Ticker Virtual Mishloach Manot 5785
Theme: Brochos/Amen Party
Mezonot- An oatmeal cupcake
HaGefen - grape juice
HaEitz - dates, grapes, and or pomegranate seeds
HaAdama - chick peas, carrots, celery or cucumber
Shehakol - candy or chocolate
BeSamim - cloves
Almost every Shabbat afternoon I attend a sweet ladies group in my neighborhood featuring Tehillim, a Brochos party, a Dvar Torah, and sometimes Shalosh Seudos. The ladies make Brochos non stop and everyone says Amen!
I thought that a Brachos/Amen party theme for our Mishloach Manot was a sweet idea where the Mishloach Manot would include each Bracha and a Megillah about Brachos Parties, a related Dvar Torah in honor of Moishe and Jordan's Simcha so that everyone can have them in mind for Parnossa (Mezonot), a Happy Marriage and Shalom Bayit (haGafen), to be Blessed with
Children(HaEitz), Health
רפואת הנפש ורפואת הגוף (HaAdama), and tranquility of the Soul (beSamim).
So I Googled Brochos party.
I found an amazing website
Copyright 2010 - All Rights Reserved
Elvira's All Natural
Board Certified Holistic Functional Nutritionist
Judith Elvira Tobal Betesh
Concierge Functional Nutrition Services
Forensic Blood Chemistry Analyst
Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit.
It had amazing material! There was a Dvar Torah in PDF format that discussed the background and sources of the Bracha Party as well as a beautiful colorful flier of the Beracha/Amen Party Instructions.
I called up Judith Elvira and asked her permission to use the material on her website related to a Brochos party to share at our Simcha and for Mishloach Manot. She was so excited and gave her permission to use the material and to edit as needed.
Judy asked me if I knew the story behind this material. I said no. All I had done was Google "Brachos Party" and found it. She said to check out this link.
One in Ten Million
Yoel Gold
Stories to Inspire
A true first hand inspirational video of an ongoing Miracle Story that happened that came about after a Brochos Party she helped organize!
With the help of my friend, a professional editor and graphic artist we printed a small pamphlet in honor of our Simcha that gives a background of the Brochos Party and we printed as well the colorful flier with instructions and we included it in our Mishloach manot.
If you contact me, we are more than happy to send/give you copies of the printed versions, or, feel free to print them yourself.
The pamphlet describes how by saying Amen to someones Bracha it merges Divine Chesed(Kindness) with Din(Divine Judgement), thus "sweetening" the judgement.
Here are the links:
Background and Sources of the Bracha Party
Brachot Party Flier (color)
Please also have in mind the Betesh family Judy and her husband :
Yehudit Elvira Malka Bat Rachel Alicia
Yeshua Elimelech Ben Sarah
For Healthy Children Beh and for continued Refuah.
Wishing you a year full of Brachot levity and levter.
From the Ticker Family
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