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Showing posts sorted by date for query Vezacharti. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Sunday, July 08, 2012

Dear Friends of Hebron and the Shomron! Beware of making a Covenant with the inhabitants of the Land and giving them a foothold! Zocher Habrit! Remember the Shabbat


Please read about this recent meeting called by Sheikh Farid Al -Jabari of Hebron!  Four years ago, Jabari had prevented Palestinians and anarchists from destroying the Hazon David synagogue, a small outpost on the edge of Hebron. True we owe him a debt of gratitude for saving the shul.  But how steep a price?  We must not remain silent when he declares Hebron and Tel Aviv belongs to the Muslin World given to them by G-d! 

 Sheikh Farid al-Jabari of Hebron meets with Noam Arnon,  Dovid Wilder, spokesmen of Hebron and Gershon Mesika and David HaIvri of the Shomron Liason Council, among others, whom Jabari hosted in an unusual gathering of Palestinians, settlers and conservative European parliamentarians on Thursday afternoon July 5,2012 in his large tent, set back from the road in the South Hebron Hills.and said

..."There won't be two states," he said, as he looked out at the surrounding hills through an open flap in the tent. It is not possible, because Islam does not allow its followers to relinquish land, he said.

"In our religion, Tel Aviv is like Hebron," he said.  The land belongs to God and the entire Muslim world, he said.

Uh Oh!  Did the Jews who attended this meeting reply with the first Rashi of Breishit? Did they loudly proclaim that the Land belongs to G-d and He gives it the Jewish People on condition that we keep the Commandments? We demonstrate such with our obligation to keep the Mitzvah Shemittah.  

Will Jabari and his people keep Shemittah? Not Relevant You Say??  

The Torah is always relevant!

Shabbat Haaretz like the day Shabbat is only meant for Zera Yaakov, the seed of Yaakov, as we say in the Sabbath Shacharit prayer "And Hashem our G-d did not give the Sabbath to the nations of the lands, nor did Our King make it the inheritance of worshipers of idols, and also the uncircumcised will not be sheltered in its rest.  For Your People Israel, G-d has given it with love, to the seed of Yaakov, whom You have chosen, the people that sanctifies the Shvii the Seventh, all of them will be satisfied and will be delighted from Your goodness, and the Shvil, the seventh, You were pleased with it and sanctified it, most coveted days, You called it, a remembrance of the act of Creation.  

These words apply to Shabbat Haaretz and not only the day Shabbat as it says in Sefer VaYikra, Parashat Behar, Perek 26, Pasuk 2, the Torah tells us "Et Shabtotai Tishmoru UMikdashi Tirau." You should keep my Shabbats (in the plural). 

Holiness, Sanctity is connected with the number 7.  The Sabbath.  The Military camp must be Holy as well.  Sanctification, Kedusha, means that there is a unique and special relationship whereby others are excluded.  Kiddushin, a marriage between man and his wife excludes all others. The Holy Temple was surrounded with guards.  Shomrim.  There was no trespassing of the designated camps of Israelites, Levites and Kohanim at the risk of death.  The Priest and Levites were commanded to do guard duty day and night.  The closer one got to the Holy of Holies, the greater the number of exclusions.

Shiekh Jabari is only  repeating the lie perpetuated by the UN, by Obama, by the EU and even by Jews like the ones funded  by NIF. .  We know that the truth is that The Land belongs to G-d and G-d has given the Promised Land to the Chosen People, the seed of Yaakov based on G-d's Covenant with Yaakov, Yitzchok and Avrahom.  G-d did not give the Land of Israel to the Muslims.  In Selichos we say Vayikra 26 Pasuk (42) "Vezacharti as Brisi Yaakov, Veaf as Brisi Yitzchok, Veaf es Brisi Avraham Ezkor, Vehaaretz Ezkor". I will remember My Covenant with Jacob and also My covenant with Isaac, and also My covenant with Abraham will I remember, and I will remember the Land. (43)The Land will be bereft of them; and it will be appeased for its sabbaticals having become desolate of them; and they must gain appeasement for their iniquity, because they were revolted by My ordinances and because their spirit rejected My decrees.

Our debate is as follows:  Is the Land of Israel first a Democracy and then Jewish or is first Jewish and then a Democracy?  Jabari wants it to be a Democracy first and then under this umbrella, let Jews and Muslims live in peace and harmony.  This aint gonna work!!!!!! Deuteronomy 7:1-2, When the Lord…casts out many nations before you…make no covenant with them and give them no foothold…

For the same reason we can not allow Arabs to have equal voting rights.  We can not allow Arabs to have guns in order to protect us.  

All Jews whether they reside in Israel or the Diaspora, whether they are Secular, Religious or Chareidi must share the duties and honor of protecting the Land of Israel.  In so doing, it must be a HOLY CAMP i.e. a HOLY Military Camp! How will drafting non Jews contribute to the Holiness of Israel's Military camp?  Those who have recently built a house or  planted a vinyard or betrothed a women and did not consecrate or is fainthearted are exempt. Otherwise it is an obligation especially in a Milchemet Mitzvah to be in the army. Surely we do not welcome any impostors who wish to do us harm.  


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Sunday, February 05, 2012

Jewish Press Exclusive - Likud Elections Exposed - fabricated results By: Jeremy Saltan


Ani Maamin BeHashem.  I believe in HaKadosh Baruch Hu! 

Dear Knesset Members, amv"sh

Calling for a Motion of No Confidence on Netanyahu and his Administration and to dissolve this leadership in Israel's Knesset

If I thought a recall election in Likud would be trustworthy I would suggest it.

  I don't.  They have betrayed the Jewish People too many times.

 If Likud purposefully fabricated the election results, it's clearly time to dismantle Likud, They have betrayed their members and voters big time!  They have been unfaithful to the Jewish People. They have lost credibility. Who will bring them to Justice???????

Time to create another party and vote for a new Gov't.

Here is a great name!  "Zocher Habrit". Remembering the Covenant. I would call upon all believers of all the parties to join

In Selichos we say Vayikra 26 Pasuk (42) "Vezacharti as Brisi Yaakov, Veaf as Brisi Yitzchok, Veaf es Brisi Avraham Ezkor, Vehaaretz Ezkor". I will remember My Covenant with Jacob and also My covenant with Isaac, and also My covenant with Abraham will I remember, and I will remember the Land. (43)The Land will be bereft of them; and it will be appeased for its sabbaticals having become desolate of them; and they must gain appeasement for their iniquity, because they were revolted by My ordinances and because their spirit rejected My decrees.  Please read 

Lichvod HaRav Eliashiv: re: testimony that will help stop destruction of Jewish homes in Judea and Samaria


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Lichvod HaRav Eliashiv: re: testimony that will help stop destruction of Jewish homes in Judea and Samaria


Lichvod Harav Eliashiv, shlita, amv"sh

Please see below article regarding Rav Shlomo Goren's statement against giving away parts of Eretz Yisroel to Arabs and his position to disobey orders from the IDF when they violate Torah law.

Lichvod HaRav Eliashiv and other esteemed Rabbanim on this list, amv"sh:

The nations of the world are accusing Am Yisroel of being occupiers. They claim Har Habayit, Hebron, Kever Rochel and Shchem as theirs and that we must end the "occupation". Davka, they pick the places which according to the Midrash were bought by our Jewish ancestors. They understand better than we do that when they choose these places they are in essence taking claim of the entire Eretz Yisroel and when we claim these places we are taking claim to our Biblical boundaries of Eretz Yisroel.  That is why they are incensed and angry when we dare challenge them when it comes to these holy places. When we fail to claim these Holy sites we submit to their tantrums and give in to their demands against the Divine will thereby nullifying the Covenant between Hashem and our forefathers Avraham, Yitzchok and Yaakov. In Parshath Nitzavim Hashem says Devarim 29 Pasuk 13 "Not with you alone do I seal this covenant and this curse, but with whoever is here standing with us today before Hashem, our G-d , and with whoever is not here with us today. " (that means us)

In Selichos we say Vayikra 26 Pasuk (42) "Vezacharti as Brisi Yaakov, Veaf as Brisi Yitzchok, Veaf es Brisi Avraham Ezkor, Vehaaretz Ezkor". I will remember My Covenant with Jacob and also My covenant with Isaac, and also My covenant with Abraham will I remember, and I will remember the Land. (43)The Land will be bereft of them; and it will be appeased for its sabbaticals having become desolate of them; and they must gain appeasement for their iniquity, because they were revolted by My ordinances and because their spirit rejected My decrees.

Settlers are woken up in the middle of the night and their homes and possessions including synagogues are demolished as per orders of the GOI  (Governement of Israel). How can this be allowed according to Torah law?  According to Torah, what is the status of Judea and Samaria? Clearly it is within the delineated borders of EY of Parshat Maasei. We would like Rav Eliashiv along with a Rabbinic army, Tzivos Hashem, to testify to that thereby saving homes now slated for destruction from being demolished and destroyed or even moved to a different location. Jewish soldiers may not throw their brethren from their homes.  Why must Jews call these parcels of Eretz Yisroel "disputed territories"?  According to Torah it is clear as day that these are not disputed and belong to the Nation of Israel and to the Nation of Israel exclusively as per the Divine Covenant with our forefathers Avrohom, Yitzchok and Yaakov. It is called the PROMISED LAND for precisely this reason!

 If peace and prosperity is to reign in the world it must be according to the Divine Roadmap.  If the settlers compromise it is not because they accept in principle the concept of "disputed territories".  It is because they are traumatized by a government that has lost its ideology and have forgotten the Torah. Let us unite to raise the banner of Torah throughout the world and create a Kiddush Hashem!

Even if the Nations will tantrum at these truths, it is critical testimony that when affirmed by the majority of Jews living throughout the world.  It will  save Jewish homes from destruction in Judea and Samaria and in homes in low lying areas from rocket attacks. It will stem the Islamic fundamentalism that has overtaken Europe and much of the world and is now threatening United States and Canada. The leadership of the Palestinians have transplanted themselves in America because they were left unchecked. (CAIR). Is it any wonder that anti-Semitism is on the rise?

 If one with the credentials of a Gadol Hador BeTorah UMitzvoth refuses to testify this given, aren't they chayav beDinei Shamayim? Also Har Habayit under the Waqf is used as a soccer field. Doesn't the Torah say Es Mikdashi Tiraoo. Given all the Mitzvoth that require davka HaMokom Asher Yivchar Hashem, how can we allow this continued bizayon and Chillul Hashem on Har Habayit? 

The following comes from the post

 Shlomo Goren adamantly believed that IDF soldiers should uphold the Torah law. Accordingly, he profoundly opposed the 1993 Oslo Peace Accords.  Believing in the redemption of Israel, he did not want any land in Eretz Yisrael to be illegally yielded and ceded to Israel’s arch-enemies. 
As he clearly said below, “an order to uproot settlements” was “contrary to Torah law.” Thus, he instructed IDF soldiers not to comply with such orders, which violated the Halacha. As he further said, “settling the land is a commandment, and uprooting the settlements is breaking the commandment.”
"It is clear that according to Halacha, a soldier who receives an order that runs contrary to Torah law should uphold the Halacha, and not the secular order. And since settling the land is a commandment, and uprooting the settlements is breaking the commandment, the soldier should not carry out an order to uproot settlements.” . . .  – Rabbi Shlomo Goren’s quote published in Hatzofeh National Religious Party newspaper on 12/19/93. (Source of quote:
Indeed, the clandestine illegal so-called Oslo “peace process” made with Arafat’s PLO Palestinian “terrorists” has admittedly been a “mistake”  an enormous mistakefor the State of Israel’s sovereignty and all Jewish People worldwide.  If Rabbi Goren could see what “violators of the covenant,” “traitors” to Jewish people, and “conspirators” with Israel’s arch-enemies have done to “holy” Eretz Yisrael after his death in 1994, no doubt, he would stay rolled over in his grave. It would be better for him to wait for a resurrection at the coming of the Mashiach into a better World to Come (Olam Haba) with a New Holy City of Jerusalem, than to weep with eternal sorrow in his heart over precious “holy” land relinquished to Palestinian “terrorists. (Read Post Summaries on right side of this web page regarding the illegal Oslo Peace Accords Suffocation of Legal/Political Rights to Judea/Samaria; Shimone Peres’ lifted up heel against Israel; the 1920 San Remo Resolution; and the Oslo Peace Accords betrayal of Ben-Gurion’s speech.)
Shlomo Goren served as a Chief Rabbi of Israel; a Chief Judge of the Supreme Rabbinical Court of Appeals; and a Chief Rabbi and Rabbinical Court Presiding Judge of Tel Aviv.  He was also the President (Nasi) sponsor of Yeshiva Har Bracha headed by Rabbi Eliezer Melamed (a well known author on Jewish Law).
According to interesting reports, Rabbi Goren and Rabbi Getz (the Chief Rabbi of the Western Wall and holy places in Israel) also searched for the Ark of the Covenant under the Temple Mount.  In June of 2011, the Israel Postal Co. issued a stamp honoring Rabbi Shlomo Goren – a remarkable Orthodox Torah observant Religious Zionist. (See stamp on top left side of this web page.)
ISRAEL HAS THE GREATEST MILITARY POWER ON EARTH BY THE SUPERNATURAL FINGER OF GOD!  It is time to tap into this supernaturalpower, once again, by upholding the sacred Torah Law of Moshe like the spiritual Orthodox Zionist Major-General Rabbi Goren did in the IDF.
There are no short-cuts to the ancient Holy God of Israel. Since the days of Moshe, God has always required that the Children of Israel fear (reverence) Him; walk in all His ways (according to applicable Torah law commandments, statutes, and judgments); love Him; and serve Him with all their heart and soul. (Deut. 10:12)  Without observance of the Torah, the supernatural power of God cannot manifest to God’s Chosen People, whom He created for His praise and glory on earth.
Indeed, God established a “holy people” from the House of Jacob/Israel so “all people of the earth” would see they are “called by the name of the Lord” (YHVH) – and would be “afraid” of Israel. (Deut. 28:9,10) That’s exactly what happened in the 6-Day War.This war was won by the supernatural finger of God,” “fear of God,” and “fear of the Jews.”
An article of eyewitness accounts and reports of “miracles” published in Arutz Sheva 7 (5/14/07) regarding the 6-Day War is discussed below, in part. The article is titled: “Miracles in the 6-Day War: Eyewitness Accounts”:
·         IDF surprises brought the “fear of God” and “fear of the Jews” upon the Arabs:
"The Arabs were surprisedthe fear of the Jews fell upon them. In Hevron, and in Shechem, in Jenin and in Jericho the Arabs were heavily armed. There was not even one small Arab village without arms. With great haste, the Arabs, however, hid their weapons and didn't consider using them. They raised their hands up, and flew white flags of surrender from every edifice. The fear of G-d fell upon hundreds of thousands of proud Arabs, who were filled with hatred and loathing for Israel. Only yesterday, they had sworn to fight until their last drop of blood."
·         A dumbfounded German journalist’s summary of the 6-Day War:
Nothing like this has happened in history. A force including a 1000 tanks, hundreds of artillery cannons, many rockets and fighter jets, and a hundred thousand soldiers armed from head to toe was destroyed in two days in an area covering hundreds of kilometers filled with reinforced outposts and installations. And this victory was carried out by a force that lost many soldiers and much equipment, positions, and vehicles. No military logic or natural cause can explain this monumental occurrence.”
·         Ezer Weizmann’s profound words about mysteries in the 6-Day War:
Major-General and IDF Director of Operations in the 6-Day War, Ezer Weizmann (who was later elected President of the State of Israel), was asked by a fallen pilot’s father to explain the following mystery:  How could the Israel Air Force fly planes for three hours “from one Egyptian airstrip to another destroying the enemy planes,” without Egyptians warning their forces via radio of oncoming Israeli attacks? After some silence, Mr. Weizmann responded to the father’s question with these profound words: “The finger of G-d.”  
·         Haaretz Newspaper’s admission of supernatural “help from heaven” in the 6-Day War:
By its own admission, the secular Haaretz Newspaper acknowledged Israel’ssupernatural victory as follows:
 “Even a non-religious person must admit this war was fought with help from heaven.” 
(As referenced in the Arutz Sheva 7 article above,
eye witness accounts and reports were obtained from HaTekufa HaGedola,
Rabbi Menachem Kasher, Chap. Sichu B’chol Niflaotav, pp. 445, 446, 452 (2000 ed.)

Like God’s Divine complete number 7, Rabbi Goren left a spiritual legacy of 7 Torah observant protégés with Makabim spirits of righteousness according to God’s will. Indeed, this writer believes our journey in life is Divinely predestined, and not by chance. Surely, such 7 Children/Sons of Light protégés will carry on Goren’s spiritual legacy in these End Times of Good vs. Evil, which our generations are witnessing before our eyes.(See “Mobilizing Children/Sons of Light” link on the bottom left side of this web page.)
          As reported on (1/1/10), Rabbi Goren’s 7 protégé ex-IDF rabbis of the air force, navy, and IDF Educational Division ruled that Halacha supersedes any military orders that contradict Jewish Law (including the Torah law). These 7 rabbis are members of the LAHAV organization – an acronym “TO STRENGTHEN JUDAISM IN THE IDF.”
BARAK’S ORDERS TO EVACUATE JUDEA/SAMARIA STRONGLY REBUKED BY THE 7 RABBIS:  In a strong letter of rebuke, the 7 rabbis informed Defense Minister Ehud Barak to “stop the “incitement” against Hesder yeshivas, and to reinstate Har Bracha expelled from the Hesder framework. Hesder yeshivas give religious Jewish soldiers the opportunity to participate in the IDF, and also study the Torah. Barak expelled Har Brachafrom the Hesder framework after head Rabbi Eliezer Melamed (mentioned above) gave his full support to IDF soldiers for “refusing orders” to evacuate Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria.”
            The letter to Barak signed by the 7 Rabbis Yosef Harel, Meir Keller, Yosef Wasserman, Yechiel Farber, Shlomo Garbarchik, Abshlalom Katzir, and Pini Isaac (LAHAV’s chairman), further made it crystal clear to him by saying:  “As protégés of former Chief IDF Rabbi Shlomo Goren… there are clear directives with regard to orders that contradict Halacha” as follows:
  “If the soldier is convinced that the order contradicts Halacha, he is not to carry out the order.”
These 7 rabbis also made it crystal clear to Barak that “protection for religious soldiers from being coerced into carrying out acts that contradict their religious beliefs was built into the IDF’s military codes.” They also cited the book “Piskei Hilchot Tzava” (Halachic Rulings of the Army) written by Shlomo Goren with a Chief-of-Staff’s emblem on it. These rabbis also demanded that Barak “stop transgressing” “explicit” IDF “written directives” as follows:
“We demand that the defense establishment and those who stand at its head follow directives enshrined as law in IDF regulations. We call on them to stop transgressing these explicit, written directives, which have governed the IDF since it was first established and which enabled religious soldiers to adhere to commandments while serving.”
It is time for a Torah observant Prime Minister with a Makabim righteous spirit to lead the State of Israel.
It is time for all military leaders in the IDF to uphold the sacred Torah Law of Moshe like the Orthodox Zionist Major-General Rabbi Goren did before his death in 1994; or they shouldn’t lead the IDF.
It is time that non-religious leftists/atheists “violators of the covenant”; “traitors” to the State of Israel and Jewish People worldwide; and “conspirators” with Israel’s arch-enemies seeking to divide and destroy Eretz Yisrael from without and within  – be voted out of the Knesset and/or removed from office in loathsome shame. This includes all those seeking to illegally divide, relinquish, and destroy the “Holy” City of Jerusalem today. Without any legal authority or power to do so (pursuant to the 1922 “Mandate for Palestine” and under international law discussed in article posts on this Web Blog), they have already illegally made the enormous “mistake” of yielding and ceding precious “holy” land in Judea/Samaria/Gaza/Hebron to a "foreign power." Eretz Yisrael belongs to our Jewish People forever – not to Ishmaelite/Arab PLO/PA Palestinian “terrorists”! ENOUGH!
Finally, it is time for the “remnant of Jacob” to rise up like a “great lion” among all the heathen Gentile nations seeking to divide and destroy Israel. May the supernaturalfinger of God,” “fear of God,” and “fear of the Jews” manifest again in many ways – like it did in the 6-Day War of “miracles.” So be it!

 (Source of Lion of Judah medal image: Design by Elizabeth Weistrop
was obtained from Ira & Larry Goldberg Auctioneers)

“The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion.” (Prov. 28:1)
“And the remnant of Jacob shall be among the Gentiles in the midst of many people as a lion among the beasts of the forest, as a young lion among the flocks of the sheep: who, if he go through, both treadeth down, and teareth in pieces, and none can deliver. Thine hand shall be lifted up upon thine adversaries, and all thine enemies shall be cut off.” (Micah 5:8,9)
“God brought him [Israel] forth out of Egypt; he hath as it were the strength of an unicorn: he shall eat up the nations his enemies, and shall break their bones, and pierce them through with his arrows. He couched, he lay down as a lion, and as a great lion: who shall stir him up? Blessed is he that blesseth thee [Israel], and cursed is he that curseth thee.” – Balaam’s blessings upon Israel (Num. 24:8,9)

Posted by Larissa Zagorsky-Beaudoin
Blog writer/author info below:
Larissa Zagorsky-Beaudoin
Maysville, GA (USA)          
(A Jewish daughter of parents who survived Dachau and Siberia concentration camps; Activist voice against all anti-Semitism (whether in the religious or secular world); Author of two books titled: "Breaking the Chains of Christian Anti-Semitism and a Goebbels' Big Enough Lie . . . Linked to the SDA Church's Hidden Holocaust Closets"; and "God is Light, Light is Energy, Energy is Power")


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Aish Chanukah film. Will Aish be the Macabeem of Today?


On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 2:25 PM, <> wrote:

Watch this inspiring, short Chanukah film.

My comment:

Truly inspiring but what is Aish doing to be the Macabeem of Today?

Does Aish speak out for our entitlement of Eretz Yisroel and against the formation of a Palestinian State.

Can't we see a clear connection, cause and effect, between Israel giving away our Land,  and releasing terrorists to our enemies in the name of "peace"  and precisely all the tragic scenes in your short inspiring Chanukah film?

 If we go with happenstance (keri) with Hashem then He will go with happenstance with us.

 Ait Laasot LaHashem Hefeiru Toratecha.  

Will AISH proudly SPEAK OUT for our Covenant?  If we remain silent at Annapolis resolutions or UN resolutions of today or since 2002 when there is discussion of a Roadmap that contradicts the Torah Roadmap, won't that be interpreted  by the world that we are rejecting our birthright c"v?

Biblical References:

Vayikra 26 Pasuk (42) "Vezacharti as Brisi Yaakov, Veaf as Brisi Yitzchok, Veaf es Brisi Avraham Ezkor, Vehaaretz Ezkor". I will remember My Covenant with Jacob and also My covenant with Isaac, and also My covenant with Abraham will I remember, and I will remember the Land. (43)The Land will be bereft of them; and it will be appeased for its sabbaticals having become desolate of them; and they must gain appeasement for their iniquity, because they were revolted by My ordinances and because their spirit rejected My decrees.

When we agree to give away Judea and Samaria we also forego any possibility of observing the Shemittah or the rest of the commandments dependant on the Land. Are we only too willing to part with our Land thinking that we are then released from our burdens (Ol Mitzvoth)?  Is our burning desire to be like all other Nations, our new religion? Where is the cry "THIS IS OUR LAND"?

The Covenant of Yaakov is in Breishis Perek 28 Pasukim 13-16. The Covenant to Yitzchok is Breishis Perek 26 Pesukim 2-6. The Covenant with Avraham is Breishis Perek 15 Pesukim 18-21.

The Covenants and promises to the forefathers share three points. 1. Land is promised to them and to their children afterwords 2. The Nations of the world are blessed through them and 3. the children must keep the commandments in order to be worthy of the Land.

Why do we tolerate headlines reading "Hebron Rioters Inspired by Radical Settler Leaders".  Settlers are depicted as unlawful, occupiers and stealing Arab property, radical.  Did Aish come to the defense of the Hebron community, expressing our entitlement for Beit Hashalom, or did Aish comment with disgust at the cruel illegal destruction of the Federman and Tor homes, or did AISH even know about the illegal prosecution and imprisonment of residents of the hilltop settlements such as Asael whose only crime is self defense?

The Torah in Nitzavim Perek 29 Pasuk 23 says And all the nations will say, "For what reason did Hashem do so to this Land; why this wrathfulness of great anger?" (24)And they will say, "Because they forsook the Covenant of Hashem, the G-d of their forefathers, that He sealed with them when He took them out of the Land of Egypt, and they went and served the gods of others and prostrated themselves to them, gods that they knew not and He did not apportion to them. So G-d's anger flared against that Land to bring upon the entire curse that is written in this Book; and Hashem removed them from upon their soil with anger, with wrath, and with fury and He cast them to another land as this very day! The hidden[sins] are for Hashem, our G-d but the revealed [sins] are for us and our children forever, to carry out all the words of this Torah.specifically,

Thursday, September 06, 2007

In response to Berel Wein's articles "Disappointment" and "Pruzbul"

Sent to the Jerusalem Post.
Re:  Disappointment by Rabbi Berel Wein
Rabbi Berel Wein talks about Disappointment and I am very disappointed in Berel Wein. I liked the first 2 paragraphs of this essay. Yishayahu and Yirmiyahu are correct to be disappointed in Am Yisroel.  Yes I do expect more from Rabbi Wein and from Am Yisroel.  We can do much better and in fact in we don't get down to business, I fear we are in big trouble.  Berel Wein talks about our disappointment in the Zionist State.  Is he excusing his own unwillingness to claim Eretz Yisroel as his rightful heritage.  Zionism with the formation of the State of Israel has its failings but in fairness, did Torah Jewry at the time claim Eretz Yisroel.   Is Berel Wein not addressing and/or excusing our own unwillingness to observe the Mitzvot at face value.  Hasn't Berel Wein instead lowered his expectations from Hashem in delivering His promises if we keep the Mitzvoth and fails to accept any responsibility on the part of Rabbinic Leadership as per how Am Yisroel has properly been keeping Mitzvoth.  Let Rabbi Wein ask himself how is it possible to keep the Mitzvoth in Chumash Devarim which are primarily Mitzvoth that we are to observe in Eretz Yisroel if the mainstream Rabbanim have not even publicly declared that Eretz Yisroel is our rightful Heritage.  Rabbi Wein may answer as other Rabbinic Leaders, that if we do not have the Land then we are excused from keeping the Mitzvoth dependant on the Land.  If this is the case, should we allow our right hand  to be cut off so that we be excused from keeping tefillin. Let's say, our right hand is sick.  Should we attempt to amputate it or cure it?   How can we function properly without a right hand? No wonder Zionism was such a failure.  The majority of Shomrei Torah and Mitzvoth do not even think that Eretz Yisroel is necessary to keep the Torah.  2000 years of Galus has shown that we can properly keep Torah without Eretz Yisroel.  Ki Mitzion Tezei Torah!  Why isn't Torath Eretz Yisroel coming from Rabbi Berel Wein?  There is no outcry from the majority of mainstream Rabbinic Leaders when Bush talks about a 2 State Solution.  Only the Evangelical Christians like John Hagee quotes from Chumash Breishis and the Covenant Hashem makes with Avraham.  What is Rabbi Wein and the other Rabbinic Leaders thinking when they says in Selichos  Vayikra 26 Pasuk (42) "Vezacharti as Brisi Yaakov, Veaf as Brisi Yitzchok, Veaf es Brisi Avraham Ezkor, Vehaaretz Ezkor".  Please visit
 One can and should have great expectations from Hashem.  However, if we fail to keep our end of the bargain then Hashem doesn't keep His.   If we find that we have indeed kept all the Mitzvoth as the Torah requires then we can say that these times are Yesurim shel Ahava.  However, if we are honest, then we will clearly see that we need to raise the level of our observance and surely Hashem will raise His level of blessings.  Any other conclusions regarding the Zionist State as being disappointing is only because we fail to look inward at our own observances and find them disappointing.    It is no surprise that Rabbi Wein finds that Hillel's institution of Pruzbul as having many positive results. See It seems to me quite clear that Rabbi Wein is not connecting the dots.  Keeping Shmita properly brings security in the Land.
Rabbi Wein does not seem to see any connection between the bombardment of Sederot with the abandonment of Gush Katif.  The Abandonment of Gush Katif was clearly because Am Yisroel did not cry out against it and allowed it to happen.  Did Rabbi Wein and the mainstream Rabbanim in Eretz Yisroel (the  Gedoilim) or in America (e.g. Agudath Yisroel of America, the OU etc) at any point speak out against the destruction of beautiful communities and their means of Parnassa? Did they carefully examine the observance of Shmita and the other Mitzvoth teluyot Baaretz in Gush Katif? Doesn't Hashem promise that if we observe the Mitzva of Shmita properly than we will live securely in our Land.  Anita Tucker told me that she had in fact wish to let the Land fallow.  However, the Badatz Hashgacha begged her to follow their direction as per keeping Shmita so that they wouldn't have to do business with the Arabs.  Did it occur to Rabbi Wein that perhaps the Rabbinic dispensation were not sufficiently good enough for Hashem?  Maybe Hashem said what He meant and meant what He said.   Apparently, Hashem is not happy with how we keep or rather how we are not keeping Shmita properly.  Tosfos you mention says that indeed Shmitta was never kept properly.  However, do you really think Hashem wishes to curse us?  Lo Bashamayim hi and the Mitzvoth are in our reach to do them.  We need the desire and longing. Let's for a moment suppose that it is not sufficient for us to rely on Rabbinic dispensations such as Pruzbul. People release their loans.  People need not pay back their debts.  Okay it would cause chaos.  However, Katrina and the War in Lebanon did not result in Chaos? Let's our imagination run a bit wild.   How about a nuclear attack on Washington DC or a Hurricane in NYC.   CHAOS!  Two small planes caused chaos on 9/11. Maybe Hashem wants us to experience a bit of Chaos and if not will force us in a situation where we are forced to share our resources.  Perhaps Pruzbul gives us the illusion that we are observing Shmita properly just like the security wall gives the residents the illusion that they are protected.  In fact quite the opposite is true.  The terrorists can throw over the wall or dig under the wall and when you try to catch them, the wall is blocking you from seeing where they are..   This was the advice an army general told the residents of Efrat when the intifada began. He advised them not to build a wall.  However as soon as the general became involved in politics, pleasing the public was more important than actual security. He then agreed to building the wall because it gave the public the illusion of security and thereby satisfied their need to feel secure as opposed to actually being secure.  If you wish to know the name of this general please contact Yossi Baumol that lives in Efrat.
So does Berel Wein want  the people to have the illusion that they are keeping Mitzvoth properly or does he really want to keep Mitzvoth properly?  Does he simply want to be a historian of all of history's failures and repeat them or does he want to make history by truly living Torah and Life and learning from History's mistakes.

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Thursday, October 06, 2005

Al Na Tastir Paneicha Mimeni, Beyom Tzar Li


This was the song sung by the people of Gush Katif as the expulsion was taking place in Neve Dekalim. The people gathered in the Shul and parts of the service from Yom Kippur davening were recited by the Rav. There was the declaration of Shma Yisroel and Hashem Hu Haelokim seven times. This service was then followed by the Bracha of a mourner, Baruch Dayan Haemes. This was followed by Kria (the tearing of the garment of a mourner). After Kria there was a heartrending painful crying out to Hashem not to hide His face - Al Na Tastir Paneicha Mimeni, Beyom Tzar Li - Please don't conceal Your Face on the day of my suffering!

In Parshat Vayelech it describes a painfully similar scenario. In Devarim Perek 31 Pasukim 17-18 it says "My anger will flare against it on that day and I will forsake them; and I will conceal My face from them and they will become prey, and many evils and distresses will encounter it. It will say on that day 'Is it not because my G-d is not in my midst that these evils have come upon me?' But I will surely have concealed My face on that day because of all the evil that it did, for it had turned to gods of others.

In the Stone Chumash commentary it says "These two verses begin with G-d's wrath and the concealment of His countenance because of Israel's sins. Then, after Israel acknowledges that its suffering was caused because G-d removed Himself from their midst - which would seem to be the sort of repentance that should inspire G-d's mercy - strangely, G-d says again that He will conceal Himself from them. In fact Rashi (Isaiah 8:17) says that this is the harshest of all prophecies; it is softened only by verse 21, which promises that, no matter what, the Torah will not be forgotten by Israel.

The question remains however: Why will G-d continue to conceal Himself after Israel has repented? Ramban explains that Israel's declaration of verse 17 falls short of genuine repentance, because even though they acknowledge their guilt, they are not ready to confess and repent wholeheartedly. Nevertheless, G-d will respond favorably, because verse 18 does not speak of new suffering; however, He will conceal Himself in the sense that He will not reveal the impending redemption, and Israel will have to have strong faith that G-d will never reject them entirely (see Leviticus 26:44) The complete redemption must await confession and complete repentance, as in 30:2.

On Rosh Hashana in shul we said in the Zichronos Vayikra 26 Pasuk (42) "Vezacharti as Brisi Yaakov, Veaf as Brisi Yitzchok, Veaf es Brisi Avraham Ezkor, Vehaaretz Ezkor". I will remember My Covenant with Jacob and also My covenant with Isaac, and also My Covenant with Abraham will I remember, and I will remember the Land. "

If you look in the Chumash in Vayikra following this Pasuk it says:
(43)The Land will be bereft of them; and it will be appeased for its sabbaticals having become desolate of them; and they must gain appeasement for their iniquity, because they were revolted by My ordinances and because their spirit rejected My decrees.

What was the covenant promised individually to each of our Forefathers? The Covenant of Yaakov is in Breishis Perek 28 Pasukim 13-16.

"And behold! Hashem was standing over him, and He said, "I am Hashem, G-d of Abraham your father and G-d of Isaac; the ground upon which you are lying, to you will I give it and to your descendants. Your offspring shall be as the dust of the earth, and you shall spread out powerfully westward, eastward, northward and southward; and all the families of the earth shall bless themselves by you and by your offspring. Behold. I am with you; I will guard you wherever you go, and I will return you to this soil; for I will not forsake you until I will have done what I have spoken about you."

The Covenant to Yitzchok is Breishis Perek 26 Pesukim 2-6.

"Hashem appeared to him and said, "Do not descend to Egypt; dwell in the land that I shall indicate to you. Sojourn in this land I will be with you and bless you; for to you and your offspring will I give all these lands, and establish the oath that I swore to Abraham your father; I will increase your offspring like the stars of the heavens; and will give to your offspring all these lands; and all the nations of the earth shall bless themselves by your offspring. Because Abraham obeyed My voice, and observed My safeguards, My commandments, My decrees, and my Torahs.

The Covenant with Avraham is Breishis Perek 15 Pesukim 18-21.

On that day Hashem made a covenant with Abram saying; "To your descendants have I given this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates River, the Kennite, the Kenizzite, and the Kadmonite, the Hittite, the Perizzite, and the Rephaim; the Amorite, the Cananite, the Girgashite and the Jebusite"

Then again in Parshas Lech Lecha before Hashem commands Avraham and his household to do Bris Mila (circumcision) Hashem says Perek 17, Pasuk 2 "I will set My covenant between Me and you and I will increase you most exceedingly". After Hashem changes Avrams name to Avraham He says Pasuk 7 "I will ratify My covenant between Me and you and between your offspring after you, throughout their generations, as an everlasting covenant, to be a G-d to you and to your offspring after you, and I will give to you and to your offspring after you the land of your sojourns - the whole of the land of Canaan -as an everlasting possession; and I shall be a G-d to them." Then Hashem describes the covenant that Avraham should keep - the Bris Milah. Pasuk 13 "Thus, My covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant."

In Parshas Vayera when Hashem decides to inform Avraham of his decision to wipe out Sodom and Gomorrah, Perek 18 Pasuk 18 "And Hashem said, 'Shall I conceal from Abraham what I do, now that Abraham is surely to become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall bless themselves by him? For I have loved him, because he commands his children and the household after him that they keep the way of Hashem, doing charity and justice, in order that Hashem might then bring upon Abraham that which He had spoken of him."

Following the Akeida in Breishis 22 Pasuk 15 it says "The angel of Hashem called to Abraham, a second time from heaven. And he said, "By Myself I swear - the word of Hashem - that because you have done this thing, and have not withheld your son, your only one, that I shall surely bless you and greatly increase your offspring like the stars of the heavens and like the sand on the seashore; and your offspring shall inherit the gate of its enemy. And all the nations of the earth shall bless themselves by your offspring, because you have listened to My voice."

The Covenants and promises to the forefathers share some of the following points.
  1. Land is promised to them and to their children afterwards
  2. They will multiply as the dust or sand of the earth and as the stars
  3. The Nations of the world are blessed through them
  4. The children must keep the commandments in order to be worthy of the Land.

The Torah in Nitzavim Perek 29 Pasuk 23 says And all the nations will say, "For what reason did Hashem do so to this Land; why this wrathfulness of great anger?" (24)And they will say, "Because they forsook the Covenant of Hashem, the G-d of their forefathers, that He sealed with them when He took them out of the Land of Egypt, and they went and served the gods of others and prostrated themselves to them, gods that they knew not and He did not apportion to them. So G-d's anger flared against that Land to bring upon the entire curse that is written in this Book; and Hashem removed them from upon their soil with anger, with wrath, and with fury and He cast them to another land as this very day! The hidden[sins] are for Hashem, our G-d but the revealed [sins] are for us and our children forever, to carry out all the words of this Torah.

B"h we were not expelled by a foreign country. We were expelled in Gush Katif by our loving brothers. (Tears were flowing on both sides) We are not yet expelled out of our entire Land. We still have a chance of Teshuva. A chance to reclaim our Land. Let us delve into studying the Mitzvoth and may Hashem do as He promises at the end of this Parsha Perek 30 Pasukim 7-10
"Hashem, your G-d will place all these imprecations upon your enemies and those who hate you, who pursued you. You shall return and listen to the voice of Hashem, and perform all His commandments that I command you today. Hashem will make you abundant in all your handiwork - in the fruit of your womb, the fruit of your animals, and the fruit of your Land - for good, when Hashem will return to rejoice over you for good as He rejoiced over your forefathers, when you listen to the voice of Hashem your G-d, to observe His commandments and His decrees, that are written in this Book of the Torah, when you shall return to Hashem your G-d, with all your heart and all your soul.

The first step is to declare that Eretz Yisroel is promised as an inheritance to the seed of our forefathers. Let us lobby each and every Rav Chareidi, CHasidish, in Eretz Yisroel and in the Diaspora to proclaim the right of our inheritance. That must be a given. That is our Covenant. Without that given every other argument does not have a base to stand on. Was this done? This can be done. Lo Bashamayim Hi!

The second step is to emphasize that the Nations of the world will bless themselves through the Nation of Israel.

The third and most difficult step is to focus on the Mitzvoth such as Shemittah, Maaser Rishon , Maaser Sheni, Bikurim etc those Mitzvoth that are read during Hakhel (see blog on Hakhel).

May that day be eminent and may we all be zocheh to Moshiach speedily in our days.
Gmar Chasima Tova!

Sunday, September 25, 2005



I just came back from a Selichos Drasha in our shul given by Rav Fischel Shachter a well known speaker and Magid Shiur in Torah Vedaas. Among his many topics he touched upon the proclamation that the farmer makes at the end of the 3 year cycle that he has fullfilled the commandments of Maaser Rishon and Maaser Sheni and Maaser Ani as Hashem has commanded. Rav Schachter then brings the question why is this proclamation called Vidui Maaser? The Farmer talks about all the Mitzvos that he has fulfilled. Not his Aveiros. He answered that question by talking about the nose. He mentioned that Titus demise was through his nose. Why his nose? Apparently Titus, came into the Kodesh Kedashim and pierced the Paroches and blood spilled out. Titus then said, Now I am dead. Why did the blood spill out. Rav Schachter said that the blood is the lifeline of the human being. When a vein is cut and blood starts to leave the body externally then the person expires if the outflow of blood is not checked. As long as the blood stays within the body this is still a chance of life. When blood spilled out from the Paroches it was a sign that the Jews themselves were split by not caring for one another and not showing respect for one another. When Titus entered the Holy of Holies and performed this desecration he was demonstrating that there was no G-d in the picture. Up till that point he was simply a messenger of G-d doing G-d's will and perhaps there was still value to his life. Once he disengaged from G-d and put G-d out of the picture and took all the power to himself that was the beginning of his downfall. So why the nose. Rav Shachter says that the nose did not have any part in the Chait of the Aitz Haddaas. All the other senses did. The eyes, the ears, touch, the mouth all were part of the chait. Not the nose. This gives the nose extra spirituality and the power to be the one to act as the medium for Titus' downfall. What happened to Titus? He went by sea back to his country and there was a terrible storm. He was told by his crewmen that there was no chance of survival. He concluded that G-d of the Jews only had power over the water since the water was the medium that defeated Pharoh. Hashem then let him get to dry land. The smallest of insects went into his nose and that ultimately resulted in his death. His Gaava, conceit, which is reflected in the nose (the expression stuck up nose etc) was his downfall. Coming back to Vidui (Confession) Maaser we still have the question so what is the confession. Rav Shachter answers that the confession is that perhaps the farmer had a stuck up nose, a feeling of arrogance about his generosity for all his gifts to the Kohanim the Leviim and to the poor. In this declaration he proclaims his recognition that his wealth comes only from Hashem. The tables could turn on him in an instant and his success is because he kept these commandments carefully and not because of his own strength and power.

Tonight, I wore the T shirt Yehudi Lo Megaresh Yehudi. Is it still appropriate to wear it after the fact. I believe it is. Because as believing Jews we have to believe that the Sharon's gov't were messengers of G-d. G-d allowed it to happen. Yehudi lo Megaresh Yehudi Aval Hashem ken Megaresh Yehudi. But why did G-d disengage us? This is the question I am struggling with. I watched the video crying of the young girls and boys crying so bitterly "Al na Tastir Panecha, Beyom Tzar Li...". These young girls and boys for sure were not guilty of anything. Adam Yefashfesh Bemaasav.

Did we bring Bikurim, as a communal act, with rejoicing and with Simcha? Did we do Maaser Rishon and Maaser Sheni and Maaser Ani not only symbolically but as close as possible to the actual Mitzva given the reality that we have Richmana Litzlan no Beith Hamikdash. And did we say Vidui Maaser with the proper intent and with Simcha.

The Brachoth and the Kelaloth are contingent with the performance of Mitzvoth.

This concept is repeated in Parsha Kisavo again and again, Devarim Perek 26 Pesukim 16-19 and again Perek 28 Pasukim 45-47, again Pasuk 58, again Pasuk 62 and again Perek 29 Pasuk 8. Hashem must know how hard it would be for us to get the message.

In this weeks Parsha, Parshath Nitzavim Hashem says Devarim 29 Pasuk 13 "Not with you alone do I seal this covenant and this curse, but with whoever is here standing with us today before Hashem, our G-d , and with whoever is not here with us today. " (that means us)

Tonight in Selichos we said Vayikra 26 Pasuk (42) "Vezacharti as Brisi Yaakov, Veaf as Brisi Yitzchok, Veaf es Brisi Avraham Ezkor, Vehaaretz Ezkor". I will remember My Covenant with Jacob and also My covenant with Isaac, and also My covenant with Abraham will I remember, and I will remember the Land. (43)The Land will be bereft of them; and it will be appeased for its sabbaticals having become desolate of them; and they must gain appeasement for their iniquity, because they were revolted by My ordinances and because their spirit rejected My decrees.

What was the covenant promised individually to each of our Forefathers? The Covenant of Yaakov is in Breishis Perek 28 Pasukim 13-16. The Covenant to Yitzchok is Breishis Perek 26 Pesukim 2-6. The Covenant with Avraham is Breishis Perek 15 Pesukim 18-21. The Covenants and promises to the forefathers share three points. 1. Land is promised to them and to their children afterwards 2. The Nations of the world are blessed through them and 3. the children must keep the commandments in order to be worthy of the Land.

The Torah in Nitzavim Perek 29 Pasuk 23 says And all the nations will say, "For what reason did Hashem do so to this Land; why this wrathfulness of great anger?" (24)And they will say, "Because they forsook the Covenant of Hashem, the G-d of their forefathers, that He sealed with them when He took them out of the Land of Egypt, and they went and served the gods of others and prostrated themselves to them, gods that they knew not and He did not apportion to them. So G-d's anger flared against that Land to bring upon the entire curse that is written in this Book; and Hashem removed them from upon their soil with anger, with wrath, and with fury and He cast them to another land as this very day! The hidden[sins] are for Hashem, our G-d but the revealed [sins] are for us and our children forever, to carry out all the words of this Torah.

B"h we were expelled in Gush Katif by our loving brothers. (Tears were flowing on both sides) We are not yet expelled out of our entire Land. We still have a chance of Teshuva. A chance to reclaim our Land. Let us delve into studying the Mitzvoth and may Hashem do as He promises at the end of this Parsha Perek 30 Pasukim 7-10

"Hashem, your G-d will place all these imprecations upon your enemies and those who hate you, who pursued you. You shall return and listen to the voice of Hashem, and perform all His commandments that I command you today. Hashem will make you abundant in all your handiwork - in the fruit of your womb, the fruit of your animals, and the fruit of your Land - for good, when Hashem will return to rejoice over you for good as He rejoiced over your forefathers, when you listen to the voice of Hashem your G-d, to observe His commandments and His decrees, that are written in this Book of the Torah, when you shall return to Hashem your G-d, with all your heart and all your soul.

May that day be eminant and may we all be zocheh to Moshiach speedily in our days.

Shavua Tov!