Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Translation Kol HaYehudi article "And When They Torture Him, So Will He Multiply And So Will He Spread Out"

אל המקום אשר

Original Kol HaYehudi article in Hebrew

"וכאשר יענו אותו כן ירבה וכן יפרוץ"

 "And When They Torture Him, So Will He Multiply And So Will He Spread Out"

 On the Eve of the Seventh day of Passover, Gallant sent five more settlers under Administrative Arrest.  The establishment that has lost its way and shows defeatism and weakness in the face of the enemy, (and rather than fight the real enemy) fights the heroes of the Settlement Movement
By  Elchanan Groner, the Jewish Voice 20 Nissan, April 28, 2024

True Free Men - Eight Jews currently detained in administrative detention

Five more settlers were arrested on the eve of the seventh holiday of Passover and placed under administrative detention without trial or evidence, and this on the order of Defense Minister Yoav Galant, who, in light of the recommendation of the Anti-Jewish Department of the Shin Bet, signed the orders.

The new detainees are:

Neria Zarog, married and father of 4 children, resident of Yitzhar - 3 months administrative detention.

ElChai Carmeli, married and father of a child, resident of Givat Ronan - 6 months of administrative detention.

Boaz David Shpitz, married, - 3 months of administrative detention.

Zadok HaCohen, about 18 years old, a resident of Yitzhar - 3 months of administrative detention.

Avraham Amar, about 16 years old, resident of Ra'anana - 4 months of administrative detention.

The five join 

Achya Katz, a 16-year-old minor who was arrested about a week and a half ago and was imprisoned for 3 months in administrative detention, 

Ariel Danino, married and the father of four children, who has been in administrative detention for about six months and his detention was extended after a period of 4 months by three more months, 


Noam Mermelstein, a young man of about 21 who lives  in the hills of Kochav Hashar, who has been in administrative detention for about 4 months and his administrative detention was also recently extended.

The IDF did nothing in response when Achimeir, HY"d (the 14 year old Shepherd) was brutally murdered. 

(Is it a Mitzvah to be a sitting duck? Actually the opposite. 
הבא להרגך השכם להרגו. 
One who comes to kill you, it is a Mitzvah to preempt him. In addition, what deterrence measures are/were being taken by the IDF to prevent further, openly known planned terror attacks against the Jewish Shepherds?)

According to the authorities, the wave of administrative arrests comes after the reaction of hundreds of Jews to the murder of Benjamin Achimeir, the Shepherd who was brutally murdered by an Arab from the village of Duma.

On Shabbat two weeks ago, when AchiMeir's body was found after a day of searching by more than 1,000 volunteers, hundreds of Jews went out to attack the murderers' villages of Duma, Muayir and Kusra, which are close to the scene of the murder.  According to Arab reports, dozens of houses, cars, shops were set on fire and property was damaged.

Despite evidence (which is still prohibited from publication) that was in the possession of the Shin Bet and the IDF, and only after a week and a half, was the murderer Achmed Samer Dawabshe from the village of Duma captured!

The IDF and the security establishment did not take any immediate action in response to the horrific murder of the boy Binyamin.

A few days ago a military force was sent to "map" the terrorist's house.

Since the terrorist was caught, the village of Duma has gone into hysteria. Some of the residents, including the heads of the village council, published denials about the murder, a rare step that probably stems from fear of acts of revenge in the village. Hours after the arrest on the eve of the first holiday of Passover, instructions were distributed on the village's social media, that in the event that houses in the village were to be set on fire, and under any circumstances, they were warned not to publish information about the killer for fear of Jews responding.

In addition, in recent days notices have been distributed in villages in Samaria asking residents to be careful of settlers at night and to avoid traveling on roads with settlers as much as possible.

 "Attention! When drivers go out late at night on the main roads, please be careful of the settlers. The driver must not go out alone, and one should avoid driving on roads with settlers as much as possible," it said.

This is in addition to various fortification and defense operations conducted in a number of villages near Jewish settlements.  For example, in the village of Huwara, they built a concrete wall about two meters high enclosing the space in front of the settlement of Yitzhar.

 It seems that at the same time as the growing fear of Arabs in Judea and Samaria from the reactions of "settlers", the IDF and the security establishment are making great efforts to return the situation to the eve of the war on Simchat Torah, to open as many checkpoints and roads as possible to the enemy, and to return to life as usual.

Notices published to the residents of the village of Duma by the village leadership after the arrest of the murderer

 "The number of free men is increasing"

The use of administrative arrests against Jews has been increasing in recent years.  If about a decade ago the step was extremely rare, then in recent years the "full right wing" government broke the records and under it, Defense Minister Galant issued 22 administrative arrest warrants for (Settler) Jews, some for several periods of detention.

Along with this, the use of administrative restraining orders has expanded and such orders are given by the commander of the Yehuda Fox Central Command even to 14-year-old boys, orders that include administrative restrictions, night house arrests and bans on contacting and communicating with their friends

Despite the persecution (against Settlers), it seems that the population of Settlers in the hills, on farms and among young settlers is only increasing despite the difficult price paid by the recipients of the these administrative orders.

 "These five Jewish pioneers will still have the privilege of entering the pages of history long after Gallant and Fox are gone and forgotten from the heart like the other oppressors who harmed the people of Israel over the generations," wrote Elisha Yered, a resident of Ramat Migron who himself was removed from his home by administrative order.

( Meir Ettinger also responded. Here is some background info re Meir Ettinger. 

Meir Ettinger is the grandson of the late Rabbi Meir Kahana. In 2005 he was targeted as a leader of Settler Youth and arrested and spent a long period under administrative arrest. He was the first of many Settler youth blood libeled with the Duma Arson which killed 3 members of a Dawabshe family, 2005. Probably the victims of this Duma arson were relatives of this Duma Dawabshe murderer of the Jewish Shepherd Binyamin AchiMeir hy"d.  Shabak eventually  released Meir Ettinger and many others and  eventually scapegoated and convicted Amiram Ben Uliel  of 3 life sentences based solely on his forced confession following torture and because they found Hebrew Graffiti (not belonging to Amiram) on the scene.  If that wasn't enough of a miscarriage of justice, Amiram has been in total isolation over the last 7 years worse than the any Arab terrorist),

 Meir Ettinger wrote on his Twitter account: (regarding those under administrative Arrest/detention/restrictions

"Maybe they are behind bars, but they are true freemen (and freedom fighters). And the anti-leaders of the "religious Zionists", members of the government that (even) broke records of the (leftist) Rabin government, are the ones enslaved,  ineffective and enslaved to their own image, while the number of true Free men and freedom fighters are increasing."

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