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From: American Friends of Ateret Cohanim / Jerusalem Chai <American_Friends_of_Ateret_Cohan@mail.vresp.com>
Date: Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 6:08 PM
Subject: Call or Write Congresswoman Kathleen Rice and Say Thank You for Opposing the Iran Deal
From: American Friends of Ateret Cohanim / Jerusalem Chai <American_Friends_of_Ateret_Cohan@mail.vresp.com>
Date: Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 6:08 PM
Subject: Call or Write Congresswoman Kathleen Rice and Say Thank You for Opposing the Iran Deal
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American Friends of Ateret Cohanim / Jerusalem Chai Click to view this email in a browser Forward this message to a friend Congresswoman Kathleen Rice (D-NY) representing the 4th District of New York, has joined the bi-partsan movement to block the Obama/Kerry inspired Nuclear Arms Deal with Iran. She is one of the growing list of democrats to declare her opposition and break with her party's leader. She released the following statement on her website opposing the deal: "IRAN DEAL IS A RISK I CAN'T SUPPORT" - Today Kathleen announced her opposition to the final agreement with Iran. Click the link below to read her op-ed in the 5 Towns Jewish Times explaining the reasoning behind her decision. "This deal represents a pause, not an end, to Iran's quest for a nuclear weapon. While no deal or action – whether economic, diplomatic, or military – can ensure a disarmed Iran in perpetuity, this deal's search for peace seems too willing to gamble on social progress in Iran, especially when Iranian leaders show little interest in helping to foster it – and even less in becoming anything near a responsible ally in the region. Here, the President is displaying an admirable political vision and optimism, but I just don't trust the progress of that social experiment enough to pay the cost of this gamble's security risk. And the fact that sanctions can snap back into place if Iran cheats doesn't give me enough confidence to counter that risk. The sanctions we imposed on Iran that proved successful were only successful over time. No matter how quickly we can re-impose these measures in the event we catch Iran cheating, it will take years to recreate the economic pressure that we know influences their decision making. One of the biggest questions throughout this process has been whether outside inspectors will have the ability to tell if Iran is abiding by this deal. I'm skeptical that they will. The fact that Iran would not agree to "anywhere, anytime" access is troubling - and an apparent continuation of Iran's history of deception." Please take 2 minutes to call Congresswoman Rice at 516-739-3008 and thank her for her leadership in standing strong, as she always has, in support of the safety and security of both the United States and Israel. You can also email her by clicking here. This is a direct result of your efforts, and it should make you proud. But there is more work to be done. We hope this inspires you to work even harder to encourage our Senators and other Member of Congress to join her in opposing this Iran deal. Sample text and phone message: "I am calling to thank Congresswoman Rice for opposing the Iran nuclear deal, and for her leadership in standing strong, as she always has, in support of the safety and security of both the United States and Israel." Thank-you calls are every bit as important as calls urging a member to do the right thing. The administration will be pulling out all the stops to get her to change. Click here or the image above to sign the petition to contact other government representives see the links to AIPAC below Senate and House Members can be reached through the Capitol switchboard Email your members of Congress Find your members of Congress Info/Questions grassroots@aipac.org Background Information After more than 20 months of negotiations, the United States and its negotiating partners announced a nuclear agreement with Iran. Throughout the negotiations, AIPAC outlined five critical criteria for a good deal. Unfortunately, the proposed agreement is fundamentally flawed in each of these vital areas. The Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 established a procedure for congressional review of any nuclear agreement with Iran. Congress must now oppose this deal, which would leave Iran as a nuclear threshold state, thereby jeopardizing U.S. interests and posing an existential threat to Israel and other American allies. Please call or email your Members of Congress today and urge them to oppose this deal. Contact Senator Chuck Schumer : Email, click here 322 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: (202) 224-6542 Fax: (202) 228-3027 TDD: (202) 224-0420. He is critical in this process and needs to be convinced that siding with the President is a mistake. Phone Script for Other Members of Congress "I am calling to urge the senator/representative to oppose the Iran nuclear deal because it will not block Iran from getting a nuclear weapon." Talking Points I have consistently supported diplomatic efforts to peacefully prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. I appreciate the hard work of the administration to reach a deal. Unfortunately, the proposed deal will let Iran become a threshold nuclear weapons state and will not guarantee international inspectors access to suspicious sites in Iran. Congress and the president have repeatedly said, "No deal is better than a bad deal." This is a bad deal. Congress must oppose this agreement, and urge the administration to negotiate a better deal that will truly prevent Iran from building a nuclear weapon. |
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