Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Fwd: President Trump's Budget Mike Huckabee newsletter May 30, 2017

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Mike Huckabee" <newsletter@mikehuckabee.com>
Date: May 30, 2017 9:15 AM
Subject: President Trump's Budget
To: <faigerayzel@gmail.com>


The message you have just received was delivered by Mike Huckabee and includes a message from Huck PAC, his political action committee. 

Today's Commentary:  Blunt Talk -- President Trump's Budget -- The New Plan To Retake Congress



While President Trump was in Europe, he ruffled some feathers of European leaders with his blunt talk about expecting them to pay more for their own defense in NATO and his refusal to recommit America to the Paris climate change accord (which even liberal analysts admit is meaningless: it does nothing to reduce CO2 emissions in developing nations that account for 4/5ths of them; and even if you accept all its scientific claims, it would result in a temperature difference of just 0.2 degrees C. by the end of the century.)

Turns out European leaders don't care for that old liberal saw about "speaking truth to power" when they're the powers and they don't want to hear the truth. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who is facing a tough election, even made a veiled dig at Trump by suggesting that America was no longer a reliable ally. She said, "The times in which we can fully count on others are somewhat over, as I have experienced in the past few days," and added that "we have to know that we have to fight for our future and our fate ourselves as Europeans."

That's particularly ironic considering that the fate of Germany is under threat largely because of her own disastrous policy of opening up the borders and allowing her nation to be overrun with people who have no interest in preserving Germany as a European nation. Chancellor Merkel seems to have as much trouble telling who her friends are as she does telling who her enemies are.


Mike Huckabee


Message from Huck PAC:  

URGENT:  HUCK PAC NEEDS FINANCIAL HELP: Support conservative Republicans in 2017 who will pass President Trump's agenda. Help us raise and additional $6,770 in May by chipping in $5 or more today! This will help us reach our budgeted goal!  Thank you!




President Trump's Budget

By Mike Huckabee

President Trump says his proposed budget's welfare funding is centered on expecting able-bodied people with no dependents to work in exchange for benefits, so they don't take away "scarce resources from those in real need." His OMB Director Mick Mulvaney said this focus on getting Americans back to work is how we're going to return to 3% GDP growth, adding, "We're no longer going to measure compassion by the amount of money we spend, but by the number of people we help."

Cue Democratic politicians and the media howling in outrage about how mean this is (Hillary Clinton already decried the Trump budget for its "unimaginable level of cruelty.") But is it really "cruelty" to expect people to work for their supper?

This is really just a return to what most Americans have believed since the nation was founded: that everyone who can work should work, and charity is for those who truly need it. Every so often, the voters put liberals in charge, but they soon realize their mistake as they institute massive government entitlement programs that come cloaked in an aura of "compassion" but really are unimaginably cruel. They undermine the initiative and self-respect of the recipients while burdening future generations with unimaginable levels of debt. We saw it in the '60s and '70s, when attempts to create a "Great Society" just created a great big mess in inner cities. That eventually helped fuel the return of conservatism in the form of Ronald Reagan, who reminded us that compassion shouldn't be measured by how many people are getting government handouts but by how many no longer need a handout.

Welfare-to-work reform works, but somehow (possibly due to the constant liberal lectures of Barack Obama, echoed and magnified by a worshipful media), Americans forgot that ancient wisdom, even as food stamp rolls ballooned by over 40% during Obama's term. The last time welfare reform was tried was in the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act. Liberals predicted cruelty and disaster from that, too, but it not only helped reduce welfare rolls by 60% between 1994 and 2005, it helped boost the economy and give the government a balanced budget for the first time in years. The President who signed it said that it "gives us a chance we haven't had before to break the cycle of dependency that has existed for millions and millions of our fellow citizens, exiling them from the world of work. It gives structure, meaning and dignity to most of our lives." You'd think Hillary would remember those wise words, since that's what her own husband Bill said when he signed it in 1996.


The New Plan To Retake Congress

By Mike Huckabee

Democrats think they've hit on a way to retake Congress: they're trying to recruit military veterans to run against Republicans. The idea (not that they put it this way) is to borrow some of the military's reputation for competence, patriotism and integrity to paper over the bad reputation of their party. And it might work, if they can find enough veterans willing to run as Democrats. The problem is, how many of them will stay in Congress beyond one term? Judging from this story, the veterans they've recruited so far say they are running because they're fed up with unprofessional histrionics and political partisanship blocking the mission of fixing the broken system. Wait until they get to Congress as Democrats and on their very first day, they learn to their dismay that if they want party leaders to give them any decent committee assignments, they have to dedicate themselves to lockstep partisanship and protecting and even expanding the broken federal system at all costs.

This story notes that since the 1970s, the percentage of Congress members with military experience has dropped from 73% to 18.8%. That's not entirely attributable to the end of the draft, since there are nearly three times as many freshmen Republicans who are veterans as there are Democrats. That's not to say that the Democratic Party is hostile to veterans. But it's just hard to imagine that anyone who's devoted to concepts like a colorblind merit system and placing the good of America above all other interests would be able to stomach representing the far-left, grievance-group, blame-America-first Democratic Party of 2017 for very long.


Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this edition of the newsletter please forward it to a friend and tell them they can subscribe for free at MikeHuckabee.com/Subscribe

Message from Huck PAC:  

URGENT:  HUCK PAC NEEDS FINANCIAL HELP: Support conservative Republicans in 2017 who will pass President Trump's agenda. Help us raise an additional $6,770 in May by chipping in $5 or more today! This will help us reach our budgeted goal! Thank you!



This e-mail was sent to faigerayzel@gmail.com
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Netanyahu Recently Was "Powerless" to Stop the Expulsion of over 200 kids and 40 families in Amona Yet Now has the Power to Give Away Jewish Land to Arabs?


'Vote again on Arab building in Area C'
Head of Samaria Council Yossi Dagan calls for revote on decision to allow Arab building in Area C. 'It's giving away land in disguise.' and relinquishing building rights. 
Head of the Samaria Council Yossi Dagan turned to a number of cabinet ministers with a request that they bring to a revote the decision to allow Palestinian Arab building in Area C, which is under Israeli military and civilian control. He asserted that the decision had been made without prior deliberations in the government or the Knesset, and that the decision implies the relinquishing of territory."This was a cabinet decision, which was made secretly with minimal deliberations, about giving at least a whole percentage of Area C. Not officially, but practically speaking, it effectively relinquishes our building rights. It's giving away land in disguise. [The sort of thing] left-wing governments would do blatantly," he said.

Netanyahu recently was "Powerless" to stop the expulsion of over 200 kids and 40 families in Amona Yet now has the power to give Jewish Land to Arabs?

Ofra and Amona - BaGatz - Israel Supreme Court - Judicial Overreach - in a Tale of 9 Houses Demolished in Ofra following a Tale of over 40 Houses Demolished in Amona by Avraham Keslinger

And for what purpose.  So that Trump get some Empty promises from Abbas?

Palestinians: Abbas Immediately Breaks Promises to Trump

Are We Cuckoo?

Why did Netanyahu's administration recently destroy 9 beautiful Jewish homes in Ofra and 40 homes in Amona and Netanyahu and his cabinet were powerless to stop it.  This caused major trauma for exemplary families, role model families,  who love Israel with all their heart and soul, pioneers who built their homes with love, toil and sweat not to mention lots of money... They are holding on to the Land with their very fingertips..... now with no place to go thanks to a nonsensical BaGatz ruling with no transparency.... This same Netanyahu Administration suddenly has tremendous power and has no problem to get the cabinet to decide to give Jewish Land to Arabs.  

What does this mean?  Arabs can now build on Jewish Land so that Jews can not.  

Was Jason Greenblatt responsible for the Bagatz Ruling against Amona families?  I think it preceded Jason Greenblatt's arrival on the scene. 

Rather the Bagatz Ruling coupled with the Silence of almost all the major Jewish Organizations have put Jason Greenblatt in a weak position to advocate for Israel. 

Please read the following post written not long ago March 21, 2017
The Art of Negotiation under Trump. We destroy homes in Ofra and Amona expelling Jews from Judea and Samaria and then blame Jason Greenblatt for having a negative attitude for settlement building?http://shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com/2017/03/the-art-of-negotiation-under-trump-we.html

Biblical Claim to the Land of Israel, When Silence is a Sin

The Land of Israel does not belong to the BaGatz, the Israel Supreme Court. It does not belong to Netanyahu. President Trump and Jason Greenblatt for all their good intentions simply do not have a moral green light to pressure the People of Israel to give away something that is entrusted to them but that they do not own.  

The Land of Israel belongs to G-d.  A "minor" detail that seems to have been forgotten here. 

These politicians, albeit powerful ones but not All Powerful,  are acting outside their Jurisdiction to take G-d's Land and give it to whomever they chose when in so doing it annuls G-d's Covenant with the Nation of Israel.

 It will not bring peace. It will bring curses.  The Torah makes it clear. Keeping Torah commandments on the Land of Israel brings Peace.  The opposite brings curses.  (Parshat BeChukosai)

This barely made news here in US.  Thank you Susie Dym for alerting us.

Last night there was a Shleimus Haaretz Event in Crown Heights.   Rabbi Weinfeld spoke  beautifully about Hilchos Shleimus Haaretz.  He told the group of women assembled that whenever there was even talk about relinquishing Land to Arabs, a few days later there was always acts of terror which followed. Even tallk about relinquishing Land causes weakness to Israel and empowers our enemies. So said the Rebbe of Lubavitch.

Thank you Susie Dym and Mattot Arim for your amazing alerts that serves to protect the Land of Israel!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: sddym <sddym@bezeqint.net>
Date: Mon, May 29, 2017 at 2:35 PM
Subject. Palestinian Arab building in Area C

Articles from major media in Hebrew:

ראש מועצת שומרון לקבינט: "אישור הבנייה לפלסטינים - מסירת שטחים בתחפושת"
יוסי דגן טוען כי ההחלטה לאפשר בנייה בשטחי C נעשתה ללא דיון ומשמעותה ויתור בפועל על שטחים. "יש להצביע מחדש על העניין", אמר

"אם תלחצו על נתניהו, הוא ייפול"
על רקע דברי רה"מ כי אין לישראל "צ'ק מדיני פתוח מול ארה"ב", פנו גורמים בימין לבכירים בממשל טראמפ והתריעו מפני לחץ כבד מדי על נתניהו בנושא הפלסטיני. במקביל, מתנחלים וגורמים בליכוד קוראים לשנות החלטת הקבינט שאישר בנייה פלסטינית בשטחי C‏ 

דרישה: להצביע שוב על הבנייה בשטחי C
ראש מועצת שומרון דורש משרי הקבינט להצביע מחדש על ההחלטה המאשרת בניית פלסטינית בשטחי C. "זו מסירת שטחים בתחפושת". 

בלי וירוסים. www.avast.com


Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (www.IsraelAdvocacyCalendar.com).
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Watch "WATCH: Caroline Glick's Speech #CancelSarsour Protest, May 25th, Noon 205 East 42nd NY" on YouTube

Daily Mail: "Violence erupts" as protesters chanting "make America great again" clash with demonstrators after Linda Sarsour's CUNY commencement speech - Geller Report


The attempt to undermine police and make them look as if they are engaging in oppresive police aggression is a tactic used by BDS supporters to prevent Jews from defending themselves and others from defending Jews.  The IDF, the Israel Defense Force is often targetted and falsely accused of being murderers of Palestinians. BDS presentations feature distortions of reality to depict IDF as the evil forces rather than the terrorists thanks to NGOs like BTzelem.

NYC police need to do their job and should disregard any possible false negative misrepresentations and possible baseless accusations against them when so doing. Only then will the public  be protected. To be intimidated by bullies is to put public safety at risk! Those in the Police dept who made this unwise decision to allow assembly of a hostile pro Sarsour pro Sharia group in close proximity to AFDI should be investigated as such a decision clearly showed poor judgement that endangered the protesters of both sides and pedestrians as well. Only those of sound judgement should be calling the shots.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Fwd: Trump on Manchester Attack: Evil Losers. Mike Huckabee newsletter May 25, 2017

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mike Huckabee <newsletter@mikehuckabee.com>
Date: Thu, May 25, 2017 at 9:31 AM
Subject: Losers
To: faigerayzel@gmail.com


The message you have just received was delivered by Mike Huckabee and includes a message from JellyTelly. 

Today's Commentary:  Losers -- Trump As A Leader -- Pleading the Fifth



President Trump weighed in on the Manchester attack this week, saying he will not call these murderers "monsters" because they would like that term. Instead, he will call them what they are: "Losers…evil losers." He added, "The terrorists and extremists and those who give them aid and comfort must be driven out from our society forever. This wicked ideology must be obliterated." It's a relief finally to have a leader who will say that, but it takes the resolve of the people and the officials in the nations that are under attack to stand up and do something about it, other than apologizing for their own culture. In other words, if you have a pack of "known wolves" in your house, why would you let them remain there?


Mike Huckabee



Trump As A Leader

By Mike Huckabee

After visiting Saudi Arabia and Israel, President Trump finished his tour of the homelands of three major religions by meeting with Pope Francis at the Vatican. He then went on to meet with the President and Prime Minister of Italy before heading on to Brussels for a G7 summit.

One of the things that Trump has accomplished on this trip is to silence the critics who said he wasn't ready for prime time on the foreign stage; that he lacked the experience to do statecraft. No wonder liberal media outlets tried so hard to ignore this trip. Look at what's happened already: he's made more headway than the last President did in eight years. He's warmed relations with leaders with whom our relations had grown frosty. He's been the toast of the town in places where that's very tough, like Riyadh. He's warmed the relationship with the Pope, which has been a little tense over the past few months. He's shown that he has the ability to be a leader who shows strength and, as liberals like to say, "speaks truth to power," but who is also willing to work with other people on common goals, even people who've criticized him.

Maybe all the unwarranted attacks on Trump served a purpose after all, in helping him to develop such a thick skin. We've seen what comes from having a thin-skinned leader who refused to reach out to those who disagreed with him. Having someone who just shrugs off criticism and gets down to work is a refreshing change.


Pleading the Fifth

By Mike Huckabee

It was reported that former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, who is accused of falsely stating he received no payments from Russian sources for speeches, may invoke his Fifth Amendment right and refuse to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee. If so, the Committee's ranking Democrat, Sen. Mark Warner, told CNN that he is not ruling out contempt charges against Flynn.

Of course, a former Administration official taking the Fifth before Congress would be outrageous and unprecedented (ahem, "Lois Lerner"), as would having an official held in contempt of Congress (cough, "Eric Holder"), so that would certainly be grounds for impeachment, right? Or is that only okay if the people who do it are Democrats who DON'T resign or get fired, but are kept on the job?

Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this edition of the newsletter please forward it to a friend and tell them they can subscribe for free at MikeHuckabee.com/Subscribe

This e-mail was sent to faigerayzel@gmail.com
Click here to unsubscribe


Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (www.IsraelAdvocacyCalendar.com).
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.