Sunday, July 26, 2015

Fwd: Obama's Creepy Connection To Tisha B' Av, Judaism's Saddest Day Proved Again?


Obama's Creepy Connection To Tisha B' Av, Judaism's Saddest Day Proved Again?

Saturday night July 25th begins Tisha B' Av (the 9th of the Jewish month of Av). Since the time of Moses and the exodus-through modern times, horrible things have happened to the Jewish people on or around the 9th day of Av. Generally not recognized is the fact that this President of the United States, Barack Obama has a eerie connection to this sad day (above and beyond the P5+1 deal).


Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Tisha Baav, Open letter to #StopIran Coalition. You have shown Leadership! . Schumer comes out siding with Obama. Schumer, remember The Sin of the Spies


Friends Chaveirim, amv"sh

I was one of those who strongly advocated to give Schumer the benefit of the doubt,  and to target Obama rather than Schumer at the July 22nd rally at Times Square.   

However, Schumer's speech to the OU on June 10th, 2015 which I first saw today, Tisha Baav, and an interview with Schumer at Junior's, a Brooklyn diner, July  19th,  which I also just saw, woke me up to the fact that indeed Schumer probably will side with Obama. 

Schumer's speech  to the OU WAS POSTED BY MONDOWEISS an antisemitic paper on June 10th,  the Jewish Forward another leftist, pro Obama anti Israel news source came out with a similar article on June 18th, both off my radar. 

Here are the posts that convinced me re: Schumer's choice:

June 10, 2015 Schumer says Jewish and American interests on Iran deal differ but he has 'to do what's right for U.S.' 

June 18th, 2015 Is Chuck Schumer Waffling on Iran Nuclear Deal?

How Obama is using Schumer to nuke the US-Israel alliance

Senator Schumer on Iran.  OU Advocacy Published July 24, 2015. [What took OU so long to post?rt]

Schumer talks about diners not about Iran. John Stewart mocking him... July 23, 2015

Schumer interviewed at Juniors on July 19th in
Up With Steve Kornacki (the fact that Schumer chose Kornacki an openly gay liberal journalist to interview with  is quite telling. He should've chosen Yaniv Meirav at Chazaq where he spoke before thousands of Jews about being a Shomer). Posted  July 20, 2015 btw Juniors  is not a Kosher Diner featuring cheesecake but selling meat burgers and chicken. Obviously no Kosher supervision.  Schumer is also a big fan of sweet and lo an artificial sweetener......Reminded me of Planned Parenthood and abortion body parts discussion over cake and coffee...actually it was salad and tea....

I didn't see these statements by Schumer made at the OU Dinner 
come up on pro Israel Jewish websites or quoted in Pro Israel media when I googled "Schumer OU Iran". Thanks you #StopIran facebook and Sandy Wasserman  who posted it.
RE: SCHUMER and the THE DEAL: [Not good]... He's not reading it and re-reading it. He made up his mind weeks ago .

In this speech to the OU and in Juniors Diner,  Schumer says he sides with America first and Israel second. In Juniors he openly says Iran is not his priority but Education....  Sounded like Agudah there and UTJ... 

My comments: 

Tisha Baav 5775. Schumer like one of the SPIES of Israel? 

Our Message to Senator Schumer:  Being a traitor to  Israel means being a traitor to America.  

The White House is being a traitor to the Constitution of the United States of America. 

We are extremely disappointed in Chuck Schumer.

Senator Chuck Schumer should have taken the lead to start a coup against Obama.  He should have found a worthy alternative Democrat candidate for the United States of America to oppose Hillary Clinton and the White House Administration.  

Schumer we won't forgive and we won't forget....  look what happened to all those who supported the "Disengagement"... Sex scandals, corruption charges....

About the Sin of the Spies:

My first reaction when it registered in my brain that Schumer probably sides with the White House is, we lost.  We should put our energies into survival mode (preparing for a disaster be it nuclear or electric grid rather than fighting the deal). .   We lost....We are outnumbered....

But then I remembered the Bible, the story of the Sin of the Spies,  a subject of this weeks Torah Portion Parshath Devarim. 

The ISRAELITE people suffered and wandered in the desert for 40 years and their men all had to die out in the desert as a punishment because of the Sin of the Spies.  

Why did all the men have to suffer? 

After all the Spies, not them, were at fault.   

The answer is because they accepted the rulings of the Spies, were in despair, and cried a cry of generations. 

Message to Knesset Members:

I foresee Netanyahu buckling when he sees American Jewish Leaders like Schumer take the side of the White House.  AIPAC like Schumer did not come to our rally.  Neither did TIP The Israel Project. Tell Omri Ceren. It is a bad omen and a display of weakness that they did not join us.  

Likud MK's and Bayit Yehudi MKs must stand strong. Many of you are on the side of Calev and Joshua.  There must be en mass buses and tours to Hebron.  Every MK, any Jewish leader or Jew of influence...go to Chevron,  to gather strength to combat the Sin of  the Spies happening once again in our generation.  Each Jew is influential especially in this day of social media. Netanyahu of course as well!  

Schumer too, as a Jew, as a prominent leader in America,  must take a trip to Hebron and get the strength of Joshua and Caleb in order to be a Shomer.  Speaking to the Administration won't do the trick.  Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah the same! Go to Chevron! Otherwise their fate will be the same as the Spies in the desert. 

Schumer may not appreciate it now,  but by castigating him to do the right thing we are saving him from his own terrible fate.

Remember the words and fate of Daniel Pearl,  He did not die saying I am a proud American. 

My Father is Jewish
My Mother is Jewish
My Great Grandfather Chaim Pearl was one of the Founders of the City Bnei Brak.


Chaveirim,  This #STOPIRANRALLY got 15,0000 people without Schumer. It got 15,000 without the OU actively organizing or promoting it, without Agudath Yisroel, without the Conference of Presidents. without
AIPAC and without TIP.   It went viral on social media.   People individually are choosing to do the right thing.

We must not stop in face of adversity.  G-d for sure will remember our efforts.  Every effort will help mitigate the fallout of the Iranian deal. G-d is looking upon our group in favor.  Let us remember that G-d is with us even when He is hidden.  

Each of us, will be judged as an individual.  Remember, each of us has legions of G-d's armies waiting to help and protect us.  Do not Fear! Even if we don't succeed to save the masses of people who are standing by silently, (as they too will be judged), at least with G-d's help, let us endeavor to save ourselves as G-d promises a remnant will remain.  Shmor SHeairis Yisroel, Guard the remnant of Israel.  Will Schumer be counted?  

Am Yisroel Chai VeKayam!


Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Tisha Baav 5775. Schumer like one of the SPIES of Israel? Let this go viral!


We, today, in the year 5775, are suffering because of the Sin of the Spies in the desert. 

Today, the Yahrzeit of that terrible day, on the 9th day of Av, here in Brooklyn, when I hear the news that Schumer is talking like a SPY to the  OU,  I am openly condemning him on my blog Shemittahrediscovered, on Facebook and on Twitter. I am rejecting him and what he said. 

Schumer speaks like the Spies who first praised the Land of Israel and then said BUT.....and then convinced the people that they were too weak to conquer the giants in the Land. A military option is terrible Schumer says... 

The Spirit of CHEVRON MUST PREVAIL!  We are the Caleb and Joshua of our generation who spoke with strength and conviction "Yes We CAN!"  

We the people, in America, in Israel,  can conquer Iran in spite of their power and strength because G-d is on OUR side and G-d Promised Israel the Land and G-d is All Powerful. We must have faith.

So BE A MAN, FIGHT IRAN! Not like Schumer, who is a doomer.... and May G-d Bless America! 


Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Friday, July 24, 2015

Dov Hikind and Helen Freedman and others getting arrested in front of Senator Chuck Schumer's office. Internal Debate: Target Schumer or Obama?


"Shomer" means guardian in Hebrew.  Schumer is being called on to fulfill his role as a shomer.

Assemblyman Hikind Before the Arrest: This is About Survival

Hikind's facebook page

My Comments:

Dov and Shani Hikind love Eretz Yisroel and America and they are doing all that they possibly can to raise consciousness and awareness re: this  deal. It is not a personal vendetta against Schumer and I believe Schumer understands that.  As for Helen Freedman, all I can say is "Many women have excelled, but you excel them all!"

It was an amazing lesson in Civil Disobedience!    It was upon these values America was founded when we defied the British against "intolerable acts". 

While America still has a way to go, with Obama at the helm, siding with tyranny,  Americans are seriously worried about the erosion of our civil rights. Will law abiding citizens be forced to resort to more and more civil disobedience?

My question however is why just target Schumer?  When Obama is the source?

Many agree with me that defying the White House is Key! Just remember that the Terror State, the Republic of Iran just got 150 billion dollars! Here are important steps to help fight the White House. 

  1. Attitude: Psychological warfare. Yes We Can defeat this Obama deal and weaken the Administration!  The Obama Administration wants us to believe that the deal is a done deal and that Congress is too weak to change course.  They quote polls put out by J street which say that the majority of the people support this deal. They assure us that Iran will never get nuclear weapons and if they do,  like N. Korea will not deploy them. (after the fact they can say ooops I made a mistake RT) They convince the Democrats who oppose the deal, to work within the deal to "address their concerns" . However the underlying message or more accurate,  threat,  to elected Democrats is if you fight the Administration to override this deal, you are a traitor to the Democratic party, you will lose and pay the price. To our elected officials we say,  you were elected and you need to answer to your constituents. It is the White House who is being traitorous to the American People.   Don't be fooled.   We the people are not helpless. 
  2. Go on the Offensive: We need to Alienate the White House from the Democrats.  Alienation is the tactic the White House uses to fight Israel. They alienate Israel from the rest of the world, in the UN, threatening BDS, threatening Israel as they build and settle our G-d Given Land or claim a United Jerusalem.
  3. Don't be naive.  Obama has just circumvented Congress.  He has circumvented the will of the people.  He has earned our distrust. He has lied to the American People, He has betrayed our Soldiers and Seals, who put their lives on the line to protect this nation... His actions and policies have seriously weakened America's security, weakened America politically and economically.  What is his next step?
  4. With Obama in Power, he has put in place the steps required to impose martial law.  It wouldn't take too much, perhaps a tzunami, a hurricane a bomb to impose martial law.  Martial law in the hands of a dictator is scary.  We need to take the power away from someone like Obama who will abuse this power. 
  5. We can not delay. Delaying is the tactics the Iranians use to build their arsenal. Act while it is still not too late. Obama has crossed the red line and fellow Democrats now must choose.  Quickly! We will not forgive nor forget those who choose the side of terror and evil. 
  6. Don't be fooled by all this nonsense about building a relationship between the White House and the Government of Israel. As long as the White House does not represent the American People or the American Way a relationship is not wanted. One can't build a relationship with a terrorist nor with one who empowers and partners with terrorists.  The White House, unilaterally has done just that with this deal. Remember,  150 billion dollars has just been released to a Nazi Terror regime due to the White House, and that's just on the surface.. 
  7. There is a time for peace and a time for war.  We must go towards peace even if it means going to war and not go in peace for temporary relief measures which will dissipate with time. 
  8. Stand behind MK Tzipi Hotoveli as Israel's  Deputy Foreign Minister who is true to the Torah and no to a more centrist Israeli Foreign Minister who will work with Obama within the context of an Iranian Deal.  The White House will try their best to alienate her and others like her and get someone less hostile to the White House. 
  9. To quote P4 below: I fear these are the real issues we are facing. Who will go before the Supreme Court to demand his executive agreement be declared null and void? Which Democrat and Republican will together submit a bill of impeachment for the his extra-legal and unconstitutional abuse of power?

Indeed, within the Organizing group of the Times Square Rally there is an ongoing internal  debate as per whether targeting Schumer or targeting Obama is the most effective way to protest the Iranian Deal. 

As you can tell from my posts, I feel it is most effective to target the Obama Administration.

Here are sample clips of emails going around.  Names are anonymous standing for Person1 (P1), Person2(P2) etc.   Scroll down till where it says "Beginning of Dialogue"  for chronological order. Read from bottom to top,

P3: I don't know. Those are good questions and I will keep them on mind. 

Me:  bs"d Dear P3,

Is it effective to discredit and embarrass the One senator who might change course and succeed in lobbying his fellow Congressmen but is now weakened and probably resentful to the point where he is less effective?

People now see Schumer as a wimp and a puppet for Obama or as a result of our tremendous pressure, will be perceived as a puppet for the anti Obama group.  

Isnt it more effective to turn Obama into the wimp as did Allen West and let Schumer come out swinging against Obamas deal?

  As long as Obama is perceived as All Powerful, fellow democrats don't really care about the issues.   The issues by themselves without the politics are as obvious as the sun. The Iran deal is stupid to quote Allen West. The politics blinds their vision so they cant see the evil in the deal no matter how eloquent we argue. Schumer knows that.  Sticking to the issues alone wont be the deciding factor to swing their vote against Obama.  They are all afraid of being accused of being "disloyal" to Obama and the Democratic Party.  We need to alienate Obama from his party to be effective.

P3: I'm saying make a ruckus about the ISSUES.  We weaken ourselves and our position when we make it personal. Do we want to be right and self righteous? Or do we want to be effective? 

ME: P3,  I always enjoy a good argument.

Antagonizing Schumer is ok? Dov Hikind and Helen Freedman think so. Telling Schumer to go to H E  double toothpick is ok?   If it's against Chuck u call it advocacy but against Obama its antagonizing?  If truth antagonizes people so be it if the purpose is not to antagonize which it isn't.  The purpose is to somehow get the needed votes in Congress to stop a Nuclear Iran. Btw I personally don't object to Dov Hikind and Helen Freedman protesting in front of Schumer's office bc I believe they don't have any personal grievance against Schumer and if they do,  they can hopefully rise above it.  It is clear to me that all they want is for him to do the right thing.

We only differ on whom to antagonize.  You, like Chuck Schumer, don't want to antagonize Obama.  Personally, I'd be afraid too as well and I find this anti Obama chant distasteful, but in light of a nuclear Holocaust, and the other side playing dirty the only one to really fear is the Almighty.

Me: P5,  Agreed. We must break the deal.  But I think Obama is the primary issue, the root of the matter. Unless we remove him from power, he circumvents any action we take about the deal.   Probably, he has already done that and even if Congress votes against him, as they have tried to in the past much harm has been done because he has circumvented Congress will.   

P5: Robin Obama is not the primary issue despite the truth about him. 
Our one-track goal is to defeat the Iran Deal. We must be Johnny one note : NO DEAL - It's dangerous for America's security & the world.  We want to
LIVE in peace NOT Rest In Peace

ME: P4, 
I think this is a fight between good and evil. Whoever sides with Obama is on the side of Iran which is evil no different than Nazi Germany. Remember that a democratic process voted in Hamas.

The checks and balances our founding fathers put in place has been eroding and Muslims use the democratic process to their advantage.

People are confused. For example Can an army  attack civilians when they are being used as human shields? This is a theological question.

Putting G-d into the picture as does Allen West and/or Mike Huckabee clears the smokescreen.

Unfortunately Islam and their service to Allah via Sharia law, 

A despotic, totalitarian, unforgiving, controlling,  misogynist, unaccepting of any other religion, farce of a religion, confuses the matter and thus puts a smokescreen in the picture.

If we stick with the Noahide Laws as our universal moral compass we are true to our Judeo Christan values upon which America was founded.

P4: ​What if the deal is just a smokescreen?

Obama the world citizen has cleverly submitted the US to the rule of Iran and the UN Security Council for the next 10 years without democratic participation in the decision. In a stroke of his pen we have submitted to world government. In the matter of Iran we are no longer a sovereign country.
Who will go before the Supreme Court to demand his executive agreement be declared null and void?
Which Democrat and Republican will together submit a bill of impeachment for the his extra-legal and unconstitutional abuse of power?
I fear these are the real issues we are facing.
BDS = BullyDeceiveSmear

"Many studies and focus groups have shown that even Jews who are sympathetic toward Israel and feel positively about their own Jewishness choose to be silent in order not to defy mainstream opinion, damage their career, or take up what seems to be a losing cause. To change the atmosphere, then, Israel's sympathizers have to shift gears, from playing defense to launching a confident offense. They have to take back the banner of human rights and liberalism, and not permit this rhetoric to be misused by those who are defending some of the world's most reactionary forces." -- Natan Sharansky, 2015

P3: I very much agree with P1.  It's about the issues, the actions.  We don't need to antagonize people.   We need to advocate. 

P2: I'm with Robin on this one.  It is not politics as usual any more; it is about the personality cult of a dictator.  And he will become even more dictatorial if allowed to continue his course.

Me: P1,  I really appreciate ur comments. We agree on our goals but not on tactic.

I personally think Schumer believes he is too weak to fight Obama even if he gave it his best shot.  Therefor his Silence.  When we succeed in discrediting Obama it makes his job convincing fellow Democrats much easier. P1, .., from past dealings with Obama, he, not us, will take personal offense especially when he sees we bend over backward not to "offend" him. We might as well speak truth. The evidence is against him as a liar and a traitor and supporter of Radical Islam and a Nuclear Iran.  We dare not be silent.  If Obama is discredited it will be easier for Democrats to dissociate from Obama and this deal.  They are up for reelection. Obama isnt. Kt

Beginning of dialogue starts here



I hope you won't take offence to what I'm going to say, but I don't think the issue should be about Obama.  His actions, yes.  But to make the issue about him is self defeating.  In order to defeat this terrible agreement, we need to get as many Democrats on board as possible.  As hard as it will for them to vote against their president,  it will be that much harder if the issue becomes about him personally. 

 If we make this about Obama, rather than the agreement, I think our chances of success will go down dramatically.


Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Stop Iran Rally:Allen West, You're the BEST! anti Obama chants that rhyme


Because of Kerry and Obama,
The Entire World is in Trauma...  

With Obama and Kerry
American Soldiers We Do Bury...

Obama is a Traitor
Radical Islam he does favor

Chatanooga, USA
Obama looks the other way...

Benghazi, Afghanistan
I want to be a Republican

Benghazi, Afghanistan,
Hillary Lies Get Out of Hand

Obama rules like a Despot
Not like a Democrat

Impeach Obama is our Cry
With a Nuclear Iran, All will Die...., 

  Matthew who stood by next to me at the Rally, led the chant "Impeach Obama, Impeach Obama". He let me take his picture

feel free to come up with your own....

Obama Traitor, Members of Congress, American Citizens must (r)ally against him

Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.