From my Friend Srif.
B"H. Yishai himself also considers it a nes (a miracle) that he threw a grenade and discovered in time that there was a gas balloon there so they got out before it all blew.
One of his soldiers got wounded - B"H, just in the arm and not badly - from the ricochet of his own weapon that he needed to shoot to get past a gate, so even without actual battle, the whole thing can, of course, be dangerous.
I don't know if you heard that a rocket fell in front of the Mo'etza of Gush Katif, about a meter from Haviva's office. Not only did it not explode, but because it was Tisha b'Av, there was no one there, where normally the place would be teeming as it was a little after 8 in the morning. So for this once, Tisha b'Av brought blessing.
Also, the tractor terrorist attack in which one person was killed could have, chas vechallila, (G-d Forbid) been a lot worse. It seems the terrorist was heading for the Mir bus, but the Beitar Illit bus, which was almost empty as it was just starting its route, was in the way, so he made do with that.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Fwd: Fw: HUGE Pro-Israel Rally, Union Square, NY, THIS SUNDAY 4 PM!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rubin Margules <>
From: Rubin Margules <>
American Freedom Defense Initiative Rally for Israel and Victims of Jihad
Support Israel andPersecuted Religious MinoritiesUnion Square, New York, August 17th 4pm
Stand Against the Jihad Against the Jews, Christians, Hindus, Yazidis, Chaldeans, Buddhists and all other religious minorities.Now.
We must speak, stand and fight for freedom NOW. RSVP here.Hamas is the "Palestinian" version of ISIS (and Boko Haram, Hezb'Allah, Al-Qaeda et al.It is the same fight, the same struggle and freedom loving peoples must unite to defeat it.
On Sunday, August 17, from 3:45 to 7PM, the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) will be hosting a rally in New York City's Union Square from 3:45 to 7PM. Speakers from a huge variety of backgrounds will stand for Israel and all the minority populations worldwide that are threatened by the global jihad.
Speakers will include AFDI President Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, Sudanese freedom activist Simon Deng; Ashraf Ramelah, the head of Voice of the Copts; Mark Arabo, a leader of the Chaldean American community; Israeli scholar Mordechai Kedar, and a host of other representing the populations around the world that face the greatest threat today from Islamic jihad violence and supremacism. Also invited are Indian, Yazidi, Kurdish, Sikh, Assyrian and Buddhist leaders.Facebook Link tothe Rally:Speakers are flying in from all over the world.There will be singers and dancers - a celebration of life.COME.
AFDI's Geller said in a statement: "Israel is on the front lines of the global jihad, and we stand resolutely and proudly with her. We must also remember that the same jihad that threatens Israel threatens free people around the world. That's why we are featuring speakers from groups from around the world – people who have experienced the horror of Islamic jihad firsthand. We need to unite and stand together for freedom."
The rally will be held in New York City's Union Square from 3:45 to 7PM.Help make it happen - DONATE HERE.
Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch. May their memories serve as a blessing.
Most of these emails are posted on
Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.
Our Enemies Tactics - Divide and Conquer - Jew against Jew
Our Enemies Tactics. Observations by Robin Ticker
Our enemies tactics in this psychological war against Israel is to encourage "Divide and Conquer" approach. Our enemies will try to force the Government of Israel's hand using bullying, arm twisting, blackmail or bribery to achieve their objectives. The government of Israel is desperate for positive world opinion and in order to find favor within the International community they see no recourse other than to work against itself by dividing the people, the Nation of Israel.
The Government of Israel has great difficulty tolerating condemnation. Everyone wants to be liked. Only condemning our own brings some relief. When the Nation of Israel is united this cannot happen and our enemies are unsuccessful!
Victory for Israel's enemy is to divide its people. The almost fail proof successful method of condemning our own and getting away with it, is to first offer a succulent bone to powerful organizations or Jewish leaders and blind them to the bigger picture. It is a game every fundraiser knows about. If you don't play the game you are a persona non grata and basically unable to raise the necessary funds for your important projects. "It's unfortunate, a necessary evil and a fact of life" the organizations rationalize to themselves. Be practical. Otherwise you will be penniless.
Now once this happens, the beleaguered gov't of Israel or Israel's enemy, can in turn condemn a segment of the population thereby marginalizing them. Those blinded only can see their own benefits which they can lose if they speak negatively about their benefactor. The ones who are picked on are usually, those who speak for our Biblical rights and exhibit unbending faith in the Almighty G-d. This population are not easily bought nor are they easily frightened. They are the ones our enemies fear most and target.
Typically, a cease fire and a willingness to negotiate with Fatah or Hamas or alternatively the destruction of a hilltop home or arrest of some phony price tag vandalizing hilltop teen generates a short term reprieve from international condemnation and even generates some positive feedback as per Israel's willingness to "work and sacrifice towards peace" albeit by empowering our enemies who wish to destroy us.
Still our people are not so stupid. Surely they will see through this. From our enemies perspective, if buying silence will cause the masses to lose respect for the organization and by extension their influence, our enemies will alternatively encourage activism that distracts and leads to nowhere.
The goal is to prevent Israel from effectively uniting in defending its entitlement to live and settle the Land and to defend itself.
Of course I am not suggesting personal bribes are being offered to individuals for personal gain, or arm twisting which is a last resort and distasteful, but something much more subtle. The bait for example might be a permit to build new apt buildings in East Jerusalem to silence Beit Orot for example from speaking strongly with their brothers in the Shomron Council against destruction of hilltops homes in the Shomron. Or perhaps offering desperately needed funding for Hebron Community so that they are afraid to lose the funding and they in turn refrain from uniting with their brothers in the Shomron in face of unjust demonization.
Or the bait may be to receive substantial gov't support of Har HaZeisim security projects so long as they don't speak out about the general security dangers in Judea and Samaria and publicize the Palestinian rock throwing there.
Then there was the organization that was Silent when their brothers were expelled from Gush Katif and honored the man that bankrolled the whole operation.
Organizations might generously contribute money to build bomb proof playgrounds in Sderot in order to be honored and gain good press... but at the same time stop and/or prevent Jewish settlement by allowing Arabs to squat on Jewish Land illegally paid for by Jewish contributors. Or the bait might have been that in order to keep their political positions in tact they promote the Two State Solution and discourage any protest and dissension against the Gov't of Israel, basically the majority of American Jewry, as they expelled 8,500 Jews from their homes in Gush Katif! However, In order to regain good will, they will then raise funds and are honored by Meir Panim soup kitchens who provide nourishing meals to the poor families evicted from their homes. Again not to rock the apple cart, many religious Jewish Institutions received stipends for their schools which basically bought silence in their communities when Gush Katif was bulldozed and the residents expelled. True an institution from this community did a good job to raise money for psychological counseling. They are to be commended.
Yes,unfortunately these worthy causes after the fact are necessary but "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure".
The enemy understands that if the energies of the people are directed to being on the defensive and Hasbara (basically defensive PR) rather than yelling the Truth real time and being on the offensive against Hamas and their lies and distortions, they can still operate. Rockets can still be launched. They know that when we are not united we are weak.
Their goals are to divide us and to keep us Silent and when we do respond it should be ineffective.
No you are different than them they will tell you. You are moderate and a voice of reason. They (extremist settlers) don't want peace and you do. You deserve our support and they our condemnation. Distance yourself from them (extremists) or anyone who speaks about our Biblical truth. They are Messianic radicals and are extremely dangerous! Some might even compare them to Nazi's.
Israel's enemies is really out to attack G-d and G-d's word. Anti - Semitism (Anti Shem). To take G-d's Name and make it null. Once there is a void as per who has entitlement to the Land, they can come in and fill that void with falsehoods.
Jimmy Carter's new book for example. Israel is the Occupier. It is Palestinian Land etc. Carter is presently conducting interviews promoted on CNN etc these lies and untruths are being watched all over the world with probably hundreds of thousands of viewers..
Obama, Carter, NIF all are engaged in Hamas media War against Israel. When we are Silent, we empower them. Hamas in Parashat Noach is about how each individual just stole a little bit. Collectively they took it all. The silence of each Jewish Leader, be it Agudath Israel, Young Israel, JCRC, Federation, Chabad International against our enemies adds up. This in turn has allowed our entire people and Land being discredited and G-d's name being nullified..
Empowering evil by Silence is very dangerous and we are now paying the price unless we start Yelling!.
It's time to finally admit we made a tragic mistake by being Silent and and rectifying it. Please read When Silence is a Sin.
Sincerely, Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch. May their memories serve as a blessing.
Most of these emails are posted on
Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.
Monday, August 11, 2014
Re: Honor Killing: Burning People Is a Muslim Thing
I don't know what really happened, just that it was out of character of the Baruch Goldstein I knew.
Hi Robin,
I read somewhere that Baruch Goldstein went crazy after an Arab murdered his best friend's 10 year old son. The Arab was from the mosque Goldstein later shot up. I don't know if it is true or not. I only know they murder our children as a way of life, and we almost never reciprocate in kind. For the record, my first reaction to the burning of the Arab boy was that it was another Mohammed Al Dura lie.
Kol Tov,I don't know what really happened, just that it was out of character of the Baruch Goldstein I knew.
Hi Robin,
I read somewhere that Baruch Goldstein went crazy after an Arab murdered his best friend's 10 year old son. The Arab was from the mosque Goldstein later shot up. I don't know if it is true or not. I only know they murder our children as a way of life, and we almost never reciprocate in kind. For the record, my first reaction to the burning of the Arab boy was that it was another Mohammed Al Dura lie.
On Sun, Jul 6, 2014 at 6:32 PM, Robin Ticker <> wrote:
News has it that they have Jewish suspects for murder of Arab teen.I personally don't know what happened but my gut agrees with this post following this comment. It just not a Jewish thing to randomly pick a random Arab kid and burn him in revenge. I have blogged about attempts to frame settler youth with Price Tag Vandalism. Often it turns out that Arabs were perpetrators even though often political leaders and Rabbi's prematurely condemn the youth before there is any conclusive evidence or conviction.I still wonder about the Rabin Murder and about Shabaq agent Raviv.I still wonder how Baruch Goldstein went crazy and shot a bunch of Arabs unprovoked. I personally knew him and his family and it just doesn't add up. He was a caring doctor . His Mother was President of Emunah women who loved Israel. She was typical American Dati Leumi Zionist. They were a family we all admired. From my personal interaction with him, as neighbors, I would never imagine him to lose it and just randomly shoot anyone unprovoked except of course for self defense. I can not believe that he randomly wanted to kill a bunch of Arabs because he hated all Arabs. That wasn't the Baruch I knew.I don't know what happened that day and I don't know what happened with this Arab Teen but I pray to G-d that in both cases the truth comes out. Meanwhile my gut feeling is like the author below that Jews are being framed in order to create moral equivalency. Creating moral equivalency will then in turn justify a Palestinian State since any terror activity on their part is no different than "alleged" terror activity on the part of Jews. This of course is false.Jews are entitled to the Land if Israel and the borders are delineated. All opinions agree that Judea and Samaria fall under the proper borders within Israel, promised by G-d as an inheritance to Israel and not an inheritance for Arabs. Jews are obligated to keep the commandments of the Land and Arabs are not. Jews have no predisposition or anything to gain of taking the life of an innocent soul be it Arab or Jew and burning it. We value human life. It is against our Torah. It is against our very nature.There is a concept in Tanach of "Goel Hadam". Family members are allowed to go after someone who accidentally killed their family member. The Torah provides places of refuge, 6 Levite cities and other designated refuge cities, to this killer because it was not an intentional act of murder but rather an accident. In the case of an intentional murder, society is obligated to find the murderer and he needs to be brought to justice and killed as punishment for having purposefully taken a life. That is why Refuge cities were set up for those who killed accidentally. Please see a discussion on this topic by Rabbi Frand. libels are part of the Jewish historical narrative and I would not rule out that this too is fabricated and a blood libel. Before anyone rushes to condemn the "Jewish" murderers, before it is proven conclusively, I would advise to withhold judgement, apologies or comments.
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Date: Sun, Jul 6, 2014 at 1:13 PM
Subject: Honor Killing: Burning People Is a Muslim Thing
[Might as well bone up on Islam now. The Jihad is getting closer and there will be a test later. Below, a timely message from an Israeli friend – a lawyer. df]Jews do not burn bodies but Arabs do.Burning a corpse is strictly forbidden by Jewish law.In stark contrast, burning someone alive is one form of the traditional ritual of Muslim honor killings. ,Three weeks ago, in Tunisian news, A Father Burned His 13-Year-Old Daughter to Death for Walking Home With a Boy. TunisianLast week a news wire reports: A 17-year-old girl and her husband were killed by her family for marrying without its consent, and another young woman was burned alive by a man for refusing his proposal in Pakistan's eastern Punjab province, police said Sunday.In Yemen, a 15-year-old Yemeni girl was burned to death by her father for getting in touch with her fiancé before their weddingIn old news:Horror in Nigeria: pupils burn to death in boarding school attack by Boko HaramRarely does a victim of attempted honor killing by being burnt alive survive but one did and bravely told her story in her paperback book, Burned Alive: A Survivor of an "Honor Killing" Speaks Out. When Souad was seventeen she fell in love. In her West Bank village, as in so many others, sex before marriage is considered a grave dishonor to one's family and is punishable by death. This was her crime. Her brother-in-law was given the task of meting out her punishment. One morning while Souad was washing the family's clothes, he poured gasoline over her and set her on fire. Miraculously, she survived, rescued by women of her village, who put out the flames and took her to a local hospital. Horribly burned over seventy percent of her body and still denounced by her family, Souad was able to receive the care she needed only after the intervention of a European aid worker. Now in permanent exile from her homeland, she has decided to tell her story and reveal the barbarity of a practice that continues to this day. Burned Alive the first true account ever published by a victim of an "honor crime." Souad's inspiring testimony is a shocking, moving, and harrowing story of cruelty and incomparable courage...and an inspiring call to action to end a heinous tradition.In a study on Honor killings about half are not killed but tortured to death which includes being burned to death. This appears to be an age old method which is found in the Qur'an (48:29) - "Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. ... Muhammad orders his men to burn alive those who do not present themselves at the mosque for ...In some perverse sense bringing alive is one way that the sinner can still get into heaven as a martyr. A family who is shamed by the adulterer or homosexual and is charged with the obligation of executing the honor killing finds in this a method so that their wayward relative is not forever damned.The Prophet (p.b.u.h.) said, "The martyrs are seven, other than the one who is killed in the Way of Allaah, Ta'aalaa:
- one who dies of plague,
- one who drowns,
- one who dies of pleurisy,
- one who dies of stomachache,
- one who dies due to burning
- one who dies under a demolition (by accident)
- a woman who dies with a baby in her womb."
(Maalik, Aboo Dawood, An-Nasaaee, Ibn Maajah, Ibn Hibban, Haakim, Ahmad. Authenticated by al-Albaanee)
The Prophet (p.b.u.h.) said: "Getting killed in the Path of Allaah Ta'aalaa is martyrdom,
- (death in) confinement during childbirth is martyrdom,
- (death by) getting burned (by accident) is martyrdom,
- (death by) drowning (by accident) is martyrdom,
- (death due to) tuberculosis is martyrdom,
- (death due to) stomachache is martyrdom."
(Tabaraanee, Ahmad, authenticated by al-Albaanee)Someone who "knew" the victim in the biblical sense claims that this 16 year old was at one time his consort.Where there is smoke, there is fire.###
Dan Friedman
Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch. May their memories serve as a blessing.
Most of these emails are posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.comPersonal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.
The Return of Anti-Semitism.
Seventy years after the liberation of Auschwitz, violence and hatred against Jews is on the rise, especially in the Middle East and among Muslims in Europe
The 'New Anti-Semitism' Comes of Age - And How to Deal With It by Fern Sidman:
Acclaimed author Phyllis Chesler charts the rise of a new kind of Jew-hatred, and explains why her book is more important now than ever.
September 9, 2014,
"UN houses, but does not sponsor, anti-Semitism conference"
AUGUST 20, 2014 Anti-Semitic Incidents in U.K. Increase 500% During Gaza Conflict
August 18, 2014 Food fight as British supermarket removes kosher products
August 17th, 2014 Israelis Flood Local Market for Top-Class Poultry Rejected by European Union Boycott,
Persecuted Jews from Europe are discovering the delights of international cuisine in the Jewish State.
By: Hana Levi Julian
....Meanwhile, our enemies call every day for our destruction and death, and for the ethnic cleansing of Jews. Their schools are filled with curricula designed to instill hatred and the destruction of Jews and Israel in their children. Our enemies consider killing minorities, hanging homosexuals, and beating women as a normal part of life, indeed a religious duty, and yet HROs worldwide turn a blind eye, preferring to criticize Israel. This is not Anti-Semitism. It is obsession. Matan Peleg.. Times of Israel.. 10 August '14..
This is not Anti-Semitism. It is obsession.
Obsessive Gaza coverage is fanning antisemitism
The media must beware of fuelling an anti-Jewish backlash with over-the-top comparisons to the Holocaust or likening Gaza to a concentration camp Eylon Aslan-Levy, Thursday 7 August 2014
Monday, December 17, 2007 The correct and only way to fight anti-Semitism. Robin Ticker
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