Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Re: Netanyahu "King of Yishmael"?


Dear Knesset Members: 

Yesterday, a fellow activist Ohev Yisroel, Nationalist right winger who sides with the Settlers of Judea and Samaria disapproved of Netanyahu being called "KIng of Yishmael"

Menachem wrote:
IMO (In my opinion) Wolpo in his statement deviates from the Issue of Shlaymut HaAretz to engage in counterproductive and unHalachic name calling. This cannot achieve anything productive.

My response.

Dear Menachem, amv"sh

Allow me to differ with you.

Rabbi Wolpo really feels the pain of the Jewish families who are on the verge of being expelled from their homes.

Let me elaborate. "King of Yishmael".... Is this merely vindictive name calling or a reflection of reality? 

IMO It accurately describes the situation as it is and serves to correct a distorted wishful perception. There is a Toeles for choosing these words, a purpose and that purpose is to present a reality to a clueless population in order to prevent another expulsion chas veshalom. It turns on a light bulb to get people to think.

Rabbi Wolpo chooses his words carefully.  Not merely to be mean and vindictive.   The message of Rabbi Wolpo is that Netanyahu has betrayed the Jewish people. His point is that Netanyahu and his administration are acting in the best interest of Arabs and not Jews.  

A king by definition is a popular, benevolent ruler with absolute authority. A despot is an unpopular ruler who rules by force and by arm twisting. 

Here Rabbi Wolpo attempts to correct the popular misconception  that Netanyahu is King of Israel, representing Israel. 

Unfortunately the reality is that Netanyahu in cahoots with his self appointed cabinet and leftist Supreme Court, is acting like a despot with absolute authority on behalf of Israel's enemies, and has chosen to act benevolent to the Arabs.  In deed, he sides with Arabs, to effectively end "Jewish occupation" of "Palestine" aka Judea and Samaria. Menachem, sorry to burst your bubble. I too would like a benevolent King leading Israel but surely it is not Netanyahu.

Rabbi Wallerstein on Radio Hidabroot spoke about Pharoh's three advisors.  Pharoh asked them what to do about the Hebrews.  Astrologers in Egypt predicted a leader to emerge from the Hebrews that will bring the downfall of Egypt.  Bilam's solution, kill the Hebrew boys. Cast them into the sea.   Pharoh was happy with this solution.  Yitro opposed it.  Iyov said it's already 2 against 1 so I'll abstain.   Rabbi Wallerstein continued.  Iyov later in his life suffered immensely.  He screamed out in pain. Why did G-d bring this upon Iyov?  Rabbi Wallerstein continued to explain the Midrash.  Screaming really serves no purpose. The pain is still there with or without screaming.  This was G-dly retribution for not protesting for not screaming against this evil decree of Bilam. Even if he would not have been effective, he still should have protested because the situation was painful.  Because Iyov did not protest and scream against this terrible decree, G-d punished him measure for measure so that he would scream irregardless.

The Lubavitch Rebbe says, perhaps based on this Midrash,  that we protest because the situation is painful. 

Whether or not our protest is effective is irrelevant!

From: "Robin Ticker" <>
To: "Robin Ticker" <>
Cc: "המטה להצלת העם והארץ המטה להצלת העם והארץ" <>,
Sent: Tuesday, June 5, 2012 4:55:25 PM

Subject: Rav Shalom Dov Wolpe Founder of the Gush Katif Museum has harsh words and warning to Netanyahu


Rav Shalom Dov Wolpo, founder of the Gush Katif Museum has some harsh words for Bibi Netanyahu on the eve of the vote of the Regulation Bill.  The GK Museum was established  not merely to document what happened to Gush Katif.  It's primary purpose is to prevent a recurring tragedy.  

With the knowledge of the Gush Katif tragedy in front of us at all times, a strong rebuke will hopefully arouse the necessary awareness to prevent another similar catastrophe.  (Robin)

From המטה העולמי להצלת העם והארץ
"In an unprecedented attack on Netanyahu, Israeli right-wing bulletin "Eretz Yisroel Shalanu" headlines  "Bibi King of Ishmael". 

The article  reads as follows:

While the magazine "Time" Netanyahu crowned "Bibi King of Israel",  a few weeks ago, a right-wing publication, Eretz Yisroel Shalanu,  will be distributing a hundred thousand copies in thousands of synagogues and settlements prior to this Shabbat, crowning Netanyahu as "Bibi the King of Ishmael", and calls to fight for Judea and Samaria and and not to allow the storm troopers of Bibi to win on Givat HaUlpana.

In the the article, Rabbi Shalom Dov Wolpe said " You Bibi, son of one of the greatest believers of Shleimus Haaretz (those in favor of the integrity of the entire Land of Israel and against Land for Peace) and a believer of  an all-out war on terror...You will offer your hand to the destruction of  Jewish settlement, and stick a knife in your late father's heart ob"m from whom you just recently parted?

Ok, Arik Sharon (there the wicked shall rot) was convinced he was king of the world, and obviously was not afraid to fight against the Land of Israel and to destroy blooming communities with a high hand.  But you've already seen what happened to him and you know where all his partners in crime are to be found, did it not occur to you that the curse "there is judgment and there is a judge" will also come to you in the near future?

"Listen carefully, Mr. Netanyahu: In the current situation, you and your government are the greatest enemies of the people and country. Not Iran, not Egypt, not Syria, not Turkey, not Hizbullah, not Hamas, None of them were successful in destroying the Land of Israel. Only you can, with the help of your fellow evil judges, and with a rubber stamp of Right Wing Ministers, both religious and haredi as one.

On Shabbat Naso (Torah reading of "Count the Heads") you lost your head with an official declaration of a civil war, whereby you impose an ugly military operation upon soldiers and police, and you force them to fight their brothers and their homeland.  So you are bad for Jews and will be remembered as such in the history of our people! "

Rabbi Wolpe also read to the residents of Beit El  the writings of Rabbi Zvi Yehuda Hacohen Kook, who said: "re: Judea and Samaria, there will be war."  and said. "You have been chosen by Providence to be the last dam before the ultimate destruction of settlements in Judea and Samaria. If you will leave voluntarily as the people of Gush Katif, it will be over for all of us. Please do not let the storm troopers of Bibi win. If you raise up the flag of our struggle, tens of thousands of Neemanei Eretz, those who are faithful to the Land, will stream to you at this critical time.  

With the prayer, "Please save me from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Eisav"   

Contact: 050-8754674 052-5218730  

The original in Hebrew:

עלון הימין ארץ ישראל שלנו במתקפה חסרת תקדים על נתניהו: ביבי מלך ישמעאל 

בעוד המגזין "טיים" הכתיר את נתניהו לפני שבועות ספורים ל"ביבי מלך ישראל", עלון הימין שיופץ לקראת שבת במאה אלף עותקים באלפי בתי הכנסת ומרכזי ההתיישבות מכתיר את נתניהו כ"ביבי מלך ישמעאל", וקורא לצאת למלחמה על יהודה ושומרון ולא לתת לקלגסים של ביבי לנצח בגבעת האולפנה.

במאמר של יו"ר ארץ ישראל שלנו הרב שלום דב וולפא נכתב "אתה ביבי, בנו של אחד מגדולי המאמינים בשלימות הארץ ובמלחמת החורמה בטרור, אתה תיתן ידך לחורבנו של ישוב יהודי, ותתקע סכין בלבו של אביך ז"ל שרק עכשיו נפרדת ממנו ?!

"מילא אריק שרון (שם רשעים ירקב) שהיה בטוח שהוא מלך העולם, כמובן שלא פחד להלחם נגד ארץ ישראל והחריב ישובים פורחים ביד רמה. אבל אתה שראית כבר מה קרה לו ואתה יודע איפה נמצאים כל שותפיו לפשע, האם אינך מעלה כלל בדעתך שברכת "יש דין ויש דיין" תגיע גם אליך בקרוב ?!

"תשמע טוב אדון נתניהו: במצב הנוכחי, אתה וממשלתך הם האויבים הגדולים ביותר של העם והארץ. לא איראן, לא מצרים, לא סוריה, לא טורקיה, לא חיזבאלה, לא חמאס, אף אחד מהם לא הצליח להחריב את ארץ ישראל. רק אתה תעשה זאת בסיוע חבר מרעיך שופטי הרשע, ובחותמת גומי של השרים, ה"ימניים" הדתיים והחרדים כאחד.

"בשבת פרשת 'נשא את ראש', איבדת את הראש, והכרזת רישמית על מלחמת אחים, אתה כופה את הביצוע המכוער על חיילים ושוטרים, ומכריחם להלחם באחיהם ובמולדתם. לכן אתה "רע ליהודים" וכך תיזכר בהיסטוריה של עמנו ! 

הרב וולפא גם מפנה קריאה לתושבי בית אל "הרב צבי יהודה הכהן קוק זצ"ל, אמר: "על יהודה ושומרון תהיה מלחמה". אתם נבחרתם על ידי ההשגחה העליונה להיות הסכר האחרון בפני חורבנה המוחלט של ההתישבות ביו"ש. אם תתפנו מרצון כמו בגוש קטיף, יקיץ הקץ על כולנו. אנא אל תתנו לקלגסים של ביבי לנצח. אם תרימו את דגל המאבק, יזרמו רבבות נאמני ארץ ישראל להיות איתכם בשעה גורלית זו, בסיסמת "הצילני נא מיד אחי, מיד עשו".".

לפרטים: 050-8754674 052-5218730  


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

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