Sunday, January 29, 2017

Families from Amona crying for help. Their homes are slated for demolition under Likud. Will we turn a blind eye and let it happen or take responsibility?


Arutz7:  youtube:

Mother of 8, resident of Amona  interrupts upbeat spirit at Likud's festival with some reality.  

"In a week they are destroying my house"

כתבה בערוץ 7: "בעוד שבוע הורסים לי את הבית"

*והחגיגות בליכודיאדה נמשכות כאילו לא קורה כלום*

Amona Resident: Where are You Tzippy Hotoveli?
Dear Mk Miri Regev and Tzipi Hotoveli, 

Unless Likud  stops the demolition in Amona and Ofra your efforts were useless...

 If homes in Amona and Ofra are demolished, Likud will have betrayed those voters who were convinced otherwise. 

  •  How would you feel knowing that you and others empowered Likud,  wasting our votes in the process?
  •  and that as long as you remain loyal to Likud, and remain in the Likud, you share in their guilt.
  •  Likud as a party will clearly be undeserving of the people's vote and do not try to convince naive voters anymore... and please don't excuse Likud! They have lost credibility!

Rather show that you will not forgive Likud for allowing these homes to be destroyed.  Had they wanted there are 50 ways, and more accurately, countless ways,  they could have stopped it. 

 How can you continue to belong to such a party when you are being used. 

 Perhaps we were mistaken when we believed that we could make a difference. It is apparent that we can not! Our voices and our votes are not calling the shots. 

We must not align with a party which betrayed its people with Gush Katif expulsion of 10,000 and now again with Amona and Ofra.. 

May a more worthy party and Prime Minister take over and replace Likud..

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