The time has come for Israel to set a military as well as moral example to mankind.
F. Conclusion. Israel lacks three things:
1. A clear understanding of her enemy, which understanding informs public education and public opinion.
2. A clear sense of what Israel stands for as a nation, which requires a Jewish philosophy rooted in the basic sources of the Jewish people.
3. A tripartite structure of government that separates the Legislature from the Executive, and that has a Judiciary whose members are not only learned in Jewish as well as in secular law, but who understand that the basic purpose of a Supreme Court is to reconcile permanence and change – the genius of the Jewish people.☼
Novominsker Rebbe Issues Direct Plea to President Obama at Agudath Israel Dinner May 12m 2015Statement From Agudath Israel of America on Iranian Nuclear Agreement - July 18, 2015Hagon HaRav Moshe Sternbuch Opposes Agudath Israel's Lobbying Efforts Against Iran Nuke Deal August 23, 2015
Brig. Gen. (res.) Yossi Kuperwasser wrote that a military strike against Iran would inflict significant damage on Iran's nuclear program and thwart its weapons ambitions
Congress could pass a bill to reauthorize sanctions.
Every state and firm considering business opportunities with Tehran will have to weigh them against the opportunity cost of being barred from doing business with the US.
· Reps. Grace Meng (D-Queens) and Lee Zeldin (R-LI), members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, wrote in the N.Y. Post that Congress should vote to approve bunker buster bombs for Israel.
· House and Senate Members should pass a concurrent resolution deeming that for Congress's internal purposes, the Iran deal is a treaty that requires a two thirds vote to pass.
The Iran deal includes secret side-agreements the Obama administration appears to have deliberately withheld from Congress. That move is a prima facie violation of Corker-Cardin….
· Congress can condition the Iran deal's legal stature on the passage of enabling legislation – that requires simple majorities in both houses. Dan Darling, foreign policy adviser to … Rand Paul wrote Monday that senators can use Senate procedure to force the Foreign Relations Committee to act in this manner.
· State legislatures can pass their own sanctions against Iran. An executive agreement, unlike a treaty, is not binding on the states. This would apply only to state business and pension fund investment.
At the end of the day, the problem with the Democrats in Congress is that they have not been hearing from their constituents. Will this change in the last few weeks?
The most powerful voices lobbying against the deal have been coming from the military.
Obama could only get 36 retired US generals to sign a petition in favor of his 'deal.' This week, a group of five citizen volunteers in a few days got a letter signed by 190 US generals and admirals that will be handed to every member in Congress. The letter reads in part:
In our judgment as former senior military officers, the agreement will not have that effect (preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons). Removing sanctions on Iran and releasing billions of dollars to its regime over the next ten years is inimical to the security of Israel and the Middle East. There is no credibility within JCPOA's inspection process or the ability to snap back sanctions once lifted, should Iran violate the agreement. In this and other respects, the JCPOA would threaten the national security and vital interests of the United States and, therefore, should be disapproved by the Congress.
The agreement as constructed does not "cut off every pathway" for Iran to acquire nuclear weapons. To the contrary, it actually provides Iran with a legitimate path to doing that simply by abiding by the deal.
…The agreement is unverifiable. Under the terms of the JCPOA and a secret side deal (to which the United States is not privy), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will be responsible for inspections under such severe limitations as to prevent them from reliably detecting Iranian cheating.
It's not just generals. American vets are speaking out about the Iran capitulation. In some states, they have been helped with organizing and funding to produce very moving videos. This can and should be done in every state with traitorous Democrat Congressman.
From Hakeem Jeffries meeting Brighton Beach
Is the military option still on the table?
Carter said that the current framework for a deal with Iran does not take the military option off the table but added that it will currently not be used.
"We have the capability to shut down, set back and destroy the Iranian nuclear program and I believe the Iranians know that and understand that," he said, referencing the military's most powerful ground-penetrating bomb, the Massive Ordinance Penetrator (MOP).
The MOP -- which can explode 200 feet underground and is designed to destroy deeply buried and fortified targets -- is ready for use, Carter said.
Prime Minister's Office, 3 Kaplan St. Hakirya Jerusalem 9195002-6705354(dir)02-5669245 (fax)by social media:Bibi literally counts how many people contact him
...But on reflection, I realized my reaction to the arrest of the suspected Jewish terrorists was wrong. We should not address one human rights violation (administrative detention of Palestinians) with another human rights violation (administrative detention of Jews).Arresting someone for crimes they have not yet committed is wrong. There is a midrash that teaches that when Abraham banished Hagar and Ishmael, one of the angels objected to God providing them with water. "The descendants of Ishmael will be trouble for the Jews," the angel said. God replied, "He is judged where he is now, not for his future actions or the actions of his descendants."
Arab terrorists should not be tried as criminals. No family should have to put up with what Eliezer and Sarah Rosenfeld have been forced to suffer.No IDF soldier should be put in the position of having to decide between a trial and death.Arab rock throwers aim to kill, and that puts the victim in a position, legally and morally, of self-defense.Arabs who run over Jews at bus stops or on any sidewalk or side of road are aiming to murder, so killing them is self-defense.Arabs who shoot Jews are aiming to murder, so killing them is self-defense.It's perfectly obvious and clear that these Arab terrorists are not ordinary criminals. They should not have their day in court. There is no moral or legal reason to give them a chance to defend themselves. Arab terrorists must be executed, and that's it!!
At the 13th conference of World Mosque day, today, August 20, 2015, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani falsely holds a Jewish settler responsible for Al-Aqsa Mosgue arson that happened in 1969. This Al-Aqsa Mosque arson was actually committed by an Australian, Christian Tourist who was found to be mentally ill (insane). pattern of such false accusations are that it targets an individual settler who is then depicted as a reflection of the "aggressive, occupying, Zionist Regime".
The website Public Intelligence reported that "an intelligence bulletin issued by the FBI's Counterterrorism Division in late May warns that so-called 'militia extremists' are likely to begin targeting Muslim institutions, including mosques and other religious facilities."
It named me, among others, among those who incite these violent "militia extremists."Meanwhile, as the FBI libels me as someone who inspires violence, I am getting death threats every day. Every day now.