How to respond to Obama's assault on Israel? By doubling down on our Biblical Birthright and for Judea and Samaria. Then rely on G-d to defend Israel and not Hillary Clinton if she is elected!
Atem Nitzavim...We need to unite for Life and Truth for Peace only achievable through Torah which is the Biblical Path to Peace!
The Choice is Ours! We need to believe with our heart and soul and have a Hirhur of Teshuva this Yom Kippur that there is Ain Od Milvado.
Gmar Chatima Tova!
From: "" <>
Date: Oct 11, 2016 8:45 AM
Subject: Yom Kippur; Netanyahu asks Kerry to block Obama attack on Israel; Suicide bomb plot foiled; Praying for Syria; - Oct. 11, 2016
To: "Robin Ticker" <>
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October 11, 2016 / 9 Tishri 5777
G'mar Chatima Tova![]()
Headlines & Recommended
Yom Kippur: Guide for the Perplexed
Yoram Ettinger
Yom Kippur's focus on forgiveness highlights humility, fallibility, soul-searching faith, compassion, thoughtfulness, being considerate, accepting responsibility and magnanimity.
Netanyahu Asking Kerry to Avoid UN 2-State Resolution
Kerry responded by saying the Administration has not yet made its decision on this matter — which is probably what he would have said if he didn't want an Obama anti-Israel move to hit the news before the election.
Arab Terrorist Murders Two, Wounds Five Jews After Obama Admin Initiates New Crisis With Israel
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"... there needs to be consequences ..."
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Public Pre-Yom Kippur 'Kapparot' Ceremonies Banned in 3 Israeli Cities
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Before Yom Kippur, Israelis Pray for Syrian Neighbors
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Jewish Teen Detained By Israel Police, Allegedly Near Temple Mount
A Jewish teen was detained late Monday night, allegedly near the gate to the Temple Mount.
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General Closure on Judea, Samaria, Gaza
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Brooklyn DA Ken Thompson passed away Sunday after a struggle with cancer.
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Trump Didn't Do Well Enough
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Securing a Future for Religious Minorities in the Middle East
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What is worrying is that measures to protect the Yazidis from future brutalities have been set back by the Iraqi parliament decision.
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Arab Terrorist Murders Two, Wounds Five Jews After Obama Admin Initiates New Crisis With Israel
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"... there needs to be consequences ..."
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Presidential Debate #2: Trump By A Knockout
The Lid with Jeff Dunetz
Jeff Dunetz
Trump faced greater pressure going into the debate than any candidate in presidential debate history. He not only handled the pressure, but was exceptional and won the second debate by a knockout.![]() Radio
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Yom Kippur: Guide for the Perplexed
Yoram Ettinger
Yom Kippur's focus on forgiveness highlights humility, fallibility, soul-searching faith, compassion, thoughtfulness, being considerate, accepting responsibility and magnanimity.
A Timeless Message
Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis
Recollections of Yom Kippurs past from the late Rebbetzin Jungreis (ZT"L).
Tefillah: A Meeting With Hashem -Teshuva Through Prayer
Rabbi Eliezer M. Niehaus
The first step in repentance is to say to Hashem that until now we lived as if we were not in front of You, but now we have come back.
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The Laws of Yom Kippur 5777
Rabbi Baruch Efrati
Preparing for Yom Kippur, Erev Yom Kippur, Halachot of the Fast, Those who are exempt from fasting, Yom Kippur, End of the Fast
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