Thursday, August 03, 2017

Kushner concedes ‘there may be no solution’ to Israel-Palestinian conflict


Kushner concedes 'there may be no solution' to Israel-Palestinian conflict (let me qualify "persisting in the present peace negotiations". So let's cut our losses and rethink strategy  RT) My comments, basically the 2 State Solution is not a Solution.  Let us consider Jewish Sovereignty over all of Israel which is the only viable Solution. 

Arabs who accept Israel Sovereignty and the 7 Noahide Laws should be eligible toward receiving health benefits, an education and help in finding work. 

Jewish Sovereignty over Temple Mount and Judea and Samaria will bring Peace and Prosperity to the entire world as promised in the Torah! That is the only possible solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict.  There can only be one Nation in charge whose law will apply to all so long as it is enforced.  By this we mean the Torah and not the Quran!  Both religions agree that Temple Mount can not have shared control.  Under the Waqf the Jews are forbidden to pray! Under Judaism they are but it enrages them. 

Hamas and Fatah see the void, the Chillul Hashem, when Israel fails to assert Sovereignty and this opens the gate to identity theft and name calling. (Jews become the "unlawful Occupiers"). It breeds contempt, discontent and violence as they refuse to be under Israel's control. Islam believes that the infidels (non Muslim)  must be submissive to Allah (Sharia and Islam). 

Monday, July 31, 2017
In America, We Don't Worship Government. We Worship G-d! Donald Trump...Israel must be Sovereign over Temple Mount (general consensus)

Wednesday, August 02, 2017

Caroline Glick on McMaster Purge of Trump Loyalists


Thank you Cheryl Jacobs Lewin for sharing

The Israel angle on McMaster's purge of Trump loyalists from the National Security Council is that all of these people are pro-Israel and oppose the Iran nuclear deal, positions that Trump holds.
McMaster in contrast is deeply hostile to Israel and to Trump. According to senior officials aware of his behavior, he constantly refers to Israel as the occupying power and insists falsely and constantly that a country named Palestine existed where Israel is located until 1948 when it was destroyed by the Jews.
Many of you will remember that a few days before Trump's visit to Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהו and his advisers were blindsided when the Americans suddenly told them that no Israeli official was allowed to accompany Trump to the Western Wall.
What hasn't been reported is that it was McMaster who pressured Trump to agree not to let Netanyahu accompany him to the Western Wall. At the time, I and other reporters were led to believe that this was the decision of rogue anti-Israel officers at the US consulate in Jerusalem. But it wasn't. It was McMaster.
And even that, it works out wasn't sufficient for McMaster. He pressured Trump to cancel his visit to the Wall and only visit the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial -- ala the Islamists who insist that the only reason Israel exists is European guilt over the Holocaust.
Victoria Coates, Senator Cruz's former foreign policy advisor served until two weeks ago at the strategic communications department of the National Security Policy. She just made a lateral move to work under Jason Greenblatt. Had she not made the move away from McMaster, she too would have been fired, I am told. Coates is a friend of mine. She is deeply committed to a strong US-Israel alliance.
In May, Adam Lovinger, a pro-Trump national security strategist on loan from the Pentagon's office of net assessment was summarily informed that his security clearance was revoked. He was fired and escorted from the White House like a spy and put on file duty at the Pentagon.
Lovinger is a seasoned strategic analyst who McMaster hated because he supported India over Pakistan, among other things.
Lovinger has not been told the grounds for his sudden loss of clearance but Mike Cernovich reported that the grounds were that he traveled to Israel for a family bar mitzvah. In other words, there were no grounds for dismissal. His boss at the Pentagon -- unbelievably named James Baker, is an Obama hire who hates Trump and supports Obama's agenda.

As for Iran, well, suffice it to say that McMaster supports the deal and refuses to publish the side deals Obama signed with the Iranians and then hid from the public.

The thing I can't get my arms around in all of this is why in the world this guy hasn't been fired. Mike Flynn was fired essentially for nothing. He was fired because he didn't tell the Vice President everything that transpired in a phone conversation he had with the Russian ambassador. Whoopdy doo! Flynn had the conversation when he was on a 72 hour vacation with his wife after the election in the Caribbean and could barely hear because the reception was so bad. He found himself flooded with calls and had no one with him except his wife. 
And for this he was fired.

McMaster disagrees and actively undermines Trump's agenda on just about every salient issue on his agenda. He fires all of Trump's loyalists and replaces them with Trump's opponents, like Kris Bauman, an Israel hater and Hamas supporter who McMaster hired to work on the Israel-Palestinian desk. He allows anti-Israel, pro-Muslim Brotherhood, pro-Iran Obama people like Robert Malley to walk around the NSC and tell people what to do and think. He has left Ben (reporters know nothing about foreign policy and I lied to sell them the Iran deal) Rhodes' and Valerie Jarrett's people in place. 
And he not only is remaining at his desk. He is given the freedom to fire Trump's most loyal foreign policy advisers from the National Security Council. 
One source claims that Trump's political advisers are afraid of how it will look if he fires another national security adviser. But that makes no sense. Trump is being attacked for everything and nothing. Who cares if he gets attacked for doing something that will actually help him to succeed in office? Why should fear of media criticism play a role here or anywhere for this president and this administration?
Finally, there is the issue of how McMaster got there in the first place. Trump interviewed McMaster at Mara Lago for a half an hour. He was under terrible pressure after firing Flynn to find someone. 
And who recommended McMaster? You won't believe this.
Senator John McCain. That's right. The NSA got his job on the basis of a recommendation from the man who just saved Obamacare. 
Obviously, at this point, Trump has nothing to lose by angering McCain. I mean what will he do? Vote for Obamacare? 
If McMaster isn't fired after all that he has done and all that he will do, we're all going to have to reconsider Trump's foreign policy. Because if after everything he has done, and everything that he will certainly do to undermine Trump's stated foreign policy agenda, it will no longer be possible to believe that exiting the nuclear deal or supporting the US alliance with Israel and standing with US allies against US foes -- not to mention draining Washington's cesspool - are Trump's policies. How can they be when Trump stands with a man who opposes all of them and proves his opposition by among other things, firing Trump's advisers who share Trump's agenda?


And here's more from the Atlantic.
In his "National Security Minute," Frank Gaffney said the following about the story reported in the article linked below:

"Donald Trump promised to "drain the Swamp" in Washington. Of late, however, the Swamp – in the person of his National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster – has been doing some draining of its own, by securing the dismissal of Trump loyalists in his administration.

One egregious example has just been trumpeted by the leftist Atlantic Magazine, which shares McMaster's ill-concealed disdain for Mr. Trump's policies. It recounts how a highly regarded Trump national security surrogate named Rich Higgins – a brilliant Army veteran of the counter-jihad at home and abroad and associated bureaucratic wars inside the Bush and Obama Pentagons – was recently, unceremoniously fired from the National Security Council staff.

Mr. Higgins will likely return to government service when the President finally acts on his widely publicized frustration with Gen. McMaster. It can't happen soon enough, for the Trump presidency and for the country.…/a-national-security-c…/535725/


Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Bringing Comfort - Tisha Be'Av Campaign 5777 - Building a Shul in Memory of the Hatuel Family to Elevate their Neshomas and Bring Consolation to David Hatuel coming to NYC this week!


Dear Friends and Lovers of Eretz Yisroel

Please share and forward! 

Bringing Comfort - Tisha Be'Av Campaign 5777 - Building a Shul in Memory of the Hatuel Family to Elevate their Neshomas and Bring Consolation to David Hatuel coming to NYC this week!


Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Monday, July 31, 2017

In America, We Don't Worship Government. We Worship G-d! Donald Trump...Israel must be Sovereign over Temple Mount (general consensus)


Trump gets it right! We believe that there is a G-d of Justice and Truth!

To quote President Donald Trump "In America, we don't worship government, we worship God."

Please pass on this message to ... Jared Kushner, David Friedman and Jason Greenblatt.  Do Trump a favor and be true to G-d.  Trump has you in a position of influence for a reason.  3 Shomer Shabbat advisors in his inner circle. Surrounded by G-d Fearing, wonderful loyal advisers who love Israel with their heart and soul,  Mike Pence, Mike Huckabee and John Bolton.... 

Dear Inner Circle Jewish Trump Advisers...As educated, practicing, and believing Jews, you know what G-d's Word is. You have studied Torah.  Be True to Torah. You will then be the absolute best adviser to the President. Don't be afraid!  

With Israeli's betrayal to G-d on Temple Mount, Trump had an awful week as well!  McCain seems to have  betrayed the Republican Party stopping the repeal of Obamacare. I don't envy McCain especially now that he has been diagnosed with brain cancer.  Maybe he truly believes that Obamacare is the very best medical coverage one can receive.  I bless him (may G-d have pity) that his Medical care will be with Obamacare and that he will be rewarded in kind with the same kind of medical treatment he voted for all Americans. (I think it makes sense that all the Senators who voted for Obamacare should be required to be insured with Obamacare)

Re: Temple Mount

There is a consensus among Jews and Israeli's that Israel must be Sovereign over Temple Mount!

It greatly pained the Jewish people to see the removal of the metal detectors.  

Again, a message to Trump's G-d Fearing advisors....G-d will fight our battles. Let us not be afraid!  Let us learn from Parshat Devorim and from the  battle Moshe Rabbeinu fought Og and Sichon and with the Giants and against Midyan on the  Jordan River and defeated them soundly. It happened only with G-d's help!  

We must do our part and Hashem will do the rest! Elef LeMateh, Elef leMateh.  Some soldiers were on the battlefield to fight and others to pray lest the ones that go to fight get too arrogant that their might and strength made them victorious.  

I don't judge anyone nor their leadership. Not Netanyahu nor David Friedman.... 

It is difficult to acknowledge that one made a mistake.  Let us acknowledge that G-d gives us the ability to win and to lose.  and we should be giving the credit  to Hashem.  When one finally succeeds it is important to know and understand that it was because the Almighty G-d allowed him to win and then to Thank and Praise G-d accordingly.  

It seems pretty clear to me and to others that America should have encouraged Israel to keep the Metal Detectors in Place and to remain Sovereign over Temple Mount. When Ambassador David Friedman came out with a strong statement against the Terror attack on Temple Mount, he gave the Netanyahu Administration the courage to close down the Mount and install the metal detectors. That was an amazing moment!... It lasted too short but it had the taste of the World to Come!

 America soon buckled under the intense pressures and then Israel capitulated as well!  When Israel showed weakness to keep control of Temple Mount our enemies got stronger!

U.S. Muslim Leaders Promote Nationwide Protests Despite Israeli Concessions

"The Battle over Jerusalem Has Just Begun" by Bassam Tawil
August 1, 2017 (The Author is an Arab Muslim based in the Middle East)

Israel caught in a trap of its own making
By Barry Shaw, JPOST

INTO THE FRAY -The Temple Mount: No longer in our hands?
By Martin Sherman

PA demands: Recognize Palestine - then we'll consider land swaps
Nabil Shaath, a confidant of Mahmoud Abbas, says that talk of land swaps can only come after Israel recognizes Palestine.

Therefore, Sovereignty Must only be for Israel!  Not the Waqf and not Jordan!  

Only Israel is the Chosen People.  The Promised Land was Promised to the Children of Israel  and those who accept Israel's Sovereignty and the 7 Noahide Laws.

Reading the pundits  lifts my spirits to see unity among the Jewish people on the matter of Temple Mount coming even from those who are from the left.
The Jewish Week
Gary Rosenblatt's front page article in the Jewish Week entitled s Truth Under The Gun?O.J., Trump and the Big Lie about the Temple Mount.BY GARY ROSENBLATT July 26, 2017,

Many ask "Why not sharing Sovereignty with Jordan and Egypt?"

John Bolton's Two State Solution Not Viable. Proposal for a 3 State Solution. Israel, Jordan and Egypt. My Objections to this Proposal and Alternative Proposals in Brainstorming mode! Monday, June 05, 2017

This entire incident opened our eyes clearly about Jordan.  John Bolton who loves Israel was deceived with Jordan, hoping that they and Egypt can be a peace partner but after what happened on Temple Mount, I hope he sees the truth of the matter.  

Jordan. Is this whom we want to be in charge of the Palestinian State?

Peace Partner: Jordan's King Vows to 'Stop the Judaisation' of Temple Mount

At Amman Protest, Hundreds of Jordanians Call for Cancellation of Peace Treaty With Israel

Ever since the destruction of the 2nd Temple,Israel's Sovereignty over Temple Mount has been in the mindset and prayers and dreams of all those who Believe in the G-d of Israel.  This is the key to World Peace and Prosperity.  If Israel does not assert it's legitimate Sovereignty, the entire world will suffer and terror will reign.

Re: 2 State Solution - Cut your losses

so openly admit 
  • Oslo was a mistake, 
  • The Status Quo is a mistake, 
  • letting any other country other than Israel be responsible for its security and Sovereignty is a mistake

Encourage Israel to be strong and reinstall the metal detectors.  There should be no negotiation regarding who should control Temple Mount. 

Both Torah and Islam wants exclusive Sovereignty.  Mutually exclusive. The Establishment of the  Kingdom of G-d. This is known in Hebrew as Malchut Shamayim.  The Lion Kingdom vs Skar.

Islam calls for the beheading of Jews and the enslavement of the women.  Jews are forbidden even to move their lips in prayer on Temple Mount when the Waqf is in control.  

In contrast, when Israel is in charge,  all people are welcome and invited to come pray from all corners of the earth and all nationalities. 

Judaism calls for all the Nations to Stream to Jerusalem and bring gifts to Hashem. See Isaiah Chapter 2.

The fulfillment of this prophesy is what terrifies our enemies and what has triggered a worldwide call for a Day of Rage. 

Let us embrace this prophesy rather than run from it as Israel's fear of taking on a leadership role feeds our enemies wrath. 


Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Blackmail? Wasserman Schultz planned to pay Muslim IT spy even while he lived in Pakistan - Geller Report


Drain the Swamp!

לֶאְסֹּ֣ר מַלְכֵיהֶ֣ם בְּזִקִּ֑ים וְ֜נִכְבְּדֵיהֶ֗ם בְּכַבְלֵ֥י בַרְזֶֽל:

Blackmail? Wasserman Schultz planned to pay Muslim IT spy even while he lived in Pakistan - Geller Report
This is an immense scandal with multiple implications, and cries out for a full and thorough investigation. But there will almost certainly not be .


Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.