Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Re: Amona... Rabbanim, Media...Grama, We will eventually have to answer the Heavenly court why we did not testify on their behalf and allowed their homes to be destroyed


Lichvod Rabbanim and Pro Israel Media, and fellow Jews and lover of Israel, amv"sh

The fact that the Knesset is even talking about relocation etc. a total waste of time and money only to bring much emotional and financial distress shows that once again they are totally void of basic common sense. 

Blind basically.

Forget about all the stupid legalities of the Supreme Court who are biased against the settlers which makes people not see the forest from the trees. 

Why is there no mention that there are 150 cases all over the country, both sides of the green line, where they have located Arab landowners...Same idiotic strategy that was used in katif -

Common sense says you don't destroy a Jewish community, men women and children along with their shuls, schools, kindergartens, cultural centers, swimming pools if they have one etc,  displace people who built a community with love and tears and sweat! Period. Will you replace the love that went into their efforts? Impossible!  If Amona is illegal housing than so is Tel Aviv and Bnei Brak. NO different then your home or my home!

I am quite sure that if you take a small subset of all that money that you wish to waste on destroying these peoples homes, only to relocate them to a different place so that they need to start from scratch again, and give it to those Arabs who apparently may not even exist, who claim ownership of some of this land that has been barren since the beginning, they will surely be thrilled.  

Are Jews from Tel Aviv  also being displaced and relocated from their homes which originally came from Arab's home that were captured in 1948 or how about in Jerusalem after the Arabs ran away on their own accord following a legitimate war that they started, which they lost?   

In Amona, I have yet to see an Arab's home that were taken over by the settlers who settled the hilltop in Amona. It was a totally barren hilltop.  They simply don't exist. 

Every Jew, and here I am referring also to the frum Jews in Flatbush,  who saw what happened at Gush Katif and said we "Share in Their Pain" in Tehillim gatherings following the Gush Katif Expusion in 2005,   obviously didn't really internalize what they were saying. In Shamayim they were asking us "Why didn't you do something to prevent their pain so that they didn't have to experience this excruciating emotional, financial pain of getting thrown out of one's home and losing one's job?" 

 Maybe we had an excuse, we could have argued we didn't know what was happening, that the Government of Israel would be retarded enough to actually carry out the expulsion of 10,000 Jews on Tisha Baav.  So  maybe G-d let it go and said, I will see then if you continue to allow other such desecration of My Name. You will only be held accountable for this if you fail in the future to stop similar such act of destruction of fellow Jews' homes. 

 Hopefully Hashem  will forgive and forget when  He sees that we are aware of Amona's slated destruction and that we regret having been silent in the past, and act now to stop it from happening.

I don't use the word retarded lightly. It was an act of insanity that later brought upon southern Israel multiple  rocket attacks and terrible destruction and severe trauma upon peace loving, productive, happy communities of Jews who were expelled and upon Jews of Sderot and southern Israel who couldn't take a shower in peace for years following the Gush Katif expulsion always on the run to the shelter following a siren. 15 seconds was all that they had.   The Gush Katif community, predominantly farmers, gave their lives and everything they had, their entire selves,  to build beautiful communities only to have the work of their lives bulldozed.  

Have you no compassion? Because they didn't get the proper permit it is coming to them? They should have known better?  

So let us address the justification of this brazen act of destruction on someones home. 

Why wasn't aren't the permits issued?  That is the million dollar question.  It can be issued now retroactively.  Why are these permits being withheld?

Because apparently there are those who can't come to terms with the fact that this is our Biblical Homeland and rightful inheritance of the Jewish people!

We are creating prosecuting angels against ourselves.  Who will defend us when we need the help of G-d and if Chas VeShalom they come after our own homes as they did in Europe during the Holocaust.  We think it can't and won't happen?  True it should not be our motivation right now.  Helping fellow Jews should be.

Are all the Tisha Baav lectures on Ahavas Yisroel all lip service?

By allowing this to happen once again, even small scale is surely a litmus test to a much larger scale insanity agenda of our enemies, far more dangerous than the Gush Katif expulsion! 

There is probably tremendous pressures on the Israeli gov't  by the Obama Administration who calls building in Jerusalem "corrosive and provocative",  for this destruction to happen in Amona.

Don't be naive. The intention is to deny the basic right for Jews to settle in our Biblical ancestral homeland. 

Do what you can to put an end to this madness.  Every major Jewish Organization should be making a public statement in opposition of the pointless destruction of Jewish homes.  

Otherwise it's like studying the Rabbinic teachings of giving to a poor person and being interrupted with a poor person at the door asking for help and you reply please don't disturb. I am busy learning. 

On Wed, Aug 3, 2016 at 10:12 AM, <> wrote:
I read through your pieces Robin and Judy - excellent work as always
watching a video of the assault on Amona and remembering the protest press conference I organized at City Hall a day or so later with everyone that the press refused to even acknowledge is so upsetting.


-----Original Message-----
From: Robin Ticker <>
To: Robin Faige Rayzel Tzipporah Hebzibah Ticker <>
Sent: Tue, Aug 2, 2016 12:22 am
Subject: Amona... The community they want removed from existence Youtube by Ezra Ridgley and The Jewish Heritage Project



Amona Revisited, Is Lieberman doing enough by merely actively looking for a solution to prevent the evacuation of Amona?


Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Obama says Building in Jerusalem Corrosive and Provocative? Mayor of Jerusalem responds. My comments


The Mayor sites the Jewish Connection to Jerusalem for 3000 years. 

However, in my humble opinion,  Mayor Barkat bent over backwards to defend Israels right to build for Jews primarily based on being fair to the Jews, Christians and Arabs alike.  

Being Jewish according to the Mayor himself is in no way an advantage.

Thank you Mayor Barkat for standing up for Jerusalem. It was bold to speak up as you did. 

However, I personally would however would  take it much further than being fair to all the residents with no special preference for the Jews!

Unfortunately Mr Mayor, in spite of our 3000 year connection to the Holy Land, practically, being Jewish often is a disadvantage when it comes to building permits. According to Arieh King, councilman of the Jerusalem municipality,  the Arab population is increasing in Jerusalem compared to Jewish population which is decreasing?!?!. 

Apparently being Arab in Jerusalem is an advantage if you want to get a building permit.
I wish the Mayor would have said that non Jews are welcome to reside in Jerusalem so long as they accept Israels Sovereignty and abide by Universal Morality laws also known as the 7 Noahide laws. See Biblical Path to Peace video.

I wish he would have said we will eliminate in Jerusalem all hate education that teaches its residents that Israel is the enemy that must be destroyed. All residents are required at the very minimum to adhere to the requirements stated above, accepting Israel Sovereignty and 7 Noahide Laws before being granted resident status and such status will be revoked with proven failure to adhere to these requirements.

How  different is pledging allegiance to the Sovereign State of Israel than pledging allegiance to the United States of America?  

Probably Obama has no problem with doing away with such a pledge as he is welcoming many radical Islamic terrorists into the country without vetting them. But I think he is being treasonous to America.

I wish the Mayor would say that Israel and the City of Jerusalem it's capitol,  will fight subversive and hateful indoctrination within our midst that undermines Israels rights to the Promised Land. This is our ancient homeland of thousands of years, Promised by the Almighty in a Covenant with our forefathers, Abraham and then again with Isaac and then again with Jacob to give them this Land as an everlasting inheritance  to them and their seed therafter.

We, the descendants of Jacob, who was also given the name Israel, are the true and rightful inheritors and legal occupiers (in its literal meaning not its more recent connotation of illegality) of the Land of Israel!

Islam is Colonialism, 'Palestine' is Colonialism - Arutz Sheva by Daniel Greenfield

Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Watch: Republican ad says Democrats are 'stridently anti-Israel' - Arutz Sheva

Fwd: Daniel Greenfield's article: Stop Lone Wolf Terrorism by Ending Muslim Immigration

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From: "Sultan Knish" <>
Date: Aug 2, 2016 7:49 AM
Subject: Daniel Greenfield's article: Stop Lone Wolf Terrorism by Ending Muslim Immigration
To: <>

Daniel Greenfield's article: Stop Lone Wolf Terrorism by Ending Muslim Immigration

Link to Sultan Knish

Stop Lone Wolf Terrorism by Ending Muslim Immigration

Posted: 01 Aug 2016 06:01 PM PDT

Lone wolf terrorism is the biggest trend in Islamic terrorism. Unlike classic Islamic terrorism, it requires no cells stretching across countries the way that 9/11 did. The perpetrators don't even need to enter the country under false pretenses the way that the World Trade Center bombers did.

In many cases, they are already citizens. Some were even born in their target country.

Classic counterterrorism is directed at organizations. It's inadequate for stopping individual Muslim terrorists like Omar Mateen who was able to murder 49 people at a nightclub in Orlando or closely related duos like the Tsarnaev brothers in Boston or the husband and wife team who carried out the San Bernardino terrorist attack which took the lives of 14 people.

Even the standard technique of planting informants into mosques, deeply opposed by the Islamic lobby in the United States, fails when individuals decide to act alone or only trust their wives or brothers to be in on the plot with them. If an individual Islamic terrorist fails to let his plans slip, either online or to an FBI informant, stopping him can be extremely difficult if not entirely impossible without a stroke of luck.

And Islamic terrorists only need to be lucky once. We have to be lucky every time.

Every absurd Islamic terror plot broken up by law enforcement, the type of thing dismissed by the media and ridiculed by commentators, launching rockets at planes, underwear bombs and blowing up trains, contained the seed of a horrific terrorist attack just like Orlando, Boston or Nice.

When you turn on the evening news and see a running death toll, it's because one of those absurd and ridiculous terror plots actually succeeded. And it's happening more and more often.

The reason is simple. Unlike classic Islamic terrorism which required organization and infrastructure, the new brand of Islamic terror only needs one thing… Muslims.

Lone wolf terrorism operates entirely off the existing Muslim population in a particular country. The bigger the Muslim population, the bigger the risk. Any Muslim or Muslims who have settled in a particular non-Muslim country can answer the call of Jihad at any given time without warning.

There is no way that the FBI or other law enforcement agencies could begin to monitor even a fraction of the Islamic settler population sympathetic to terror. The FBI alone has almost 1,000 active ISIS cases it was investigating last year in all 50 states. It does not have nearly the resources it needs to handle them.

As the Muslim settler population in the country increases, the number of cases will grow. No matter how much law enforcement expands the scope of its operations, it will not be able to keep up with the high natural birth rates of the Muslim settler population whose terrorists don't need a fraction of the training or skills that trained law enforcement figures do. The more the Muslim population grows, the more terror attacks like Orlando, Boston and Nice will get past law enforcement.

Any technological or logistical solutions to this crisis on the law enforcement end will only be band aids.

The source of the problem is Islamic immigration. That is the only possible solution. The only way to reduce the growth of the lone wolf Islamic terrorism problem is to reduce or end Muslim migration.

If this is how bad it is when Muslims are only 1% of the population, what happens when the Muslim settler population doubles and then doubles again? Accompanying these rising population numbers will be rising influence by the Islamic lobby. Islamic groups such as CAIR with a history of terror ties and opposition to counterterrorism will have even more power to stymie law enforcement investigations. The end result will be far more successful Muslim terrorist massacres taking place on a constant basis.

Muslim immigrants are already inherently privileged when it comes to their ability to enter this country ahead of far more peaceful and far more deserving groups. For example, the vast majority of Syrian refugees admitted to this country are the Muslims who perpetrated and are perpetuating their religious war in the region rather than their Christian and Yazidi victims who face slavery and genocide at their hands.

This Islamic immigration privilege must be withdrawn. Muslim immigration must at the very least be scaled back to a level that law enforcement can cope with. At best it must end entirely until the Muslim world manages to stabilize its way of life to the extent that it can peacefully co-exist with non-Muslims.

There will be endless arguments over what percentage of Muslims support terrorism, but our own experience of recent attacks shows that many of them came from attackers who overtly appeared to be "moderate" and "ordinary". For every Islamist activist dressed in Salafist fashion and tweeting praise of ISIS, there is at least one, if not many more, whom you would pass on the street without a second look.

Before the Boston Marathon bombing, the Tsarnaevs did not seem like Jihadists. They would have been classed with the general category of "moderate" Muslims. And then they struck.

That is how it is.

The internet has decentralized terrorist training camps. Any Muslim can acquire the skills and equipment he needs to kill a few or a dozen or even a hundred if he chooses to follow his religion.

Not every Muslim will shoot up a nightclub or bomb a marathon, but we have no foolproof way of telling them apart. And even many Muslims who would not shoot up an office party in San Bernardino will still sympathize with the perpetrators. And even those Muslims who don't will often continue supporting the Muslim lobby of organizations like CAIR that stymie law enforcement investigations of Islamic terrorism.

Muslim immigration makes Muslim terrorism worse.

Once we understand this inconvenient truth, then everything else naturally flows from it. The type of terrorism that we are dealing now won't be beaten by breaking up organizations or droning terrorist leaders in training camps in Yemen or Pakistan. The enemy is right here. He speaks our language. He walks down our streets. He looks at us with hate in his Halal heart and he plots to kill us.

He may pledge allegiance to ISIS or Al Qaeda, but he is part of the larger organization of Islam. It is this organization, more than any of its Jihadist factional subdivisions, that represents the true threat.

Lone wolf terrorism is a viral threat that is spread by Islamic migration. We can only end it by closing the door. As long as the door to the Muslim migrant stays open, we will live under the threat that our neighbor or co-worker will be the one to kill us tomorrow or the day after that.
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