Why shouldn't my home be next? Does the deed to my house carry any stronger proof of ownership than these homes in Ofra did to their owners before they were evicted?
These homes in Ofra were also given the proper permits etc. They were bought legally. They are owned no different than your home and my home.
This is downright scary. What is stopping any bogus court from ruling that my home doesn't belong to me.
Hey maybe it belongs to the Migrants? A bogus court could come up with a good argument.
Surely they need room and board. Anyway, what is stopping Migrants from taking over neighborhoods?
It's easy. I can think of several ways they can take over my home. Have a generous gov't provide for their living accommodations. Welcome them into the neighborhood and provide for all their needs.
Turn the other way when the crime rate spikes. Allow them to take over and then call the areas which they have taken over NO Go Zones making it dangerous for the natives to walk around. Isn't this happening in Sweden and other parts of Europe?
The job of government is to protect the property rights of its citizens. That is a basic fundamental job of government!
I get it. It is because it is more legal to live in Tel Aviv than it is to live in Ofra? That is the "Rule of LAW" according to the Israeli Supreme Court.
What logically follows is to then punish and libel all the settlers who dare to defy their rule of Law!!! Especially if they are the kids who see that the emperor, i.e. the Judical System operating under the Israel Supreme Court, is naked from Truth and Justice and Righteousness.
It is a bogus court of law. Their decisions and laws are not transparent, nor subject to scrutiny of any honest and objective court of law, surely not to the Creator of the world nor consistent with G-d's law, the H-ly Torah. The Written Law and the Oral Law. Is that beyond the scope of Israel's Supreme Court? To turn a blind eye to Divine Law and perhaps equally as bad to turn a blind eye to the fact that we are turning a blind eye to the Torah.
Their treasonous actions, i.e. those of the Israeli Supreme Court, serve those who do not accept Israel's right to exist at all.
UNESCO holds that Jews have no claim to Temple Mount, the Kotel, East Jerusalemm territories captured in 1967 including Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron, Rachel's Tomb in Beth Lechem, and Josef's tomb in Shchem. UNESCO holds that Jews have no claim to own a home in Judea and Samaria since it is Palestinian.
If that is so, then nobody has a claim to their home! Period.
Ofra is part of Judea and Samaria the Biblical Heartland of Israel.
Wasn't the 6 day war in 1967 also a fair and just war? Israel's was attacked on all sides by her enemies and fought a defensive war only to miraculously defeat her enemies in 6 days! Israel wins the war and then her Government gives the holiest site, Temple Mount to the WAQF?!?! All the conquered territory, the Biblical Heartland was never annexed!
This causes lots of confusion!
The Palestinians in comparison do not come from any cohesive group or nationality. But why confuse yourself with facts?
Palestinians do not trace their lineage to the Canaanites. They don't trace their lineage to any Nation.
Following the same logic of those who decided that Amona homes are to be demolished...let us ask ourselves "was the Revolutionary War justified?"
Now we are talking! Let's start talking about a 2 State Solution. There should be the State of Israel and the State of Judea and Samaria since they are not fairly represented in the State of Israel. and you think I'm joking????
You tell me... Is this convoluted, crooked logic the basis to throw beautiful families from their homes and traumatize hundreds of kids many of them teens whose religious upbringing is being seriously challenged as their Rabbi's and teachers and even parents find themselves unable to stand up to the challenge? .
The Almighty has chosen the Nation of Israel to inherit the Land of Israel and the borders are delineated as a Heritage, as an eternal inheritance!
From: <mattotarim@mattotarim.org>
Date: Feb 27, 2017 1:26 AM
Subject: [Mattotarim] יום סולידריות It's Solidarity Day
To: <mattotarim@mattotarim.org>
English & unsubscribe info -- see belowרוצה להימחק מרשימת התפוצה? ראה בסוףCan't read the Hebrew? Click Facebook Mattot Arim:יום סולידריות It's Solidarity Dayבהסכמת ראש הממשלה נתניהו, כוחות נערכים להרס בתי-קבע מאוכלסים בעפרה -- אגב, תוך הפללת המתיישבים שכזכור, לא עשו כלום (לכן קוראים למעצרם, "מעצרי מנע"). http://www.srugim.co.il/184868-%D7%94%D7%A6%D7%91%D7% .90-%D7%92%D7%99%D7%93%D7%A8-% D7%90%D7%AA-%D7%A9%D7%9B%D7% 95%D7%A0%D7%AA-%D7%92%D7%91% D7%A2%D7%AA-%D7%A6%D7%91%D7% 99-%D7%91%D7%A2%D7%A4%D7%A8% D7%94 עפרה נוסדה לפני 40 שנה. כעבור שנות דור, פתאום בשמאל הקיצוני נזכרו שמדובר ב"קרקע פרטית". http://www.ynet.co.il/articles/0,7340,L-4917856,00. html נתניהו עלה לשלטון לפני 20 שנה. עד היום לא עשה דבר כדי לרסן את פלישת הבג"צ לתחום הפוליטי-מדיני. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SS7Rws22-aU הרי לפי "דוקטרינת השאלה הפוליטית" בית משפט היה אמור להימנע מלהתערב. כי לפי חוק - על תחומים מדיניים-התיישבותיים מופקד רק הדרג הפוליטי ולא הרשות השופטת: https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/political_question_ doctrine לכן משמרות מחאה צפויות להתקיים היום יום שני במספר צמתים בארץ, הנה מספרי טלפון למי שרוצה להצטרף ולהשפיע על דעת הקהל:צפון: ליד קניון לב כרמיאל , שעה 17:30 - אברהם 0547907277 Carmielיתכן שגם בחיפה - יצחק 04-8598620 Haifaמרכז: כיכר העצמאות, נתניה, שעה 14 בערך - אדית - Netanya 0546959894ליד קניון סינמה סיטי בראשל"צ באזור תעשיה חדש (יתכן שינוי במיקום) –שעה 17:30 - משפחת הלוי 050-6384547 או קרויטורו 0522507831צומת בילו, שעה 17:30 - משפחת פרץ 0523786072 או 089471273 Zomet Biluדרום: ערד, בכניסה המזרחית לעיר (מול השוק) ביום שני בשעה 17:00 – משפחת מלמד 0546713859 Aradצומת פלוגות – בשעות אחה"צ - קרן 054-9006330 Zomet Plugotתמונה: פעילי מטות ערים מפגינים בצומת בילו:Netanyahu-backed demolition of homes in Ofra has begun:PM Binyamin Netanyahu was supposed to have relied on the well-established "political question" legal doctrine https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/political_question _doctrineto save the 9 Ofra families from pro-Palestinian lawfare. Unfortunately, he has not been willing to do so. That's why – sadly - it's clear that anti-Israel radicals are going to continue their lawfare against PM Netanyahu's people and land. Therefore, street-side vigils in solidarity with Ofra will be held TODAY in a number of locations – in Carmiel, perhaps in Haifa, in Netanya, in Zomet Bilu, in Arad and at Zomet Plugot in the South. See contact particulars above for up2date info, plus a photo of a Mattot Arim streetside vigil.Streetside vigils of this kind are fully legal and do not require any police permission at all. Rather than standing helplessly by, we'd rather make a direct impact on public opinion.Mattot Arim, Israeli NGO, working toward peace-for-peace since 1992רוצה להימחק מהרשימה? שלח "הסר" אל mattot.arim@gmail.comto unsubscribe, please send "unsubscribe" to: mattot.arim@gmail.comקבלת את המייל הזה מחבר, רוצה להצטרף לרשימת התפוצה? שלח מייל "צרפו אותי" אל mattot.arim@gmail.comComments? Or: Want to join our list? Contact mattot.arim@gmail.comTo ensure you continue receiving our emails, please add us to your address book or safe list –or simply reply to one of our emails; write to: mattot.arim@gmail.com