The Jihadists against Yezidi's and against Israel have the same agenda! The goal of radical Islam is Jihad of non-Muslims and the annihilation of Jews and Israel. People of faith believe that the nations of the world are blessed through Israel so it makes sense that Jihad includes the destruction of Jews and Israel whom by their service to The One and Only G-d protects the world.
It is absolutely mind boggling that the oppressed Yezidi population are still in harms way in spite of undeniable documentation of mass genocide and sexual enslavement of the Yezidi people.
It is clear beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are the victims and not the aggressors.
Yet, how many Yezidis received refugee status in USA? How many in Canada? 10? Outrageous....
Here is some statistics as per the USA. Syrian Muslims, the aggressors, clearly have priority.
How is it that Yezidi's are still in HARMS WAY, 2 and a half years later after reports of the 2014 Yezidi genocide came to light?
Mike Huckabee in his recent trip to Israel recounted his trip to Yad Veshem with his then 11 year old daughter Sara. He was curious as per whether Sara understood the magnitude and the message at Yad Veshem.
At the Visiters book signing, it was clear that she did. Sara, then 11 wrote "WHY DIDN'T ANYONE DO SOMETHING?"
I think President Elect Donald Trump gets it as well. THE SNAKE - Narrated by Donald J Trump
I was truly shocked to receive this email from Renanah, fwding an email she received, dated December 27,2016 from Mirza Ismail, spokesperson of the Yezidi's
From: Mirza Ismail <>
Date: December 27, 2016 at 10:12:23 PM EST
Subject: Current Yezidis Situation in Mount Sinjar/Shingal (see email at the end of this post)
Renanah, who has been in the forefront doing everything she can to help the Yezidi's is following in the footsteps of Rabbi Weissmandl who tried his very best to fight the Nazi's from actualizing their evil, He was partly successful and till the very end grieved that he was unable to save more lives.
Jews empathize with the Yezidis and understand and appreciate their despair.
... And it is up to each and every one of us to do what we can!
Pamela Geller recently exposed the horrible reality of many migrants with false passports, often terrorists, entering the USA as a "humanitarian" effort to help these migrants. SHOCKING AFDI UNDERCOVER VIDEO: US Immigration Office Fake Syrian Passports OK
Germany, France and England and the rest of Europe have been engaging in this "humanitarian relief" effort only to find themselves being "repaid" for being merciful to the cruel, now victims of a rape epidemic due to the rise of a Muslim population who are loyal to Mohammad and his teachings. Yes, President Elect Donald Trump gets it in the Snake narrative link above.
Why are the Yezidi's who are desperate for humanitarian need, clearly the victims, denied?
When it comes to Israel the true intent, Jihad, is couched in politically correct deceit. The Snake. The goal of the Paris Conference is to eventually annihilate Israel. The Big Bad Wolf, the Snake, representing the International community, masquerades as Grandma, filled with self righteous indignation about the "illegal Occupation" by Israel of the Palestinian people, fighting for "Palestinian rights".
Nobody seems to care about the human rights of the Palestinians and Arabs living in Arab countries like Syria, Iran, Iraq, etc., many of whom are being slaughtered etc. etc. etc.etc. Anyone with a half a brain would realize that under Israel, the Palestinians have it much better than in any of such Arab countries. They are self governed, have electricity and running water, not to mention health services and education. Are they even paying for these services? Isn't it their own self gov't that is suppressing them, keeping them from economic and other relief, preventing them from receiving full benefits that Israel has to offer while they engage in acts of terror against Israeli civilians with textbooks and classrooms filled with hate and jihad lessons against Israel. Many Arabs, by choice or by force, deny truth and kicks the hand that feeds them. For that reason alone, those Arabs who can not acknowledge let alone appreciate the benefits they are receiving in Israel, deserve to be expelled. Those who can acknowledge and appreciate the benefits are welcome to stay so long as they are not deceitful,,,, So long as they are not engaged in (purposeful lying and deceit) Taqiyya and substantiated anti Israel activities.
In August 2014 the rise of ISIS was predicted with the massacre of the Yezidi men and the enslavement of the Yezidi women. ISIS used as its role model Mohammad who set the precedent of genocide and sexual enslavement. This was posted in June 2015.
Yezidi's ISIS Genocide. Let us help them now before ISIS reaches Israel.
There are definite parallels and precedents with the genocide happening in our times to the Yezidis and other ethnic non Islamic populations going back to Mohammad.
I turn your attention to this link written in May 2008 by Islam Watch - Islam under scrutiny by Ex-Muslims entitled In Islam's Own Writings: Muhammad's Massacres and Sex-slaves . The author concludes
Muhammad's unprovoked, murderous attacks of Jewish tribes described above are acts of utter barbarity. His extermination and genocide of the whole community, such as that of Banu Qurayza, makes it worse.
His institution of slavery as a divine order of society was one of the worst curse that could happen to humanity. Allowing sex with slave-girls made it worse. His trading of slaves, such as selling some Banu Qurayza captives in Nejd, was another evil institution.
Muhammad engaged in all these cruel, dehumanizing and horrible acts with the divine sanctions of Allah. Muhammad and his brainchild Allah were the worst evils to befall humankind, the detriment of which continues to afflict humanity with no end in site.
Please also watch Muslims Allowed to Rape Jewish Women
ISIS finds ideological affinity with Nazi Germany. ISIS Caliphate can be labeled as the new up and coming, (G-d Forbid) Holocaust
Renanah's email: Protest continues tomorrow Sunday Jan. 15 noon-1:30. Bring flags and signs!
Fwd: Tomorrow, in Toronto: June 15th, 2016 noon- across US Consulate on University Ave.: Protest Collusion with Jihad Against non-Muslims of Middle East: Yezidis, Jewish State (Paris Terrorist Conference and "Occupation" Lie) Chaldo-Assyrian Christians etc.
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