Showing posts sorted by relevance for query republican platform. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query republican platform. Sort by date Show all posts

Monday, March 06, 2017

Fwd: Mattot Arim Build in all of Judea and Samaria not just in small settlement blocs a fraction of the area. Women in Green: Lieberman is mistaken & misleading ליברמן טועה ומטעה Don't put the blame on Trump Administration!


My comments:

Trump was elected because of a strong Evangelical Vote who reads the Bible!   His closest inner circle were definitely Pro Jewish Settlement in Judea and Samaria.....His message prior to being elected is that they would not object to Israel applying Sovereignty over Judea and Samaria a One State Solution. After all, there are 22 Arab States. We don't need another Arab State that is Judenrein...   Does Israel need to be surrounded by the Hamas State of Gaza, the Fatah State of Palestine and Hizbollah State in Lebanon in addition to all her other Arab neighbors?...that was the message of new Republican Platform under Trump which eliminated the Two State Solution paragraphs of the previous Republican platforms. This new platform was widely accepted and received a standing ovation. 

Why then have they changed their tune now that Trump got into office.

Perhaps the GOI (Government of Israel) is to blame... convincing the Trump Administration otherwise?   It sure looks that way to me.  It seems to me that the weakness is coming from weak hearted Jews rather than from the Trump Administration and my conjecture is to check the money trail since they are acting  with their recent policies like they are blind and stupid and it says Shochad maaVer Pikchim. Bribery blinds the wise. ...

Lev Melachim Beyad Hashem. The heart of the King is in the hand of Hashem.  Trump's administration and Hamas are merely the messengers of HaSHEM.   Let us look inward... 

Are We Jews Worthy of our Land?  Have we sufficiently yearned to settle our Promised Land, the Land of Israel knowing full well that Judea and Samaria are Derech HaAvot, the Path of our Forefathers, the heartland of Israel, clearly within the delineated Biblical borders?  Are we sincerely yearning for a Righteous Jewish Court of Law based on Torah as we pray for each and every day and are we yearning for the return of the Temple?  

Trumps victory was miraculously in our favor.  Will we blow it with the likes of Netanyahu and  Lieberman calling the shots while they are being manipulated with political forces that are not in Israel's best interests ?

Why can't the Resolution of Marianbad in 1937 be the cry coming from the Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah of Today?

I sadly see a multi faceted assault against settlement in Judea and Samari. In spite of the pro settlement rhetoric by the government of Israel...
  •  I see the weakening the resolve of the IDF as a result of Public condemnation prior to investigation of soldier Alon Azarya and an 18 month sentence of manslaughter for neutralizing a known terrorist out to stab Israeli civilians and soldiers. Stupid and senseless and downright dangerous for the Israel Defense force.
  • I see the attempt to demoralize the salt of the earth, the Nationalist camp with the horrible and immoral destruction of beautiful homes in Amona and Ofra and slated destruction in Netiv Avot in Elazar.  Stupid, cruel and beyond senseless.
  • Mattot Arim, a most sensible and fair minded political watch Organization is now warning us of what seems to be an agenda by Israel and her enemies to prevent expansion and  future Jewish Settlement in the  vast majority of territory in Judea and Samaria.  
  • Women in Green severely criticize Lieberman's opposition to application of Jewish Sovereignty and for wrongly misleading the public and placing the blame on the American Administration. 

Is Mattot Arim correct in sounding the alarm that  Netanyahu and Lieberman Administration will just allow new settlement in a fraction of Judea and Samaria setting the stage for a Palestinian State?

Mattot Arim writes:

The above yellow-blue map was presented by an Israeli territorial affairs official who serves Netanyahu and served Sharon, in an interview to CNN –
Why is Netanyahu afraid to build  in the big, yellow-marked part of Judea-Samaria? Why build only in the small, blue part – euphemistically termed "settlement blocs", these are actually mere crumbs of territory! In the CNN interview, the official points to the yellow  area and says it can all be … "Palestine"!
Netanyahu MUST be urged to withstand foreign pressure on Israel – and  approve building in the big, yellow part of Judea-Samaria. The Likud's most senior minister, Gilad Erdan, has said this clearly: there must be building "everywhere in Judea-Samaria, not just in settlement blocs".
The Knesset's Land of Israel Lobby have similarly blasted the lack of development of "communities excluded from the Left's settlement bloc plan" (i.e. "yellow" communities –there are dozens of them!)

Please send your own letter of objection to the Members of the Knesset!

Email addresses of Ministers and Knesset membersכתובות מייל של חברי הכנסת והשרים;;;;;;;;;; 

Women in Green: Minister Lieberman is Mistaken and Misleading!  

The heads of Women in Green have severe criticism for Minister Lieberman's words against the application of sovereignty and assert that he bases his position on misleading data, ignoring the changes in the Middle East and the American administration.

Women in Green responds with severity to the words this morning of Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman in the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee against the vision of sovereignty.

"Minister Lieberman is mistaken and misleading when he says that the application of sovereignty would lead to a crisis with the American administration", say Katsover and Matar, and clarify: "We do not know who Minister Lieberman has been talking to, but from our sources, it is clear that the policy of the Trump administration has not changed. Only yesterday there was a delegation from Congress here, who came to arrange for the transfer of the embassy. Our sources in Congress continue to say that Israel must consolidate her policy positions and these will be honored by the American administration and the White House. The Trump administration does not intend to force any plan upon Israel".

"It must further be noted that for decades, relations between Israel and the United States were subject to disagreement over the Palestinian matter and the matter of Jerusalem, and nevertheless, the American administration continued to maintain good relations with Israel in light of the depth of American interests in the Middle East. The Palestinian matter is very low among American considerations. At the top of this list is the conflict with Iran, as well as dealing with Islamic terror and strengthening the pro-American regimes in the region. As a result", state the two women, "the application of sovereignty will not result in the crisis and conflict that Minister Lieberman is concerned about. The thought that Israel must place her security needs in the hands of the American president is unthinkable".

The heads of the movement, Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar, claim that Lieberman is also mistaken and misleading when he presents demographic data that does not reflect reality. While Minister Lieberman speaks of 2.7 million Arab Palestinians in Judea and Samaria, the actual data that has been validated by senior demographers is that there are 1.8 million Arab Palestinians, and this figure has been trending continually downward for the past twenty years along with the most rapid westernization of any other area.

Relating to Lieberman's claim, according to which, the cost of services that the Arab residents of Judea and Samaria would receive when sovereignty is applied, would amount to twenty billion shekels, Katsover and Matar say that "We must remember that the Land of Israel is worth more than twenty billion shekels. And moreover, Minister Lieberman knows well that the expenses in security would be ten times greater than this if there was, heaven forbid, a Palestinian state. The Oslo Accords cost Israel more than 933 billion shekels. We can only guess how much more a Palestinian state would cost us, G-d forbid. The price in blood, literally, would also be higher in the absence of an Israeli presence in the field, in the absence of intelligence, in a situation where a Palestinian terror state could flow in heavy munitions that would threaten the population centers and in a reality where a Palestinian terror state could form alliances with hostile armies and states.

Regarding Minister Lieberman's words about the conduct of the Border Police, the two comment that "with the government's policy of appeasement as an example, what do you want from the little soldier and policeman at the gate?"

Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Fwd: Look Who Is Getting Blamed For Repeal. Mike Huckabee on loyal Trump supporters who understand when it's not his fault, No 1st Amendment Rights for Christians with a Muslim professor Mar 28, 2017


Love Huckabee...

I can relate to both articles.  Trump's administration's change in attitude from his campaign and his willingness now to support a Two State Solution is quite disappointing.  However, we still have tremendous gratitude for  the Republican's not including a 2 State Solutuion in the 2016 Republican Platform. We recognize that Trump and his administration is missing counter pressure from the Faith based population. Jewish and Righteous Gentiles alike who hold the Bible sacrosanct and failed miserable to support Trump sufficiently in face of surmounting pressures and demands for a Palestinian State.   G-d is on his side even if the people have yet to be worthy but it would take unbelievable amount of courage and fortitude to withstand the onslaught.   This having been said, the 2 State Solution is clearly a recipe for disaster.  Arabs do much better from a standpoint of security, economics, health and education under the State of Israel so long as they accept Israel Sovereignty.  Of course, those residing in the Land of Israel, out for Israel's destruction, unwilling to accept Israel's Sovereignty, whose education include Jihad and glorification of martyrs and terrorists should be treated as enemies rather than those entitled to Israel's generosity.

As for for the second article about the Christian who was targeted and discriminated against in the Florida College with a Muslim Professor reminded me of Anti BDS  Park Slope Food Coop members who have been suspended from the Brooklyn Park Slope Food Coop for protesting a BDS agenda at a General Meeting.  Apparently, diversity and freedom of speech applies to those who follow the liberal, progressive, anti Israel, anti Trump bias.  Otherwise your position is silenced and if you become disruptive for protesting... you're out of a Food Coop!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mike Huckabee <>
Date: Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 2:39 PM
Subject: Look Who Is Getting Blamed For Repeal

The message you have just received was delivered by Mike Huckabee and includes a message from Huck PAC, his political action committee. 


President Trump's many detractors across the political spectrum are seething with frustration at polls showing that despite the best (worst) efforts of a biased media, his supporters are largely sticking by him. The latest example is a story from Reuters, in which Trump supporters say they don't blame him for Congress' failure to repeal and replace Obamacare. They blame Congress: the Republicans for writing a bad bill that couldn't win support and the Democrats for refusing to do anything but obstruct. As one supporter said, "He can't wave a magic wand" to get Congress to keep its promises.

Maybe the reason so many Trump supporters are willing to cut him slack is that they've noticed that on the things that he can accomplish without cooperation from others – writing executive orders cutting regulations, appointing solid judicial picks, taking the fight to ISIS, boosting confidence in the economy, bringing back jobs from overseas (Ford just announced plans to invest $9 billion in Michigan, creating or saving up to 8500 jobs) – Trump is delivering. They also see that unlike the last guy who had his job, Trump actually worked hard to try to help Congress gather enough support to pass a bill. Voters are smart enough to figure out that if a President can take on just about any problem he puts his mind to and get results, only to fail when he tries to get Congress to work, then maybe the problem isn't with him. You don't blame your mechanic if he can't jump-start a car with no engine in it.


Mike Huckabee


Message from Huck PAC:  

Robin, HUCK PAC NEEDS FINANCIAL HELP: Support conservative Republicans in 2017 and beyond. Help us raise an additional $16,858 in March by chipping in $25 today or  with a donation in the amount you can afford! Thank you!


And in case you missed these:  

Florida College Suspends Christian Student For Challenging Muslim Teacher

By Mike Huckabee

Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida, is a private liberal arts college that seems to be putting the emphasis on "liberal" instead of "arts." During a "Muslim Humanities" class, the female Muslim professor reportedly argued that Jesus wasn't really crucified and His disciples didn't truly believe He was "God." A Christian student said he challenged this, in a way that was nothing unusual for a difference of opinion in class.

Or so he thought, until the straight-A student got a grade of 52% on his next essay. He then got a letter from the college, saying the teacher had reported him for making her feel "unsafe" in the class. The college suspended him and ordered him to refrain from contacting the teacher or talking to other students about the incident. He also claims she filed a false police report accusing him of violating the de facto "restraining order" by coming to class during a time when he can prove he was visiting his grandmother and wasn't even in class.

Now, here's what apparently does not make the professor feel "unsafe": a Muslim student reportedly spoke up in class and endorsed cutting off the genitals of gays, adulterers and thieves under Sharia law. She didn't report that to authorities, even though another student was so spooked by it, he called the FBI.

This isn't the first time Rollins College has been accused of taking punitive actions against Christian students. The full story is at the link. One piece of extra information that parents considering it might want to know: tuition there costs $46,520 a year.

Johnny Rotten Defends Donald Trump

By Mike Huckabee

Liberal hipsters and one-time punk rockers are reeling at the news that British punk rock icon John Lydon (aka Johnny Rotten of the Sex Pistols) did a TV interview with Piers Brosnan in which he slammed the leftwing media for unfairly smearing President Trump as a racist. He said Trump is actually more like a "political Sex Pistol," an anti-establishment figure who rattles the status quo, and a "possible friend." Lydon also defended the much-maligned Brexit voters, saying, "The working class have spoke, and I'm one of them, and I'm with them."

I'm sure a lot of liberals who look down their noses at Trump and Brexit voters are appalled. They proudly display the Sex Pistols' only album (on vinyl, of course) in their lofts and can't imagine how Johnny Rotten could have changed so much. In the late '70s, like many young people, he rebelled against a staid, elitist establishment that seemed not to care about the hurting working class as long as they preserved their comfy lives and power base. Naturally, they identified with the cool outsider railing against the establishment. But as time marched on, many in that generation took their liberal politics into government. They rose to power with the Clinton Administration. With the Obama Administration, they rose to absolute power and became corrupt absolutely, using the mechanisms of government to silence and intimidate dissent from the hurting working class in order to preserve their comfy lives and power base. They still can't get over the way Trump came along and upset their plans.

Today's liberals are shocked not because Johnny Rotten has changed, but because they have. As always, he's still railing against an arrogant, elitist establishment that looks down on the working class. They just haven't yet realized that the arrogant, elitist establishment is now them.


Message from Huck PAC:  

Robin, HUCK PAC NEEDS FINANCIAL HELP: Support conservative Republicans in 2017 and beyond. Help us raise an additional $16,858 in March by chipping in $25 today or with a donation in the amount you can afford! Thank you!


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Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

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Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Fwd: from Voice of Judea...regardless who wins, American Jews are in deep trouble (only if we dont put our faith in G-d...Robin)


Many of these predictions of doom can actualize chas veshalom. However, those who trust in Hashem and remembers that He is All Powerful must have deep faith in His Salvation and trust in His Salvation.

However, now we need to earn His Salvation. Let us fight for an Israeli Judicial System consistent with Torah. Let us assert our rightful claim to Judea and Samaria and Har HaBayit.  Then we deserve for G-d to then fight our battles.

Let us acknowledge and appreciate the Republican Platform which has left out the 2 State Narrative and calls to move the embassy to Jerusalem. The most pro Israel platform ever!

Trump is surrounded by G-d fearing people! At this point this is our greatest weapon!

Agudah and OU have lost their religious compass and are digging themselves in a hole by either openly endorsing Hillary or with a non vote message that both candidates are bad.

We still have a way out.  Placing our faith in the Almighty and His Torah and Ein Od Milvado.

Let's reiterate! G-d fearing Judges! Let us assert Jewish Sovereignty on Har HaBayit and Judea and Samaria and support Jewish Settlement in Judea and Samaria, revoke Oslo and the 2 State Solution as it annuls G-ds Torah

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Yekutiel Ben Yaakov" <>
Date: Nov 2, 2016 8:56 AM
Subject: regardless who wins, American Jews are in deep trouble
To: <>

> Voice of Judea – 1 Mar Cheshvan (Nov. 3, 16)

> 1-Historic window of opportunity to bring drastic change to Israeli High Court
> 2- U.S. Elections - any outcome really bad for the Jews
> Israel  Judiciary Watch worried about pro-Arab slant of Israeli justice system – seeks to seize opportunity to bring drastic change to Israel
> The national uproar in Israel after an Arab terrorist who was released on bail massacred two Israelis in Jerusalem last month has yet to subside. Many continue to demand the resignation of the Jerusalem Magistrate judge who released the terrorist thereby enabling him to carry out the fatal terrorist attack that left two Jews dead.
> Last week another Israeli judge came under fire. Raffi Carmel a Jerusalem District Court Judge was condemned even by the leftist media in Israel for giving a mere 9 year prison term sentence to Arab terrorist Jon Kakish, who was convicted of stabbing two Jews, despite the 20 year sentence maximum for a serious stabbing terror attack. The average sentence ranges from 8 to 16 years. The judge explained that although the prosecutor's request and the average sentence suggest a harsher sentence, he decided to show compassion on the terrorist, because his motive was not only hatred of Jews but also due to his sister's drug addiction. Whatever that is supposed to mean? The terrorist had a criminal record prior to the incident in which he stabbed two Jewish youths who were on their way to the Kotel on Shevuot Eve.
> Knesset Member Eichler responded, why does the public not elect the judges appointed to the High Court of Israel? Freedom of association is a right that is given to all parties. We have not seen the High Court attempt to limit the Israeli senior's Party from fielding a list composed strictly of seniors. We have seen no High Court intervention against Arab political parties fielding a Knesset list which is free of Jews. Even in Poland Jewish religious political parties were permitted to associate and to run for parliament, added Eichler.
> Elkin: Watch out if you try and clip the wings of the Israeli judiciary
> Minister of Jerusalem Affairs Ze'ev Elkin Warns that any Israeli legislator who attempts to cut into power of the courts, will be destroyed by the Israeli establishment and the courts
> Zev Elkin Minister of Jerusalem Affairs in the Israeli government warned earlier this week in his address before the Kohelet Conference that any Israeli legislator who is courageous enough to attempt tabling laws and legislation that will in any way limit the exaggerated powers of the Israeli judiciary, will find himself behind bars or destroyed in some other fashion. This he said came as a warning from a close friend who knows what he is talking about.
> This comes at a time when Israeli Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked of the Bayit HaYehudi party is trying to pass a law that would curb the controlling influence that Israeli High Court Justices have over the appointment of new judges. This year 4-5 new High Court Judges will need to be appointed to replace judges who are due to retire. It is no secret that the Israeli courts are not loved by the general Israeli public composed primarily of rightwing traditional people who oppose the super-liberal, pro-Arab and anti-Torah rulings of the courts.
> The grassroots in Israel were outraged with the indictment of Seargent Elor Azarya (the soldier who killed an Arab terrorist) and the soft treatment given to Arab terrorists. The time is ripe to demand drastic change within the Israeli Judiciary. In Israel and anywhere else everything is timing. There is a time for everything. It is now ripe to rally the people behind demanding such change now, before the next judges are appointed. Will they be judges who love Judaism and Jews or judges who favor universal western style democracy and who all too often favor our enemies before their own people - placing Israel's security and Israel's Jewish character at risk.
> ****************************************
> 2-Jews will be in trouble regardless who wins the elections in America
> Voice of Judea Commentary on upcoming U.S. Elections:
> Neither a republican nor a Democrat am I, and despite favoring Trump for his pro-Israel, pro-"settlement" rhetoric, I must admit that the current election debacle scares me, as they should scare any Jew who is not entirely brain-dead.
> It is a no-win situation for the Jew in America. Allow me to explain. If Hillary and her openly anti-Israel VP Tim Caine are elected, they will clearly continue the anti-Israel pressure exhibited by the Obama regime. Let us not forget that 20 percent of Hillary's election war-chest comes from Saudi Arabia and that Hillary feels forever indebted to George Soros and other extremist self-hating Israel-bashers such as her buddy and email pal Blumenthal. Huma Abedin her number one long-term aid who would likely receive a high post in Hillary's back-office - perhaps a powerful position such as Chief of Staff, or a behind-the-scenes equivalent in Hillary's White House is highly connected to extremist Islamic terrorists and maintains strong ties with Saudi Arabia through a network of organizations and close relatives who she remains affiliated with. She herself lived in Saudi Arabia from age 2 through the age of 18.
> If Trump wins, something which is becoming more and more feasible as we approach the election's finish-line, we could expect Obama to pull the rug out from under Israel's collective last leg in the United Nations. It has become open knowledge that Obama plans on dealing Israel a diplomatic death blow sometime between November's elections and the transfer of power in January. Everybody knows that there will be no smooth transition of power on any front, especially when it comes to Israel. Obama clearly wants to leave office and to leave his mark on establishing the guidelines for a two-state solution and for the suicidal terms he plans on dictating and imposing upon Israel. This is the type of stuff that will fuel anti-Israel sentiment and will empower movements such as the BDS on campuses throughout the U.S. Israel will be blamed for their "intransigence". Arab terror and the instability in the Arab Islamic world will all be erroneously blamed upon Israel's "intransigence". Anti-Israel, anti-Jewish - anti-Semitic incidents will flourish as American Jews will indeed begin to feel what it is like for French and European Jews who live in fear in this type of hostile environment.
> Anyone who expects a smooth transfer of Power from Obama to Trump has got to be kidding themselves. Anyone who predicted that Trump would be a sore-loser has seen nothing. Clinton had a hard time accepting an ABC – Washington Post poll that showed Trump leading by one percent, two days ago. There is no way that the corrupt establishment and the powers that control Hillary will accept a defeat. Minorities and others backed financially with millions of dollars from the likes of Soros and Saudi Arabia will potentially finance well-organized riots in the streets most likely targeting Jews more than anyone else, creating havoc on the streets of major cities with large Jewish population centers. There has never been greater potential for the eruption of race riots in America more than these volatile elections which threaten to unravel the very social fabric in America. Social and economic unrest will challenge Trumps newly elected government and the weakest link; the usual resident scapegoat; none other than the Jew.
> Jew, read the writing on the wall and get out of that mess while you can. There is no future for the Jew in the Exile. Things are changing rapidly and with a passion, like a hurricane. Modern technology enables the immediate transfer of information. People can be incited and organized at the click of a key stroke on a keyboard. One minute, millions of people can be moved and swayed to support Trump and then to support Hillary. Facts become meaningless in the game of incitement online. The same crowd that chants "lock her up" and "clear the swamps," with their fists clenched and waving in the air, can tomorrow wear white sheets and chant "burn the synagogue". The white people wearing white sheets can be replaced by people of color locking hands with those wearing colorful Muslim headdress as they chant slogans against Israel and all Jews. Technology and world events, coupled by racial and social unrest can create an explosion at any time. A Trump victory would be more than enough to trigger a living hell for the Jewish scapegoat, who would be blamed for Trump, the failing American economy all of the other ills which embrace America. Nobody will even remember that the Jews ironically and foolishly supported Hillary. Time to come home to Israel!
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Friday, February 24, 2017

Nominee Ambassador to Israel David Friedman's grueling Senate Session. How I would like him to respond. Why Antisemitism seems to be on the rise with Trump's ascendancy..


I understand that David Friedman's priority is to get nominated.  

This explains why he stated that the 2 State Solution is a goal to strive for and achieve.  

I don't believe he really means it because he knows better. 

His campaign remarks were clearly against the 2 State Solution and as his adversaries point out, David Friedman is a strong supporter of Settlement in Judea and Samaria.   

Our enemies insist that we are Occupying Palestinian Land.  This is not based on fact and is disinformation. 

Please note that David's beliefs and values are not coming from his own intellect.  They are Truths based on Torah.   They are consistent with what the faith based community voted for. 

Let us not forget that 75 percent of the Evangelicals voted for President Trump and that is because of their commitment and faith in the Bible. 

fyi Here are news items and a video of the Senate nomination confirmation hearings of David Freidman. 

Haaretz on Menendez hearing where he asks David Friedman about dual Loyalty.

When it was Marc Rubio's turn, he bashed J Street yet  at the same time emphasized that the 2 State Solution is the ideal but emphasized that the Palestinians are not a working peace partner.  Rubio succeeds in getting  David Friedman to say that he will subjugate his own views (even if he believes it is not in American's best interest?) with what President Trump wants. 

Rubio, a strong Israel advocate, is personally against a Palestinian State. He is a politician. Rubio probably feels that this is the best approach to soften the opposition to get Friedman nominated. 

However I personally would differ with this approach and take the high road.

Dear David, amvsh 

I understand that your main objective is to get nominated. 

At the same time it is imperative that your statements are not misunderstood or taken out of context so that  in the future you will be not be held hostage to these words and it will be very difficult for you to backtrack. 

Therefore, please emphasize that US is One Nation Under G-d.  Don't leave G-d out of the narrative. 

Even the President of the United States of America, is subservient to G-d.  David amv"sh, You are an Orthodox Jew and there is no reason to be apologetic about it.  Your beliefs are consistent with the beliefs of the Judeo Christian voters of this great Nation, and the belief system of the founding fathers.  We believe that  all leaders including the Jewish King must subjugate his will to the will of G-d. Does that open oneself to accusations of Radical fundamental fanatical religious dogma.  Not under Judaism.  The Jewish King is not a despot.  He works with a Sanhedrin and Kohanim the Priests and Levites, a religious Judicial court and spiritual guidance and cannot unilaterally dictate the law as did Mohammad. . 

Case in point.  A Jewish King is required to wear a small Torah  that he himself personally wrote with his own hands and it must be worn on him at all times as king.  Please note that this commandment is for the King of Israel alone and not a requirement for the people.  Being in a position of Kingship can lead one to arrogance and haughtiness and false sense of power and entitlement leading one to ignore Divine Will.

Trump was elected to a large degree because he appealed to the Evangelicals who voted for him.  According to John Hagee, it was his strong stand for Israel and faith in the Bible that  got him elected.  

Our nation was conceived with Judeo Christian values. Every hotel and motel room has a Bible. 

It is very clear from the Bible that the Land of Israel was Promised to the Nation of Israel. Israel in turn is required to keep commandments in the Land. 

Will the Palestinian people keep Shemittah for example and take a Sabbatical every Seven years and let the Land lie fallow to demonstrate that in truth the entire Land belongs to the Almighty and we are merely the caretakers?

The Bible promises peace when Israel has Sovereignty and keeps the commandments.

Why are we pursuing the heresy of a 2 State solution which annuls what is clearly written in the Bible in the Covenant G-d made with Abraham Isaac and Jacob? This is a basic fundamental truth of the Torah repeated numerous times in the 5 Books of Moses and the Prophets.  It is for this reason Israel is called the Promised Land.  Promised to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob the inheritors of the blessing and to no other nation.  This Biblical right is supported by legal, archeological, historical and military rule of law.  The Palestinians never were the rightful occupiers of the Land of Israel by any stretch of the imagination!   If one repeats a lie often enough it will be believed.  

Haven't we all witnessed terrible destruction and painful attacks,once Jews left Gush Katif? It should be obvious that the 2 State solution is in opposition and a nullification of what is clearly stated in the Bible.

We wear the Tefillin close to our heart as a reminder to be subservient to serving our Creator. Trump has chosen his policies and advisers whose values and belief systems are consistent with the Bible. This was clearly indicative of the Republican platform which you yourself helped write and applauded by the Republican national Convention and consistent with the belief systems of many of Trump's close advisers. 

There is no reason to be apologetic. It is this path that the people of the USA chose. Granted the pressures are quite debilitating. 

Trump is not Jewish. But he clearly abides by the 7 Noahide laws. These are the laws of Universal Morality which is the obligation of the entire family of Nations. Suicide bombings on innocent civilians is a violation of Universal morality as is the practice of using human shields. Non Jews residing in the Promised Land, the Holy Land must abide with 7 Noahide laws. Otherwise, Israel must reject them. All Arabs are welcome to live and prosper in the Holy Land and many do, receiving health benefits, education and jobs far superior than their surrounding neighbors. However, they too are obligated to live a moral life, accepting One G-d and the Sovereignty of Israel.  A perfect example of this is MK Ayoob Kara. Israel should be involved in policing and enforcing a lifestyle for all residents Jew and non Jew alike,  that is consistent to the 7 Noahide Laws.

David, the Truth is eternal. Lies do not have a foundation upon which to stand. Brace yourself for a backlash.  There are hovering angels standing by to protect you. Do not deviate from the truth since it will simply cause a Chillul Hashem and issues in the future.

I am not in front of a firing squad like u are. Please in such situations close your eyes and imagine hosts of protecting angels by your side. Hashem Tzevaoth Imanu Misgav Lanu Elohei Yaakov Sela. Hashem Tzevaoth Ashrei Adam Boteach Bach. Hashem Hoshea HaMelech Yaaneinu beYom Koreinu.

Bracha VeHatzlacha!

Chazak Veematz! We all know that staying true to Torah will shower America with much Blessing!

Please ignore those among us who are fearful to express the Raison etres of the Jewish People and the Nation of Israel. They too are fearful of the backlash and antisemitism such statements bring. But don't be afraid to speak truth as the anger of our enemies will dissipate in the wind with the help of the Almighty! 

This leads us to the million dollar question why Antisemitism seems to be on the rise since Trump came into office.  Let me suggest the following explanation based on life experiences.

A bag of rice and other grains in my pantry got infested. I noticed a moth or two flying around.  Nothing major.  I investigated and sure enough my pantry had an infestation of worms and moths.  I tightly closed all grain packaging, got rid of any signs of infestation and changed the paper in my pantry.  I noticed that once i started the cleanup process the amount of moths flying around grew substantially.   I understood that the reason was because I displaced them and now they had no place to hide.  They came out in force.  The situation got worse before it got better, lasting a few days until I completed the cleaning process.  Now a month later, I am glad to report that the moth infestation has been eliminated. BH!  Mission accomplished.

The anti Semites are being displaced.  They are coming out of the woodwork.  That is a good thing. They are on life support. Do not try to protect them since they will simply lay low and hide, and return with a vengeance. Rather we must not be afraid to eliminate those who are intent in destroying G-dliness in the world. As it says in Tehillim, Psalms...

Psalms 149:8 
To bind their kings with chains and their nobles with fetters of iron.   ח לֶאְסֹּר מַלְכֵיהֶם בְּזִקִּים וְנִכְבְּדֵיהֶם בְּכַבְלֵי בַרְזֶל:

I believe this is a reference to the Obama and Clinton Administrations.

We can take comfort in the story of the Exodus. When Moses approached Pharoah and told him Let My People Go, things did not get better. They got worse. But G-d was on their side and all this was merely a prelude to great miracles. . 

David, Please also seek counsel and strength and partner with Mike Huckabee and John Bolton true believers and defenders and protectors of Judea and Samaria...KT Ivanka and Jared Kushner surely will agree with all that is written here as they are Orthodox Jews.


Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Monday, September 16, 2019

HATE IN FLATBUSH: Swastikas Found At School Yard - Geller Report News. A letter to the Askanim about Encouraging Jews to Register as Democrats.


Is the rise in hate crimes in Flatbush related to the campaign to register the Jewish Vote for the Democratic Party.

The Democratic Party's agenda is to support 
- Late term abortions. Murder
- Gender fluidity, Gay Pride... Immorality
- Socialist agenda ...Stealing. Taking from the rich to give to the poor.
- Corrupt Judges and Legislation whose leftist bias is against G-d's Laws.
- Empowering those who want Israel and Jews destroyed off the map,  like the Quad and Al Sharpton... 
- Etc...

Let's not forget the Democrats push and support for the Iran Deal.

Major Jewish organizations were effectively silent. There was a token protest.  Was it coincidence that this lack of protest was followed by $80 million freed up for Yeshivas.

By registering as a Democrat, we automatically become  a partner and complicit and give legitimacy  to the Democratic Party and their platform and will be held accountable for the erosion of universal morality,  Hashem's  Laws for Non Jews, namely the 7 Noahide Laws. 

This political campaign to register as Democrats isn't "practical".

A better word is betrayal or disloyal as President Trump put it.

Why are we in shock when they normalize their "values" and push their "values" on our kids be it in the local library and textbooks and  educational requirements.  

If we do nothing of substance to raise awareness and protest the immoral compass of the Democratic Party and its leaders surely this leaves a void. A Chillul Hashem.

Joining other private schools to protest the "new" educational standards and curriculum and  senseless regulations rammed down our throats without openly and directly addressing the anti G-d content, we will ultimately fail. 

Do we not care about  all the students in public schools indoctrinated with anti G-d values. Will it not come one day to haunt us as we see quite clearly as is happening today with today's millennial's social justice values and norms which are also anti Israel, considered as the norm and acceptable?

We sadly can  all agree that registering as Democrats "influences" policy.

It strengthens Democrats and empowers a leftist agenda rather than the opposite of empowering moderate Democrats.  

We now have to choose between Ms. Boylan and Mr. Nadler, or Tiffany Caban and Melinda Katz. Mr. Nadler who supported the Iran Deal is the moderate and Melinda Katz who hosted hosted a CAIR unity event is the moderate.  There is no need to find a real pro Israel, Pro Judea and Samaria moderate since the bar and expectation is so low. By their definition being pro Judea and Samaria is being extreme and is falsely perceived as supporting IDF criminal activity and war crimes and the Palestinian "occupation". 

While we empower Democrats, we the G-d fearing Jews and Mamlechet Kohanim veGoy Kadosh, a Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation,  remain silent and do not cry out in protest against their anti G-d agenda.

Where is the outcry against late term abortions or against Gay Pride and Gender Fluidity and all the defense of Al Sharpton the one that invited the pogrom in Crown Heights. I am not exaggerating when I call it a pogrom. I personally have a friend who was there who described it as such.

This "partnership" will work so long as we can remain their useful idiots. That is, keeping the Democrats in power. When we are no longer useful, the partnership and entitlements end. This is the price we need to pay for the short term funding of newspapers ads and Yeshivas security. 

If you don't believe me try it.  Try speaking out against their platform. Will you lose the funding? If so it came from a bad place. If not, great! BH it was sincere. 

$60 million dollars for  "security"?. Who if not G-d protects us?

$30 million for Stem. Nobody loves computer education than myself but we can be Moichel.

I know that I am only touching on the tip of all our entitlements and funding for very worthy causes whose sources of funding I suspect comes from very nonKosher sources with an agenda. But please prove me wrong. 

Please reflect upon these recent newspaper articles in the most pro Israel pro Orthodox leaning, politically  conservative Jewish papers by pro Israel albeit political leaders encouraging Jews to register as Democrats.

Do you really want to be known one day as the Jewish leader who sold Israel and Torah down the drain in order to keep political "influence"?

Please reflect how come davka in NY where there are the largest concentration of Torah observers and Orthodox Jews, the City Council and State Assembly are all Democrats. It did not happen in a vacuum. These Democrats were voted into office unopposed as per our own advocacy or lack of.

I am not judging anyone since I am not in your shoes. It's easy for someone like myself to be critical.

I have  no real interest nor desire to run for office. G-d will judge me if I could have done more.

But if Hashem gave you leadership qualities, to influence, you will be judged whether you influenced l'Chaim or leMaves, l'Tov or l'Ra.

I am a child of Holocaust survivors. I remember the disdain my parents had for the Kapo in our neighborhood, the one that partnered with the Nazis.

You are all good people but there comes a point when we become entrapped to a point of no return.

I don't want that to happen to you.

We are not at the point where we are completely at the mercy of the Democratic party.  However in New York and California it is very close,  especially  if we continue to encourage voters to register as Democrats.

So what can we do? Is there a better alternative?

Resign from the Democratic Party en masse. Speak out as a Jew about the 7 Noahide laws and how the Platform of the Democratic Party is in direct conflict with G-d's laws.

Put all your efforts in supporting the Republican party and Republican candidates this November and watch as the Democratic party changes its tune to put  their most Israel loving candidates to run for office. You will have raised the bar and thereby seriously challenge and threaten the radical leftist Democrats,  far better than by registering Jews as Democrats. 

However,  don't be duped. The extremists will lie low and you will be deceived as they try to buy you once again as they know that your support is the key to their success!  Good Jews like yourselves supporting them,  feeds and nurtures the Sitra Acher. 

Nationally, if Trump is defeated along with the Republican party candidates, we are totally at the mercy of Democrats and not only will our $60 million for security be useless, we will need to run for our lives with nothing but the shirts on our backs if history proves to repeat itself chas vecShalom.

Tags: Chaim Deutsch, Larry Gordon, Ari Hirsch, Chaskel Bennett, Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Maury Litwack, Sephardic Jewish Federation, the Jewish Vues, Jewish Press, FJJ, FTJT,  Community Magazine, FJCC, Lefkowitz Leadership Initiative, Ezra Friedlander, Menachem Genack, OU, Agudah, 

Newspaper articles to encourage Jews to Register as Democrats:


Friday, August 30, 2019
Jews are their worst enemy. OU Advocacy is now in Damage Control Mode. Mark Langfan, AFSI. Letter to Rabbonim about accepting money from the Sitra Acher. At the moment the Democratic Party has a platform that would make the Sitra Acher very happy!

Monday, January 11, 2016
Menachem Genack, NORPAC Manhattan: Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton for President (D) Thursday 1/14 5:30 PM//do u believe this??!! OU, AGUDAH seem to side with Democratic Party

Thursday, September 24, 2015
Iran Deal Advocacy: Rabbi's, OU, Agudath Israel vs Neturei Karta. Neturei Karta Wins? Search on Youtube for "Rabbis DC" and see what comes up

Friday, July 15, 2016

Obama's Speech:My comments Time to be Religious and not Political, Ben Shaprio: For Obama, Leftist Rhetoric Is Always Innocent and Conservatives Are Always Guilty. Daniel Greenfield: Exploiting Dead Cops to Promote Their Killers.


Obama's speech is another example of distorting, censoring and hijacking truth for public consumption.  

When the President of the United States does it, it becomes the modus operandi.  

  • Mainstream media become puppets that controls the narrative by subtly censoring and/or neutralizing any pro Israel or Conservative perspective.  
  • Major and smaller religious organizations dependent on the Obama Administration funding are afraid to speak publicly against these subtle false narratives, and will neutralize opposition and may even engage in support of the narrative.   They are fearful of losing their IRS status, accused of being political, and therefore ineligible for nonforprofit status. They probably fear for funding. They might fear losing their political position. 
This is a way to neutralize the opposition since when the mainstream leadership is silent, so are the masses.  

This is especially dangerous to Israel, and the world by extension, as the distortions, censoring and hijacking of truth revolve around putting radical Islam in the best positive light and by extension,  Israel in a negative light.  

As we are currently witnessing, terror against Israel is merely a harbinger of terror elsewhere. 

Again, religious organizations are afraid to express religious truths since such  expression is then labeled as political.  

How to Counter this phenomenon?

Each one of us as individuals, (while most of my readers are Jewish, this is meant for all Noahides),  must use all our tools at our disposal to put a pro G-d, Pro Israel, Pro Life narrative.  

We have social media which can help. Also, be proactive to speak in your Shuls/Synagogues,  Houses of Worship and Religious and or Conservative affiliations etc and advocate that the Laws of Universal Morality apply to Islam just as it does to all religions.  

 Sharia and Jihad is dangerous to society and must be confronted and treated as the evil it is. 

The Democratic Party has embraced, protected forces that promote Radical Islam.  Iran, Isis, Muslim Brotherhood all whom are in overt violations of Universal Morality.

The Republican Party on the other hand promotes Universal Morality, Judeo Christian values, and  must be commended for speaking out against the "Occupation", a false narrative, and taking a G-dly stand for Israel. 

It is unfortunate that the Netanyahu's administration continues to promote and support the 2 State Solution narrative.  Such a narrative is in direct contradiction of the Biblical one where the Nation of Israel is the rightful inheritors of the Land of Israel.  

A Person of Faith believes that only the Biblical Narrative is the Path to Peace!  The Biblical boundaries of the Land of Israel is clearly delineated in the Bible and Judea and Samaria is clearly the heartland of the Land of Israel. 

The Republican Party has a base whose foundation is strongly based on Faith in G-d and the Bible. This is reflected in their platform.  

To support the wholesome religious platform of the Republicans rather than on a toxic agenda of the Democratic Party which has empowered evil,  and whose policies consistently empowers evil,  is not a political statement.  It is a religious one. 

Frankly, it is apparent that evil has hijacked and kidnapped the Democratic platform infesting the upper echelons and slowly infesting all who are in proximity. 

The entire Nation, including Democrats themselves need to find the inner strength to impeach Obama and bring Hillary to justice under criminal charges. 

We all must answer to a Higher Authority and the Gov't of the USA, One Nation Under G-d,  and the Gov't of Israel must as well. 

For Obama, Leftist Rhetoric Is Always Innocent and Conservatives Are Always Guilty

Latest update: July 14th, 2016

U.S. President Barack Obama. 
Photo Credit: screen capture

{Originally posted to The Daily Wire website}

When it comes to the linkage between violence and rhetoric, I abide by a fairly simple rule: If you're not advocating violence, you're not responsible for violence. That doesn't mean your rhetoric is decent or appropriate; it may be vile, awful and factually incorrect. But it isn't the cause for violence.

President Barack Obama also abides by a simple rule when it comes to linking violence and rhetoric: If he doesn't like the rhetoric, it's responsible for violence. And if there's violence associated with rhetoric he likes, then the violence must have been caused by something else.

This shining double standard was on full display this week after an anti-white racist black man shot 12 police officers in Dallas just hours after Obama appeared on national television explaining that alleged instances of police brutality and racism were "not isolated incidents" but rather "symptomatic of a broader set of racial disparities that exist in our criminal justice system." Obama was happy to label the shootings of Alton Sterling in Louisiana and Philando Castile in Minnesota, without evidence, as part of a broader racist trend in law enforcement across the country.

Then Micah Xavier Johnson opened fire on white police officers — and anti-police racist radicals attacked officers in Minnesota, Tennessee, Missouri, Georgia and Texas again — and Obama suddenly got amnesia. Now, it turned out, rhetoric had nothing to do with their actions. In fact, said Obama, he had no idea why Johnson — who explicitly said he wanted to murder white cops — would do such a thing. "I think it's very hard to untangle the motives of this shooter," Obama said while in Poland. "What triggers that, what feeds it, what sets it off — I'll leave that to psychologists and people who study these kinds of incidents." He did blame one element for the attack, however: lack of gun control. "If you care about the safety of our police officers," he lied, "you can't set aside the gun issue and pretend that that's irrelevant."

Odd how this works. When a white racist shoots up a black church in Charleston, South Carolina, Obama targets America's legacy of racism, and the entire media call for a national fight against Confederate flags; when a nut tries to shoot up a Planned Parenthood building in Colorado, the left emerges to claim that the pro-life movement bears culpability. But when an Orlando jihadi shoots up a gay nightclub, Obama and company declare the motives totally mysterious and then impugn Christian social conservatives and the National Rifle Association.

Here's the truth: Obama's rhetoric isn't responsible for murder, but it's certainly responsible for death. That's because Obama's racist rhetoric has led to the greatest rise in racial polarization since the 1970s. In 2010, just 13 percent of Americans worried about race relations, whereas in April 2016, 35 percent of Americans did. That racial polarization has, in turn, led to distrust of police officers, many of whom respond by pulling out of the communities that need their help most. Crime rates go up, including murder rates. Ironically, Obama's supposed rage at white officers killing blacks leads to more blacks killing blacks in cities no longer policed by whites.

But there's good news: Obama can always blame everyone else. When you're held responsible for your feelings rather than your actions, it's always simple to direct attention toward the evil conservatives who insist that all lives matter rather than care enough about black lives to save them by endorsing the police who work to protect black men and women every day.

Ben Shapiro
see also 

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Exploiting Dead Cops to Promote Their Killers

Posted by Daniel Greenfield 0 Comments
In Dallas, Obama mentioned the name of dead sex offender Alton Sterling more times than those of the murdered police officers whom he was pretending to memorialize. After quickly dispensing with the formalities of eulogizing the slain officers, Obama demanded that "even those who dislike the phrase 'black lives matter'" should "be able to hear the pain of Alton Sterling's family".

 Alton Sterling was a convicted sex offender, burglar and violent criminal who was shot while reaching for a gun. His family may mourn him, just as every criminal's family mourns their own, but it was obscene to class him together with five police officers who were murdered by a violent racist while doing their duty.

It is even more obscene when Obama's favorite sex offender displaces the murdered police officers.

And yet that was Obama's theme in Dallas. Murdered police officers were contrasted with dead criminals. The proper thing for Americans to do, as Obama told us, was to mourn both officers and criminals, to respect the sacrifices of the police and the anti-police accusations of #BlackLivesMatter.

Obama did not come to Dallas to mourn the murdered police officers, but to defend the ideology that took their lives. And this is what he has done from the very beginning.

Before the shootings, Obama expressed his "condolences for the families of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile" and insisted that the criminal justice system was racist. His statements and speeches after the shootings echoed the same talking points and spin complete with the claims that accusing the police of racism is "not to be against law enforcement". 

"When people say 'Black Lives Matter,' that doesn't mean blue lives don't matter", he famously said.

That's true. Black Lives Matter doesn't mean that blue lives don't matter. It means that blue lives are evil. As Ta-Nehisi Coates, an author on Obama's reading list, wrote of the dead police officers who gave their lives on September 11, "They were not human to me." That's the kindest thing that the black nationalists whose cause Obama has championed have said of the police.

In a more recent article titled, "The Near Certainty of Anti-Police Violence", the MacArthur Genius Grant recipient and son of a Black Panther suggests that black resentment of police makes their murder predictable. 

"Sanctimonious cries of nonviolence will not help," Coates writes. "The extent to which we are tolerant of the possibility of more Walter Scotts and Freddie Grays is the extent to which we are tolerant of the possibility of more Micah Xavier Johnsons."

It's the core black nationalist message made more palatable for liberal audiences. Underneath the word games, the attempt to treat the ideological justifications for the mass murder of police as inevitable, is the same message delivered by Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley, the #BlackLivesMatter supporter who assassinated two NYPD officers, who had posted, "They take 1 of ours…Let's take 2 of theirs". Obama's message was even more polished than Coates, but not really so very different. Coates had polished up the radical black nationalist message for liberal audiences. Obama's speechwriters shaped his for a national audience. But underneath the religiosity and praise of the police was sheer contempt.

In one of the nastily cynical moments, Obama claimed that "to honor these five outstanding officers who we lost" we would have to act on "uncomfortable" truths such as his claim that the police are racist. "Insisting we do better to root out racial bias is not an attack on cops, but an effort to live up to our highest ideals," he spun. 

While the media applauded his "healing", Obama was just recycling his speeches from before the Dallas shooting. The talking points had not changed. They had only been moved around a little to exploit the police officers murdered by a #BlackLivesMatter supporter in order to promote #BlackLivesMatter.

Indeed this had always been Obama's first and foremost priority.

After the shooting, his initial response was to emphasize that the anti-police protests were "peaceful". At Dallas, in his praise of the police officers, he insisted on inserting that same description of a "peaceful" protest "in response to the killing of Alton Sterling of Baton Rouge and Philando Castile of Minnesota". The choice of words, 'killing' rather than 'death', is significant.

The "shootings in Minnesota and Baton Rouge" were equated with the murders of police officers in Dallas in a breathtaking bit of moral equivalence. Americans were encouraged to grieve for sex offender Alton Sterling and the murdered police officers at the same time. And, just in case there was any ambiguity about which side he was on, Obama warned that "we cannot simply turn away and dismiss those in peaceful protest as troublemakers or paranoid." 

It was a defense of #BlackLivesMatter at a memorial for their victims.

Obama's spin was that he was calling for unity when in reality he was pushing the divisive agenda of the hate group whose rhetoric helped lead to the killings. He was not a healer, but an arsonist. 

There was nothing unifying about his exploitation of a memorial service to push anti-cop messages or to call for gun control. Neither message is in any way, shape or form unifying. They are as divisive as can be.

Obama did not come to Dallas to mourn, to heal or to unify. His sole purpose was to protect his #BlackLivesMatter hate group from the consequences of its rhetoric. Americans were fed lies about peaceful protests featuring armed members of hate groups who had called for the murder of police.

#BlackLivesMatter draws its inspiration from a cop-killer. It has deliberately targeted white people in much the same fashion that Micah X. Johnson did. The only real difference between Johnson and the black nationalist hate groups frantically trying to distance themselves from him in much the same way that mosques do from the latest Islamic terrorist is that he followed through on a lot of their rhetoric.

Johnson was not trying to get a job writing Black Panther comics or making YouTube videos. He actually did the sort of thing that #BlackLivesMatter role models like Assata Shakur did. He killed police officers.

For Obama, Dallas was a bump in the black nationalist road. It was, like every Islamic terrorist attack, an unfortunate incident from which we shouldn't draw any conclusions, except perhaps that guns are bad. The goal is to redirect our attention to the next set of #BlackLivesMatter protests or the next celebrity tweeting about gun control and how mean those men with guns who aren't on their payroll are. 

He did not come to Dallas to praise the dead, but to enlist them in the service of his anti-police agenda.

Not only had Obama's actions led to the murder of police officers, but he was determined to whitewash their deaths and exploit them as weapons in his war against the police.


Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.