Wednesday, November 26, 2014

כנסי' מועצת גדולי התורה במריינבד בעברית The Knessiah Gedolah of Marienbad. Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah discussion re: A Jewish State: YES or NO? Yes for Jewish State!


TO: לכבוד
MK Israel Eichler, 
MK Menachem Eliezer Mozes, 
MK Moshe Gafni
MK Uri Maklev
MKYaakov Litzman
MK Avraham Michaeli
MK Eli Yishai
MK Meshulam Nahari
MK Nissim Zeev
MK Yaakov Margi
MK Yitzhak Vaknin
Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky
Rav Shlomo Kook
Avi Shafran, Agudath Israel of America
Chaim Dovid Zweibel, Agudah Israel of America - Executive Vice President
Yehiel Kalish, Agudath Israel of America
Shlomo Werdiger, Agudath Israel of America

7 files in Marienbad folder: לפתח
From the Journal HaPardes edited by Rabbi Shmuel Aharon HaLevi Pardes, Chicago, describing the Third Knessiah Gedolah in Marienbad

files:  בעברית Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah in Marienbad in 1937 
כנסי' הגדולה מועצת גדולי התורה במריינבד

Pardessep1937.pdf Journal HaPerdes (Volume 11 issue 6, September 1937) 
       Pages 1-31, Page 8 has resolution of Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah 
Pardesoct1937.pdf Journal HaPardes (Volume 11 issue 7, October 1937 Pages 4-15
Thank you Raanan Isseroff for sending.

Also see Mishpacha Magazine Issue 179 5 Cheshvan 5768 October 17, 2007 page 26

...The text of the resolution of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah contains the statements:  "The foundation of the Jewish people's right to the Holy Land is based on the Torah and the prophets.... A Jewish State not based on the principles of Torah is a denial of Jewish origin, is opposed to the identity and to the true stature of our people, and undermines the basis of existence of our people...Any relinquishment of the Holy Land given to the Jewish people by G-d has no validity" (HaPardes, 11:6) See page 8

Dear Knesset Members: 

Now is the time to once again reaffirm Torah and the Prophets that Har Habayit is the foundation of Eretz Yisroel and that Judea and Samaria is the Biblical Heartland.  Whether or not Jews should ascend Har HaBayit is a side issue.  
The Arabs are addressing the very core of our belief system and we must respond in kind and not be afraid.  

In 2007, Rav Eliashiv encouraged Rav Perlow to speak out for Jerusalem.   Sunday, December 23, 2007 
...I blogged, this past Thanksgiving, at the Agudah Convention in Stamford Connecticut, on Motzei Shabbos,  the theme was an Undivided Jerusalem.  Rav Perlow, the Noveminsker, the Rosh Agudath Yisroel spoke.  He said that he actually took a plane recently to Eretz Yisroel for the sole purpose of speaking to Rav  Eliashiv and Rav Shteinman regarding this matter.  Rav Eliashiv said clearly that he is against giving away parts of Yerushalyim. Rav Shteinman also agreed.  Rav Eliashiv told Rav Perlow that he can say so publicly in his name and with full strength (Bechol Hatokef).  Rav Eliashiv said "Will we have to ask permission of the Yishmaelim to daven at the Kosel?"  Rav Perlow asked the audience regarding the Gov't of Israel "Can we trust them with Security???" 

Thursday, May 17, 2012 Imploring the Haredi Rabbanim to speak out.  Rabbi Algaze, Rabbi Tokayer...
Asifa Moetzet Gedolei HaTorah at Marianbad 1937 - Horaas Shaah, Asifa Citi Field and Yom Yerushalyim - Vehaya Machanecha Kadosh..

The Lubavitcher Rebbe as well attached great importance to this resolution and for speaking out. More on the Great Assembly at Marienbad 1937 from "When Silence Is a Sin.


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

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