Tuesday, June 24, 2008

5769.09.22 Israel the Land of Our Posession. Itamar, Mattot Arim, Shas, OBAMA




22 Sivan 5768

June 24nd 2008


1. Itamar - AMBUSH of Yeshiva Students in Neveh Tzuf Shomron.  Sent by Rabbi Moshe Goldsmith, Mayor Itamar. 1 injured seriously. Tehillim Avraham Meir ben Malkah Chaya.


2. Action Items from Mattot Arim - Susie Dym  URGENT. 


3.  More Activism on behalf of Halamish Brothers, Fax the President of Israel,  

4. The Sanhedrin comes out with a Statement against the impurade

5. Government wishes to bribe Shas

6.  Obama  - Ruth Matar.


1. Itamar - AMBUSH of Yeshiva Students


Dearest Friends and family – today a group of boys that learn at our Yeshiva on Itamar were hiking near a community in Shomron called Neveh Tzuf. While enjoying the beautiful hills of Shomron they were ambushed by terrorist gun fire. Three of them were injured one of them seriously who I  happened to have taught for four years and am personally very close to him -  right now he is undergoing surgery! Please pray for the Refuah Shelema of Avraham Meir Ben Malkah Chaya. Make sure to have him in mind on Shabbat as well. The doctors are optimistic!


Thank you all!


Shabbat Shalom Moshe Goldsmith from Itamar


2.Action Alerts from Susie Dym


FLASH! Before you read about Samir Kuntar, Gilad Shalit and the "Hamas truce", please deal with the following political crisis (3 minutes):
THIS TUESDAY (in 2 days time - 24 June) an important law is supposed to PASS in the Knesset. The problem  here is unbelievable: after MKs not only in Shas but even in Kadima and Labor have promised to vote for this law,  dati Knesset Member Otni Schneller , of all people,  has been filibustering (intentionally delaying  the  vote) so as to help his "boss" (Olmert). This is a crisis that was reported only this morning, in Makor Rishon's Sunday morning edition. The law speaks of closing criminal proceedings against those who protested the Disengagement from Gush Katif and is a symbol of Knesset regret about certain aspects of disengagement. The law is supported by many MKs  from many parties . So,  we need to immediately contact Otni Schneller, who is usually a good MK, so he will stop this nonsense. For example, you can SMS to hi m and his aides   as follows: : STOP FILIBUSTERING - LET TUESDAY'S VOTE HAPPEN!  
Here are the cellphone numbers:     050-2067968  052-3808733    054-5550123 . Or, email to  oschneller@knesset.gov.il . Or, fax to  02-6496742. Or call 02-6408383. You can even call MK Schneller at home in Maaleh Michmash (yes -- he himself is a settler - amazing that HE would block this) if you have the number handy.
Arch-terrorist Samir Kuntar is supposed to be released soon - probably in return for soldiers' bodies. He has said openly, recently, that he intends to return to terror as soon as he is out. As the Jerusalem Post (unlike the Hebrew papers), recently reminded us: "Samir Kuntar... was sentenced to four life sentences in 1979 for the deaths of Danny Haran, 28, his two daughters and a policeman in Nahariya. Kuntar's gang took Danny and four-year-old Einat Haran hostageHaran's wife, Smadar, hid with her two-year-old daughter Yael ... Smadar tried to muffle the girl's cries, and accidentally smothered her.  [T]he terrorists pulled Danny and Einat out of the apartment building and down to the beach ...Kuntar shot Danny Haran at close-range and threw his body into the sea to make sure he died. He then bashed Einat's head on rocks and with butt of his rifle, killing her instantly. "  http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull&cid=1211872831853   
To deal with  the Samir Kuntar crisis, we urgently need reserve soldiers (miluimnikim) from Lebanon 2 who will sign a petition to Olmert. Relatives of soldiers are good too. The petition, whose Hebrew text is above in the Hebrew section, simply says that Samir Kuntar's release is exactly what  Hizbullah terror leader Nasrallah demanded. Giving Nasrallah what he wants, and making him a hero in the eyes of the worst elements of the Palestinian population, makes it clear that Hizbullah won the Lebanon 2 War  and Israel lost. This is extremely dangerous, both for morale and for deterrence.
So please URGENTLY forward this email to any miluimniks (or family members thereof) that you know, asking "your" miluimnik (or soldier's family member) to read the petition and forward full particulars (name, rank, Mispar Ishi, email address, cellphone, city of residence, relationship to soldier) to  victims1@gmail.com and also to sddym@bezeqint.net. Email''s subject should be:  "WILLING TO SIGN AGAINST NASRALLAH & KUNTAR".
It is terrible that Israel has effectively signed a truce with this terror organization.  For example:
Please email to everybody at Prime Minister's office and simply tell them so.  This takes only 2 minutes. How to do it? See below , after paragraph on Gilad Shalit.  
The Hamas has sent us Israelis a threatening letter demanding the release of many bloodthirsty terrorists. To make us feel like giving in  to the letter, it  is  dubbed  in the media  "a letter from Gilad Shalit" -- as though Gilad Shalit was really the one to decide what went into that letter!! The letter does not, of course, mention the  price of Gilad Shalit's release -- terrorists who the security establishment are almost sure will kill again. If you can read Hebrew, here's some unofficial information about the price:  http://www.ynet.co.il/articles/0,7340,L-3558382,00.html.  
The Gilad Shalit problem should also  be mentioned in your email to Olmert's office. Here's how to email to Olmert's office:
a. Use these addresses:
 b. Write a   suitable letter, such as:
Dear Mr. Olmert and all senior employees of his office,
Re: The Olmert truce with terrorism + Endangering lives of many soldiers, and children -- for Shalit
- One cannot and must not enter into "truces" with terror organizations. Politically, these only serve to make the terror organization seem both legitimate and important. Meanwhile, militarily, the terror organization utilizes the "truce" time to build up more arms so it can kill more soldiers and shoot more rockets. Once it is ready, it breaks the truce, and the soldiers and people of Israel lose out yet again. Many experts -- from right and from left -- have pointed this out over and over again.
- One cannot and must not let dangerous terrorists out into the street, all ready to kill hundreds more Israelis. Even if the result is freedom for our one soldier -- beloved Gilad Shalit -- one simply cannot do this. It is completely irresponsible. Kindly act responsibly and prevent this disaster.
(you can also CALL  Olmert's office -- about the truce with terror, and about releasing terrorists ostensibly for Shalit: 02-6705555)  
An important and interesting police brutality trial will be held this Thursday 26 June, at 10 AM in Jerusalem. A policeman who trampled a rightwing demonstrator (grandfather with several grandchildren) with a horse will be on trial. Please try to attend -- it's important to be there, if we want to eradicate police brutality to rightwing demonstrators. Go to Russian Compound (Migrash haRusim). Ask for Bet Mishpat haShalom - courtroom of Judge Rivka Freedman-Feldman.
There are sometimes last minute changes, so please call Evelyn 0524831905 that morning or the evening before, just to check.

3.  More Activism on behalf of Halamish Brothers, Fax the President of Israel,  

From: Anita Finkelstein [mailto:anita.wig@gmail.com]
Subject: Fwd: dani and itzhik halamish- IMMEDIATE ATTENTION NECESSARY

 Dear neighbors and friends,

 i am putting out this message as a call to each member of tekoa , efrat and the rest of gush etzion(and requesting that everyone pass on this message to as many of your friends/family/etc)!

we must do all that we can do to help our neighbors from maaleh rechav'am, Dani and Itzhik Halamish. They have already been sitting in prison for a month without having committed ANY crime, in fact the opposite is the case.They should have been awarded a medal for defending all of us in eastern gush etzion. (anyone whois not familiar with all the details of their case  can contact me or i believe simply 'google' their names-but i will be pleased to pass on all the details!!)

The Committee to Free the HAlamish Brothers calls on all of us who have not yet taken any action to help them( or have taken action already, but want to do more), to :

- sign the petition to free them at:

 -  CAll and/or FAX the President's HOuse/Office and request/demand(however each person wishes to phrase the request!) that the brothers be released/given pardon ASAP!

    (The requests for their pardon/release was made officially as soon as their appeal was rejected). We know that the President is supposed to be making a decision in the next

     few days so that the more he hears the 'people's voice' the better and right away!!!

     Tel: 02-6707211

    Fax:02-6707274 (dept. of pardons of the president's house) or 02-5671314

 -  Anyone who wishes to make a financial donation to Dani or Itzhik or their families can contact me and i will give you all the details.

 We must ACT now to help! Remember, any of us could be in the brothers' situation!!

 Thank you for your attention and actions!!

 anita finkelstein


 4.The Sanhedrin comes out with a Statement against the impurade

5 Government wishes to bribe Shas


However, Olmert has yet to give up on his efforts to block the dissolution motion. Earlier in the day he met with Shas Chairman Eli Yishai to try and persuade the religious party not to vote in favor of the Knesset dissolution bill.

 Olmert's office said that "the prime minister is opposed to providing child welfare stipends based on professional research proving that increasing payments maintain poverty and societal gaps. The incentives presented to Shas can remove many people from poverty and Olmert will not increase the child welfare payments."

 As part of his efforts to appease Shas, Olmert offered Yishai a budget increase of over NIS 1 billion for the low-income population but not through child welfare payments. Yishai rejected the offer and discussions between the sides are expected to continue until Wednesday's vote.

6.  Obama warning.



Letter from Ruth Matar (Women in Green) Jerusalem
Monday, June 23, 2008

Dear Friends,

I received an e-mail on June 19 from my friend Patti DiBella who lives in Florida, the United States. In this e-mail she asked me to "keep telling the truth, the land of Israel and the U.S. is depending on it!"

Dear Patti, I am very intent on presenting the whole picture truthfully. I spend much time each week researching information for the week's article. I am therefore going to give exact sources so that you can check them for yourself! For example for this week's article I found a video which can viewed on:

The Obama campaign has made much of Senator John McCain's advanced age. (McCain is 71 years old.) Obama has even commented that "McCain is losing his bearings as he pursues this nomination!" This was in response to McCain's comment: "If Senator Obama is favored by Hamas I think people can make judgments accordingly."

Actually, I think that it is Obama who is losing his bearings!

As an example: You are probably aware, that Senator Barack Obama recently "lost his bearings" when he said on May 9, 2008, in Beaverton, Oregon, that he had campaigned in all 57 states:

"It is just wonderful to be back in Oregon and over the last fifteen months we have traveled to every corner in the United States. I have now been in 57 states …I have one left to go… Alaska and Hawaii I really wanted to go but my staff didn't allow me to visit."

Where did Obama get the number 57?

It is more than shocking that a candidate for the presidency of the United States does not know that there are only 50 states in the U.S.!  It is even more shocking that he specifically uses the number 57! My further research on the Internet indicates that there are 57 Islamic states!

The following article from the Internet is possibly an indication of why Obama incorrectly thought the number of U.S. states to be 57.

How the Islamic states dominate the UN Human Rights Council. http://www.iheu.org/node/2546

Every year from 1999 to 2005 the Organization of the Islamic Conference, representing the 57 Islamic states, presented a resolution to the UN Commission on Human Rights, called "Combating Defamation of Religions." …By 2005, the Commission for Human Rights had become widely discredited. In the words of then UN Secretary General Kofi Annan ".. the selectivity and politicizing of its activities [were] in danger of bringing the entire UN system into disrepute". The Commission was abolished by vote of the UN General Assembly in 2006 and replaced by a shiny new Human Rights Council which met for the first time in March 2006. Of the first four resolutions passed by the Council, three were resolutions condemning Israel. Whatever breaches of human rights law Israel may have committed, it beggars belief that these were the only violations of human rights on the planet worthy of condemnation by the Council. By way of contrast, the Council adopted a resolution which inter-alia congratulated the Sudan for its efforts to bring peace to Darfur!

Was Obama's use of the figure "57" to describe the number of states in the U.S. just a Freudian slip? Many friends I have spoken too feel that this is most likely the case.

However, this "Freudian slip" has made me worry more than ever about Obama becoming the first Arab-American president.

With Blessings and Love for Israel,

Ruth Matar

P.S. The definition of "Freudian slip" according to the Encarta dictionary - psychologically significant slip of tongue: an accidental mistake, usually the use of the wrong word in a sentence, thought to betray somebody's subconscious preoccupations http://encarta.msn.com/dictionary_/Freudian%2520Slip.html

Women For Israel's Tomorrow  (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380

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Thursday, June 19, 2008

5768.09.16 Israel the Land of My Possession - P' Shlach Meraglim, Action Alerts.

16 Sivan 5768
June 18, 2008
1. Harold Rieger and Malcolm Hoenlein outed by Buddy Macy. WorldNetDaily by Eugene Narrett.
2. OU - Hypocrisy?  Please practice what you preach. Opinion by Robin Ticker
3. Why I cried at Aipac by Tova Abadi
4. Rav Yaakov Yosef speaks out for a New Party.  Disillusioned with Religious Party
5. New USA/Israel Policy.  Non Jews speaking out for G-d's Covenant with Israel. Herb Zwiebon, AFSI
6. Pidyon Shvuim - update on Halamish brothers by Datya Itzhaki Call Israel Embassy and ask for Military Attache...  URGENT...... MITZVA OF FREEING THE CAPTIVE ....URGENT.....
7. Yishuv Itamar needs funds to send kids to camp. 
Please don't get the wrong idea.  We have some great Leaders.  The purpose of this email is simply to warn our Jewish Leaders of the fate of the Miraglim when they discouraged the people from entering and settling the Land of Israel and instead were fearful of the inhabitants occupying the Land.  We hope and pray that our Leaders will lead the population in the way of the Torah Roadmap since great is the reward of the leader that leads the people to do right and tragic is the fate of our leaders that do the opposite.
1. Harold Rieger and Malcolm Hoenlein outed by Buddy Macy
Jewish leaders: AWOL from U.S. – and Israel
By Eugene Narrett
© 2008 
"…This dismissal now includes the refusal of two prominent American Jewish leaders, Howard Rieger of the United Jewish Communities and Malcolm Hoenlein, head of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, to participate in a debate/discussion about the mistreatment of Israel's internal refugees and the fact that Israel's government refuses to respond to the war against it with military action that would truly protect its citizens, suppress Hamas and establish a basis for true peace." To read the entire article, go to: http://wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=67378.
2. OU - Hypocrisy?  Please practice what you preach. Opinion by Robin Ticker
BS"D     OU Please Practice what You Preach. 
RE: OU MESORA CONFERENCE on KEDUSHAS HA'ARETZ "Issues Pertaining to the Holiness of the Land of Israel" 
Why can't the OU speak up with clarity against a 2 State Solution. Why speak of Kedushat Haaretz and Mitzvoth Teluyot Baaretz and boundaries and extended boundaries of Eretz Yisroel and other lofty topics without publicly and politically stating the given and obvious that this Land is the Promised Land to our ancestors and to every generation, and in our generation as well. 
In order to keep these Mitzvoth of the Torah we need the Land and its G-d given boundaries.  
Any talk of a 2 State Solution is a betrayal of our Torah and will only result in disaster as the Gush Katif expulsion has clearly proven.
For the OU Leadership, studying the Mitzvoth Teluyot Baaretz and knowledge of the boundaries and extended boundaries is not relevant to today's politics.  It's simply an academic exercise in learning.  There is no strong yearning to OBSERVE these commandments.  Settling Eretz Yisroel is not on their agenda but settling religious communities throughout America is. If the yearning for Eretz Yisroel was there the OU LEADERSHIP WOULD PROCLAIM our entitlement to all of Eretz Yisroel and would validate the struggle of the settlers in Yehudah and the Shomron who are able to observe these Mitzvoth TODAY if they can stay on the Land.
These lectures are empty words. The OU continues to be part of JCPA in spite of the fact that the JCPA endorsed a 2 State Solution. Settlers including young women and security guards  have been imprisoned and harassed for wanting to settle and protect the settlement within Eretz Yisroel.  They do not make a distinction of where the green line is because as Torah believers,  the boundaries of Eretz Yisroel is not defined by the Green Line.  OU USA is silent. Roadblocks in Judea and Samaria to protect settlers from terrorists are being removed and the OU USA is Silent. (Please google Rivka Meirchik and the Halamish Brothers).Over  9,000 people were brutally displaced from Gush Katif and the OU honors Olmert. AMONA, Silence!
 We are sure that some of the speakers of the Conference are wonderful and sincere but the OU Washington office of Foreign Policy will undermine all this Torah Learning. 
Unfortunately, these well meaning, learned, respected scholars and lecturers have empowered those that act in a way that clearly misrepresents Authentic Torah Judaism in Washington.  Don't these lecturers realize that now they are the pawns of those that do not have our best interest in mind.  This seminar will delude the general membership to believe that the OU leadership acts to enhance Kedushat Haaretz rather than in opposition to it.  This will neutralize any protest against American Foreign Policy in support of a 2 State Solution.  Our caring Jews have no clue that we Am Yisroel are being betrayed by the OU in Washington DC. 
Let these same speakers speak under a more worthy umbrella organization or insist that the OU Washington Office represent them and reflect the Torah position or else they disengage from the OU. 
Isn't the purpose of learning Torah in order to OBSERVE Torah?
3. Why I cried at Aipac by Tova Abadi

Another blaring proof that our Leadership has failed to represent Authentic Judaism based on our Torah.  Here the target is AIPAC.

Why I Cried at Aipac  

by Tova Abadi

 I never expected to exit the ballroom after a speech by Condoleeza Rice and break down in tears. Why did it happen? It was not because of the words by Condoleeza Rice. Clearly, her words and actions are not worth the tears of a Bat Yisrael. 


I cried because I had just become a witness to the majority of the 7400 Jews present applauding Rice after hearing that we must have a "Palestinian" State inside of Israel.   


The AIPAC leadership did their best to make certain that the invited speakers would receive a hearty and warm reception no matter what words were spoken. This message from AIPAC was emailed to registrants, spoken repeatedly, and even was on a ticker inside the convention center. The speaker could have called for the death and destruction of the Jewish people and the participants were mindlessly prepared to applaud. 


Actually, that is what happened. Because AIPAC's guest speakers called for an Arab state inside of our Land which will be a launching pad for terror attacks throughout Israel. This will pose a danger to not only the seven million Jews living in Israel but to Jews and non Jews everywhere in the world. So congratulations AIPAC leaders on "leading" your members to applaud for a terror State which will G-D forbid cost in Jewish blood.   


Not to mention that both Rice and Obama stated that there should be no more settlement construction. (In other words, they actually stated that Jews should not continue to build in certain parts of our G-D given Land.)  And yet more applause from AIPAC attendees.


To make it worst, if that it possible, the AIPAC leaders seem extremely proud of this accomplishment and were engaged in a lot of patting on the back and reaping praise for one another.  


As the ballroom doors opened and the huge crowd made their way out, my mind wandered to Jews being herded into cattle cars, irrespective of the fact that they were willing to be "good Germans."  Similarly, many AIPAC attendees told me that they are proud, good Americans and Israel is not their country. 


And I thought to myself "when will we stop being a stiff necked people?" and follow the will of HASHEM? Where in our Torah is there mention of a "palestinian aka arab" state inside our precious homeland?


So, as I was leaving with my friend Rob Muchnick ( U.S. Director of Manhigut Yehudit- an organization that B"H represents Jewish pride and identity,) I spontaneously burst out crying outside the ballroom of the DC Convention Center. 


I wasn't crying for the outside forces that seek to destroy AM Yisrael but for our own Jewish brethren who are blinded by weak and opportunistic Jewish "leadership."


AIPAC's stated mission is to strengthen the US-Israel strategic alliance. Apparently this means supporting those following strategy leading to the destruction of Israel. We need leadership in Israel and the U.S. that have a moral compass and will not fall prey to those who are willing to sacrifice our Jewish values.


Later, I joined an AIPAC delegation and proceeded to Congress, I actually heard an AIPAC group leader argue with a US Senator. The Senator stated that if it were his country and rockets were falling, he would take swift and aggressive action and that there was no partner for a "peace" process.  The representative from this group argued stating that he hoped this "peace" process would continue unabated.


Many AIPAC participants told me that they have to follow whatever the Israeli government says and does, because America, and not Israel is their home. This is true even if the Israeli government is seeking to remove every last vestige of Judaism from our Land seeking a "New Middle East" without religion. How very sad.   


Was it worth the tears? I believe it was.  

Tova Abadi is US Director of Communications

And Media Spokesperson

Manhigut Yehudit) (For more information about bringing true Jewish leadership log onto www.jewishisrael.org or to volunteer/contribute email tova@jewishisrael.org

4. Rav Yaakov Yosef speaks out for a New Party.  Disillusioned with Religious Party
SOS  Exclusive Interview Eretz Yisroel Shelanu, Rabbi Yaakov Yosef  -a MUST READ
"...It is high time for new leadership of people whose intent and purpose is for the sake of Heaven and will not sell the Jewish land or people down the river. "
5. New USA/Israel Policy.  Non Jews speaking out for G-d's Covenant with Israel. Herb Zwiebon, AFSI
Let us take our cue from Non Jews who speak up for G-d's Covenant with Israel. Governor Mike Huckabee came out clearly against the 2 State Solution and for Jewish Entitlement.  Why can't the OU Washington Ofice?
Toward A New US/Israel Policy

Herbert Zweibon

A "Resolution regarding Israel from Pro-Israel Christian Leaders" signed by over a thousand Christian leaders and urging a new U.S. policy toward Israel is being submitted to Senator John McCain with a request for a meeting with the candidate. AFSI has been working on this project with Rev. James Hutchens, Chaplain and Brigadier General of the U.S. Army (Ret.) and chairman of the Jerusalem Connection, Richard Hellman of CIPAC (Christians' Israel Public Action Campaign), Rev. James Vineyand, whose Oklahoma City church has 3,500 members and Rev. David Welch, who heads up a group of pastors in the Texas region.

To give an idea of the wide geographic range of supportive churches, among those who have signed on are the pastors of the Bible Baptist Church in Fairbanks Arkansas with 525 members, the Northwest Baptist Church in Toledo, Ohio, with 700 members and the Clays Mill Road Baptist Church in Lexington, Kentucky with 2,000 members.

The resolution reads:

WHEREAS, Christian Zionism supports the modern State of Israel as a partial fulfillment of God's covenant promise to provide a national homeland for the Jewish people in anticipation of their ultimate redemption when Messiah comes; and

WHEREAS, These God-decreed covenants have an everlasting validity and relevance for the modern State of Israel; and

WHEREAS, The legal validity of the modern State of Israel has been established by international law in the Balfour Declaration of November 1917, and the British Mandate formalized at the League of Nations in July 1922, the United Nations partition resolution of 1947, the official recognition of the State of Israel by the United States in May of 1948 and Israel's admission to the United Nations in 1949; and

WHEREAS, Since its birth as a nation Israel has been under relentless attack by Arabs and Palestinians whose goal is not peace with Israel but its total annihilation; and

WHEREAS, The various peace proposals advanced by the United States, including the administration's "Land for Peace" to be implemented by a "Two-State Solution," have been historically and factually verifiable failures; and

WHEREAS, These failures have been a result of a dysfunctional denial of the stated goals of Palestinian Jihadists and other Iran sponsored terrorist groups such as Hezbollah to destroy Israel, including the continuing efforts to appease Israel's enemies by requiring Israel to give up land for peace; and

WHEREAS, There can be no realistic expectation of regional peace until Palestinian Jihadists are defeated, disarmed and their terrorist infrastructure dismantled; therefore be it

RESOLVED, That the administration's "Road Map to Peace" with its "Land for Peace" and "Two-State Solution" be deemed unworkable and allowed to lapse; and be it further

RESOLVED, That a serious and engaged consideration be given to a new US/Israel policy that would be comprehensive and practical in dealing with the realities on the ground as well as honoring of God's covenant promises to Israel. (e.g. Please see "The Israeli Initiative").

Submitted by Petitioners, coordinated by Jerusalem Connection.

Like a bird that repetitively bangs against a glass window, administrations for the last forty years have stubbornly pursued the same failed and bound-to-fail policy of "retreat-for-peace." For a core constituency to confront a Presidential candidate with a challenge to the folly that is "received wisdom" is a vitally important first step.

 6. Pidyon Shvuim - update on Halamish brothers by Datya Itzhaki

June 19, 2008

Pidion Shvuim Alert:
No. 15

Halamish Brothers Remain in Jail

    Dani and Itzik Halamish were jailed on May 20 despite a final plea to
the Supreme Court to grant a stay of sentence while a presidential pardon is
under consideration.
    The Supreme Court failed to answer the final appeal by the brothers and
they began their respective sentences of seven months and eight months.
    "The implementation of the sentence without allowing enough time for the
president to complete the pardon process harms the standing of the president
of the state," defense attorney Dov Even Or said. "The jailing of the
brothers today despite the consideration of a presidential pardon, a process
which takes six months, makes a mockery of the [court's] decision if the
pardon is accepted."
    Dani and Itzik are in the Torani wing of Maasiyahu Prison in Ramle but
prison authorities have refused to authorize the special kosher food that
the brothers eat so that they receive a very restricted diet.
    Supporters of the brothers continue to organize demonstrations urging President
Shimon Peres to grant them a pardon. Supporters also hold musical vigils outside
the prison on Saturday nights.
    Last week, the prison warden warned Dani that the prison will not tolerate the Saturday night "Melave Malkas." This, despite the fact that Dani had no part in
organizing the demonstration.
    Prison authorities have also separated the brothers in different cells, hampering
communication between them.   
    Dan and Yitzhak Halamish, two members of an Israel Army-sponsored unit
have been abandoned by the military and sentenced to jail for protecting a
Jewish community in Judea and Samaria.
    The Halamishs, as part of their reserve military service, were members
of a security response team organized, equipped and trained by the Israeli
Army to help protect their community and surrounding region from Arab
attack. On Feb. 21, 2004, the brothers were summoned by another security
officer, Baruch Feldbaum, to help expel Bedouins who trespassed into the
Jewish community of Sdei Bar and were encamped near a student dormitory.
Bedouin tribes in the area had been deemed responsible for the killing of
several Jews in the area in previous years.
    Under the direction of Feldbaum, the Halamish brothers ordered the
Bedouin squatters to leave. The Bedouins refused, and about 20 of them
approached the Jewish security officers with sticks and rocks. Feldbaum shot
toward the ground when the Bedouins continued to move closer.
    The response team later said that it shot in self-defense. An army medic
who arrived at the scene determined that nobody was struck by the gunfire,
an assertion disputed by the Bedouins.
    At that point, the military abandoned its own security team and allowed
a police investigation. Although police refused to conduct ballistic tests
or even a lineup of suspects, the brothers were convicted of shooting toward
the Bedouins. Dan was sentenced to seven months in prison; Yitzhak, to eight
    An Israeli appeals court said ballistic tests or a lineup weren't
necessary. The word of the Bedouins -- who refused to show up to police
headquarters to identify their purported assailants -- was enough.
    The court also rejected a recommendation by the probation officer for
community service. The three-judge panel said it wanted the Halamish
brothers to go to jail to serve as a lesson to others.
    Since then, at least 1,000 people have either telephoned their outrage
to the Israeli military or signed a petition for the suspension of their
    Call the Israel Embassy [telephone 202-364-5500] and ask to speak to
the military attache. Express your outrage that the Israel Army abandoned
its fighters for protecting Jews. Don't argue. The military attache's
office knows exactly what you're talking about. Stress that you are an
American citizen whose support for the Israeli military is based on its
protection of Jews. Say that you also plan to discuss this case with your
member of Congress who decides on U.S. military aid to Israel. Ask you
member of congress to convey your message to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi who
is meeting with Israeli leaders.
    The Olmert government, with an approval rating of near zero, has refused
any accountability to the Israeli people and fears only the Bush
administration. Unless we act now, there will be many more young Jews in
jail. Since Passover, the government has gone a rampage to destroy
synagogues and structures in Jewish communities all over Judea and Samaria.
Call your local synagogue or community center and demand that they cancel
all invitations to government members or military personnel to address your
communities. Stress that they are no longer welcome in American Jewry.

With Love of Israel,
Datya Itzhaki

7. Yishuv Itamar needs funds to send kids to camp. 

Sent by Mayor of Itamar Rabbi Moshe and his wife Leah Goldsmith. This Yishuv is so worthy of any gift we can give them.  The families and their children love the Land of Israel so so much. My family was privileged to be invited to the Zimerman's one of the families on Itamar , for a Shabbat.  They have an organic farm and their son raised chickens in their basement.    Their living room window face Har Grizim and Har Eival the mountains where the Jewish Nation received the blessings and the curses.  They are a proud bunch that ask no favors other than to live and prosper and work on their Land.  Their Yishuv was infiltrated too many times with too many tragic stories.  Yet their spirit remains strong and their children will inherit the Land beEzrat Hashem.

Dearest friends I have a special request for those interested. Every year Itamar runs a special summer camp program for the children and youth. Unfortunately, the families of Itamar don't have the means to pay the full cost of the program. If we don't get help from out friends we will not be able to provide the summer program for the children. It goes without saying that these children, among them orphans, deserve to have a happy summer like other children their age. Anyone, who could help out by sponsoring a child (250 dollars) or to partly sponsor one (125 dollars) will be doing a tremendous Mitzvah! For those who can't help at this time or have recently helped us Please circulate this e-mail to as many friends as possible. Those who want to find out more about our community send them this link – www.friendsofitamar.org. [total project cost around 15 thousand dollars]


Make out your donations to Friends of Itamar and mail them to -

Friends of Itamar
Attn Lester Goldsmith
1483 East 34th Street
Brooklyn NY 11234
All donations are tax deductible
Thanks and Tizkoo Lamitzvot
Shalom from Itamar Israel 


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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

5768.09.15 Israel the Land of My Posession - Hebron Fund, Operation Dignity, Har

Today's  newsletter honors and pays tribute to all the following organizations and activists for the wonderful work they do for  Yishuv  Eretz Yisroel.  Please distribute. 
15 Sivan 5768
June 18, 2008
1. Hebron Fund -  Cruise n'Schmooze Thursday evening June 19, 2008 6:00pm  = Yossi Baumol
2. Operation Dignity- Gush Katif - Rachel Saperstein
3. Sign Petition for our rights to pray at Har Habayit - New Jewish Congress - Yossi Rabin
4. Jewish Activist Network - Joe Orlow - radio Wednesday 12-1am 620am 
5. Women In Green. Protest for Halamish Brothers
6. Zaka
7. Lev U'Neshama Heart and Soul Tzfat, Israel  - Rena
1. Hebron Fund -  Cruise n'Schmooze Thursday evening June 19, 2008 6:00pm  = Yossi Baumol
The 4th Annual Hebron Fund Cruise n' Shmooze!
LAST CALL for The Premier Summer Kick-off Event!
Starring: Chaim Dovid Sarachik  &  Rabbi Simcha Hochbaum!
This Thursday evening, June 19, 2008
at Pier 40  -  The Hudson River at West Houston Street

Register now at http://www.hebronfund.com/ or call 718-677-6886!

Boarding @ 6 PM, Departure @ 7 PM, Returning @10 PM
Concert * Glatt Kosher Dinner Buffet * Open Bar * Dessert     

Individual Tickets: $85 if paid in advance, $100 at door
Celebrate the summer & help support our children's summer activities in

Grand Raffle Prize: Trip to Israel & Hebron for Shabbat Chayei Sarah!
Co-Sponsors:   "FutureSimchas",   "Saw You At Sinai",  "Frumster"  &
Flakey "Jake"

If you can't attend, please make your donation to our children's summer
at our secure server here <http://hebron.addr2.com/url/397333/9eb640/> !  or
send your donation to:

The Hebron Fund,  1760 Ocean Avenue Brooklyn, N.Y.  11230-5401
tel. 718-677-6886    hebronfund@aol.com

2. Operation Dignity- Gush Katif - Rachel Saperstein

OPERATION DIGNITY is now appealing to you for financial aid.

Many of our families are still without work.

We started the "Dignity through Work" program to aid traumatized women
to do community service for payment. The program has been enormously
successful, but we need your help in keeping it running.

Our music scholarship fund is depleted.

We have had to reduce aid to the baby food and diaper fund.

We had hoped to run a "Youth Work Services" program to give our
youngsters pocket money for their community service. (Our synagogues
are badly in need of painting.)

Please remember the people of Gush Katif whose lives were changed so

Please remember the people of Gush Katif who still need your help.

Please make your checks payable to Central Fund for Israel and
earmarked for OPERATION DIGNITY. Send them to:

Central Fund for Israel, 980 Sixth Avenue, New York, NY 10018, USA
Central Fund for Israel, 13 Hagoel Street, Efrat 90435, Israel

And do not miss our website: www.OperationDignity.com
3. Sign Petition for our rights to pray at Har Habayit - New Jewish Congress - Yossi Rabin

4. Jewish Activist Network - Joe Orlow - radio Wednesday 11-12pm 620am 


When: This Wednesday night/early Thursday morning, 12 midnight- 1 AM

Where: 620 on the AM dial   or streaming live at



  • Jewish History continued: The move to Eretz Yisrael in "Pre-Aliyah" times with Shmuel Ben Gad of the Gelman Library, George Washington University.
  • Discussion on Ĥanifa-flattery of the wicked, and Ahavas Yisrael - loving of fellow Jews even if they err. The discussion will focus on the concept of ingratiating oneself to the anti-Semite in order to try to win their grace. This is accomplished by drawing a distinction between yourself and other Jews by telling the anti-Semite that 'whereas we can understand your (the Anti-senite's) hatred in the case of other Jews who do bad – in our case it is not justified.'

Listeners are encouraged to call in during the show 718-569-0921.

For more information, contact us at media@jewishactivistnetwork.com

5. Women In Green. Protest in Jerusalem for Halamish Brothers

Women in Green  protested this morning in Jerusalem demanding the immediate release of Itzik and Danny Halamish, prisoners of Zion in Zion.

 Aharon and Edna Halamish, parents of Itzik and Danny, joined the protest.

 For photos and details please click on arutz 7 newsreport:


6. Zaka

Our main story this month features ZAKA's safety campaign initiatives at the Lag Ba'Omer festivities on Mt. Meron. Over 900 children were separated from their parents – and reunited thanks to the ZAKA wristband initiative.

Please visit our website, www.zaka.org.il, for updated information on ZAKA and news as it happens. Donations can also be made via the secure website. Please forward this e-newsletter to family and friends.

Yours sincerely Yehuda Meshi Zahav, C.E.O. David Zilbershlag, Chairman of The Management Board


7. Lev U'Neshama Heart and Soul Tzfat, Israel  -rena@levuneshama.org

Lev U'Neshama Heart and Soul Tzfat, Israel
First Annual Benefit Dinner Sunday July 27th, 2008 5:30 PM
East Side Kosher Deli, Banquet Room 499 South Elm Street Denver, Colorado

Guest Speaker: Rabbi Yossi Serebryanski
Topic: Tzedakah, The other side of the coin
Silent Auction and Door Prizes

Reservations: Terre Lidstone
Phone: 303 750-1999
Email: tlidstone@aol.com
$36.00 per person
Proceeds to the Lev U'Neshama Food Fund

This invitation in its original format is being sent to all our friends in Colorado. However we also want our friends and supporters outside of Colorado to know about this exciting event. The proceeds from this evening will be used to continue to provide the monthly food boxes for 144 needy families who are presently on our list.

We know that many people would like to attend this dinner but because of distance are not ab le to. However, if you cannot attend in person you can still be with us in spirit. We are planning a display that will include an empty plate to symbolize what many Tzfat families often face regardless of the time of year. This will be accompanied by a listing of those who have sent in donations to help us keep these plates filled. In this way you can join those who are attending the dinner.

Donations of any amount must be received by July 21st in order that your name and location will be included in the display. Please send your check payable to Lev U'Neshama to: Smolensky, c/o Quezada, 2285 Forest Street, Denver, CO 80207. If you want a tax receipt please contact Yaffa at: mortsmo@aol.com. Your participation will be gratefully accepted.
If you wish to stop receiving this newsletter please let me know. Reply as such to faigerayzel@aol.com

This is posted on

so at your convenience you can review them there.

Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for fuel-efficient used cars.

5768.09.14 June 17, 2008 Israel the Land of My Posession. Newsletter Format

Sivan 14, 5768
Wednesday, June 17th 2008.   
Dear Fellow Friends and Activists, amv"sh
Thank you for subscribing and for reading these emails. Rather than sending you multiple emails daily  I am combining items so that the people on my list will bli neder get just one email a day with multiple line items rather than multiple emails. If you receive more than one email a day it's because the other emails are sent to you personally rather than as a result of being on my list.   Many of the line items are taken from you, individuals/organizations totally committed to Yishuv Haaretz.  It is my intention to promote and network heroic individuals and organizations whose essence represents love of Torah, Am Yisroel and Eretz Yisroel and to inspire healthy activism for Yishuv Haaretz with energies that we receive from each other. Thank you Rabbi Algaze for the title of this newsletter.  If you wish to endorse this newsletter please let me know by sending me your name and/or a picture of your logo and/or a description of your organization and it will be posted on the newsletter.  It is our collective contributions of material that makes this newsletter and has inspired me. Feel free to circulate line items.  Thanks. Robin Ticker.
1. RCRF - Evelyn Haze Anniversary of Dedication Rosh Chodesh Tammuz July 3rd. 2008
2. SOS  Rabbi Yaakov Yosef - calls for establishment of new political party
3. Women in Green - Halamish Brothers, Pidyon Shvuyim update



1. RCRF - (Rachel's Children Reclamation Foundation) Evelyn Haze
10th Year Anniversary of  Dedication of Rachels Children RF Sefer Torah at Kever Rachel Rosh Chodesh Tammuz Thursday, July 3, 2008 in Beis Lechem,
Save the date.  More details to follow

RACHEL'S CHILDREN RECLAMATION FOUNDATION 60 West End Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11235 718-648-2610, <rachelschildren@gmail.com> .054-224-2649 and EMUNAH OF JERUSALEM cordially invite you to join us for our Tenth Year Anniversary of the Dedication of the RCRF Sefer Torah at Kever Rachel  Rosh Chodesh Tammuz Thursday, July 3, 2008,  Rachel's Tomb and Beit Bnei Rachel.

As Israel recognizes 60 years as a modern state, RCRF recognizes over 3600
years that the Nation of Israel was completed by Rachel Imeinu when she
gave birth to Benyamin on the way completing the twelve tribes.
We will celebrate the Anniversary by reading the Torah in Kever Rachel,
hearing our great leaders and remembering our past and so very worthy
participants. A buffet brunch will conclude this remembrance day.
Sadly we will recognize those who particpated in our historical event and
are not longer with us on  this tenth year anniversary .

HaRav Avraham Shapira, A'H hosted the seuda.
Rabbanite Tsifia Goren , A"H was recognized for  the reclamation of Rachel's Tomb, the keys given to her husband HaRav Shlomo Goren, A"H as he passed on the way from the liberation of the
Kotel on the way to Hebron.

We will also recognize Adir Zik, A"H our dear video producer.

2. SOS  Rabbi Yaakov Yosef  -Exclusive interview with Eretz Yisroel Shelanu  a MUST READ
"...It is high time for new leadership of people whose intent and purpose is for the sake of Heaven and will not sell the Jewish land or people down the river. "
3. Women in Green - Halamish Brothers, Pidyon Shvuyim Vigil
This coming TUESDAY JUNE 17th, 2008,Women in Green will hold a vigil in front of the "Third Annual  Conference on Quality of the Government" at Binyanei Hauma protesting the continued incarceration of Itzik and Danny Halamish, prisoners of Zion in Zion,and demanding their immediate release.

The fact that Itzik and Danny are in jail despite them having not done anything wrong, and their Arab assailants are walking around free, is the best proof that in Israel there is no quality of government and that the authorities are corrupt, rotten, anti-Jewish and anti-Zionistic.

We will hold placards and hand out leaflets explaining the Halamish case and demanding their release.  

The authorities want us to keep quiet and bury the Halamish case… A case of legal persecution of loyal Jews by the authorities and a case of capitulation to the Arab enemy-  

Women in Green will not keep quiet. At the contrary! Be there and make your voice heard! 

We will meet at 10:00am in front of the main entrance to Binyanei Hauma.

 Ruth Matar - Nadia Matar (0505-500834)- Anita Finkelstein (0505-777254)                                          Women in Green   www.womeningreen.org

4.  Asher Eder - Root and Branch

Summary from an essay entitled



By Dr. Asher Eder


The ruling wing of Islam has severed its original ties with the "Book" (the Tanakh, Hebrew Bible) and the "People of the Book", Israel. It plays out the idea of Jihad, and the quest of Jerusalem.

In Islamic view, a Jihad can end only with a complete victory - or else with an unreserved admittance that waging it was wrong from the start.

The Koran itself suggests such a change of attitude which can help paving the way to mutual understanding, trustworthy peace, and co-operation:


1. It stresses the continued validity of the "Book" – Jonah 38; Table 52;   Cow 172; Believers 56;

    Bee  45-47; and others;

2. it recognizes the teachings of the Prophets, even of the rabbis - Table 48,

   (notwithstanding Repentance 30-35);

3. it recognizes the peculiarity of Israel and the unparalleled gifts to its people  (incl. the Land) –

    Hobbling 15;  Cow 44,  116; Smoke 30;

4. the Holy Land prescribed for Israel - Table 23;

5. Israel admonished to stand firmly on the Torah – Table 73, et al;

6. it was Allah who settled the Children of Israel there – Jonah 93;

7. Israel rebuked for not fighting for her land - Cow 60, 247;

8. David's kingdom (Zion), and Psalms, confirmed, and he being acknowledged as a Divine viceroy

    and judge on earth – Zad 19, 25, 28; Cow 252 [cf. Is. 28:16];

9. the Psalms and the Prophets speak of Israel's return to the land and to Jerusalem, and so does the  

    Koran – Bani Israel 8, 105;

10. Israel often harshly rebuked in the Koran, but there is no cancellation of the Covenant or of the


11. on the contrary, the words of the Prophets shall surely be established – Greeks 5; Hobbling 31;

     Believers 76;

12. Abraham is called a true believer, i.e. Moslem - Imram 60; Pilgrimage 77;  Cattle 162; and so are

     the Prophets – Table 48, notwithstanding their keeping Shabbat and their direction of prayer

     toward Jerusalem;

13. Abraham established

      a) Mount Moriah in Jerusalem for Israel - Gen. 22:2; 2.Chron.3:1;

      b) the Kaaba in Mecca for Ishmael - Cow 119, 123;

14. Quiblah (direction of prayer) for Muslims to Mecca, and for Jews to Jerusalem

     (Cow 140,143) - yet see also Cow 171, and 1.Kings 8:41-53!

15. Koran admits different religious rites, and urges us to emulate in good works - Cow 143;

      Table 53; Pilgrimage 66;

16. the God of Israel and the God of Ishmael is ONE GOD – The Spider 45; Counsel 14;

17. Allah wants to be honored by forgiveness and love - Table 15-17; Woman Tested 7; Counsel 14.

18. Rassul Mohammed, as the "Seal of the Prophets" (Confed.40), confirms them!


It is the words of the Prophets which provide the base for true peace

(Democracy being merely a form of a people's government but not its soul,

should be guided by them)



Dr. Asher Eder, Jewish Co-Chairman, Islam-Israel Fellowship,

                        Root and Branch Assoc. Ltd,  Yerushalayim/Israel

The essay which carries a supportive foreword by Prof Sheikh Abdul Hadi Palazzi, is available by request from: 


  rb@rb.org.il ; or: www.rb.org.il  ; or: avrason@netvision.net.il


If you wish to stop receiving this newsletter please let me know. This will be posted on http://shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com/ so at your convenience you can review the newsletter there.

ENDORSEMENTS: This newsletter is honored to be endorsed by RCRF(Rachel's Children Reclamation Foundation   Rachel's Children Reclamation Foundation is a 501c3 formed in 1995 to
reclaim Jewish Identity, the Midos of the Matriarchs and Patriarchs, to
save Rachel's Tomb from Oslo Redeployment, to reclaim Kever Rachel for her
Children, Grandchildren and her Jewish Generations. It has initiated
writing contests, written a song, did Twinning Ceremonies, acquired a Sefer
Torah for Kever Rachel and another for Beit Bnei Rachel, the only Jewish
owned property within the walled Rachel's Tomb complex of which Rachel's
Children Reclamation Foundation is the majority owner. It is in the process
of establishing a post-Ulpana Midreshet Chaya Rachel and Ruth, a Museum of
Jewish Aliyah, a Beit Medrash, a Simcha/Bas Mitzvah Center and Biblical
Garden with a Replica of the Old Kever Rachel with four columns and a dome
which will be as a Chuppah, Dais, Bandstand for events in our Grand Garden

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Sunday, June 15, 2008

5768.09.15 Action Alert: Hypocracy?? OU Mesora conference on Kedushas Haaretz

BS"D     OU Please Practice what You Preach. 
RE: OU MESORA CONFERENCE on KEDUSHAS HA'ARETZ "Issues Pertaining to the Holiness of the Land of Israel" 
Why can't the OU speak up with clarity against a 2 State Solution. Why speak of Kedushat Haaretz and Mitzvoth Teluyot Baaretz and boundaries and extended boundaries of Eretz Yisroel and other lofty topics without publicly and politically stating the given and obvious that this Land is the Promised Land to our ancestors and to every generation, and in our generation as well. 
In order to keep these Mitzvoth of the Torah we need the Land and its G-d given boundaries.  
Any talk of a 2 State Solution is a betrayal of our Torah and will only result in disaster as the Gush Katif expulsion has clearly proven.
For the OU Leadership, studying the Mitzvoth Teluyot Baaretz and knowledge of the boundaries and extended boundaries is not relevant to today's politics.  It's simply an academic exercise in learning.  There is no strong yearning to OBSERVE these commandments.  Settling Eretz Yisroel is not on their agenda but settling religious communities throughout America is. If the yearning for Eretz Yisroel was there the OU LEADERSHIP WOULD PROCLAIM our entitlement to all of Eretz Yisroel and would validate the struggle of the settlers in Yehudah and the Shomron who are able to observe these Mitzvoth TODAY if they can stay on the Land.
These lectures are empty words. The OU continues to be part of JCPA in spite of the fact that the JCPA endorsed a 2 State Solution. Settlers including young women and security guards  have been imprisoned and harassed for wanting to settle and protect the settlement within Eretz Yisroel  with no distinction of the green line.  The OU USA is silent. Roadblocks in Judea and Samaria to protect settlers from terrorists are being removed and the OU USA is Silent. (Please google Rivka Meirchik and the Halamish Brothers).Over  9,000 people were brutally displaced from Gush Katif and the OU honors Olmert. AMONA, Silence!
 We are sure that some of the speakers of today's seminar are wonderful and sincere but the OU Washington office of Foreign Policy will undermine all this Torah Learning. 
Unfortunately, these well meaning, learned, respected scholars and lecturers have empowered those that act in a way that clearly misrepresents Authentic Torah Judaism in Washington.  Don't these lecturers realize that now they are the pawns of those that do not have our best interest in mind.  This seminar will delude the general membership who will believe that the OU leadership acts to enhance Kedushat Haaretz rather than in opposition to it.  This will neutralize any protest against American Foreign Policy in support of a 2 State Solution and our caring Jews do not realize that we Am Yisroel are being betrayed by the OU in Washington DC. 
Let these same speakers speak under a more worthy umbrella organization or insist that the OU Washington Office represent them and reflect the Torah position or else they disengage from the OU. 
Isn't the purpose of learning Torah in order to OBSERVE Torah?
Let us take our cue from Non Jews who speak up for G-d's Covenant with Israel. Governor Mike Huckabee came out clearly against the 2 State Solution and for Jewish Entitlement.  Why can't the OU Washington Ofice?
Jon Voight On Israel
Voight talks about his support in Israel and its people, about the mistake of Israel's giving up on Gaza and about the current situation in which Israel is facing daily terror attacks from Gaza and about the apathy of the western communications media toward Israel's suffering and their flopping to the propaganda trap of the terrorists.

Toward A New US/Israel Policy

Herbert Zweibon

A "Resolution regarding Israel from Pro-Israel Christian Leaders" signed by over a thousand Christian leaders and urging a new U.S. policy toward Israel is being submitted to Senator John McCain with a request for a meeting with the candidate. AFSI has been working on this project with Rev. James Hutchens, Chaplain and Brigadier General of the U.S. Army (Ret.) and chairman of the Jerusalem Connection, Richard Hellman of CIPAC (Christians' Israel Public Action Campaign), Rev. James Vineyand, whose Oklahoma City church has 3,500 members and Rev. David Welch, who heads up a group of pastors in the Texas region.

To give an idea of the wide geographic range of supportive churches, among those who have signed on are the pastors of the Bible Baptist Church in Fairbanks Arkansas with 525 members, the Northwest Baptist Church in Toledo, Ohio, with 700 members and the Clays Mill Road Baptist Church in Lexington, Kentucky with 2,000 members.

The resolution reads:

WHEREAS, Christian Zionism supports the modern State of Israel as a partial fulfillment of God's covenant promise to provide a national homeland for the Jewish people in anticipation of their ultimate redemption when Messiah comes; and

WHEREAS, These God-decreed covenants have an everlasting validity and relevance for the modern State of Israel; and

WHEREAS, The legal validity of the modern State of Israel has been established by international law in the Balfour Declaration of November 1917, and the British Mandate formalized at the League of Nations in July 1922, the United Nations partition resolution of 1947, the official recognition of the State of Israel by the United States in May of 1948 and Israel's admission to the United Nations in 1949; and

WHEREAS, Since its birth as a nation Israel has been under relentless attack by Arabs and Palestinians whose goal is not peace with Israel but its total annihilation; and

WHEREAS, The various peace proposals advanced by the United States, including the administration's "Land for Peace" to be implemented by a "Two-State Solution," have been historically and factually verifiable failures; and

WHEREAS, These failures have been a result of a dysfunctional denial of the stated goals of Palestinian Jihadists and other Iran sponsored terrorist groups such as Hezbollah to destroy Israel, including the continuing efforts to appease Israel's enemies by requiring Israel to give up land for peace; and

WHEREAS, There can be no realistic expectation of regional peace until Palestinian Jihadists are defeated, disarmed and their terrorist infrastructure dismantled; therefore be it

RESOLVED, That the administration's "Road Map to Peace" with its "Land for Peace" and "Two-State Solution" be deemed unworkable and allowed to lapse; and be it further

RESOLVED, That a serious and engaged consideration be given to a new US/Israel policy that would be comprehensive and practical in dealing with the realities on the ground as well as honoring of God's covenant promises to Israel. (e.g. Please see "The Israeli Initiative").

Submitted by Petitioners, coordinated by Jerusalem Connection.

Like a bird that repetitively bangs against a glass window, administrations for the last forty years have stubbornly pursued the same failed and bound-to-fail policy of "retreat-for-peace." For a core constituency to confront a Presidential candidate with a challenge to the folly that is "received wisdom" is a vitally important first step.

Dear List:  Here are email addresses of some of the employees of OU.  Please ask them to speak to their administration. I am sure there are some very wonderful individuals that work for the OU who feel strongly about this.



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