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From: "Makor Chaim" <yossi@makorchaim.community>
Date: Dec 29, 2016 7:39 AM
Subject: Open Letter to Pres. Trump from Gush Etzion
To: "Jay & Robin" <faigerayzel@gmail.com>
From: "Makor Chaim" <yossi@makorchaim.community>
Date: Dec 29, 2016 7:39 AM
Subject: Open Letter to Pres. Trump from Gush Etzion
To: "Jay & Robin" <faigerayzel@gmail.com>
An Open Letter to President Trump from Gush Etzion
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An Open Letter to President Trump from Gush Etzion
(Please share and support!)
Dear President Elect Trump,
My wife and I have lived in Gush Etzion for 34 years and have raised 9 children here who are all American citizens. Our home and the homes of our about two dozen grandchildren throughout Judea have just been declared "illegal" by the UN, by President Obama and Secretary Kerry. We chose to live here in Judea because we trace our family's roots back to King David and the tribe of Judah. Another reason we chose this area is because members of our extended family lived here in Gush Etzion prior to 1948 and gave their lives trying to defend their homes.
In addition to the extensive Jewish history here, we purchased our homes which were built by a Jewish government on "waste lands". According to the 1917 Balfour Declaration, the 1920 San Remo Accords, the 1922 League of Nations "Mandate for Palestine" (retained as law by UN Charter Article 80), US Congress Resolution # 360 signed into law by President Harding, and other provisions of international law, these "waste lands" were specifically reserved for Jewish settlement before the King of Jordan illegally occupied and annexed the area and distributed some of these lands to his cronies. The US government has never recognized this illegal Jordanian occupation and since 1993 even Jordan has given up any claim to this area. In addition, the Oslo Accords specifically stipulate that the permanent status of the area will not be changed unless both sides agree.
The US government and the UN Security Council have just illegally acted against all of the above provisions of US and international law and have called into question our very right to live here. I trust that once you are in office, you will employ your wisdom, honesty and common sense in dealing with these issues, just as you have demonstrated your unique approach in other areas such as the US economy, education, legal system, etc.
Before you take office, I have a personal favor to ask from you because your family has a personal connection to our family. Your late father Fred helped build and support the Beach Haven Jewish Center founded by my late father-in-law, Rabbi Israel Wagner (see more here).
We are involved in the construction of the new campus of the Makor Chaim Jewish Center here in Gush Etzion in memory of the three young men who were kidnapped and murdered by terrorists in the summer of July 2014. Two of them, Gilad Shaer and Naftali Fraenkel (a US citizen), studied at Makor Chaim.
I understand you are planning on dismantling the "Trump Foundation" in advance of taking office. Wouldn't it be appropriate for you make a substantial contribution to this worthy cause? If you are criticized for doing so, you can respond that even President Jimmy Carter declared at this very spot that "This particular settlement area is not one I ever envision being abandoned or changed over into Palestinian territory."
I hope that you and anyone else who identifies with what I have written here will go to the website to make a donation and stand up for Israel now!
Sincerely yours,
Yossi Baumol
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