Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Duma: Letter to the Editor: Queens Jewish Link re: Op Ed: Discussing Jewish Extremism; by Sergey Kadinsky. Editors: Why did you have to take the side against the Hill Top Youth???


Dear Editors:

Why are you so quick to jump to conclusions against these kids? I would like to know who was the Settler kid in the white shirt on your front page with the rifle.  You must realize that such a picture puts all those who dress in that way in a negative light. Was this rifle real or a toy?  Pictures tell a story. But not the entire story. Are you sure that these screenshots weren't photo edited?  Where is the original video itself? Why do we just get screen shots? If we had the video we could probably see the faces far more clearly and not just the backs.  Who took the video and why is it that only Defense Minister Yaalon had a copy of it? Why didn't others post it on their facebook page? It's not like Shabak hasn't in the past incited and provoked this kind of behavior in order to frame settlers? Why is the Queens Jewish Link, a respected paper, one that usually takes the side of the settlers, so quick to spread Diba Raah, in word and with pictures on Hilltop Youth to the tens of thousands on your circulation not to mention the millions who now have access to your paper via a link, without really knowing the facts. Your report causes much more damage than a Haaretz report because, a Haaretz report of a similar nature would be suspect.  QJL on the other hand has credibility.  

My guess is that this wedding terror dance was staged as well as a frame up. I see no reason to believe otherwise at this point in time. 
Fwd: Video at Wedding Was Made By the Shabak

bs"d In Tribute to the Boys In The Hands of Shabak. Uzia Tzadok 13 Singing KeSheHalev Bocheh - When the Heart Cries

Dear Queens Jewish Link: Why couldn't you have picked any of these articles in support of the hilltop youth as your OP ED rather than an OP ED that jumped to conclusions against the Hilltop Youth?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Queens Jewish Link <>
Date: Wed, Dec 30, 2015 at 12:17 PM
Subject: New Edition: Discussing Jewish Extremism; Compassion or Folly - should we welcome Syrian Refugees?

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Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

bs"d In Tribute to the Duma Suspects, The Boys In The Hands of Shabak. Uzia Tzadok 13 Singing KeSheHalev Bocheh - When the Heart Cries


This song must describe the heart wrenching pain of these kids framed, defamed, isolated and thrown into the pit by their brothers and sisters in Am Yisroel.

When the Heart Cries 
Uzia Tzadok 13 from Kfar Chefetz

English translation, transliteration below....

KeSheHalev Bocheh

When the heart cries
only God hears
The pain rises out of the soul
A man falls down before he sinks down
With a little prayer (he) cuts the silence
Shma (Hear) Israel my God,
you're the omnipotent
You gave me my life,
you gave me everything
In my eyes a tear,
the heart cries quietly
And when the heart is quiet,
the soul screams
Shma (Hear) Israel my God,
now I am alone
Make me strong my God;
make it that I won't be afraid
The pain is big,
and there's no where to run away
End it because I can't take it anymore
(make the end of it because I have no more energy left within me)

The words are so relevant to these boys. 

Uzia Tzadok 13 from Kfar Chefetz

Shma Israel | לשמוע ישראל

Kshehalev bohe rak elokim shomea
Hake-ev ole metoh haneshama
Adam nofel lifne shehu shokea
Vetfilat ktana hoteh et hadmama
Shma Israel elohay ata hakol yahol
Natata li et hayay natata li hakol
Beenay dima halev bohe besheket
Oo'kshe halev shotek haneshama zo-eket
Shma Israel elohay ahshav ani levad
Hazek oti elokay asse shelo efhad
Hake-ev gadol veen lean livroah
Asse shehigamer ki lo notar bi koah
Kshehalev bohe hazman omed milehet
Adam roeh et kol hayav pitom
El halo noda hu lo rotse lalehet
Le elokav kore al saf tehom
Shma Israel elokay ata hakol yahol
Natata li et hayay natata li hakol
Beenay dima halev bohe besheket
Ookshe halev shotek haneshama zo-eket
Shma Israel elohay ahshav ani levad
Hazek oti elohay asse shelo efhad
Hake-ev gadol ve-en lean livroah
Asse shehigamer ki lo notar bi koah.


Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Re: Duma: NO JEWISH TERRORISTS. Chronology of Events. So far conclusion is that Shabak is to blame for framing Jewish Kids. Hoshiva Shofteinu KaVarishona. Return OUR judges as of OLD. Veheishiv Lev Avot Al Banim... Eliyahu HaNavi will return the heart of the Fathers to the Children...


Duma, leSheker ain bo Raglayim. Falsehood has no leg to stand on. There will be a protest this Motzaei Shabbat, January 9, outside the home of Yoram Cohen, head of the Shabak. Jewish Blood Libel helped spread by Jews? Doesn't one need 2 eye witnesses to convict a murderer?

Why is Shabak after these kids? Why do they stop at nothing to prove that these kids are Jewish Terrorists?  

Why is the Government of Israel after these kids?

My conclusion is because these kids have been brought up on simple faith, Emunah Peshuta, belief in Hashem and in the Torah.  They would like the State of Israel to return to days of Old with a government governed by the rules of the Torah.  With the Baal Teshuva movement, and the Demography becoming more Chareidi, and a lower birth rate among the secular Jews, the people of Israel are now much more open to this kind of government than ever before. Torah is flourishing in Israel.  This threatens those who are presently in control.  By cracking down on the hilltop youth and in the process, defaming the religious Settler Movement, they want to stop these dreams of generations from actualizing. However, in the process of their crackdown they have exposed a self appointing corrupt Judicial System who is above the Law.  They have exposed a government who will not stop at anything to destroy these kids. Why? Perhaps to save their own political position. 

Perhaps they are terrified the public might actually be convinced to change the status quo to make this government one that is more consistent with Torah and Jewish Law.  

Torah law was given to the Jewish People at Sinai and they became a Nation. This happened before Israel was established as a Jewish Sovereignty on the Land itself. 

The harder they try to discredit these kids,  the more holes they will have to plug. Eventually, the existing system of the State will self destruct. Because the establishment of the State of Israel of 1948  was born with an inherent flaw. It did not accept Torah as its system of government.  See below Link to Marienbad Resolutions in 1937. 

the stages before Ge'ulah
(before HaYom Hagadol Ve HaNorah) is that Eliyah HaNavi will come and
"VeHeishiv Lev Avot Al Banim VeLev Banit Al Avotam".

Dec 30 2:30pm Duma suspect: Shin Bet is lying, there was torture
Jewish youth released Tuesday recounts 'frightening' ordeal while in the ISA's custody.

Dec. 30,  2pm Op-Ed: My daughter's wedding, 
Father of the bride at wedding where dancers waved weapons and pictures of the Arab baby killed in Duma responds to the controversy in letter to Arutz  Sheva.

Dec. 30th 11am score is 2-0 Groom, man who waved weapon at 'extremist wedding' released
Court throws out police request to keep man in jail for waving what he says was a toy gun at wedding, orders groom's release as well. By Orli Harari

 Dec 30th 8am 'Why don't they arrest Arab wedding participants?'
Attorney slams police for arresting youth waving what he says was a toy gun at 'extremist dance' wedding, while Arabs shoot in the air.

Dec 30 Israel arrests Jewish suspects filmed celebrating deadly arson Israel Hayom headline is misleading since at the time this was reported they knew that they were being released and that they did not get extension of arrest. Arutz7 already reported this arrest on Dec 24 a week prior).

Dec. 28 Rabbi Eliyahu accuses Shin Bet of 'cooking up' extremist wedding. 
Tzfat Chief Rabbi notes only person holding Arab baby's picture in video clip still unidentified, ISA reportedly acted similarly in past.

Fwd: Shalom Pollack from Honenu: RE: Jewish Duma Terrorist suspects: Dejavu Revisiting Rabin Murder

Dec 28 Op-Ed Arutz7 Paula Stern: A true indictment
We have waited for weeks for the indictment, for charges to be filed, for evidence to be shown and accusations made. Instead, the first of the boys was released after 17 days of abuse. far, the score is 1 - 0 against the Shabak AND you. They were wrong...but so were you. Perhaps, perhaps not with all of them but so are wrong and there is still no evidence to suggest you are right about the others. Will you hold on to your sinat hinam…your hatred of your fellow Jews? This was not an extremist. This was a Jewish boy and YOU are guilty, not him. YOU maligned him. YOU cursed him. YOU and not him. YOU.

Dec 27 Zion's Corner Blog Tuvia Brodie: Where will Duma take Israel?

Dec 27 Fwd: Video at Wedding Was Made By the Shabak

Dec. 27 Rabbis call for 'introspection' after extremist wedding video
Beit Hillel religious-Zionist rabbinical group says religious educators must ensure extremists' messages of 'death, hatred and revenge.' (kind of quick to condemn. What about innocent until proven guilty?)

Dec 27 Daniel Greenfield: Duma and the Return of the King

Dec 27 Robin Ticker: Open Letter to Caroline Glick: Shabak staged Jewish Terror Dance. Letter disputing concept of Jewish Terrorism and the defamation of Jewish Hilltop Youth

Dec. 24 Police open investigation into 'sick' far-right wedding video
Video published on Channel 10 shows extremists dancing while holding guns and a picture of Arab baby killed in Duma arson. (This report was very slanted against hilltop youth). 
 Prime Minister Netanyahu also spoke out, implying the evidence of support for the Duma arson proved the importance of backing the Shin Bet in its controversial investigation, which has included harsh interrogation methods branded as torture by defense attorneys.
"The shocking images broadcast tonight show the true face of a group that constitutes a threat to Israeli society and Israel’s security," he declared. "We will not accept people who violate the state’s laws and do not see themselves as bound by them."
last update Dec 27 Moshe Feiglin: An Open Letter to the Jewish Home and Nationalist Likud MKs | The Jewish Press re: Complicity allowing Jewish Torture. 

Dec 23 Robin Ticker: Open Letter to Naftali Bennett: Vigil of Conscience: Bennett is terribly mistaken. One who is compassionate to the cruel will ultimately be cruel to the compassionate.

Dec 22 Fwd: Helen Freedman: Executive Director AFSI Rule of Law Demanded in Israel - Innocent Until Proven Guilty. Re: The Tortured Duma Suspects 

Dec 22 Must See Video: Stop torturing our boys By יהודי לא מענה יהודי

Dec 21 Psak Rabbi Melamed... ...In a coalition of 61 Knesset Members, it takes only one person to topple the government and to stop the horror. And you are not doing it.

Names of 47 Rabbis Supporting Shin Bet in 'Jewish Terror' Investigation  (Rabbi's quick to condemn...)

More Extensive Media Coverage: Torture of Duma Suspects

כנסי' מועצת גדולי התורה במריינבד בעברית The Knessiah Gedolah of Marienbad. Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah discussion re: A Jewish State: YES or NO? Yes for Jewish State!


Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Re: Duma Fwd: Shalom Pollack from Honenu: RE: Jewish Duma Terrorist suspects: Dejavu Revisiting Rabin Murder

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Shalom Pollack <>
Date: Mon, Dec 28, 2015 at 3:28 PM
Subject: dejavu

As they say, it's Dejavou all over again.

The  same targets, the same cheerleaders heading the attacks and the same ones  crawling under the covers  lest they be demonized too.

First, it was the Inquisition after the Rabin murder in 1995.

I must say that the media and powers that be did quite  a job then. 

I was an uncompromising zealous  critic of Rabin  and all that he perpetrated since the Oslo perfidy. I realized then, that he and Peres were traitors to the Jewish people  and  to our land. Yet, even I, was so affected by the propaganda  brainwashing that I considered paying my last respects to the man that brought Arafat into our homes and who killed holy Jews on the Irgun  ship,  Altalena.

I came to my senses after a while but I realize now the power that they wield over our minds.

I remember a veteran "settler" of Kiyat Arba, walking around with a big sign," I am ashamed"

A couple of days after the murder, I was in a shop with two young men I did not know. I over heard them criticizing Peres, the new prime minister. I took out my pad and pen and asked them, "what did you say?' Did I hear you correctly?" 

They turned white and said ,No it was only a bad joke , I shouldn't take them seriously". I was amazed that my little test brought the results I though it might. They were not living in a democracy, Big brother was watching and they were terrified. 1984 was here.

The Rabin government shut down the only remaining  voice of opposition to the blatant treachery. "Arutz Sheva radio was casting doubt in the minds of the public. Their key personalities were arrested. The opposition to the  government and their odious lies was  were eliminated

 Israel experienced what Soviet citizens probably woke up to every morning - "Socialist Realism" 
The second time was during the months, weeks, days, hours and minutes before the historic crime of Gush Katif. Again - "Socialist Realism" 
It took just one corrupt and determined man wanting to stay out of jail to bring most of the country behind him in the senseless, cruel and suicidal expulsion of 2005.

They did not catch me in their web this time and I soberly and painfully  witnessed the decent of a country accompanied by an orchestrated psychological /fear campaign that trounced Israeli law and basic  civil rights in broad day light . Tens of thousands were just "following orders". 
Thousands, particularly minors were beaten, arrested or detained - totally illegally.  Israel 2005.

I recall , when Bush visited Israel eight years ago, the journalists were put up in the Dan Panorama hotel. A man stood outside with pamphlets containing information about the corruption and violence that is the Palestinian Authority.  They call it freedom of speech I believe. Well it wasn't what he government had in mind. They wanted the lies to go unchallenged and the Bush  "Road Map" to be bought.. Thus the man was dragged away by  a plain clothes cop. Simple.

I wanted to enter the hotel as I was wearing a free Pollard sticker on my jacket. Problematic for the government. They did  not want the journalists to ask questions about our friend the US and its cruelty to Jonathan that might tarnish the Bush visit . So I  was very rudely expelled. Were my "rights" trampled that night as well?
Who knew. Who cared?

And now, once again in 2015. Israel is experiencing  yet another phase of Arab terror. Arab men, women, boys and girls, are daily  using  what ever comes to their hands at the moment  to murder Jews - all over the country,  not only in the "territories".
The government simply has no solution to this latest phase in the  now hundred  and fifty years of war against he Jews in our land.

Giving them  land or guns of Nobel prizes will not satiate the blood lust any more. 

So what to do?

Find a common enemy that CAN be defeated; one that  is  sufficiently different from most Israelis. One that lives on the margins of society. One that will not  agree to be cannon fodder  for "peace". Gotcha! It's the hill top youth. Public enemy number one.


What is worse in Israel today than a  Jew killed by an Arab? But of course  an Arab killed by a Jew.

Add that to a weird wedding dance with  weapons and  we have a national hysteria and preoccupation that shades the daily Jewish blood letting. (Was this possibly...  a government set up as has  happened in the past.. Avishai Raviv - govt provocateur who encouraged Amir to kill Rabin)?
 Rabin in SS uniform, compliments of Raviv.. police dressed as Arabs to provoke settlers and then arrest them? Mmmm...

It remains to be seen how  these kids managed to enter  to the center of an Arab village, burn two houses, paint on the walls and  leave unnoticed. Were they  super commandos?
The family killed in the fire were  involved in a bloody clan feud ( a common phenomenon in Arab society)  in the village  for years.

The  Jewish suspects have been denied their legal rights and have undergone prolonged and severe torture, according to them , their families and their lawyers.
The government MUST  get their man and it had better be a Jew!
All "according to the law" of course  and with approval of the courts.

Once again the "Right wing " are heading for cover and hoping for  an approving pat on the head from the powers that be.

After decades  of witnessing  this rule of law, I am reminded that  there were also  laws and courts in the USSR... and in Sedom too.


Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Re: Duma and Hilltop Youth being Framed Fwd: Video at Wedding Was Made By the Shabak

Video of Boys Stabbing Photo of Duma Baby at Wedding Staged by the Shabak, 
translated into English with the help of google translate.

Letter transferred by us in the community.
If this is true - it is very serious !!!
[27/12, 9:18]
I received this from my sister in law a resident of Kfar Etzion:
It is important to write things and spread the truth to those who want to hear. The wedding in question is from the son of very close friends.  We accompany them in these passing nightmarish days. Gradually more appalling details are revealed...
1. The family tried to find out from all the guests who brought these images ... just a mystery. Did not find.
2. Who gave the weapons? The group has no weapons! Also, the weapons disappeared two minutes right after the song.
3. Who took the video? The photographer was somewhere else. According to the owner of the hall,  GSS agents came several hours earlier, and installed cameras all over the room! After the wedding they came and took them.
In short, it turns out that unfortunately, someone organized and initiated all of this in advance.They distributed weapons and pictures and in a shocking way stabbed the picture of the boy in front of the camera. It is important to know the truth, how much it hurts. (translation unclear...)
4. In a conversation with those in charge of Security of this event,  hundreds of plainclothes police arrived ... in civilian clothes. Presented him with a police ID.
5. Neither the Groom nor his family nor his Bride or her family recognize who danced with the picture.

מכתבה הועבר אצלינו ביישוב.
אם זה נכון - זה חמור מאוד!!!
[27/12, 09:18]
קיבלתי מגיסתי הקיבוצניקית מכפר עציון :
חשוב לי לכתוב את הדברים ולהפיץ את האמת לאלו שרוצים לשמוע. החתונה המדוברת היא של הבן של חברים קרובים מאוד, אנחנו מלווים אותם בימים הסיוטיים  שעוברים עליהם. ואט אט מתגלים עוד פרטים מחרידים.
1. המשפחה נסתה  לברר אצל כל המוזמנים מי הביא את התמונות הללו... פשוט חידה. לא מוצאים.
2. מי חילק את הנשקים? לחברה אין נשקים! כמו כן, הנשקים נעלמו מיד אחרי שתי הדקות של השיר.
3. מי צילם את הסרטון? הצלם היה במקום אחר. בבירור עם בעלי האולם, אנשי השב"כ הגיעו מספר שעות לפני כן, והתקינו מצלמות בכל רחבי האולם! לאחר החתונה, הגיעו ולקחו אותם.
בקיצור, מתברר לדאבוננו, שמישהו ארגן ויזם את כל זה מראש. חילק נשקים ותמונות ואף באופו מזעזע דקר את תמונות הילד מול המצלמה.  חשוב לדעת את האמת, כמה שהיא כואבת. והכל משמיעה וליווי אישי של המשפחה, ולא משמעות.
4. בשיחה עם מאבטח האירוע- לחתונה הזו הגיעו מאות שוטרים סמויים... בלבוש אזרחי. שהציגו לו תעודת שוטר.
5. לא החתן ולא המשפחה שלו או של הכלה, מכירים את מי שרקד עם התמונה......


Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.