From: "Mike Huckabee" <>
Date: Dec 23, 2016 10:02 AM
Subject: Sore losers
To: <>
The message you have just received was delivered by Mike Huckabee and includes a message from Huck PAC, his political action committee.
The ugly, rude intolerance of the left was on full display yesterday, when Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner were verbally assaulted (to use the term the left would use if one of theirs had been the target) by a passenger on a JetBlue flight. They were traveling in coach with their three small children when this cretin made a public spectacle of himself by attacking Ivanka's father and accusing her of ruining their flight. The man (who was setting a great example for his own child) was removed from the plane, and immediately whined that his rights were being violated.
The bully and his defenders tried to claim he had just been exercising his free speech rights to "question" Ivanka, but that was disproven by his same-sex spouse's earlier Tweet that the two saw the "evil" couple in the airport and chased after them to "harass" them. He quickly deleted his Twitter account, but the cat was already out of the bag. By their own admission, this was deliberate, premeditated harassment.
I'm getting weary of having to write about sore loser liberals behaving like terrible two-year-olds, so instead of wasting any pixels on this couple's obnoxious behavior toward anyone whose politics vary a whit from theirs (which, as you'll see at the link, is a longstanding habit), I'll point you to this PJ Media examination of the ways various news outlets covered the story on social media. They ranged from telling the truth, to trying to shade the truth to make the aggressor look better, to outright falsification to make him sound like the innocent victim. Want to know where "fake news" comes from? Read this and see how the liberal media make their sausage. I especially enjoyed the last paragraph.
One more note: the intolerant liberal also demanded to know, "Why is she on our flight? She should be flying private." Of course, if she had, she would have been called a rich elitist. But the fact that Ivanka and her family were traveling coach on JetBlue shows that they don't live in a bubble of privilege and she understands the value of money. Sounds like somebody raised her right.
Mike Huckabee
Message from Huck PAC:
HUCK PAC NEEDS FINANCIAL HELP: Support conservative Republicans in 2017 and beyond. Help us raise an additional $7,156 before December 31 by chipping in $25 today.
And in case you missed these:
Leftist Artists Attack Ivanka Trump
By Mike Huckabee
Some leftist "artists" are demanding that Ivanka Trump take down their art that hangs on her walls because they don't want to be associated with her. They call her a hypocrite, apparently not being clear on the meaning of that term, since they want to make a big show of demanding that she not display art that they willingly took her money to sell to her.
I realize from some of the quotes that I'm not dealing with very mature or well-informed people, so I'll try to make this primer on capitalism as simple as I can: Once you decide to sell your creation to someone else, you give up the right to tell them what to do with it. Ivanka can put your art on her walls or in her fireplace. It's up to her. It's hers now. If you'd wanted to maintain control over who could see your art, you should have kept it locked in your bedroom. The same goes for liberal rock stars who declare that they don't want Republicans listening to their music. The day you signed that ASCAP contract, you traded away the right to dictate who's allowed to buy your records. You want to have total control over your creative works and keep them away from people you disagree with politically, but you also want to take their money for them. That's what "hypocrisy" is all about, Charlie Brown.
Besides, I thought artists created art so that they could share their creativity and spread their ideas to the world. What is the point of sharing ideas with people who already have the exact same ideas as you do? I write books, but I don't keep the manuscripts locked in my safe. I want to sell as many copies as I can, and if any liberals want to buy a copy, I'm thrilled to see them read it and happy to take their money (I'll need to see an ID before I take a check, though).
If I saw a photo of, say, Hillary Clinton's bookshelf and spotted a copy of "God, Guns, Grits and Gravy," I'd be glad to know that she was getting a different point of view on what working Americans in "flyover country" are actually like. Of course, I've never seen such a photo, and I doubt that she's ever read that book. If she had, she might have spent more time in Michigan than with Wall Street bankers and Hollywood stars, and not promised to put coal miners out of work, and actually won the election.
A Permanent Attitude Change
By Mike Huckabee
Every day until Christmas, I'm recounting " Simple Christmas " stories shared with me a few years ago by my radio listeners. One thing we all learned from "A Charlie Brown Christmas" is that it's not how fancy your tree is that matters, it's the love it represents. A radio listener of mine named Vicky from California sent me a beautiful story that illustrates that as well as Charles M. Schultz did. If you like this story please leave me a comment on my website here.
Vicky recalled a time years before, when her young family was desperately poor and struggling to provide Christmas for their three small children. Her husband brought home a tree, but after working 14 hours, he hadn't noticed it was dead and brown on one side.
A neighbor tried to help by giving them a little 18-inch, lighted table-top tree. Vickie thought it was so small and ugly, she began to cry at the thought that this thing would be their family's tree. Just then, her little daughter began to cry, too, and hugged her. But she was crying for a very different reason.
The little girl said in awe, "That is the most beautiful tree I have ever seen. Do we really get to have that as our tree this year?"
Vicki wrote, "I had a permanent attitude change. That night, I couldn't stop thanking our Heavenly Father enough for His blessings."
So you see, it's true: A little child shall lead them. Tomorrow, a story that reminds us Christmas is not about the getting, but the giving.
Message from Huck PAC:
HUCK PAC NEEDS FINANCIAL HELP: Support conservative Republicans in 2017 and beyond. Help us raise an additional $7,156 before December 31 by chipping in $25 today.
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