Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Letter to Askanim. Must read for all influential Jews sitting on the fence unwilling to take a position against the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton and the Obama Administration. Ami Magazine, Mishpacha, Agudah Lefkowitz Initiative, OU Advocacy, Ezra Friedlander Group, David Greenfield Councilman etc. I am talking to you.Column One Caroline Glick: Trump and the American Dream.


Dear Askanim in America, amv"sh

Sometimes a temporary reprieve and relief  is far more dangerous than bearing and suffering the discomfort. Therefore, we need to examine the long term consequences of this relief. 

All the funding,  totaling hundreds of millions of dollars,  for much needed programs that pays for Yeshiva security, crossing guards, school buses, nurses, social services, employment etc. will eventually turn against us collectively.  

For now it has bought our silence and has successfully stopped any real opposition  by the religious Jewish community to fight 150 billion dollars sanction relief to a nuclear Iran, the greatest sponsor of terror, and has successfully robbed us of our willpower to confront evil. 

It is blood money that now empowers Hamas and Hizbollah.

Only evil can be born from the fruits of such efforts.

Trump's platform,the Republican platform, does not include the 2 State Solution and is therefore consistent with Torah.  

The Democratic Platform on the other hand, nullifies Torah and Hashem's Covenant with our forefathers and our people. 

Do not be deceived nor loyal to a "political party" which empowers those who call for Israels destruction, the destruction of America and the Judaeo Christian values upon which America was founded.

Please don't speak of Emunas Chachamim, Unity and Ahavas Yisroel as a rebuke to those who dare question the collective Silence of our leadership and our people.   

It does not apply when we are all facing an existential threat. 

Askanim:  This is a wake up call. Though it seems like we are fighting with you, putting you in a negative light, our intention is noble.  We only wish that you face the harsh reality and the danger of our times. 

We understand that you are lishma, doing your work for the benefit of  the Klal.  Jews are having a hard time financially. It is hard for them to pay for security guards and nurses and buses. People need to have jobs, keep their jobs or find jobs. This is your reality.  Economic relief that you have succeeded to obtain via funding from the Federal gov't as well as on a State or local level for our communities provide  big time economic relief at least short term.  

Yet we must not ignore the greater picture. The Iran Deal and the 2 State Solution are existential threats!  There is no explanation for Jewish leadership failure to mobilize Am Yisroel to protest beChol HaTokef other than to investigate the money trail which is tied to the Democratic Party. 

 In the Heavenly court we will have to confront our Creator and we will see the ripple effects of our actions and how being complicit to the growth of a nuclear Iran and Isis has devastating long term consequences.  ChasVeShalom. When we meet our Creator in a Heavenly court we want to honestly say we tried our best to stand strong for our Holy Covenant Hashem made with our forefathers and us. 

Even if it appears that we will be unsuccessful in defeating our enemies, we must try our hardest.  Rabbanim and Gedoilim need to be clear that the Republican Party's platform is consistent with Torah while the Democratic Platform and support of the Iran Deal and 2 State Solution are clearly in opposition with Torah.

We need to do this not because people will listen necessarily.  We need to do this to please the Almighty Hakadosh Baruch Hu.  After all we are heavily relying on the HKBH to fight our battles.  

Many of our people are learning full time and are recipients of Medicaid and gov't programs. In all likelihood people are afraid that electing Trump will end this entitlement.  

After all,why should a healthy young man who can earn a living receive Medicaid benefits?

It is a real concern. Something to be negotiated as per how to keep our Yeshivoth functioning.  How will our yungerman in Kollel with large Mishpachahs survive without the very much needed financial support they are receiving from all the gov't programs?

This clearly would change the entire dynamic of Yeshiva Institutions we know today. 

However, if this money has bought our failure to oppose and address evil that is no different than Nazi Germany, it is blood money and is poison to our Neshoma.  It weakens our Neshoma and all the spiritual benefit that comes from our learning actually is tainted and not Emes. Our Torah learning will disconnect us from Hashem.  We are wasting our time sitting and learning at the expense of our brothers and sisters now facing the existential threat of Hamas or Iran.  Surely it is coming to our doorsteps as well.

I am not saying that the government programs that help support our Torah Institutions should stop.  Probably it is a zechus for the United States that they are funding Torah.  However, they are also funding UNRWA and terrorist activity big time. 

All I am saying is that we can't let this money blind us.  If the government chooses to stop funding our Torah Institutions because we support the Republican platform that is proof that this money was really a form of  bribery, a way to support an idolotrous agenda that is very dangerous to Am Yisroel.

Shemittah is proof that we must have Emunah and rely on HaKadosh Baruch Hu for our Parnossa and protection.  Hashem is Almighty and surely sustains all creatures...

Not the security guards an evil Democratic gov't will pay for.  

Bi partisan support for Israel is meaningless when one of the parties is merely an impersonation of the Democratic Party of our parents' generation.  There is no Democratic Party today as we knew it. Just a party who is like the Big Bad Wolf dressed up like Grandma, which is now actively engaged in empowering both Iran and Isis. A "party" but only in name, controlled by a few and its evil sources of funding ,  whose modus operandi is Divide and Conquer and buying off special interest groups and using deceit as a legitimate tool to achieve its goals.

Through such leadership our enemies have been amazingly successful in neutralizing hundreds of thousands of caring Jews from fighting for Eretz Yisroel, and from fighting the evils of Radical Islamic terror. 

Unfortunately, by setting an example of passivity, the Jewish leadership has succeeded in convincing the majority of Jews that both candidates are terrible and it is better not to take sides and to stay out of the race....  and if we must engage,  to be ineffective as was the case with fighting the Iran Deal and if we must get involved, to channel all our collective energies to go nowhere of significance so as not to endanger the bipartisan support Israel has had over the years.

Passivity is not a neutral position at all. It neutralizes support of the opposition who wishes to protect Israel.  It serves to empower Israel's enemies and aids in Israel's destruction.  It will serve to keep the current Administration in control and her policies in tact.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Fwd: Chabad Shluchim Protest Israel's Lack Of Military Protection For Jews

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From: "R Isseroff" <>
Date: Aug 30, 2016 7:05 PM
Subject: Chabad Shluchim Protest Israel's Lack Of Military Protection For Jews

This is interesting:

Shluchim Convention Attendees Protest Israel's Giving Land and Lack of Military Initiative
The following statement was issued to the media at the 40th Annual National Conference of the Lubavitcher Rebbe's personal Emissaries in Israel:
Monday, August 29th, 2016 
by Yeshiva World News Staff

The following statement was issued to the media at the 40th Annual National Conference of the Lubavitcher Rebbe's personal Emissaries in Israel:
A Call to the Prime Minister and Government of Israel and to all our Jewish Brethren Around the World from the Israeli Emissaries of the Lubavitcher Rebbe
"We, the Israeli emissaries of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, who were personally sent to the Land of Israel by the Rebbe forty years ago in order to "inspire and encourage Jews to fulfill the Torah and mitzvot, and to rebuild the land both physically and spiritually," include among us both municipal and community Rabbis, heads of yeshivot and kollels, and founders and administrators of educational and charitable institutions.
"We raise a heartfelt cry of painful and vociferous protest against the current situation in the Land of Israel, in which, for the last year, our enemies have unremittingly sought to harm our Jewish brethren – men, women and children – and during which time, the Israeli government has stood by meekly, refusing to respond with force and assertion; continued to freeze Jewish construction in Judah and Samaria, reiterated the possibility of negotiations, and repeatedly declared the necessity of creating "two countries for two nations" – may G-d save us from such plans!

"According to Jewish Law, the mere discussion of withdrawal from parts of the Land of Israel can create a situation of utmost peril to the inhabitants of the country – men, women and children. For the halacha (Jewish law) states (Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 329) that even when our enemies attack us over insignificant spoils, "We charge out armed against them, even desecrating the Shabbat to do so."
Hundreds of leading Rabbis from across Israel have already signed a legal verdict stating that every withdrawal from parts of Israel creates a situation of mortal danger to myriad Jews throughout the country, G-d forbid.
"It is perfectly obvious, to all who perceive the situation clearly, that whenever the topics of concessions and withdrawal have been raised in the past, the result was always the same: an increase in murderous activities, attacks on Jewish settlements, and the spilling of innocent blood – may G-d save us!
"Thus, we unanimously support the activities of the Rabbis and Sages of the Rabbinical Congress for Peace – "Pikuach Nefesh," who, for over twenty-five years, have worked tirelessly against the concessionary policies of the State of Israel, particularly, through wide-spread campaigns to promote public awareness that this approach is forbidden according to Jewish Law, the ultimate goal of which is to maximize the safety and sanctity of Jewish life.
"Based upon the passionate cries of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, in dozens of speeches, presented with deep concern for the welfare of our Jewish brethren in the Holy Land, we call upon the Prime Minister and the government of Israel, as well as all Jews in the Land of Israel and the Diaspora to wholeheartedly support the work of the Rabbinical Congress for Peace – "Pikuach Nefesh," with every means at their disposal — to help them in this important task of saving Jewish lives in the Holy Land, preventing further negotiations with our enemies over the question of Israel's borders, and firmly planting in our national awareness that the only path to true peace and security in the Holy Land lies in asserting our rights over the entirety of the Land of Israel. Only then, will we merit seeing the promise: "I will bring peace to the Land . . . and I will lead you upright (Lev 26)
With prayers and hope that the Holy One will put an end to our suffering, and that we may merit the true and complete redemption of our Righteous Moshiach immediately."
(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)
To Read Original Article Click Here
To Read The Rest Of The Article Click Here

Court to Hear Police Request to Bar 6 Youths from Jerusalem | The Jewish Press

Legal Group Challenging Police on Criminalizing Entry into Judea and Samaria Area B | The Jewish Press

Fwd: Prof. Paul Eidelberg: Corrected verson of "The Legacy of Bill Clinton" (with thanks to Will Morrisey)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Paul Eidelberg" <>
Date: Aug 30, 2016 10:12 AM
Subject: Corrected verson of "The Legacy of Bill Clinton" (with thanks to Will Morrisey)
To: "Terry Hurlbut" <>

"The Legacy of Bill Clinton"

Prof. Paul Eidelberg
December 7, 1999 (updated)

Bill Clinton, the 42nd American President, served in office from 1993 to 2001. Prior to that, the Arkansas native and Democrat was governor of his home state.

Recall the December 19, 1998 impeachment of Mr. Clinton. It was initiated by the House of Representatives on two charges, one of perjury and one of obstruction of justice. The charges stemmed
from his extramarital affair with former White House Intern Monica Lewinsky and his testimony about the affair during a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against him by Paula Jones. He was acquitted of these charges by the Senate on February 12,
1999. Two other impeachment articles – a second perjury charge and a charge of abuse of power failed in the House.

During his first term in office, President Clinton was quoted as saying "My policy is to have no policy" -- which may explain why this Democrat became a virtual Republican after the Republican Party gained control of both houses of Congress in the 1994 mid-term elections.  Of course, to have no policy is to have no firm political principles, no moral convictions, hence no rigorous sense of honor.  Does this characterize the Clinton legacy?

            Like other Presidents, Mr. Clinton can be accused of many
misdeeds.  Like President Jimmy Carter, he patronized the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), The PLO was renamed the Palestinian Authority (PA) after the signing of the Israel-PLO Agreement of September 1993. This agreement, underwritten by the United States, did not alter the fact that the PA is a consortium of terrorist organization whose Charter calls for Israel's annihilation. To this end, PA terrorists have murdered
or maimed more than 15,000 Jewish men, women, and children to date.

Nevertheless, the PA has received annual grants of hundreds of millions of dollars from the United States. This makes the U.S. a major patron of terrorism! The U.S. has thus earned the contempt it now has among other nations, whatever be their motives.  

That America is now afflicted by floods does not surprise this observer. Nor am I surprised that anti-Semitic Europe, another patron of Israel's enemies, is being overrun my Muslim migrants, rapists, and murderers.

Returning to Mr. Clinton, however, his cozying up with the PLO was indicative of a protracted decline of American honor and moral standards. To understand this decay, let us first examine why the U.S. refused to recognize the Soviet Union in 1917 and did not do so until 1933.  Here is how Robert Lansing, Secretary of State under Woodrow Wilson, put it: "To recognize the Bolsheviks would give them an exalted idea of their own
power, make them more insolent and impossible, and win their contempt, not their friendship.... As to Lenin and Trotsky I am in doubt ... For national and personal honor, for truth and for the individual rights to life, liberty and property they seem to have no regard." 

            Mr. Lansing was succeeded by Secretary Bainbridge Colby, who in 1920 declared:  "The existing regime in Russia is based upon the negation of every principle of honor and good faith, and every usage and convention, underlying the whole structure of international law; the negation, in short, of every principle upon which it is possible to base harmonious and
trustful relations, whether of nations or of individuals."

            Mr. Colby was succeeded by Secretary of State Charles Evans Hughes (who later became Chief Justice of the American Supreme Court). Mr. Hughes said in 1923: "The American government is not prepared to barter away its principles [by recognizing the Soviet Union]."  Five years laterSecretary of State Frank B. Kellogg avowed: "The experiences of various European
Governments, which have recognized and entered into relations with the Soviet regime, have demonstrated conclusively the wisdom of the [non-recognition] policy to which the Government of the United States has consistently adhered.  Recognition of the Soviet regime has not led [its leaders] to the acceptance by them of other fundamental obligations of international intercourse."

            Now ponder this remark of John Spargo, a leading figure of the Socialist Party in America, who in 1930 declared: "It is futile to argue the matter; recognition of Soviet Russia [which seeks our own subversion] would be shameful self-abasement."

            What would John Spargo say of a superpower like the U.S. appeasing a Lilliputian gang of murderers like the Palestinian Authority?  The PA is the Palestinian wing of America's mortal enemy, the Muslim Brotherhood. The PA is headed by a fading thug, Mahmoud Abbas, an occasional guest of the Obama White House, which also hosts the Muslim Brotherhood.  This confluence of terrorists in the capital of the United States makes one wonder what further natural disasters (God forbid) await America.

When we recall that President Bill Clinton consorted with the PLO, and when to this we add President Barack Obama's embracing the cause of that Muslim-led monstrosity, let us apply to these sinister acts the words of the prophet Hosea (8-7): "They that sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind."

Hence, I believe that the natural disasters now afflicting the United States are providential and cannot be dissociated from the Clinton Legacy.◙

Troops raze home of Palestinian who took part in rabbi's slaying | The Times of Israel

Fwd: PMO statements: Statement on UN Middle East Envoy's Remarks to the UNSC: distort history and international law and push peace farther away. Jewish Ethnic cleansing in Palestinian State

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From: <>
Date: Aug 30, 2016 10:52 AM
Subject: PMO statements: Statement on UN Middle East Envoy's Remarks to the UNSC: distort history and international law and push peace farther away
To: <>

The Palestinian demand that a future Palestinian state be ethnically cleansed of Jews is outrageous and the UN must condemn it instead of adopting it."
Statement on UN Middle East Envoy's Remarks to the UNSC
(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Media Adviser:

"The UN envoy to the Middle East's remarks to the Security Council distort history and international law and push peace farther away.

Jews have been in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria for thousands of years and their presence there is not an obstacle to peace.

The obstacle to peace is the unending attempt to deny the Jewish People's connection to parts of their historic land and the obdurate refusal to recognize that they are not foreigners there.

The claim that Jewish construction in Jerusalem is illegal is as absurd as the claim that American construction in Washington or French construction in Paris is illegal.

The Palestinian demand that a future Palestinian state be ethnically cleansed of Jews is outrageous and the UN must condemn it instead of adopting it."
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Fwd: THE END OF MAHMOUD ABBAS will Israel Annex Judea and Samaria if Hamas Takeover is imminent?

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From: "Truth Provider" <>
Date: Aug 30, 2016 11:07 AM
To: <>

"16 years after the failed Camp David summit, the fiction of the two-state solution is about to be shattered once and for all. The only relevant question today, is what does Israel intend to do next?" C.G.

Dear friends,

This is a pivotal article you must read. A big revolution in Judea & Samaria is lurking in the wings.  The end of the PA and Abu Mazen is imminent, and a take-over, Gaza style, by Hamas, is almost a certainty.

Will Israel, at long last, annex at least area "C" or even be forced to annex the entire territory? 

If President Obama is really planning to leave office with a big anti-Israel move in the UNSC, annexation will become a vital necessity.

Your Truth Provider,


EXCERPTS (the full article follows):

"Although Israel, of course, is in cahoots with no one, it is the case that the government has apparently finally lost its patience with Abbas and is looking past him."

"Repeated angry denunciations by government leaders of Abbas for his lead role in inciting violence against Israelis, leading the international movement to delegitimize Israel, refusing to negotiate anything with its leaders, and radicalizing Palestinian society, are finally being translated into policy."

"As MEMRI has documented, the Arab media is registering growing impatience with PA spokespeople. Arab commentators have harshly criticized PA functionaries who continue to insist their conflict with Israel is the most pressing issue on the pan-Arab agenda."

"The disintegration of Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Libya and the rise of Iran as a mortal threat, along with Israel's growing importance as an ally to Sunni Arab regimes have made the Palestinian cause look downright offensive to large swaths of the Arab world."

"Now that Abbas's reign is ending, the West is losing their man in Ramallah. Abbas's Hamas successors will not be beholden to Western donors, although to their discredit, the Europeans in all likelihood will shower them with cash and side with them against Israel."

"16 years after the failed Camp David summit, the fiction of the two-state solution is about to be shattered once and for all. The only relevant question today, is what does Israel intend to do next?" C.G.

The full article:

Like it or not, the day is fast approaching when the Palestinian Authority we have known for the past 22 years will cease to exist.

PA leader Mahmoud Abbas's US-trained Palestinian security forces have lost control over the Palestinians cities in Judea and Samaria. His EU- and US-funded bureaucracies are about to lose control over the local governments to Hamas. And his Fatah militias have turned against him.

Palestinian affairs experts Pinchas Inbari of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs and Khaled Abu Toameh of the Gatestone Institute have in recent weeks reported in detail about the insurrection of Fatah militias and tribal leaders against Abbas's PA. 

In Nablus, Fatah terrorist cells are in open rebellion against PA security forces. Since August 18, Fatah cells have repeatedly engaged PA forces in lethal exchanges, and according to Inbari, the town is now in a state of "total anarchy."

In Hebron, tribal leaders, more or less dormant for the past 20 years, are regenerating a tribal alliance as a means of bypassing the PA, which no longer represents them. Their first major action to date was to send a delegation of tribal leaders to meet with King Abdullah of Jordan.

Even in Ramallah, the seat of Abbas's power, the PA is losing ground to EU-funded NGOs that seek to limit the PA's economic control over the groups and their operations.

All of this fighting and maneuvering is taking place against the backdrop of the encroaching PA municipal elections, scheduled for October 8.

Hamas is widely expected to win control over most of the local governments in Judea and Samaria. Hamas's coming takeover of the municipalities is likely playing a role in decisions by Fatah terrorist cells to reject the authority of the PA. Many of those cells can be expected to transfer their allegiance to Hamas once the terrorist group wins the elections.

Given his Fatah party's looming electoral defeat, more and more PA functionaries are wondering why Abbas doesn't use the growing anarchy in Palestinian cities as a reason to cancel them. Abbas seems to have calculated that Israel will step in and, as it has repeatedly done over the past 20 years, cancel the elections for him.

Media organs Abbas controls are full of conspiracy theories whose bottom line is that Israel is not canceling the elections Abbas declared because it is in cahoots with Hamas and other "collaborators" to undermine the PA.

Although Israel, of course, is in cahoots with no one, it is the case that the government has apparently finally lost its patience with Abbas and is looking past him.

Repeated angry denunciations by government leaders of Abbas for his lead role in inciting violence against Israelis, leading the international movement to delegitimize Israel, refusing to negotiate anything with its leaders, and radicalizing Palestinian society, are finally being translated into policy.

Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman's recent announcement that Israel is adopting a carrot-andstick approach not toward the PA but toward the Palestinians themselves, and will advance development projects in areas where terrorism levels are low and take a hard line against areas where terrorist cells are most active, has sent shock waves through Abbas's palaces.

For 22 years, Israel has bowed to Palestinian and Western demands and agreed to speak only to PA functionaries and Palestinian civilians authorized by the PA to speak to Israelis. Liberman's decision to base Israel's actions on the ground on the behavior of the Palestinians themselves rather than act in accordance with PA directives, along with his decision to speak directly to Palestinian businessmen and others, marks the end of Israel's acceptance of this practice.

Without a doubt, Israel's willingness to let Abbas fall is in part a function of the wider Arab world's increased indifference to, if not disgust with the Palestinians. As MEMRI has documented, the Arab media is registering growing impatience with PA spokespeople. Arab commentators have harshly criticized PA functionaries who continue to insist their conflict with Israel is the most pressing issue on the pan-Arab agenda.

The disintegration of Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Libya and the rise of Iran as a mortal threat, along with Israel's growing importance as an ally to Sunni Arab regimes have made the Palestinian cause look downright offensive to large swaths of the Arab world.

Part of Israel's willingness to let Abbas fall also owes to its inevitability. Once Hamas wins the elections and takes control over the local governments, Abbas's already weakened position will become unsustainable. As is already happening in towns and villages throughout the areas, Fatah cells will transfer their allegiance to Hamas. The areas will become Balkanized and radicalized still further.

Confrontation between Israel and the Hamas-controlled Palestinians in Judea and Samaria is inevitable.

Moreover, this process will likely be rapid. Just as Hamas's complete takeover of Gaza from Fatah forces happened seemingly overnight in June 2007, so its seizure of control over Judea and Samaria will happen in the blink of an eye.

Many Westerners, Israeli leftists and PA functionaries hope that some deus ex machina will fall from the sky at the last minute and cancel the elections.

But even if that happens, the underlying reality in which Abbas is rapidly losing all semblance of control over events in Judea and Samaria will not be reversed. Abbas has incited the Palestinians to the point where they reject not only Israel, but Abbas and the PA.

Last week, the left-leaning Israeli Democracy Institute released the results of its joint survey with the Palestinian Center for Policy Survey Research regarding levels of support for a two-state solution.

For a generation, we have been told by world leaders that "everyone who is anyone" knows that the only way to reconcile the Palestinians and Israelis is to establish an independent Palestinian state in Judea, Samaria and parts of Jerusalem, as well as Gaza, roughly along the 1949 armistice lines, with land swaps between the sides involving continued Israeli control over a small percentage of the land in exchange for Palestinian control over lands Israel has controlled since its establishment.

The same formula that "everyone who is anyone" agrees on assumes that the Palestinian state will be demilitarized and that Israel will accept around a hundred thousand Palestinians who were displaced in 1949 as citizens in a token acceptance of the Palestinian demand for a so-called "right of return" of the descendants of Arabs who left Israel in 1948-9.

The poll showed that this plan is a nonstarter for the majority of Palestinians and Israelis. Only 46 percent of Israelis accept the formula and a mere 39% of Palestinians do.

The PA itself rejected the two-state formula at Camp David 16 years ago.

The fictional peace process based on the failed policy model has been maintained ever since for two reasons. First, successive Israeli governments have been intimidated by successive US administrations into maintaining faith with it despite its obvious failure.

Second, Abbas has built, secured and maintained his corrupt dictatorship over Palestinian society on the West's obsession with the two-state formula.

This practice has allowed him to serve into the 11th year of his five-year term of office. It has allowed Abbas, his sons and his cronies to build fortunes on the backs of the Palestinians they are supposedly serving.

Now that Abbas's reign is ending, the West is losing their man in Ramallah. Abbas's Hamas successors will not be beholden to Western donors, although to their discredit, the Europeans in all likelihood will shower them with cash and side with them against Israel.

16 years after the failed Camp David summit, the fiction of the two-state solution is about to be shattered once and for all. The only relevant question today, is what does Israel intend to do next?


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Supreme Court relaxes punishment for Arab rock-throwers - Arutz Sheva. How about for Jewish Hilltop Youth under administrative detention with no official charges (or evidence?) against them?

The View from Israel.: The Consequences of a Failed Palestinian Authority. (Hamas in charge orchestrated by Obama and Hillary politics)

Monday, August 29, 2016

Jewish Settlements are Legal | The Jewish Press and have the same rights to settle the Land as Jews do in Haifa. Ettinger Report

Why Does Hillary Clinton Turn A Blind Eye To Her Anti-Semitic & Anti-Israel Supporters? - The Lid

Fwd: ZOA Criticizes Obama's Claim that Israeli Hebron Housing Policy "Corrosive" to Peace

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Zionist Organization of America" <>
Date: Aug 29, 2016 1:43 PM
Subject: ZOA Criticizes Obama's Claim that Israeli Hebron Housing Policy "Corrosive" to Peace
To: "Subscribers" <>

Zionist Organization of America 

News Release


ZOA Criticizes Obama Admin.'s Calling Israeli Approval of Housing for Hebron Jews as "Corrosive" of Peace Efforts

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For more information contact Morton A. Klein 212-481-1500

NEW YORK, August 29, 2016

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has criticized the Obama Administration's condemnation of Israel for merely announcing approval of planning of new housing for Jews in Hebron in Judea as false, insulting and inconsistent with the way one ally speaks publicly of another, irrespective of whatever differences they might have on substantive issues.

The State Department spokesman Mark Toner, told reporters that the Israeli government approval for building new dwellings in a Jewish neighborhood of Hebron was "a deeply concerning step of settlement expansion" and repeated a recent intensification of condemnatory language on such matters when he said, "We strongly oppose all settlement activity, which is corrosive to the cause of peace. And we've said repeatedly such moves are not consistent with Israel's stated desire to achieve a two-state solution" ('Mark C. Toner, Deputy Spokesperson, Daily Press Briefing, Washington, DC, August 23, 2016').

ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, "We find Mr. Toner's statement to be false, outrageous, insulting and inconsistent with the way one ally speaks publicly of another, irrespective of whatever differences they might ave on substantive issues.

Jewish communities comprise a mere 2% of the entire Judea/Samaria area.

"The Obama Administration need not lose any sleep over the fidelity of Israel's commitment to peace. It's commitment is rock solid, now and always, and this has been demonstrated over the years by Israel's making concessions, including unilateral concessions, and taking risks beyond what prudence and the prevailing realities would counsel.

"I remind the Obama Administration that, in the years since the 1993 Oslo Accords, more Israelis were murdered by terrorists than in the entire 45 years of Israel's existence that preceded the Accords as a result of the concessions it made to the PA –– and to whom the Obama Administration is urging Israel to make still more concessions, despite the fact that the PA remains an unreformed, terror-promoting and glorifying, anti-peace regime.

"There is, of course, no legal or moral basis for Israel's reputation to be harmed because of permitting and enabling Jews to reside in Judea/Samaria, which is occurring, in any case, on a mere 2% of the territory in question and poses no obstacle to Palestinian Arab development. This is not a case of Jewish communities crowding out Palestinian ones. In any future peace agreement worthy of the name in which a Palestinian state alongside Israel is genuinely peaceful, Jews should be able to live in a Palestinian state just as Palestinian Arabs live in Israel.

"Contrary to the oft-heard claim that it is a violation of international law for Israeli Jews to live in and build homes and communities in Judea/Samaria, the 1920 San Remo Conference which drafted the League of Nations Charter, specially earmarked the territory of what became the British Mandate of Palestine, which includes the territory of Judea/Samaria, for Jewish settlement. This international determination, enshrined in the British Mandate for Palestine that shortly followed, has never been superseded by an internationally binding agreement. To the contrary, it was reaffirmed by Article 80 of the UN Charter.

"To mention Jewish residence in the territories at all as an obstacle –– or worse, as 'corrosive' –– to peace is factually incorrect, morally indefensible, politically dangerous and counter-productive.

"One wonders about this intensified criticism by the Obama Administration. It can have nothing to do with promoting peace. If the Obama Administration was serious on that score, it would be condemning Palestinian pro-terror, anti-peace behavior that genuinely renders peace impossible –– refusing to accept Israel as a Jewish state, refusing a peace settlement that would encompass and end further claims and conflict; insisting on a judenrein future Palestinian state; refusing to disband Palestinian terror groups; continuing incitement to hatred and murder within  the PA-controlled media, mosques, schools and youth camps; and seeking to intensify the conflict with Israel and obtain recognition of Palestinian statehood internationally while evading peace talks with Israel.

"Rather, the Obama Administration's intensified condemnation seems to have only one purpose –– to signal to America's European allies that the U.S. does not object to intensified criticism and isolation of Israel. President Obama seems determined to harm Israel's international standing, without actually calling for this, while blaming Israel for these results."

"The Obama Administration seems to be endorsing a discriminatory, anti-Semitic policy whereby Israeli Jews –– and only Israeli Jews, because they are Israeli Jews –– are to be banned from building homes and living in communities in Judea/Samaria.

"Palestinians, in any case, have refused statehood whenever it was offered –– by the 1937 Peel Royal Commission report, by the 1947 UN General Assembly partition plan, by the Clinton peace parameters in 2000 and the further concessions to the PA contained in then-Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's peace offer in 2008. They have further refused negotiations for nearly eight years (excepting two meetings in one week in 2010).

"In this vein, it is worth remembering that the late Yitzhak Rabin, Prime Minister, signatory of the Oslo Accords and Nobel Peace Prize winner for concluding these Accords, specifically stated shortly before his death that the Jewish communities in the Judea/Samaria (and in Gaza – since dismantled) would continue to be developed."

"President Obama should devote the remaining months of his Administration to genuine efforts to achieve peace by pressuring the PA to cease its pro-terror, anti-peace acts –– not compromise such efforts and bring them into disrepute by officially recycling pro-Palestinian propagandist falsehoods about  the 'corrosive' obstacle to peace posed by Israeli Jews –– and only Israeli Jews, because they are Israeli Jews –– living in Judea/Samaria."

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The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is the oldest and one of the largest pro-Israel organizations in the United States. With offices around the country and in Israel, the ZOA educates the public, elected officials, the media, and college/high school students about the truth of the ongoing Arab war against Israel. The ZOA works to strengthen U.S.- Israel relations through educational activities, public affairs programs and our work on Capitol Hill, and to combat anti-Semitism and anti-Israel bias in the media, in textbooks, in schools and on college campuses. Under the leadership of such presidents as Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver, and current President Morton A. Klein, the ZOA has been - and continues to be - on the front lines of Jewish activism. For more information contact Morton A. Klein 212-481-1500.

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