Shalom Friends and Happy Chanukah! I'm pleased to send you a report on Im Tirtzu's work with the 19th Knesset (see below). As you'll see we have built warm relationship with Knesset members, have initiated discussions and have proposed ideas for legislation. The big news, of course, is that Ronen is running for Knesset. The report contains many links and some Youtube videos do not automatically show English subtitles. Please toggle the captioning icon. Regarding this or anything else, I'm always available if you have any questions. If you or your friends are considering year-end contributions, please include Im Tirtzu among your (tax deductible) gifts. Checks to CFI: Checks with Im Tirtzu noted in the memo line may be mailed to: Central Fund of Israel c/o Marcus Brothers Textiles 980 6th Ave New York, NY 10018 USA attn: Arthur Marcus Please include a return address for the receipt. Tax ID Number: 13-2992985 Bank transfer to The Israel Consensus Project (TICP) with reference Im Tirtzu: Account name: The Israel Consensus Project, Inc. The EIN: 52-1401312 Account number: 4984584747 ABA # 021000089 Bank: Citibank Bank address: 80 S Greeley Ave, Chappaqua, NY 10514 For other contribution options, go here: http://en.imti.org.il/donate.html Best regards and Happy Chanukah! Matan Peleg CEO, Im Tirtzu IM TIRTZU AND ISRAEL'S 19TH KNESSET SUMMARY Sworn in on 5 February 2013, Israel's 19th Knesset was unusually short-lived. Even with this limited time frame Im Tirtzu was active among Knesset members and decision-makers. This report highlights Im Tirtzu's many activities in the 19th Knesset and, for your convenience, it has been arranged by topic rather than as a timeline. The first item is the most topical and will lead into the elections of the 20th Knesset, taking place 17 March 2015. Ronen Shoval, founder of Im Tirtzu, is running for the Knesset Ronen launched his primary campaign for a slot on the Bayit HaYehudi list. While Im Tirtzu is an extra-parliamentary movement, sending an "ambassador" fulfills its own strategic goals. Since our mission is to create a Zionist elite, we hope to see many members of Im Tirtzu eventually run for office or take on other leadership roles as a natural progression of our vision. Many volunteers from the movement are supporting Ronen's campaign and we all wish him great success!  2nd Annual Zionist Human Rights Conference Im Tirtzu held the 2nd Annual Human Rights Conference on International Human Rights day, 10 December, at the Diaspora Museum at Tel Aviv University. The timing of the conference coincides with the start of the election campaign and the integration of human rights and Zionism is vital for the election. The conference was divided into two parts. In the first part, Matan Peleg, CEO of Im Tirtzu, presided over a discussion on Israeli civilian issues. In the second part, led by Dr. Ronen Shoval, a multi-faith discussion was held on religious issues. Taking part in the conversation were Father Gabriel Nadaf, Rabbi Yuval Sherlo, and Druze cleric Jihad Kablan.  At the end of the conference awards were presented for Zionist activities to Rabbi Yehuda Glick, an activist for Jewish rights on the Temple Mount, and Anett Haskia, a Muslim Zionist. English http://ajewishisrael.com/prominent-minority-israel-activists-lead-panel-discussion-tel-aviv-university-human-rights-day/ http://jpupdates.com/2014/12/10/temple-mount-activist-yehuda-glick-honored-human-rights-award/ http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/188504#.VIl4EzGsVqU Hebrew http://www.nrg.co.il/online/1/ART2/657/161.html?hp=1&cat=402&loc=10 http://www.inn.co.il/News/News.aspx/289023 http://www.kikarhashabat.co.il/158505.html http://www.kr8.co.il/BRPortal/br/P102.jsp?arc=1119218 Im Tirtzu's campaign to stop Israel's High Court from overreaching its authority during elections On 25 November 2014, Im Tirtzu held a conference called "The Country under the Rule of the High Court." The conference launched a public campaign aimed at mobilizing the public and raising awareness among decision-makers to block the High Court from overreaching its authority. Unchecked judicial action, along with a politicization saturated with post-Zionist worldviews, severely endangers the existence of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state. Petition to end the judicial coup and stop the overreaching of the court http://imti.ravpage.co.il/azuma Position Paper Checks and balances are a natural component among branches of government in a democracy. However, in Israel, the High Court is overstepping its bounds and is starting to take on characteristics of a dictatorship. This will damage Israel in every field and on every level. This position paper presents the history of the court, its current divergent path, including the role of the Attorney General and his office, and will provide suggestions on how to return the Court to its natural place in the democratic order. http://www.imti.org.il/Upload/Israel%20under%20the%20Supreme.pdf Pictures from the Conference http://goo.gl/tjXLtO Video from the Conference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4xwPLePhPE Media Coverage of the Conference Hebrew Ma'ariv: http://goo.gl/Q2Oe8k Arutz 7: http://www.inn.co.il/News/News.aspx/288053 Rotter: http://rotter.net/cgi-bin/go-news.pl?file=29124.html Ha'Aretz: http://www.haaretz.co.il/news/education/.premium-1.2496748 Radio Reshet B: Two morning reports with a quote by Prof. Aumann Radio Galei Israel: Broadcast of the conference (full) English: Ha'Aretz: http://www.haaretz.com/news/national/.premium-1.628697 Arutz 7: http://goo.gl/ubrlh8 Jerusalem Post : http://goo.gl/bnj3Kv Campaign Advertisement in Makor Rishon  MK Ayelet Shaked (Beit Yehudi) took part in the conference and is leading the campaign in the Knesset. Legislative proposals - Jerusalem Day Bill (written and prepared by Im Tirtzu and submitted by MK Yoni Chetboun [Beit Yehudi])
The purpose of the bill is to make Jerusalem Day a national holiday to increase Israel's connection to the day. Im Tirtzu will continue to promote this bill in the next Knesset. Media Coverage Hebrew Arutz 7: : http://www.inn.co.il/News/News.aspx/276968 Jerusalem Net: http://www.jerusalemnet.co.il/article/47121 English Jerusalem Post: http://goo.gl/4MlP0s Arutz 7: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/181091#.VIVpFDGsV1Y - Proposed amendment to the defamation law to include defamation of the IDF. (written and prepared by Im Tirtzu and submitted by MK Yoni Chetboun [Beit Yehudi])
The law currently differentiates between verbal defamation of an individual and verbal defamation of a public official. In the case of defamation of a public person there is no civil or criminal recourse, which opens up the possibility of exploiting the problematic situation. In recent years, Israel's detractors and those working to boycott and delegitimize Israel chose soldiers as convenient targets of slander knowing that legal action will not be taken against them. Over the years soldiers who have been damaged by slanderous and false allegation have been left with no legal recourse. The result is that those who were sent to protect Israel's citizens find themselves stigmatized with no defense. The amendment seeks to recognize the fact that the IDF and its soldiers are unique among groups in Israel due to the IDF's position on the world stage. Severe harm is caused to Israel because of false accusations made against the army and the harm caused to IDF soldiers individually who have no way to protect their reputations. The amendment would allow IDF officers to sue on behalf of the military branch in which they served to protect themselves against anti-Israel propaganda. Im Tirtzu will continue to promote this bill in the next Knesset. Media Coverage Hebrew Srugim: http://goo.gl/dp933p Video: Discussion of the Constitution, Law and Justice Committee after the Attorney General thwarted the legislative process. Matan Peleg, CEO of Im Tirtzu speaks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=583bYF2XFfA (with English subtitles) Committee Participation Im Tirtzu took part in more than thirty different committee discussions during the 19th Knesset. A few highlights: - On 28 July 2014, the Knesset Interior Committee headed by MK Miri Regev dealt with the issue of police action to respond to incitement among civilians and members of Knesset and specifically discussed the problem of incitement against minorities who want to join the army such as Christian Arabs, Druze, and Bedouins. Alon Schvartzer, Head of Policy for Im Tirtzu, speaks:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUjYyr0YKaA&list=UUauYT94mZMKYxCFIgBzfq0g - At the Knesset Science and Technology Committee meeting on 24 February 2014, Alon Schvartzer gave a statement regarding Haifa University's refusal to grant Prof. Israel Aumann an honorary degree because of his political views. Proposed to the agenda by MK Yisrael Eichler (United Torah Judaism) and MK Yaakov Margi (Shas). Subtitled in English.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zijFjRChzCQ&list=UUauYT94mZMKYxCFIgBzfq0g - The Knesset Audit Committee convened to discuss Im Tirtzu's report on the issue of Haifa University Law clinics representing terrorists.
http://main.knesset.gov.il/Activity/committees/StateControl/News/pages/160614.aspx It should be noted that the Minister of Education Shai Piron stated that he would set up an international committee on the state of law clinics in Israel, but "not because of Im Tirtzu's report." Knesset Caucuses Im Tirtzu chairs the steering committee of the Knesset Caucus to Combat De-legitimization of the State of Israel and is in the planning stages of setting up another caucus for the protection of minorities serving in the army and civil service. The second caucus has been postponed to the next Knesset. Knesset Caucus to Combat the De-legitimization of Israel. First meeting: 27 May 2014 Conclusion of the emergency meeting of the Caucus for the Struggle against Delegitimization of Israel 27 May 2014 (English subtitles) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBINDsyH49s&list=UUauYT94mZMKYxCFIgBzfq0g Second meeting: 23 June 2014  At this meeting MK Shimon Ohayon said of Im Tirtzu: I want, especially here, to point out a blessed phenomenon, outside of the Knesset, and it is the phenomenon of "Im Tirtzu." A phenomenon that unites... [applause] A phenomenon that unites, throughout the wide public, very much among the young population, both religious and secular, (unites) the national strength. Of both the People of Israel, and the State of Israel. And it does so with a lot of wisdom and with great success. And we need to strengthen them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUZGqNcgy-0&list=UUauYT94mZMKYxCFIgBzfq0g Third meeting: 30 July 2014 Discussion dealt with filing complaints with the Human Rights Council against Hamas and Qatar for funding Hamas. A campaign was initiated to collect signatures of residents of southern Israel and file complaints.  Matan Peleg spoke at the opening of the discussion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlFtNrbBMJ0&list=UUauYT94mZMKYxCFIgBzfq0g Media Coverage Hebrew Arutz 2: http://goo.gl/vRGJEH Arutz 7: http://www.inn.co.il/News/News.aspx/282000 Nrg: http://www.nrg.co.il/online/1/ART2/618/889.html?hp=1&cat=402 Internet radio: http://www.93fm.co.il/radio/128178/ English Jerusalem Post: http://www.jpost.com/Operation-Protective-Edge/Israelis-to-file-human-rights-violation-complaints-against-Hamas-369568 Times of Israel: http://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-envoy-demands-un-probe-hamas-war-crimes/ Arutz 7: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/184507#.VALTffnV8n4Arutz 7: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/184049#.U-yxkvl_tqU Fourth meeting: 11 November 2014 The first winter meeting covered a wide variety of issues that the caucus would like to address: filing complaints with the UN Human Rights Council against Hamas and Qatar, UNRWA, delegitimization, promotion of a "foreign agents" bill. Media Coverage Hebrew Arutz 7: http://www.inn.co.il/News/News.aspx/287132 English Jerusalem Post: : http://goo.gl/iQXyhX Arutz 7: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/181022#.VIV_oTGsV1b Caucus to encourage and promote recruitment of minorities into the IDF and national service First meeting: 26 November 2014  *The promotion of this caucus has been deferred to after the election. Selected questions in the Knesset Zionist Guards of Democracy Im Tirtzu's Zionist Guards of Democracy will monitor the activities of the Knesset and the actions of the Members of Knesset to preserve the Jewish-democratic character of the State of Israel. Media Coverage Hebrew Arutz 10: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJKnn3ouXto&index=20&list=UUauYT94mZMKYxCFIgBzfq0g English Arutz 7: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/186366#.VIBK_zGsVqV Summary Im Tirtzu built warm relationships with dozens of Knesset members during the 19th session. Im Tirtzu raised awareness and provided material and information to Knesset members across the political spectrum from left to right to fully combat the delegitimization of Israel. The Zionist Guards of Democracy were active and will continue to work in the 20th Knesset. We plan to continue to advance and promote those legislative bills that have not yet moved forward in our capacity as an extra-parliamentary group. Im Tirtzu participated in dozens of debates, was involved in dozens of legislative proposals, and, more than anything else, protected Zionist values in Israel's Knesset. And we will continue to do so. Best regards and Happy Chanukah! Matan Peleg CEO, Im Tirtzu |