Friday, March 02, 2012

re: Sunday Ministers’ Vote re: Magen David Adom in Yehuda and Shomron


To: Minister Dr. Jacob Neeman, 
Minister Prof. Daniel Herskowitz,
Minister Mr. Gideon Saar, 
Minister Mr. Yuli Edelstein,
Minister Mr. Gilad Erdan, 
Minister Mr. Moshe Cachlon, 
Minister Mr. Yosi Peled, 
Minister Mr. Israel Katz, 
Minister Dr. Yuval Steinitz, 
Minister Mr. Yitzhak Aharonivch, 
Minister Ms. Sofa Landver, 
Minister Mr. Stas Miseznikov, 
Minister Ms. Limor Livnat, 
Minister Mr. Meshulam Nahari, 
Minister Mr. Jacob Margi. 

Dear Madam and Sir, As a friend of Israel, I am writing to comment on the upcoming Sunday vote in Committee to pass the "Magen David Adom also in Judea and Samaria" bill.  

As a concerned individual, I will always stand by Israeli organizations' right and duty to combat any pressure to provide less or no medical services to the large Jewish community of Judea and Samaria.

I am sure that many feel the same way — people are people and all deserve medical care. 

How much more so if they are our brothers and sisters in Judea and Samaria..  Please do not abandon them!  We are ONE.  They protect us with their high ground and we must protect them. 


Robin Ticker
Brooklyn, NY

Preventing another Gush Katif expulsion in Judea and Samaria. A letter to Rabbanim and the Media and loyal activists


To Distinguished Rabbonim, Media people and to My Dear Brothers and Sisters, amv"sh

Over the past month or so, money has been shelled out by the Gush Katif Museum, placing ads and spots promoting the Gush Katif Museum Dinner at the Razag  Ballroom in Crown Heights.  Costs of the ads ranged from nothing (for those who gave free advertising) till $1,500 per full page colored ad. This ad campaign went on for 3-4 weeks in over 10, maybe even 15 print media advertising and radio spots.  Beautiful invitations, fliers and posters were printed and distributed and the very best speakers were booked in order to raise awareness and draw a large crowd for this fundraising event. There was a personal phone call attempt by Shmuel Koenig to contact each and every Rav in Flatbush and at least 60 Rabbanim took the call personally if not more and personal invitations were sent out either by email or with the postal service and even hand delivered.  Many of you had articles in your papers, interviews on your radio program and announcements in your shul raising awareness about the Gush Katif Museum.  Baruch Hashem, with Siata Dishmaya, the turnout was amazing!  Around 600 people came at short notice.  The speakers, Rabbi Yosef Jacobson, Glenn Beck, Congressman Lee Terry and Amabassador John Bolton spoke live at the Dinner.  We invited all the Rabbonim and Press to come even at a subsidized rate.  BeSiata Dishmaya, the Dinner was a major success, the food delicious and the message delivered loud and clear.   Our expectation was that the media would recognize this event as not merely another fundraising dinner, but as a news item.  

Holocaust Museums are not merely for the purpose of documenting tragedies. See attachment newsletter below from Toronto Zionist Council. Holocaust Museums are in order to prevent future tragedies..... So too with the Gush Katif Museum!  This museum was established in order to prevent another Tisha Baav tragedy in Judea and Samaria.

Expulsions ARE HAPPENING in Judea and Samaria.  The roads are not protected by the IDF.  The  hearing of the murderers of Asher Palmer and his son that took place on the roads is taking place within 2 weeks!  Chavat Gilad had another house burnt down by terrorists. Read personal appeal of Ilana.  See below for their stories.  Netzer is designated as Arab private land with no proof and Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katzover are arrested for planting trees on gov't land. Read and watch below how a group from Ranaana reclaim this land.   Magen David Adom will not service the Shomron leaving it up to the Shomron council to have to fund emergency treatment on their own, but ambulances with the Crescent will service the Arab communities.  This is the news over the last few days that I am receiving by email and passing on to you which I hope you will pass on to your community..

We wish more Rabbanim would have come. 

Many of the Media ignored reporting this Gush Katif Museum Dinner event.  Maybe it was because they weren't getting a paid ad.  Some papers only  care about money and they print articles only when they get paid advertising or when it is an article that is favorable to their paid advertising.  Papers and media spots cost money and it's a business after all.

Why don't they see that it is their Achrayus, obligation to the public to INFORM THEM THAT ANOTHER EXPULSION IS GOING TO HAPPEN Chas Veshalom in Judea and Samaria and that residents of Judea and Samaria are not being protected and that their homes and lives are in danger??????

It was painful for me to look at some very Chashuv papers, skim through their pages and not see even one picture of this event even after getting paid thousands of dollars beforehand to promote it?  Or perhaps they grudgingly put in a picture or two or three, without an article as if they were covering the typical Dinner or fundraiser without a suggestion that this particular event was unique in its message than the typical dinner or event.

It was painful for me to hear that there were some papers that even refused to run the ad for the Gush Katif Museum Dinner because it was controversial????

You know who you are and what you did or did not do.  One day we will all be facing the heavenly court and they will ask you "What did you do to raise awareness that another Gush Katif expulsion was happening in Judea and Samaria.  You knew of their pain yet you chose to look the other way..."  

Maybe you assumed some rich donor was paying for your ads and paying for these high profile speakers.  They are a well funded organization you assumed.  They don't need extra promotion.  Or maybe Chabad and Chabad events isn't your community and this was a Chabad event.  After all it wasn't being endorsed  by Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah.  They knew about it.  All the mainstream religious organizations were called asking them to send Rabbanim and delegations.  

Perhaps our spirtitual leadership can not look at themselves in the mirror knowing that the first time around when they knew about the impending Disengagement from Gush Katif, they were negligent and failed to stop the expulsion from Gush Katif from happening. They did not rally the people or call Tehillim rallies before the tragedy. They did not try to prevent it from happening.  Now they do not want to admit they made a mistake.  It is less embarrassing to repeat the mistake then face the tragic consequences of ones mistake...

Oy Vei Iz Meir.....

But how embarrassed will we be on Judgement Day?  

Please Hashem, you gave leadership ability to certain individuals.  They have the potential to turn things around.  The have the potential to help protect hundreds of thousands of people in Judea and Samaria and save hundreds of thousands of people from being uprooted from their homes,  So they say it will never happen?  The government of Israel will not throw out 300,000 people from their homes or leave them unprotected?

Rabbosai, The Holocaust did happen and Gush Katif expulsion happened.  Amona happened if you read about it or saw it on You tube.  Too bad it didn't make most of the media.  Too gruesome to show violent bloody scenes of Jewish kids, unarmed, unshielded, who love their land clobbered with clubs and riot horses while their attackers, police in riot gear, were sent by the government of Israel under Prime Minister Olmert against their own people. Yes it is painful to watch and report.  Why are we so sure it won't happen agains?  Mabe it will eventually hit American shores???? Please Hashem open our eyes when we are blind and don't see our error.   We are human.  For some unexplained reason we seem incapable in taking on the leadership role when it comes to the fight for Eretz Yisroel.  While I and others see things clearly, we don't have the following or leadership ability to mobilize Am Yisroel.  Hashem, we need leaders to mobilize your people Am Yisroel to stop another expulsion from Judea and Samaria and make this world a safer place.

Why did the Rabbi Wolpo spend good money promoting a dinner when it could perhaps better be spend towards helping the Gush Katif refugees themselves?

I'll tell you why the promotion was necessary as far as I can see!  Because the Dinner was not only for the purpose to help the GK refugees and pay for the upkeep of a Museum.  It was to prevent another Gush Katif.  If we can prevent even 1 home from being bulldozed, the ad campaign will be worth it.  

So the organizers took a gamble. Besides Rabbi Wolpo it included Afsi, Americans for a Safe Israel and the World Committee for the Land of Israel and individuals like myself.  We saw this money as an investment to safeguard the homes of hundreds of thousands of Jews living in Judea and Samaria who are at risk.  We expected you the Rabbonim and you the media to do your part and at the very least report on it.  The speakers were phenomenal  The message was clear.  Surely it is more newsworthy than most news items.  For those papers who did just that, and you know who you are, much Bracha Vehatzlacha!  For all those of those who missed this opportunity, and have no clue that this event was bigger than themselves and more important than their pocketbooks, there will iyh be many more opportunities unfortunately.  We need you desperately to do what you do best.  Im Hacharesh Tacharishu......

Letter from David HaIvri"David Ha'ivri * דוד העברי" <>,  

Subject: Urgent: Please forward to your lists - "Do not stand idly by while your brother's blood is at stake." Vayikra 19:16 Under pressure of the Intentional Red Cross Jews at High Risk are stripped of emergency services!!! Don't Let This Happen - Speak

Dear Friends of Israel,



This Sunday, March 4, the Ministerial Committee of Legislation in Israel will vote on a bill requiring Magen David Adom to provide services in Judea and Samaria by law. This will allow MDA to withstand international pressure because the Israeli organization will be able to point to a legal obligation imposed upon it by Knesset, the Israeli parliament.

Please take action immediately on this important issue by:


1. Sending a letter in support of the bill to Israeli officials (Their contact info HERE),


 - AND –


 2. Signing our Petition to tell MDA that continued ambulance service in Judea and Samaria matters to you!


- AND -


3. Passing this request along to fellow supporters of Israel you know.  Every voice counts!



At present, the Shomron area must still provide its own ambulance service. We are fundraising to improve emergency medical services in this area.


Our goals in this regard are to:


1. Build a new emergency medical center.

A proposal for a new regional emergency medical center was recently approved by the Health Ministry. This center would significantly reduce travel distance for ambulances.  The funding is divided between the Israeli government, Kopat Cholim, and the Shomron Municipality. Our part comes to $600,000 USD.


2. Replace aged ambulances that are unreliable or unsafe, and upgrade medical equipment and technologies within ambulances.

New unarmored ambulance = $105,000 – $120,000 USD

New armored ambulance = $210,000 USD


3. Provide funding for necessary high-level training of medical personnel.


Please consider contributing to these life-saving projects!

We are accepting donations via Shuva Israel. For more information about contribution options and dedication opportunities please visit

From Women in Green

Raanana pioneers in Netzer - The movie

Good Jews from all over the country have heard about the land war
being waged in Netzer. Most recently, with a wave of the pen, the
Civil Administration transformed Plot 94 from "Surveyed Land"
(presumed state land whose status hasn't yet been finalized) to
"private Arab land" ­ thanks to massive pressure from Leftist sources.

This iniquity cries to the heavens, but we have recourse and resources.

On Thursday, February 23, 2012, the first day of Adar, a group of Jews
returned again to Netzer, this time from Ra'anana, to show their
support for our struggle. The group was led by tireless Ilan Hirshfeld
who, for years, has been organizing monthly visits to Judea and
Samaria. They planted grape vines around the corners of the pergola
built by Women in Green to provide shade and comfort to hikers in the
area. Joy and excitement infused all who came and a "she'hechianu"
blessing burst from our throats in thanks for the merit of being able
to plant and redeem the land.

Thank God, the people of Israel love their homeland and are faithful to it.

Link to the short movie: (thank you to Timna Katz from Neve Daniel for
the English translation)

For the Women in Green movie channel:

Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar

Women For Israel's Tomorrow  (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel

--  Dear Friends of Gilad Farm

On Tuesday evenings at the farm house burned.

We welcome your help.

Thanks for your support and partnership with you all the way.

Ilana 0525583372

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: AFSI <>
Date: 2012/2/29
To: ‫
Americans For a Safe Israel
1751 Second Avenue (91st Street)
New York, NY 10128
Contact: Helen Freedman, Executive Director
February 29, 2012

AFSI's semi-annual missions to Israel (see have taken us toChavat Gilad many times. We have bonded with the people there, admiring their bravery and determination to hold onto the blessed land of Israel. The Israeli government has deprived them of water and electricity, labeling the community "illegal," although it is built on private land owned by Moshe Zar, father of the murdered Gilad, after whom the farm is named.  The residents must scrimp and save and beg for funds to help them ship in water and gas for their generators.


One would say "Dayenu" to being tortured by the Israeli government in this way, but now the Arabs have joined in with their new intifada against the Jews, burning the home of a new bride and groom in Chavat Gilad.        Please read the following Arutz Sheva report, and the request from the Shomron Liaison Council for help in rebuilding the burnt out home. Please respond as generously as possible.


Arabs Torch Home in Havat Gilad, Killing Dog

By: Gil Ronen

Violent altercations in Havat Maon, too, as Arab intifada becomes ever more brazen.


The flames of the newest Arab "intifada" uprising reached two Jewish farms in Judea and Samaria Tuesday. Arabs burned down a home in Havat Gilad, in Samaria.They apparently come from the nearby village of Farata, and made their escape after setting the isolated structure on fire. Residents of the Jewish farm gave chase and there were physical altercations between them and Arab villagers.


News agency "Hakol HaYehudi" reported that Havat Gilad residents tried to put out the fire but the home burned down completely. A dog that was tied next to the home died in the blaze.


Havat Gilad residents have issued a call to Jews in the area to come assist them in safeguarding the community.


Security forces arrested three Arabs as suspects in setting fire to the home. They will be taken to interrogation at the Judea and Samaria police station.


There have also been clashes between Jews and Arabs Tuesday at Havat Maon, in the southern Hevron Hills. The fighting was over pasture land. An Arab was lightly hurt when Jewish residents threw rocks at him. He was evacuated to a hospital by the Red Crescent. Arabs also threw rocks at Jewish residents. Army and police forces arrived on the scene.


Arab attacks against Jews have become increasingly brazen and frequent in recent weeks, in what nationalists say is a new intifada born of the Arabs' perception of Jewish weakness in the wake of the Shalit Deal.


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Please Fwd: Rick Santorum: Fight of his life - Let us support him . He is a friend of Israel


Dear Friends, amv"sh

I am not into politics. When I get passionate about a politician I don't hide it. But then again, when I don't like what I see, I too am vocal often getting me into trouble and getting former friends to put me on their rejection list.  And just because I support someone doesn't mean that it's unconditional.  The trust and support must be earned and ongoing.  If at any point there is a parting of the ways, I will explain my position vociferously.  But then again in the future I might be passionately supportive again.

For now, Rick Santorum has caught my attention.  When he was still relatively unknown and campaigning in Iowa David HaIvri posted this on facebook.

Santorum: 'All The People Who Live In The West Bank Are Israelis'  I saw the clip of Santorum and an exchange with a CNN reporter and I was excited.  "Santorum even went so far as to compare Israeli annexation of the West Bank to the acquisition of Texas during the Mexican-American war: " He was quick and sharp in his responses with the reporter.

I got on his email list and Glenn Becks email list and I would like to now share with you other interviews with Santorum.  In the 2nd interview, he said he is frustrated with the Press because they don't want to ask about some real issues.  So he relies on independent Glenn Beck radio show to have these serious questions asked and answered.  If Rick Santorum can't depend on the Press to get his ideas out there, what chance do Yesha Activists?

3 Videos of Glenn Beck interviewing Rick Santorum

Please watch the three videos on this link.  The more I listened to him the more I loved what he said.  He is rational and caring.  On the third video his wife is interviewed and 3 of his kids make an appearance and it is clear that they are real and stand for what is good in this world. They are beautiful people within and without.  They are unashamed to speak of G-d and  not on an ego trip.  Karen Santorum says that they are doing this because they believe it is G-d's will because otherwise you have to be crazy.

Here is another nice interview.

Interview with Glenn Beck about Israel and what America is

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rick Santorum <>
Date: Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 7:09 AM
Subject: Rick Santorum: Fight of his life

Dear Patriot,

We just gave Mitt Romney the fight of his life in his home state and now we are in for a long, important battle to the Convention. But before I get to that, I just have to pause and tell you a story about my grandfather.

He was an immigrant from Italy. He became a coal miner, and he worked hard every day. To think that his grandson could rise to the top tier of the most important Presidential election in American history is something that could only happen in America.

I thought of my grandfather a lot during the early days of this campaign. I was spending long nights crisscrossing Iowa to talk with voters, driving in my own car while other candidates were taking private jets.

It's hard to be an underdog. Let me tell you, it's much more difficult to run a grassroots, shoe-leather campaign where you actually talk to voters, than to throw millions of dollars on TV.

But now, with 10 states voting in the next week, we need those millions. Will you help us?
It has been humbling to see how this story has resonated with Americans across the country. The idea that hard work and dedication can pay off, no matter who you are or where you come from, well, that's the American dream, isn't it?

Our campaign proved again last night that Republican voters want a work horse to take on President Obama. They see that in our campaign.

Now, we move on to Super Tuesday. In only 6 days, 10 states will vote. That means we have to raise a lot of money to compete with the millions Romney and his backers are dumping into this race. Will you add your $35 and help us fight back?

I am putting together a campaign of regular Americans who understand that now is the time to save America. These are Americans with the courage to fight the liberal left – not with moderate mushiness, but with bold ideas.

Will you join the millions of Americans who are rallying to our campaign and donate today?

We had a great fight in Michigan, but we can't let up. Now is the time. Let's do what Americans always do when faced with a challenge – we fight.

It won't be easy. But it's worth it.

For America,

Senator Rick Santorum

P.S. We can win this thing. But we need to raise more money for Super Tuesday to make it happen. Will you join us?
Donate Now

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Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Remember - Zachor - Gush Katif Museum Dinner in the news videos opeds and articles .


Dear Rabbanim, Media and Fellow Activists,  amv"sh

This week is Parshat Zachor.  Rabbi  Yosef Jacobson's video of his speech at the Dinner is not yet posted. Rabbi Jacobson described the enemies we are facing in very stark and passionate terms. I am sorry that this particular video is not yet available because he spoke very powerfully.   A running theme of this Dinner is that we are facing another Amalek, similar in their intention to destroy and wipe us off the face of the map. The founding fathers of the enemies of today were collaborators with the Nazis Yemach Shemam Vezichrom, may their names and memories be erased..  They are Fatah, Hamas and Ahmadinejad United against Israel.   We can choose to ignore this evil and focus on less depressing news and not think of a Holocaust and the deadly consequences  or we can remember the destruction of Gush Katif which occurred on Tisha Baav and recognize that what happened in Gush Katif is a warning for the future and resolve never to let it happen again!!!!. 

Many Rabbanim seem to feel that it is out of our hands. They say it is now in G-d's hands. But they are extremely afraid because the great Gedoilim of our generation have recently been taken ill.  They call on tefillot of Rav Eliashiv shlita, Rav Shteinman shlita and Rav Belsky shlita  because they feel that in the zechus of these Gedoilim our generation has been spared.  But what will be if chas Veshalom, such Gedoilim pass on, they ask themselves and they raise their hands in despair. 

 Let me suggest that it can not be that a generation is not worthy of salvation if they choose to be.  Each one of us was at Sinai and each one of us has a direct connection to Hashem!

 It is still in our hands!  The answer to addressing the dangers threatening us lies in our willingness to hold on to the Land of Israel, the entire Land of Israel, support those who are fighting to keep the Land,  and collectively keep the Commandments that are so dependent on our precious Land. Surely, Hashem will then keep His part of the Covenant and save us from our enemies and protect us!

Please take the time to check out some of these links!
Dinner Benefitting Gush Katif Museum article by Shalom Abramowitz, Chabad.Info
with additional information by Tiffany Gabbay, The Blaze  30 Shvat 5772 (23.02.2012) and photo gallery
Gush Katif Museum Dinner ● Second Gallery more beautiful pictures by photographer Meir Alfasi another great article and pictures from Chabad 
Gush Katif Museum Dinner by Raanan Isseroff

In Arutz7 includes article and video of Glenn Beck

Bolton, Glenn Beck Honor Gush Katif

More than 600 people attended this past Wednesday's Gush Katif dinner in New York. Speakers included Glenn Beck, John BoltonBy Elad Benari

Op Ed Jerusalem Post

'I live in Gush Katif so you can live  in TA'     By SARA LEHMANN 2/27/2012 

Glenn Beck TV- video 

Mr. Glenn Beck for the Gush Katif Museum You Tube

Mr. Glenn Beck Part 1

The Manning Report video
John Bolton speech in video put up by  Pastor Manning.   

Shemittah Rediscovered - article

Gush Katif Museum Dinner - A beautiful success bli ayin hara! by Robin Ticker February 23, 2012


Please feel free to forward!  

Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Re: Gush Katif Museum Dinner - A beautiful success bli ayin hara!


To: Raanan Isseroff
Gush Katif Museum Headquarters in Chutz LeAretz,
World Lubavitch Headquarters - Crown Heights USA
Re: Gush Katif Museum Dinner

Dear Ranaan, amb"sh

 Yasher Koach, Kudos  to Rabbi Wolpo and to the entire Chabad team, your team,  who delivered Meyal Umeyeivar, above and beyond!  Rabbi Wolpo worked tirelessly for this event.  He had the courage to do it in the most honorable way that succeedied beezrat Hashem, beyond our expectations. The rest of us just jumped on his bandwagon. Rabbi Wolpo is not afraid to say that the Gov't of Israel is issuing illegal orders to relinquish parts of our Land, Land whose entitlement lies with the Jewish people,  to the Palestinians who consist of Fatah and Hamas. It is a known fact that they are a people who espouse Amalekite ideology, the demise and destruction of the Jewish People and the Jewish State..

From the greeting crew of girls when people came in, to the beautiful and very sad pictures of Gush Katif, we encountered as we walked in the building and down the steps,  the yummy sushi and bar, the  delicious meal, unbelievable speakers, violinist and video presentation and successful professional fundraising and delectable desert it all ran smoothly at least from the outside. It was the place to be and a star studded event.   There was much Siata Dishmaya, help from the One Above,  and Baruch Hashem, thank G-d,  we were Matzliach, successful! May we continue to go from Chayil to Chayil. strength to strength.  

The speakers were phenomenal yet their messages sobering. Rabbi Jacobson's address was electrifying and his words finally got the platform that it deserves.  He did not mince words when he stated that when we are talking about a Palestinian State we are talking none other than about Amalek  of our generation and we had better recognize this fact! It is no secret that their desire is to destroy and annihilate the entire State of Israel as well as all the Jews. He finally addressed the Number 1 question which is "To Whom does this Land Belong to??" He emphasized the Biblical and Divine Gift of the Land of Israel to the Jewish People!

Glenn Beck gave it his all and he did not disappoint the crowd who had very high expectations.  There were times Beck, on stage was literally in tears describing painful circumstances of the Jewish People and the sacrifices of righteous Gentiles to help them.  He clearly  had the courage to speak out against some self hating Jews like Soros who is NO FRIEND TO ISRAEL! History has shown that sometimes our worst enemies come from within and we need not be afraid to expose them.

Congressman Terry seemed like a very personable, sincere, caring and sweet guy and it made me feel good that such good and honorable people were representing the American people in Congress. He introduced Amb. Bolton. 

It took such a long time till we finally got to hear Ambassador Bolton speak because all the other speeches took a while but I feel his message hit home even stronger , because it was preceded with those who spoke before him. What a powerful and sobering speech! In every generation there are those who desire to destroy us and G-d delivers us from their hands.  It is through messengers like Amb. John Bolton and Glenn Beck that G-d sends to help the Jewish People. 

The violist was terrific  Perfect music to greet the new month of Adar.  I missed Jackie Mason's speech because I had left the room for a bit because the hour was late, but that's Ok because it came as an attachment to my email this morning.   

The crowd was beautiful! Not only in quality but in quantity!

 Raanan, you sent me an Excellent letter! I hope you don't mind that I am sharing it. As to suggest, it is painful that all people of Israel, are not yet on board and we do not want evil edicts like in Haman's time to finally get all Jews on board.  With Siata Dishmaya, the help of G-d, we will persist to nudge them and will not give up.  We need each and every person to stand together as one as it says KeIsh Achad BeLev Echad like one man and one heart as was at Sinai. 

Tons of media and politicians were there. The media has been phenomenal covering this event and publishing related articles.  I missed Arutz7.  Arutz7 has been there for Yehuda and Shomron all along.  WHERE WERE YOU????? Why hasn't your coverage of this fantastic event make it in the Arutz7 daily report or top in the google searches?  I don't quite understand.  

 We have given Chizuk to the entire Yishuv in Yehudah VeShomron and we must capitalize on it especially now!

A special honorable mention goes to members of the executive Committee of the World Committee of the Land of Israel, Dr. Joseph Frager, Dr. Paul Brody and his Eishes Chayil Drora, Rabbi David Algaze collectively  inspired by the very passionate Odeleya Jacobs.  They were instrumental in bringing in the media and the politicians.  Dr. Brody is a pro having much experience with promoting the Israel Day Concert in the Park.  Also much recognition must go to Sara Lehmann, a writer, a great team player, always elegant and dignified, eloquently presenting the case for Judea and Samaria in her wonderful press releases, reporting and Op Eds.  When we need something written well, she is the address. 

AFSI under the able direction of Helen Freedman must get the proper recognition it deserves.  They are The Organization in America where all the people in Judea and Samaria and the former Gush Katif head to when they need help, advice and encouragement in their fundraising efforts. AFSI  from the very onset, under the direction of Herb Zweibon z"l at that time, spoke against Oslo and a 2 State Solution.  I would urge all the media to find out about AFSI;s Chizuk missions to Israel and help promote them.  They are fantastic and I know this first hand!

So Kudos to Rabbi Wolpo and his Chabad team, Raanan Isseroff and Mrs. Nechama Peles.  Also Yasher Koach to my friends and fellow activists for Sheimus Haaretz Aliza Karp, the author of BANISHED and Tamar Adelstein, for their activism in keeping the Land of Israel complete.  Thank you to the  fantastic supporting Chabad  crews for such a wonderful event!  And last but not least Yasher Koach to all the Donors who believed in Rabbi Wolpo and allowed him to fulfill this dream and make it a reality!
From: R Isseroff <>
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2012 05:30:43 -0800 (PST)

To our Event Crew,
You were magnificent!

A big "yashar koach" to all of you-
The dinner was a smashing success!

Please send me any press or links on the event that you come across. Hebrew or English-
Paper or otherwise.

None of this could have been done without any one of you.

It was completely a function of amazing people working together for one purpose-
As it says that we stood together by the Mountain: Ke ish echd be lev echad, like one person with one heart...

The Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe explains that whole thing of the Purim story was that in the time of Esther and Mordechai, the Jews were split into two groups in Babylonia. 

The "Ivrim", the political Jews and the "Yehudim", those who followed Mordechai, the nasi of his generation.

The Ivrim were the political Jews who put their faith in the government to protect them. Haman had no problem with these Jews. They completely felt that their connections in the government would save them. He was good friends with them and they with him.

The Yehudim? 
They were those who followed Mordechai. As we say: "Tov Lev" (but no kessef!) They put their faith in G-d and Mordechai HaYehudi, the leader of their generation. 

When the decree finally came out, the Ivrim joined with Mordechai. It was with this unity that everyone was able to experience the miracle of Purim.

Today too. We have the political Jews who are looking to the United States, to its president and to foreign political leaders to and even the non-religious political leaders of Eretz Yisrael for salvation. They even look to the leaders of the Peace process and the leaders from the enemy side. 

They look and follow, while those very "leaders" are driving the Land of Israel and its people off the face of the political map as a Jewish country. While they turn the very name: "Israel", "settlement", "settler" and "Jewish Homeland" into abhorred terms in the eyes of the nations with their heart desire to dance to the tune of foreign interests.

How many Jewish soldiers and civilians have died in each war because the army was held back by Israel's political leaders who refused to allow preemptive strikes when they knew from their intelligence and from the military that an attack was imminent? When they knew it would cause thousands of Jewish deaths?

How much oil do we have to buy today that was our own? 
But Israel gave it all away. Suez Canal rights, water, gas and worst of all Israel's land. All given by leaders who are Ivrim, afraid of the non-Jew and "what will the non-Jew think?"

Each of these given away to satisfy foreign governments and terror. (It is hard to say where one begins and the other leaves off)

Today, Rosh Chodesh Purim, we stood together on this point. 
Even the non-Jews who attended enjoyed our message and parroted our positive energy. Because this is our blessing! "Tisbarchu becha kol goy ha aretz".  There will come a blessing through you for the nations of the earth!

When we, as Yehudim, (not as ivrim), come to the non-Jew and tell him without fear and with "iber gegebenkeit" (excitement) that Eretz Yisrael is the Jewish land as promised by G-d in the Bible, it gives them enjoyment. It gives them fulfillment-

In fact, when they are aware (as the Rebbe spoke of in 1969) that "ayn od milvado", "there is nothing besides Him (G-d)", so from the start, they don't even desire to war with us. In fact they join with us.

They enjoy knowing that just as in days of yore, we Jews still stand. Still are protected from above. Still live with miracles. This gives them a chayos. A positive energy.

Even we need to remind ourselves of this as well. 
That's right!

It is easy and seductive for one to fall into the same trap that the Ivrim found themselves in their generation. It is this same trap that is today leading Eretz Yisrael and leaders who could be doing something positive, even religious ones into a potential Holocaust as Glenn Beck pointed out so astutely last night. (Chas veshalom)

But the Lubavitcher Rebbe always says that a Jew has to "leben mit der zeit". Live with the parsha of the week and the events that unfolded in their time as their times of the year come up in our generation. These are times and moments that give a spiritual koach into our activities and enable us to overcome the spiritual and physical enemies today, just as we did in those times. 

If we act as Jews. 
If we act with the same spirit that engaged Jews of those victorious times.

We enjoy the holiday, but living through the national tragedy that the Ivrim brought on their generation in those times was no picnic. 

Today too, we have our Ivrim who claim to be our leaders and they are leading us into the abyss. It will only be with those of us who are the Yehudim, that G-d will bring about once again bring his great salvation and please G-d, the Ivrim will join us and become, as they did in Mordechai's time "Yehudim". With this great unity (as each of us is like the limb of a whole body that cannot lack even the loss of one part Ch"vs), we should all experience the final Geula. Bimhara beyamaynu amen.

I am attaching the Press release in case anyone has a use for it and for those who didn't get it. Thank you Sarah Lehmann for drafting it! 

Collect Post Event Press
Again, followup on the press response is so key after these events, so please collect and send me anything you find. - Thanks!

All the very very best,
Signing off from Gush Katif Museum Headquarters in Chutz LeAretz,
World Lubavitch Headquarters - Crown Heights USA
Raanan Isseroff

*Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Shneerson - from Likutei Diburim from the 1940's. The same idea is brought up as well in "HaKriah VeHakedusah" a paper that was printed during the war years from 1940 until 1947.

Crown Heights Committee For Shleimus HaAretz
visit our website:
Advocating For Israel - Chabad Style!


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

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