Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Fwd: It is official Electoral College picks Trump... Mike Huckabee Dec 20,2018

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Mike Huckabee" <newsletter@mikehuckabee.com>
Date: Dec 20, 2016 8:38 AM
Subject: It is official
To: <faigerayzel@gmail.com>


The message you have just received was delivered by Mike Huckabee and includes a message from Huck PAC, his political action committee. 


It's official: the Electoral College has voted to certify that Donald Trump will be the next President of the United States, so liberals can finally move on to the "acceptance" stage of grieving. Despite incredible pressure (including even psychotic death threats), most Republican electors held fast for Trump. Ironically, there were more electors from blue states who refused to vote for Hillary than Trump turncoats. She lost a few votes to Bernie Sanders in states that don't allow switching (so they weren't counted.) But in Washington, where electors are free to vote their consciences, three Hillary electors voted for Colin Powell instead, and one voted for Native American tribal leader Faith Spotted Eagle. Those go on the record.

Democrats suddenly decided the Electoral College was an outrage that had to be eliminated when Hillary won the meaningless popular vote (thanks entirely to California). Will they now halt their campaign to let all electors vote their consciences and declare that a moral outrage, too, now that they've seen how it can actually work against them? Don't be surprised. To liberals, morality, like gender, is a fluid thing.


Mike Huckabee


Message from Huck PAC:  

HUCK PAC NEEDS FINANCIAL HELP: Support conservative Republicans in 2017 and beyond. Help us raise an additional $9,469 before December 31 by chipping in $25 today. 


And in case you missed these:  

A Good Choice

By Mike Huckabee

Republicans who were worried about Donald Trump being a liberal mole should be reassured by his latest appointment. He's reportedly tapped South Carolina Rep. Mick Mulvaney to head the Office of Management and Budget. If confirmed, Mulvaney will be in charge of budgeting and getting Trump's agenda through Congress. Mulvaney said the OMB post will give him the best opportunity to make real improvements in how the government is run.

Mulvaney is a Tea Party Republican who is so dedicated to reining in federal spending that he was willing to shut down the government over it, and he clashed with his own party's leaders as well as Democrats over their mutual refusal to get the red ink under control. You can tell this pick will please conservatives because liberals are already howling that he'll gut Social Security and Medicare, which is their to-go response whenever anyone in Washington suggests imposing any actual spending discipline. Their other kneejerk response (smearing Republicans as dumb and unqualified) had to be put on hold for now. Mulvaney has both a law degree and a degree in international economics. That puts a big fly in their mustard.

Kevin's Story

By Mike Huckabee

A few years ago, inspired by my book, "A Simple Christmas," I asked listeners to my radio show "The Huckabee Report" to share their favorite Christmas stories from their own families. They sent so many great ones, both moving and hilarious, that it became an annual tradition. With Christmas just a week away, I thought I would pull out seven of my favorites and share one a day with you. If you enjoy these stories, please let me know in the comments on my website here.

Every day until Christmas, I'm recounting family stories inspired by my book "A Simple Christmas" and shared with me a few years ago by my radio listeners. Warning: today's is not for the weak of stomach.

One thing everyone loves about the holidays is all the great foods we indulge in only once a year. Every family has its special dishes that simply must be on the table, from oyster dressing to yams with tiny marshmallows. But sometimes, they don't make for a great combination.

Kevin from Maryland wrote me that he grew up in a Norwegian family that always served the notorious fish dish, lutefisk, which he jokingly called, "the piece of Cod that passes all understanding."

Kevin recalled: "My mother, a fine teetotaling Christian who prided herself on never having alcohol in the house, was appalled the day my uncle brought a six-pack of beer as his contribution to the Christmas meal. To my mother's horror, my father graciously accepted the libation. And so, in sullen silence, the family dinner was served...the traditional lutefisk and Godless beer.

I remember the smirk on my uncle's face as he began to eat the fish dish and wash it down with beer. My father, at the other end of the table shared in the merriment, while my poor grim-faced mother tried to remain polite...though sitting next to her, I was certain that she was asking God to strike her kin with righteous retribution."

Now, at this point, Kevin went into some clinical details about the chemical reactions of the digestive system that I won't relay here. Suffice to say that about half an hour into the meal, his dad and uncle suddenly excused themselves and bolted from the table. They both spent a miserable night of gastric distress, much to his mom's quiet satisfaction.

Kevin said that was the Christmas he learned that mixing fish cured in lye with beer creates a volcanic reaction in the stomach similar to mixing vinegar and baking soda. He said it was also the year he learned that God answers prayers (his mother's, at least.) And He's not above using science in working His will.

Tomorrow, I'll bring you a story that touches the heart rather than the stomach.


Message from Huck PAC:  

HUCK PAC NEEDS FINANCIAL HELP: Support conservative Republicans in 2017 and beyond. Help us raise an additional $9,469 before December 31 by chipping in $25 today.


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Monday, December 19, 2016

Middle East and Terrorism: Not a private fight over land - Dror Eydar

Fwd: Boycott the Boycotters... the "Jewish Organizations" who are behaving as wolves dressed in sheep clothing betraying their people!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <lenmar89@aol.com>
Date: Dec 19, 2016 10:17 AM

The so called Jewish Organizations listed just below are wolves in sheep's clothing.  They are not really Jewish organizations looking to help Jew's real issues, particularly Israel.
They do not deserve any contributions from any Jew who understands that Israel requires all the help that we Jews can give them.  These so called phony Jewish organizations are more concerned about the Arabs then they are about Israel
They are a curse upon the Jewish people and are a curse that never seems to disappear.

Mainstream Jewish Organizations Who Participated in Partisan Boycott of Hanukkah Party Betrayed Our Trust


At this time of year when organizations are seeking our support, it's important to consider which Jewish groups are serving our interests by supporting Israel and the Jewish people. Unfortunately, the leaders of some Jewish groups have forgotten that their role is not to delve into partisan politics with their own political agendas but rather, to conduct themselves in a manner that serves Israel and the Jewish people as a whole. 

As you may have read, a Hanukkah party cosponsored by The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and the nation of Azerbaijan was held on December 14. Azerbaijan is a rare Muslim nation that is strongly supportive of Israel, a relationship that should be nurtured at a time when so many people and groups around the world are seeking to isolate Israel. The Conference of Presidents should be commended for cosponsoring this party. It was held on the same day as the White House Hanukkah party and in order to make it easier for attendees to make the short walk from the White House to the Conference party and because it has a Kosher kitchen, it was held nearby at the Trump International Hotel. 

Instead of embracing the significance of this Hanukkah party to Israel and the Jewish people, the location of the party served as an excuse for 11 Jewish groups to engage in a partisan political attack on President-Elect Trump. They protested and boycotted the party. A number of these groups are far left anti-Israel organizations, and we've come to expect that type of conduct from them. But you may be surprised to learn that a number of mainstream Jewish organizations, some of whom you may have in the past supported, were guilty of this perfidy. Among the boycotting groups were the Jewish Federations of North America and the ADL. The following are the 11 groups who boycotted the event:

Jewish Federations of North America
ADL (Anti-Defamation League)
HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society)
Union for Reform Judaism
Central Conference of American Rabbis
Americans for Peace Now
Workmen's Circle
Jewish Women International
National Council of Jewish Women

Contributing toward polarization and divisiveness is not the role of mainstream Jewish organizations. Telling the next President of the United States that Jews hate him is not their role. And attacking a party in which a Muslim nation wishes the Jewish people well is not their role. The role of our mainstream Jewish organizations is to support Israel and the Jewish people. Some have forgotten that and we have listed them above. But many other mainstream Jewish organizations have not forgotten, and they attended the event. When you are making your year end donations do consider those organizations who put Jewish communal interests above their partisan political agendas.

An excellent analysis of this betrayal of our trust can be found in this article by Morton Klein of the Zionist Organization of America.

  Although our reach with these emails is substantial, we can use your help in spreading our message by forwarding this email to your friends and associates interested in supporting Israel.

Coalition of Pro-Israel Advocates (COPIA)
Citizens Opposed to Propaganda Masquerading as Art (COPMA)

Robert G. Samet, Chairman
Mark H. Lazerson, Vice-Chairman
Carol Greenwald, PhD, Treasurer
Barbara Leber, PhD, Secretary
Jeffrey Ward, General Counsel
Copyright © 2016 Citizens Opposed to Propaganda Masquerading as Art (COPMA), All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you opted to be notified of activities and events harmful to the State of Israel.

Our mailing address is:
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J Street, the Soros, Muslim supported faux "pro-Israel" gang is now in hysterical mode regarding the appointment of David Friedman as our new ambassador to Israel. Of course, he fails the J Street litmus test for this position. He is staunchly pro-Israel, anti Islamic terror and has a regard for democracy in the Middle East. Find your local J Street office and let them know how you feel about our new delegate to Israel.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

More Chillul Hashem Fwd: Palestinians Warn: Moving US Embassy to Jerusalem will 'Destroy Peace Process'; Israelis Agree to Evacuate their Homes


Because of our silence...  GOI's position to destroy Amona serves to weaken incoming President Elect Trumps pro Israel stand and empowers our enemy chas vesholom!.  

Am Yisroel Areivim and we all will have to bear the burden of over 40 displaced families and over 200 traumatized kids...

They will tell us in Shamayim... save your sympathy... Save your hard earned money to provide counseling to these fsmilies..Its Sheker...Why didnt you prevent their pain? 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "World Israel News" <news@worldisraelnews.com>
Date: Dec 18, 2016 7:17 PM
Subject: Palestinians Warn: Moving US Embassy to Jerusalem will 'Destroy Peace Process'; Israelis Agree to Evacuate their Homes
To: "Robin Ticker" <faigerayzel@gmail.com>

Trump will not Force Solution on Israel, says New Envoy; CLICK HERE for Latest Israel News!
World Israel News UN Chief Admits UN is Biased Against Israel; From New York Suburban Bliss to ISIS Jihad; Did Israel Assassinate Hamas Engineer?
Palestinians: Moving US Embassy to Jerusalem will 'Destroy Peace Process'
WATCH: Trump will not Force a Solution on Israel, says Incoming US Ambassador
Amona Residents Agree to Evacuate their Homes, Avoid Confrontation with IDF
Ban Ki-moon Admits UN is Obsessed with Israel
WATCH: Arab-Israeli newscaster 'ashamed' by Arab world's reaction to Aleppo 'holocaust'
Did Israel Assassinate Hamas Aviation Engineer in Tunisia?
France postpones summit on Arab-Israeli conflict
An ISIS recruit: From suburban NY bliss to jihad 
WATCH: Inventor of Heimlich maneuver dies
Committee accepts parole for imprisoned Israeli ex-president
Israeli group asks US court to block Boeing deal with Iran 
Czech military to purchase 8 radars made in Israel   
Tensions rise after China seizes US navy drone
Austria: House where Hitler was born to house charity agency 
Russian hacking claims vs. Obama's meddling in foreign elections


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Israel Reaches Agreement to Relocate Amona Settlers - NYTimes.com


Why is the GOI (govt of Israel) forcing Jews off of our Land creating a terrible Chillul Hashem?

Because all of Am Yisroel needs to show Hashem that we want the gift of Eretz Yisroel.  And as long as we as a people are indifferent we collectively are not Zocheh.

The settlers of Amona are the creme de la creme.

Who was willing to remain and fight?

These were mainly teenagers ready to fight armed police. It was almost certain to be a violent struggle.

I dont have any Taanos complaints on the Amona families who agreed to this settlement to avoid a violent clash.

But it is us who didnt open our mouths who are Chayav.  Because of our silence over 40 families will be homeless. Over 200 kids traumatized.

 Lev Melachim beyad Hashem. It is not Netanyahu nor Trump that will have the last word.  It will be each and every one of us collectively.  So if one did not protest this immoral and unjust decision of a Supreme Court of Israel that leaves much to be desired, than one will be accountable in Shamayim when they ask  if our davening each and every day is mere lip service. 

I dont envy anyone who will be forced to see the long term results of their inaction and apathy..
הושיבה שופטינו כבראשונה.


Fwd:Please help support Amona with money! Share with those who care and "get it " from Anita Tucker

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Anita Tucker <tucker.anita@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Dec 18, 2016 at 2:36 AM
Subject: Amona, share with those who care and "get it "
To: Robin Ticker <faigerayzel@gmail.com>

‏---------- הודעה שהועברה ----------

Whoever cant be in Amona now but want to support the 41 families of Amona and their unbelievable devotion to Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael can send your dollar check written to 
Central Fund of Israel  MEMO  AMONA !!!
mail NOW  to 
C/o Marcus 
980 Sixth Ave
NY,NY 10018

They are unable to work now, they are shelling out tons of funds to host all that are there, and are all in serious debt .The professionals hired to  help study maps ,lawyers etc all are being covered by the families .
A big financial hug is definitely needed and allows those not able to be here  to have privilege to take part in these efforts !


Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (www.IsraelAdvocacyCalendar.com).
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Amona! Not even One Home should be destroyed! Remember how they were brutally violent to passive resistance in 2006. Till 12pm to decide. What happened to December 25th date. What's the big rush?


Why not?

BACKGROUND: Toronto Zionist Council Amona Supplement: Everything you wanted to know about the Amona case and you were afraid to ask. By Shannon Nuszen  Pay special  attention to David Wilders article about how the gov't reneged on their agreement with Hebron residents.  https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B86sGl9yfinjckk5bzNjVXVXTEphUlNHS1VVVHRUdWRGakhz/view?usp=sharing

Divide and Conquer proposal? Wise up Amona....

Just pick out a few scapegoats and save the rest. Let our enemies still win a victory by allowing them to prove to the world that Israel is occupying Palestinian Land....After all, the GOI, the Gov't of Israel must agree since they are expelling Jews for living on Palestinian Land. 

This is technique they used to isolate a few hilltop youth to portray them as Jewish terrorists. These scapegoats are the Duma suspects whom they have yet to find any credible evidence. These guys were tried and convicted in the secular mdea.  ...The secular media then indulged in spreading the big lie that Jewish settlers are terrorists. They originally put up pictures that made these kids look unkempt. eg Half cut payos of Meir Ettinger which happened when it got caught  somewhere. The subsequent article portrayed them as more typical.  The OPED in the New York Times by Naftali Bennett  easily misled its readers to conclude that all Chareidi Jews and probably all Jews are terrorists. 

Amona residents offered new proposal. They are being thrown a new bone.
New proposal would allow 24 families from Amona to remain on the hill rather than 12. http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/221874

Passive Eviction????? A clear guide to how to lose this battle...Uri Ariel: We are calling for passive eviction of Amona
Sunday, December 18, 2016

Minister Uri Ariel (Jewish Home) said on Army Radio that "We are doing everything so that the eviction will be passive, with a clear call not to harm security forces, who are of our flesh and blood," he said. 
My comments.  Nobody wants violence but the Settlers should not be naive by their gracious or shall we say rather stupid declaration of passive eviction.  Remember how their passive unarmed resistance turned them easy targets of riot horses and heavily shielded battalion of soldiers armed with batons.  Let them fight back in the same measure the government chooses to fight them. Them them declare their intention to self defense. 

Rule of Law????? What About Torah Law? Children model their parent behavior. Don't preach rule of law when you are the biggest violator.

Netanyahu Reminds Amona in Letter: Israel is a Nation That Lives by the Rule of Law 
PM Netanyahu urges the residents of Amona and those who stand with them not to turn violent at the evacuation. He urged parents not to involve young children or teens.




Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (www.IsraelAdvocacyCalendar.com).
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Fwd: Paul Eidelberg - Draining the Swamp as per Harry S. Truman

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Paul Eidelberg" <foundation612.12@gmail.com>
Date: Dec 17, 2016 11:12 AM
To: "robert reilly" <rrreilly@msn.com>

Draining the Swamp as per Harry S. Truman

Paul Eidelberg

As Donald Trump looks over the Obama Administration, he might well be reminded that, back in 1944, the Chairman of the Republican National Committee, after reviewing the number of anti-Americans that had infiltrated the Democratic Party, wrote a letter on Senate stationary and signed by Harry S. Truman, a letter that said, "Once the Dewey administration takes over, we will see the greatest housecleaning in Washington since St. Patrick cleaned the snakes out of Ireland." r

Friday, December 16, 2016

Please Fwd! URGENT!! Chanuka Chana and her Seventh son...and a message to Amona residents. Demolition slated for Sunday night according to David Bedein. Write letters! Make Phone calls..Don't let up

bcc: MK's, Rabbanim, Media, Activist List.



Chana's seventh son refused even to appear as if he was bowing down...He was offered gold and silver and all he needed to do was pick up the Kings ring...but he knew symbolically others will view it as if he acquiesced.  

Settlers of Amona should not beg for temporary caravans. This is an OUTRAGE!  Angry letters must be sent by each and every Jew and righteous gentile to the Govt of Israel for their evil plan to traumatize over 40 families and over 200 kids needlessly, bowing to the idolatry of a 2 STate Solution paradigm. 

This is good reason to topple the Netanyahu administration. 

Is Tamar Nizri a spokeswomen for Amona to beg for caravans? 

I am not in her place nor in the place of these courageous families and I am not facing her challenges of losing my home. 

This having been said  I think begging for caravans when the gov't is gearing up to cruelly uproot families from their homes is a sign of weakness.  Agreeing to be displaced even temporarily is a symbolic acquiescence which is a mistake. When it comes to Chillul Hashem, and the destruction of Amona is clearly that, even an appearance of acquiescence and submission is problematic.

Hashem Oz LeAmo Yiten and each and everyone of us who remains silent is complicit with this terrible decree! 

Chas VeShalom!

Shabbat Shalom Umevorach! May we be zocheh, worthy,  with Hashem's Help, to witness the miracles of Kislev and Chanuka and salvation from all evil decrees!

Rav Mazuz says Chareidim must protest Amona Destruction.

Over 60 Rabbi's of Iggud HaRabbonim of NY signed a letter to Netanyahu not to destroy Amona stating that doing so violates multiple Torah Prohibitions!  

Please Call, Contact Rabbonim, Chofetz Chaim Heritage Center, Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah anyone to Help Save Amona! Will you enjoy Chanukah in the comfort of your home while over 40 families with over  200 kids are being thrown out of theirs? Fwd: [Mattotarim] עמונה: עדכונים Updates

-------- Original Message ---------- 
From: Center For Near East Policy Research Lt <ctrforneareastpolicyresearch@gmail.com
To: ctrforneareastpolicyresearch <CtrForNearEastPolicyResearch@gmail.com
Date: December 16, 2016 at 8:58 AM 
Subject: Fwd: Reasonable request to avoid bloodshed in Amonah 

David Bedein
Israel Resource News Agency
Center for Near East Policy Research
Beit Agron
37 Hillel Street, Suite 105-106
Jerusalem 94581 Israel

Twitter: @DavidBedein
Skype: david.bedein2

​The IDF and the Israeli police are preparing to expel 41 families with 203 children from their homes in Amona​ - possibly on Sunday night.

​ Amona resident, Tamar Nizri, speaking on IBA radio, made it clear that if the govt were to offer homes for immediate occupancy of all 41 families on the hill next to Amona ​- they will move there ASAP.

The gov't has hundreds of mobile homes in emergency supply. These ​mobile ​ homes could be ​positioned in a matter of hours.

Here are all gov't spokespeople. They need to be saturated with the simple humanitarian request. Do not move the people of Amona until they have places to move ​ to.​

The people of Amona are not squatters.

If the ​Israeli High ​ court ruled that the gov't allowed settlement 20 yrs ago that was not appropriate to current statutes, then it is the govt responsibility to make sure that these families are treated well.

Everything depends on massive feedback​ from Jews around the world

lishkat_sar@education.gov.il; shaskel@knesset.gov.il; yedelstein@knesset.gov.il; davidam@knesset.gov.il; amiro@knesset.gov.il; oakunis@knesset.gov.il; gerdan@knesset.gov.il; bbeni@knesset.gov.il; nboker@knesset.gov.il; dbitan@knesset.gov.il; anatb@knesset.gov.il; ggamliel@knesset.gov.il; davraham@knesset.gov.il; tzhanegbi@knesset.gov.il; hkatz@knesset.gov.il; yiskatz@knesset.gov.il; zakil@knesset.gov.il; ymazuz@knesset.gov.il; anagosa@knesset.gov.il; nkoren@knesset.gov.il; kayoob@knesset.gov.il; mregev@knesset.gov.il; ysteinitz@knesset.gov.il; ebendehan@knesset.gov.il; nissan@knesset.gov.il; ashaked@knesset.gov.il; smoalemr@knesset.gov.il; dazulay@knesset.gov.il; ybentzur@knesset.gov.il; aderey@knesset.gov.il; yvaknin@knesset.gov.il; izchakec@knesset.gov.il; ymargi@knesset.gov.il; mnahari@knesset.gov.il; ieichler@knesset.gov.il; mgafni@knesset.gov.il;


Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (www.IsraelAdvocacyCalendar.com).
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

David Friedman a great friend of Israel! Arutz7

Israpundit » Blog Archive INTO THE FRAY: The 2 State Solution... An inane, insane initiative - by Martin Sherman

Trump's New Israel Ambassador Looks Forward to Serving From "Israel's Eternal Capital, Jerusalem" - Breaking Israel News | Latest News. Biblical Perspective.