| | | Americans for a Safe Israel | | | | | By Helen Freedman:
I offer a very sincere message of thanks to Barbara Moretsky and Eugene Greenstein of the West Bloomfield Hills community in Detroit, Michigan, for hosting Richard Allen and me so warmly this past Monday night, August 25. With dear AFSI/Chizuk friend Rae Sharfman joining us, we were given a very special view of the dedicated, intelligent, impassioned Jewish membership of Detroit. Richard and I both agreed that speaking to the group of about 300 people at the JCC, and using a power point prepared by AFSI Chizuk Rochester, NY Chair Leon Szmedra, the experience was incredibly rewarding. Our topics, Israel's Enemies Within and Without, covered the BDS enemies as well as ISIS, Hamas, the PLO, Iran, and the global anti-Semites. Once again, Jabotinsky's IRON WALL was asserted, calling for MILITARY VICTORY to bring about peace. Anything less emboldens the enemy and extends his grasp. See below: Northern Israel now under attack By: Victor Sharpe
During Shabbat (the Jewish Sabbath) 100 rockets were aimed at Israel sounding sirens in all villages, towns and cities in the south of Israel and around Gaza, including Beer Tuvia, Gan Yavne, Netivot, Kiryat Malachi, Hof Ashkelon and the Eshkol District. The dining room of the same kibbutz, Nahal Oz. where 4 year old Daniel Tregerman lost his life, was hit with no injuries as many people are evacuating the south as Hamas's rocket fire is increasing. Two people were injured in Beer Sheva when a mortar hit a parking lot. The center of Israel endured rocket attacks early this evening with sirens in Ramat Gan, Holon and Bat Yam. Iron Dome intercepted one rocket over Petah Tikvah and three over Ashkelon. Agricultural equipment and houses have been destroyed in the south and fires have been caused by the exploding missiles. Tonight the Hamas gunmen are equipping themselves with suicide belts in their underground tunnels and preparing booby traps in orchards, as the word on the ground is that Israel is preparing for another ground offensive. Abbas has returned from Qatar to Cairo with the news that the Qataris, who fund Hamas, are encouraging the Islamists to expand their war on Israel and no deal is possible. In the early hours a couple of rockets fired at Israel from Lebanon put the north on high alert. Two children were among the 23 treated for shock and injury. A holiday village in the western Galilee was hit, but with no reported injuries. In the last few hours, five rockets have been fired into Israel from Syria. It is unclear if this is a synchronized attack to support the next aggression from Gaza or if it is just a random show of sympathy for Hamas. The only thing that is clear is that Hamas is pulling Israel into all out war and they are not perturbed by the cost; neither politically nor human. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Victor Sharpe:
The IDF must use tanks and artillery to incrementally advance a withering bombardment yard by yard - without sending counter-productive leaflets and text messages to a Gaza population that has proven itself willing executioners of Hamas barbarism. This will minimize IDF infantry losses. The people of Israel cannot, and must not, continue to endure this hell on earth from the Islamo-Nazi pestilence that occupies Gaza. At the same time, Israel must rebuild its Jewish villages in Gush Katif and annex portions of both the northern and southern areas (including the Philadelphi corridor) of the Gaza Strip. Hamas aggression must be seen as having created Jewish facts on the ground - the very thing the Islamic world most fears. But does Netanyahu, and too many of those who surround him, have the intestinal fortitude to tough it out and do the job irrespective of the baleful influence of Obama and the Islamist whorehouse that is the United Nations? Freelance writer and author of several published books including the trilogy, Politicide; The attempted murder of the Jewish state. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RONN TOROSSIAN ASKS: Mr. Prime Minister: what is your vision? Security is not being accomplished as rockets keep flying. There's surely not peace. What gives Mr. Prime Minister? Surely, the people of Israel are not asking for too much to demand that Israel lives without the constant fear of attacks. Jews worldwide understand you are under tremendous pressure - and count on you to protect the Jewish State. Please, protect our people. Mr. Netanyahu, channel your inner Ze'ev Jabotinsky, who wisely noted many years ago, "We were not created in order to teach morals and manners to our enemies. Let them learn these things for themselves before they establish relations with us. We want to hit back at anybody who harms us. Whoever does not repay a blow by a blow is also incapable of repaying a good deed in kind. Only something who can hate his enemies can be a faithful friend to those who love him." The people of Israel demand the crushing of Hamas. Let the citizens of Israel have peace and quiet.
Ronn Torossian is an entrepreneur and author -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A FAMOUS QUOTE FROM WINSTON CHURCHILL: "You ask, What is our policy? I will say; 'It is to wage war, by sea, land and air, with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us: to wage war against a monstrous tyranny, never surpassed in the dark lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy.' You ask, What is our aim? I can answer with one word: Victory-victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory there is no survival." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TONIGHT through Monday, Sept. 1 - Lincoln Center Outdoor Free HD Opera - 6- 8 PM
A coalition of concerned groups and citizens has been working all summer to persuade managing director of the Metropolitan Opera, Peter Gelb (212-799-3100x2891) to cancel the scheduled performances of the pro-terrorist, anti-Semitic opera, "The Death of Klinghoffer." The PLO murder of Klinghoffer in 1985 because he was a Jew, has now spread to a wave of anti-Semitism across Europe and the Middle East. The PLO terrorism has grown into Hamas, ISIS, and a host of terrorist organizations, so that we witness the beheading of an American by ISIS and the Islamic threat to bring that terrorism to America. In the face of that, how can Peter Gelb ask us to attend an opera that promotes anti-Semitism and "sympathy for the terrorists"? Are we to "consider their humanity" when they cold-bloodedly sacrifice human beings on the altar of their fanatical beliefs? Please join with AFSI, ZOA, JCC Watch and all concerned citizens in distributing leaflets and flyers decrying this opera. We will be there every night, from 6-8 P.M., as people are arriving by the hundreds to attend the free outdoor HD performances, most of which start at 8 P.M. Look for leaders to be on the sidewalk outside Lincoln Center with flyers. Get your supply and help with the distribution. Speak to opera goers who might not understand the situation. Call AFSI for additional information: 212-828-2424; afsi@rcn.com. We seek everyone's participation. Monday, Sept. 8 - from 1:15 - 2:30 pm The Engr. Aja Eze Foundation in collaboration with the Permanent Missions to the United Nations of Palau, Israel, and Argentina will be hosting the High Level panel discussion: "Global Anti Semitism: A Threat to International Peace and Security." Our Chairman, Mark Langfan will be one of the panelists at this conference. The meeting will be held in the ECOSOC Chamber of the Conference Bldg. at UN Tuesday, September 9th- 7:30pm - AFSI's first meeting of the fall season, again at the home of AFSI Chairman Mark Langfan, will feature Matan Peleg CEO, and Doug Altabef, Board member, of Im Tirtzu. Im Tirtzu's main objectives focus on working towards a renewal of the Zionist discourse, Zionist thinking and Zionist ideology. A major portion of Im Tirtzu's efforts is devoted to combating the campaign of de-legitimization against the State of Israel and to providing responses to Post-Zionist and Anti-Zionist phenomena. Yuval Granot, son of AFSI's founder Shmuel Katz, will be an added guest speaker. You may remember he was denied a visa in time to be with us at the Ze'ev Jabotinsky memorial on August 12. He now has a visa and is making a special trip to meet AFSI's members. RSVP required - afsi.judy@rcn.com, 212-828-2424. Since the meeting is at a private home, and a light supper is served, reservations are limited. Make yours now before the list is closed. Monday, September 22, 5pm - Lincoln Center, NYC - City-wide anti-terror demonstration on the opening night of the Metropolitan Opera House season. The Met is scheduled to present the anti-Semitic and pro-terrorist opera, "The Death of Klinghoffer", which tells the story of the PLO murder of an elderly Jewish man in 1985. To date, Met director Peter Gelb has refused to cancel the opera despite strong opposition. All who object to terror should call Peter Gelb at 212-799-3100 x 2891 to insist that he cancel the opera. Plan to be at Lincoln Center on the 22nd. More info to follow.
REGISTER NOW: AFSI's Chizuk Mission to Israel - OCT. 26-NOV. 5, 2014 This mission will underscore the Chizuk purpose which always seeks to give strength to our Israeli brothers and sisters where it is most needed. In this time of war, we are modifying the itinerary so that we can stand in solidarity with those people and communities who have suffered the most during the relentless shelling from Hamas in Gaza. Reservations are now being taken: 212-828-2424; afsi@rcn.com, afsi.judy@rcn.com. See www.afsi.org for reports on previous trips, and itinerary for October-November trip. Paid reservations by Sept. 19. Full payment - Oct. 15. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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Helen Freedman: Executive Director Judy Kadish: Director,Special Projects
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