Friday, April 22, 2016

Fwd: chametz by Shalom Pollack

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Shalom Pollack" <>
Date: Apr 22, 2016 8:39 AM
Subject: chametz
To: <>

--- ENTER YOUR CONTENT HERE -Energy minister  Steinitz created  a head line  this week when he  was quoted as saying,"I eat hametz on Passover".
He had to keep a  low profile after that admission.

There  was  a time when this  was not a situation one had to wiggle out of  but a part pf the proud red flag held high  by those who ruled Israel for fifty years(before and after the establishment of the state).

The current controversy over the actions of sergeant Elor Azaria  is another sign that the times, they are  a changing.
As soon as he  finished off the wounded but potentially threatening  terrorist in Hebron, the  military and political establishment  proclaimed  that a very serious infraction was committed and will be investigated and prosecuted rigorously.
 The film taken by the EU funded. pro Palestinian NGO, Betzelem, catapulted the establishment and media into the usual knee jerk frenzy of breast pounding and  self flagellation.
What will the world  say? How  do  we look in the eyes of such a caring, concerned world...?

The Jewish public felt differently. Polls show that two thirds of them support  the soldier who  was immediately arrested and put into chains.
PM  Netanyahu, like many politicians know how to smell the political winds and in the  wake of the immediate public fury promptly made a call to the soldier's father explaining that he too is the father of a soldier and understands....

He and minister of education Bennet got into a sharp exchange over rumored plans to relinquish security control of parts of "area A" from where waves of terror had eminated before Israel  allowed herself a free hand there. Israel is toying with the idea of giving the PA another please the caring  world

Opposition MK Lieberman too  continues his attacks on the PM for his  less than resolute actions vis a  vis the Hamas tunnel threat from Gaza.

It was not only the Right that was heard this week. Opposition leader Herzog said that the Labor party is seen by too many Israelis as 'Arab lovers"(true) and that "we must set the record straight  that we are not for our enemies."

This  was very interesting. The Labor party of Ben Gurion, Golda Meir, and Rabin, never openly sought Arab support. It was not what they were about then . However as the Right came to power they sought a wider base and began a continual slide away from their classic Zionist  stand to a more "cosmopolitan", liberal" one. This did indeed attract Arab voters and MK's(one, MK Balul who said  that" the Arabs who attacked the soldiers in Hebron were not terrorists but were fighting an illegal occupation").

The Jewish population  has progressively given up on Labor. "Left" is becoming a  nasty word in Israel (thanks to the Oslo fantasy/addiction and  it's consequences.)
Poor Herzog. He is under attack from his party Left stalwarts and  still the Jewish majority just do not trust or like those "Arab lovers".

Polls taken this week indicate that two thirds of Israeli  support sergeant Elor Azaria and interestingly enough, another poll showed equal numbers of Jews who do not eat chametz on Pesach.
They are probably  one and the same. They are  the ones more likely to spend the holiday in Israel than abroad. The ones  seeking chametz abroad are mostly the 1.7 children and a dog population.

There is indeed a palpable shift in the demographics of Israel.
 Now all we need is a true leader to channel this awakening of common sense and self respect to a clear direction.

This will happen to God willing.

Happy holiday of  freedom to all.

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Sovereignty signs protest IDF withdrawal from Judea-Samaria - Arutz Sheva

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Re:IFNOTNOW wants to Liberate the SlaveMasters, those who would love to enslave lsraelites or better yet blow them up if they could. WOW!


It's mindboggling how these Liberated useful idiot Jews want so much to Liberate those that wish to enslave and put into bondage or better yet blow up Israel. IFNOTNOW is so gracious that perhaps let us pray IFNOTNOW gets first hand knowledge of being on the receiving end of those that they wish to Liberate.  Please G-d allow those whom they wish to liberate the opportunity to actualize their innermost desire on those who are so anxious to Liberate them. What does it take for those so blinded to have a taste of their own medicine only to realize that it just might kill them. Will they have pity on those who enforce Sharia law upon them? The women might not appreciate their new lifestyle.  Then Yad LAchim can rescue them from being trapped and they will better appreciate the real Passover story so that it wouldn't be necessary to reinvent the story using their own imagination

Actually, I wouldnt wish this on my worst enemy but best that they see first hand what they are promoting...

On Apr 21, 2016 9:05 PM, "Yonah Lieberman, IfNotNow" <> wrote:


Hi Robin,

Wow. Just wow.

IfNotNow Bay Area just wrapped up the final #LiberationSeder of the week and now I can finally say, "What. A. Week."

IfNotNow Bay Area leaders block traffic outside the East Bay Federations building

Tomorrow, millions of Jews around the world will sit down to Passover Seders and celebrate our liberation from slavery in Egypt and the freedom we have today.

But you and I both know that is not the whole story.

As we've been saying all week – in the streets, in the lobbies of Jewish institutions, and online – our freedom cannot come at the cost of the freedom of Palestinians. Our futures are intertwined. Our peoples both deserve freedom and dignity.

This week nearly 500 people joined us at the 5 #LiberationSeder actions across the country. Now it's time to bring our message to your seder table.

We've uploaded some of the resources we used this week and invite you to use them tomorrow evening.

Our power this week came from the incredibly courageous individuals that put their time, energy and bodies on the line to pull off the largest IfNotNow national action ever. And a special 'thank you' goes out to the 23 people who were arrested in Boston and New York City.

But our power this week also came from the rituals we adapted and created for our  seders. Each city made their own Haggadah which they went through in the streets.

This is the story of of each #LiberationSeder and this is the story of our movement. We will continue to reclaim Jewish ritual to meet the needs of the historical moment – just as our ancestors have done for generations.

I am deeply honored to be in this struggle with all of you.

And I know that sometimes it's easier to sing in the streets than engage meaningfully with our own families or close friends. It will take courage. And it will take power.

That's why we're giving you the resources we used this week. So you can feel more confident in bringing these conversations to your seder.

Have a liberated Passover and a chag sameach.

Yonah Lieberman

P.S. We still need you. Take our Passover pledge and join us in taking action in the 2nd half of 2016.

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Erev Pesach Letter to Rabbanim re Meir Ettinger and the latest string of arrests of a "cell of Jewish Terrorists" ...


First Chag Kasher Vesameach and may we all be zocheh to be free to serve Hashem as free men.

Not so Meir Ettinger nor the latest string of arrests of a "cell of Jewish Terrorist" who are supposedly from a fringe extremist ideology group which calls for the overthrow of the State of Israel and the imposition of a Jewish Kingdom. 

...again without any charges or evidence except that Shabak said so. The story is getting  monotonous. 

Time to do away with the Israel Police Nationalistic Crimes Division who apparently has lots of time, and funding to fabricate stories and harass Jewish Hilltop Youth in order to portray them in the news as a Violent Jewish Terror Group.   This is for public consumption and in order to get it blown out of proportion eventually by International Media, so that those who promote a Palestinian State can show Ethical and Moral equivalence between Young Palestinian Terrorists who are responsible for many terror attacks, murdering many innocent Israeli's and their counterpart, Jewish Hilltop "Terrorists". The only difference is that the former actually exists, a product of their hate filled education and culture and the latter does not and must be fabricated. 

Shin Bet busts 'Jewish terror cell', Israel Security Agency says it broke up a cell of Jewish extremists who carried out attacks against Palestinians in 2015. A joint operation was launched between the Shin Bet and Israel Police Nationalistic Crimes Division, which resulted in the arrest of six suspects, who admitted under interrogation to a string of attacks, including attempted attacks against Palestinian homes, assaulting individual Arabs, arson and vandalism against Palestinian-owned cars

Of course I don't want to slander Shabak but if they have real evidence against these guys why don't they bring charges and hold a fair and just trial. How come the only evidence they have comes from forced self incriminating confessions under immoral Administrative Incarceration Orders. 

It's shocking that even after it was proven that the Jewish Duma Suspects were forced into confession, the Shabak and the Police Nationalistic Crimes Division formed under Tzipi HaLivni come up with the same unoriginal story that we now know was full of holes and is suspicioust.  How unfortunate for another 6 young boys some of whom are minor to be framed and libeled. The idea as I see it, is to eventually portray these kids in a negative light,  and then disparage their communities as blood thirsty society,  who would love nothing better than to kill some Arabs.  The kids are initially condemned by politicians, Rabbis and the media without charges being brought or a trial held. Once they have been framed and condemned in the media,, the next step is to delegitimize their communities. Finally demolishing homes of settlers become less problematic and helps in the diplomatic arena showing how Israel Is cracking down on the only obstacle to peace, the Settlers. . It is psychological warfare process of delegitimization that was conducted prior to the expulsion of Gush Katif and is extremely worrisome given recent demolitions of Jewish homes and shuls in Judea and Samaria.   

This time however, I still haven't heard a rash of condemnation by right wing leaders on these 6 "Jewish Terrorists" as we usually do probably because we have smartened up, not really trusting these accusations  based on Shabak's previous unchecked modus operandi.

Lichvod HaRav and fellow activist:  Please write a personal letter to Prime Minister Netanyahu asking for Meir Ettinger's release or that he be brought to a fair and just trial. Protest the immoral Administrative Detention Orders as well as the Police Nationalistic Crimes Division.  It is a waste of precious funding and serves to empower our enemies..   Please publicize your letter to raise awareness. It is our hope that it will be effective so that the Shabak and the Police Nationalistic Crimes Division do not go unchallenged.  Getting away with false accusations has given them a false sense of security and have continued to libel,  frame and bring false accusations against innocent youth!  

Believe that our voice  carries clout and in this zchus may we merit our own personal  salvation from being enslaved.  May we only be servants to the Ribbono Shel Olam who is All Powerful who is Mashpil Geim uMagbiah Shefalim, who lowers the proud and raises the downtrodden. 

May we merit a Geula VeYeShua be Karov! Amein ken Yehi Ratzon!


Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Democracy NOT Hypocrisy by Raanan Isseroff

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: R Isseroff <>
Date: Wed, Apr 20, 2016 at 8:06 AM
Subject: Democracy NOT Hypocrisy
To: Robin Ticker <>


Theme Tweak:
Every Campaign Needs A Good Theme
Whats the common denominator between Administrative Detention, our poor soldier and the secret talks to  give away Golan Jericho and Ramallah?
They each infringe on Democracy.
  • Were Israelis asked if their land be given to Arab terrorists?
  • Are Israelis allowed free expression?
  • Can Israelis expect and demand that  soldiers be allowed to represent their interests by protecting Jews?

All 3 cases are not Democracy but Hypocrisy!

They each deny the public a say and representation or even the right to protest these gross violations of a  trust that the Israeli Government  protect its constituents.

Certainly Democracy does not allow elected officials to abdicate sovereignty God forbid endangering the public in so doing. 

One last point:
The G-d Angle
"Mr. Isseroff, you Jews have the "G-d Angle"
We Jews have this thing called a: TORAH which is the most democratic system of all. Representing the good of everybody. Girls, boys, non-Jews, black, white, Chinese- Even Jews!!
That's right.

Because G-d isn't a man or a woman, Jew or non-Jew.
In fact, Adam, who we all come from was a goy!
Don't we say in the Hagada that: Your ancestors worshiped idols?

G-d has the most Democratic system.
It's like his name: GOOD (God / Good = get it?). The Torah if followed by a Non-Jew or Jew, woman or man, is just as good because it directs us into the natural flow of positive energy that flows now just as it did for Adam and our grandmother Chava (of Eve fame).

You can't beat that.

The problem with whats going on in the land of Israel, is that what they're doing isn't good for anyone!

They think: "At least, its good for myself!"
The leaders of the Ghettos who were friends of the Nazi's didn't think the same thing? What about their Jewish ghetto police? They fed Jews to the Germans until they themselves got eaten by the very system they supported, joining their perished friends in the gas chambers.

Whats happening today is different?
Why it's not even good for the leaders of the absurd proposition called "Land for Peace".

Because it runs in total opposition with the natural order of whats good for non-Jews and Jews.

It damages the natural order G-d created.
It disrupts the flow of good coming into the world for non-Jews by rewarding terror, boomeranging and causing terror to untold thousands of the non-Jewish chevreh. Withholding the wells of blessing for non-Jews as each Jew is slowly driven off G-d's land.

For aren't Jews charged to bring blessing to the non-Jews? Doesn't G-d demand from Abraham: Through you will be blessed the nations of the earth?

Land for peace drives Jews off the land. It disrupts the normal Jewish way that G-d created to bless the nations by giving the Jews this small piece of very significant land.

There is no legal system in the world that disputes the true justice, peace (Shalom) and good that the Torah's laws teach. Most countries legal systems today are in fact  based in spirit or in part on the very laws the Jews received at Mount Sinai. What legal edifice or building does not resound with some saying from the Torah's wellspring?

It's only profiteering people who decry such a system exists. Or that such principles are truth. It threatens their jobs.
Yet, they can't escape it.

What country, Muslim or Christian does not espouse some aspect of the Torah's laws or its very spirit?

It reminds me of the story of man who decided to commandeer a field that was not his and charge people money for parking there.

When the owner complained?
The thief rallied the car owners to the great injustice they were about to suffer by losing such a choice parking spot. Why? Because of the petty complaints of one man, claiming to be the true owner. HE, the thief cried is denying your needs. He, is evil. He must be dealt with. And so they did, chasing him off, demeaning and abusing him. It went to court. The judge of course was one of the parking lot users. He fined the man and when he continued to complain, they put him in jail making him to suffer terrible punishments, claiming he was no less than a security risk!

In truth, the area was a flood plain, and the owner while worried about someone profiteering off of his field, he worried more for the car owners safety. But the car owners weren't interested in his trifling complaints. They rallied against him claiming eminent domain and "Shalom". They were here so much time and heard nothing about it being his land, etc.  Why, it is they who are the majority! Who is he, to belligerently come and demand of them? They are so powerful. They hold the democratically correct version of the law.

Alas, came the day when the sky filled with clouds. Yes boys and girls, along came a monster flash flood and washed away many of the cars and a number of the owners parking causing many deaths an many destroyed cars.

Of course, the car owners complained to the field manager, the thief.
Again though he passed the buck claiming that it's not his fault. "Well of course its a flood plain! You didn't know that? You've lived here many years. Certainly long enough to know. Who told you, you have to park your car here? And why should I pay for it? You could have parked over there up the hill. You could have parked in America, South Africa, Uganda or Argentina. Nobody told you that you must park here. 

Really? Its all your own fault...
And so Chevra the wheel turns.



Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.