The following Rambam in Hilchot Taaniyot in the Mishne Torah was quoted by Rabbi Shlomo Diamond in a CD put out by RDC719 following the Azan tragedy in Brooklyn, NY Chanukah, Rosh Chodesh Tevet. Interestingly, both the Azan Family and the Sassoon Family happened on Rosh Chodesh a day designated for repentance and the sounding of Trumpets.
The Rambam, see text below, states that when a tragedy happens we need to cry out and blow trumpets to do Teshuva as it was a result of our sins. Rabbi Diamond then pointed out that according to the Zohar it is written that in the Ikvasa d'Meshicha, in the footsteps of the Moshiach, which according to the Chofetz Chaim is happening in our day, there will be situations where there will be no reward and punishment and that bad things will be allowed to happen to those who are not necessarily deserving but rather according to Mazal, pre ordained decrees so to speak. Rabbi Diamond explained that nevertheless the tragedy is justified however based on collective sins or even sins of past generations.
Therefore, when Raziel Shevach, Rabbi, a Mohel, one who performs circumcision, a Shochet, a ritual slaughterer, volunteer for MDA and an EMT, volunteer for Chevra Kadisha and father of 6, living under the harshest of conditions in Eretz Yisroel in Chavat Gilad is murdered in a terror attack we have to stop what we are doing and be introspective. and then blow the Trumpets! Here was an individual who lived his life with his family tremendous Mesirat Nefesh, self sacrifice, in a settlement established in answer to a terror attack. This settlement was not recognized by the State of Israel, nor receiving electricity and water but rather hooked up to generators and water tanks. One can't help but conclude that his death served as a collective Korban, a very H-ly human sacrifice for the entire people. It is a wake up call to do collective Teshuva and to raise the trumpets in the process. According to the Rambam, if we do not do Teshuva, and say that this is happenstance, accordingly according to the Torah, we can expect continued such tragedies G-d forbid!
This attack did not happen in a vacuum. The roads of Judea and Samaria have not been safe. There is constant rock throwing by Palestinians and the State of Israel is not doing its job to provide adequate security to the Settlers living in Judea and Samaria. This has recently made the news on any website that covers Judea and Samaria, any website sympathetic to a Dati Leumi perspective, and supportive of settlement in Judea and Samaria. If you were not aware of the dangerous security situation in Judea and Samaria and the rock throwing and the way the IDF were turning the cheek, then probably, you are not overly concerned with the welfare of our fellow Brethren living in Judea and Samaria. You probably don't acknowledge their sacrifice, living on the high ground, holding on to the Land with their very fingertips while protecting the low ground of Gush Dan, Tel Aviv and the surrounding heavily concentrated population centers.
Yes, these same settlers in addition to all the above, are loyal Israeli citizens, pay their taxes and serve in the army in combat units to protect the State and its citizens.
Compare that to the Palestinian terrorists who have been educated from a young age to be Jihadists, and have families and communities who empower, encourage and celebrate their acts of terror. These are Palestinians who claim to be the victims of "Israel's Occupation" yet enjoy receiving benefits such as health, education and jobs from Israel. They glorify acts of terror against Israel. In fact monetarily, terrorists and their families are compensated generously for terror attacks and the greater the crime the greater the compensation. This has been brought to the attention of many. Yet, collectively, we have chosen to keep the status quo and turn a blind eye. .
Perhaps G-d is giving us this wakeup up.
It seems obvious that this terrible tragedy is a result from a general security lapse policy and a general lax attitude that treats the settlers as second class citizens. While many of the Likud MK's have recently been vocal in support for Sovereignty thanks to activists such as Women in Green, we have failed these settlers big time with real facts on the ground and the Prime Minister is at the helm and is accountable. Votes taken in support to normalize the settlements and the Jewish residents living in Judea and Samaria, so that they are subject to the same laws as the those within the green line, practically are of no real consequence. Presently, words and not substance.
The reality is that there is an unofficial building freeze for Jews in Judea and Samaria and young famillies can not build nor grow and communities can not expand according to their natural birthrate.
So what can we do?
Enough empty condemnations of terror and condolences without real consequences.
- Normalize and Annex all of Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria.
- Stop the demolition orders at Netiv HaAvot and save the homes of 15 families.
- End the Judicial Tyranny of the Israel Supreme Court and establish in its stead a court, just, fair and unbiased that is consistent to Torah and Halacha Moshe MeSinai, Hebraic Law rather than a hodgepodge of British, Turkish and Jordanian law.
Alternatively, as the Rambam points out don't be shocked if we are hit with additional terrible tragedies Chas Veshalom!
Temple Mount does not belong in the hands of the Waqf nor in the hands of the Saudi's as Herzog would like.
It is time to recognize Jerusalem as the Capitol of Israel and the Temple Mount as the place where all the Nations of the World will stream as is written. Ki MiZion Tezei Torah UdVar Hashem MeYerushalyim!
Isaiah Chapter 2
1. The word that Isaiah, son of Amoz, prophesied concerning Judah and Jerusalem. א. 2.And it shall be at the end of the days, that the Mountain of the Lord's House shall be firmly established at the top of the mountains, and it shall be raised above the hills, and all the nations shall stream to it. ב. 3. And many peoples shall go, and they shall say, "Come, let us go up to the Lord's mount, to the House of the God of Jacob, and let Him teach us of His ways, and we will go in His paths," for out of Zion shall the Torah come forth, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. ג. 4. And he shall judge between the nations and reprove many peoples, and they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift the sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore. ד. 5. "O house of Jacob, come and let us go in the light of the Lord."
Isaiah 11:9 "They will neither harm nor destroy on all My holy mountain, for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as water covers the sea"
I ntroduction to Hilchos Ta'aniyot
[This text contains] one positive commandment: To cry out to God in the event of great distress that affects the community as a whole. This mitzvah is explained in the following chapters.
הלכות תעניות - הקדמה
מצות עשה אחת והיא לצעוק לפני ה' בכל עת צרה גדולה שלא תבא על הצבור: וביאור מצוה זו בפרקים אלו:
1 It is a positive Torah commandment to cry out and to sound trumpets in the event of any difficulty that arises which affects the community, as [Numbers 10:9] states: "[When you go out to war... against] an enemy who attacks you and you sound the trumpets...."
[This commandment is not restricted to such a limited scope; rather] the intent is: Whenever you are distressed by difficulties - e.g., famine, plague, locusts, or the like - cry out [to God] because of them and sound the trumpets.
א מצות עשה מן התורה לזעוק ולהריע בחצוצרות על כל צרה שתבא על הצבור. שנאמר על הצר הצורר אתכם והרעותם בחצוצרות. כלומר כל דבר שייצר לכם כגון בצורת ודבר וארבה וכיוצא בהן זעקו עליהן והריעו:

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