Thursday, March 03, 2016
Tuesday, March 01, 2016
Fwd: Article for Yated re: letter writing campaign to free Meir Ettinger. End the Sinas Chinam to the Hilltop Youth
Dear Rabbi Lipschutz, avm"sh
Please raise awareness. We have an opportunity to bridge the Chareidi and Dati Leumi Communities if the Gedoilim step out of the comfort zone. We are in dire need of many zechusim and unity. Please Lobby the Rabbanim to write a letter.
My guess is that the reason that they have been silent is because of the Har HaBayit issue.
Rabbi Shternbuch via Rabbi Daniel Travis seems to hold that going on Har HaBayit endangers Am Yisroel in that it angers the Goyim. Perhaps he holds that it's better to keep Meir Ettinger and the hilltop youth in jail and silent. I can't find any other justification for the Silence re: their Administrative Detention and severe violations of their human rights..
Still even if we assume that is the case, that they must be in jail because by their speaking out and possibly even ascending Har HaBayit it offends the Goyim so that they will riot etc.and commit acts of terror is not the same as they must be in jail because they are violent and will do something violent that endangers the public. Can we incarcerate someone just because they may anger the Goyim for their belief system? Am Yisroel davens every day to return to the Avoda in the 'Beis Hamikdash. This is said privately but just like hilltop youth we pray and aspire the same things.
Is it halachically sound to imprison someone for publicly stating what we believe to be the truth like our desire for a court based on Torah, just because it will infuriate the Goyim? How far can this go. How many hilltop youth will they put under administrative detention? .
Many others, myself included believe that the Goyim don't need any excuse to commit a terror attack. We should not be silent about our aspirations.
End the Sinas Chinam Against the Hilltop Youth
Robin Ticker
Robin Ticker
Monday, February 29, 2016
IF NOT NOW Simone Zimmerman spreading lies and falsehoods in Brooklyn. They don't allow others to express their opinion
Simone Zimmerman fell for the anti-Israel propaganda at Berkley:Watch her on youtube. I am in shock that she has been brainwashed and used to turn against her people. v=RMxdDCSDquU. I hope she is open enough to check out these Pro Israel links I sent her on twitter.
Simone Zimmerman fell for the anti-Israel propaganda at Berkley:Watch her on youtube. I am in shock that she has been brainwashed and used to turn against her people.
I tried to post the following on their facebook page but didn't succeed.
The millions of Palestinians under "military occupation of Israel" are not in their true Ancestral Biblical Homeland. Jews are! They come from other places from various tribes, where they probably would feel much more comfortable. Just look at the map and see the size of Israel and the size of all the Muslim and Arab countries in comparison. If they are unhappy in Israel, let them emigrate elsewhere. Israel is the only Jewish State in the world. Arabs are welcome to reside in Israel. But while non Jews are living under Israel's Sovereignty they must accept Israel's Sovereignty and abide by Universal Morality and the 7 Noahide Laws. ...The organization IfNotNow is one big lie!!!
- Avi Abelow - On Palestinian terror and Jewish Sovereignty
- Time to draw lines and defend them - by Caroline Glick
- The Animal Has Been Caught by Paula Stern
- Op-Ed: US and Canadian Jews’ Relationship to Israel
- The Knife and the Message: The Roots of the New Palestinian Uprising - Hirsh Goodman and Yossi Kuperwasser
- Evil and brutality as a way of life - Dr. Gabi Avital
- … IDF makes wrong turn and needs rescue.Simone, if I were you a Jewess, I wud be terrified in PA territory
- Today there was another terror attack, knifing in Eli....
The millions of Palestinians under "military occupation of Israel" are not in their true Ancestral Biblical Homeland. Jews are! They come from other places from various tribes, where they probably would feel much more comfortable. Just look at the map and see the size of Israel and the size of all the Muslim and Arab countries in comparison. If they are unhappy in Israel, let them emigrate elsewhere. Israel is the only Jewish State in the world. Arabs are welcome to reside in Israel. But while non Jews are living under Israel's Sovereignty they must accept Israel's Sovereignty and abide by Universal Morality and the 7 Noahide Laws. ...The organization IfNotNow is one big lie!!!
To Whom It May Concern at IFNOTNOW,
Maybe you guys should look at the source. The Bible. Universal Values and Morality come from the 7 Noahide laws. The Palestinians engage in stabbing, brutal terror attacks against innocent civilians while Israel engages in self defense. All the Palestinians killed were terrorists while the Jews were innocent civilians going about their business. The Palestinians are brought up on a hate culture which inculcates them with hate from Palestinian Sesame Street through the UNRWA camps who want to annihilate Tel Aviv, Haifa and Acco and the Jewish State along with all Jews. Little Arab kids, teenie boppers have been stabbing Israeli's in the name of a H-ly War aka Jihad. Watch videos of them learning to behead dolls at the age of 2. Watch their Imam on Al-Aqsa Mosque and the link above, training them on the techniques of stabbing most efficiently. This is the kind of society that you want to empower? Just try to visit their communities and see if you are safe as a Jew there in spite of your noble intentions to free them from "Israel's occupation".
Maybe you guys should look at the source. The Bible. Universal Values and Morality come from the 7 Noahide laws. The Palestinians engage in stabbing, brutal terror attacks against innocent civilians while Israel engages in self defense. All the Palestinians killed were terrorists while the Jews were innocent civilians going about their business. The Palestinians are brought up on a hate culture which inculcates them with hate from Palestinian Sesame Street through the UNRWA camps who want to annihilate Tel Aviv, Haifa and Acco and the Jewish State along with all Jews. Little Arab kids, teenie boppers have been stabbing Israeli's in the name of a H-ly War aka Jihad. Watch videos of them learning to behead dolls at the age of 2. Watch their Imam on Al-Aqsa Mosque and the link above, training them on the techniques of stabbing most efficiently. This is the kind of society that you want to empower? Just try to visit their communities and see if you are safe as a Jew there in spite of your noble intentions to free them from "Israel's occupation".
Judea and Samaria of today is the inheritance of the Israelite Tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Josef. The People of Israel Conquered the Canaanite Nations under Joshua their leader. The natives of Canaan weren't known as Palestinians. There were in fact 7 Canaanite nations.
There was a people that somehow arose called Pelishtim when David fought Goliath. With G-d's help David was victorious over the giant.
Fellow Jews... Please do not believe Simone Zimmerman nor her indoctrination. Her Judaism is distortion and totally false. . Justice is what we all desire but she is acting the part of the wolf of the Goldilock's story who has hijacked the Jewish religion and is dressed up in Grandma's clothing ready to eat up Goldilocks. I wonder where she is getting funded in spite of all her rhetoric. I am sure there are multi millions who are willing to fund her passion. There is no lack of funding for Israel's enemies. But truth prevails over falsehood. Those who truly interested in truth and justice will see reality. Israel welcomes all those who accept Israeli's Sovereignty and abide by the 7 Noahide laws. Unfortunately those who sacrifice their children in the name of Jihad, who engage in suicide bombings in supermarkets like Rami Levi that cater to both Jew and Arab alike, who engage in BDS against those like Soda Stream who employs Jews and Arabs alike because they were situated in Judea and Samaria, are Israel's enemy. Don't be fooled and check the money trail...
If Palestinian terrorists didn't engage in terror there would be no need for checkpoints....They brought it upon themselves. They glorify the terrorist and call schools and streets after their names. They celebrate jihadist deaths with lavish funerals. They give a stipend to their families for having engaged in terror against Israel.
The burning bush took place at Sinai. G‑d's words: "When you take the people out of Egypt, you will worship G‑d on this mountain."On the very mountain where he first encountered G‑d, the Hebrews were destined to receive the Torah.
The passion of this organization IF Not Now (an expression stolen from a Jewish Sage Hillel) is based on falsehoods. The burning bush of the Torah is not to support a Palestinian State. It is to support a Jewish Kingdom which must abide by 613 commandments of the Torah. Will the Palestinians keep the laws of the Sabbatical Year where they leave the land fallow every 7 years to show that the Land belongs to G-d? Jews know that the Land belongs to G-d and not to them and G-d decides to whom he wishes to inherit the Land. Read the Bible. All of Judea and Samaria is the Biblical homeland and inheritance of the Jewish people and they in turn are obligated to keep the commandments in the Land.
Freedom and Dignity does not come from supporting Palestinian occupation of Judea and Samaria. It comes from supporting the vision of the Bible which is for the Jewish People to settle the Land of Israel. When this happens there will be peace and prosperity for all of humanity. When Israel gave 22 flourishing communities of Gush Katif, Gaza to the Arabs, with hot houses etc. in 2005, all the Arabs that were employed by these Jewish communities lost their jobs. Arabs did not build their economy with these communities. Hamas then took over and reigns despotic to Palestinians. The Lion King taken over by Skar. They instead used them to launch rockets against Southern Israel. And the Arabs who were employed by Israeli's had to flee for their lives.
If there would be G-d forbid a Palestinian State it would be Judenrein and all the planes coming into Ben Gurion airport would be threatened being a stones throw away. All the low lying areas of Tel Aviv and the entire Gush Dan area, densely populated areas would be at the mercy of the high ground of the hills of Judea and Samaria under a threateninig Palestinian State intent on Israel's destruction.
The bottom line is that if you are Jewish go and learn. Embrace your Heritage and you will indeed learn about spreading Truth and Justice and Tikkun Olam. However, don't trust this organization which is funded from antisemitic and hateful enemies of Israel
American Jewish millennials aren't disengaged from Israel, we're angry
We don't need any more multi-million dollar ventures, like the 'Jewish Peace Corps' Ari Shavit suggests, to save us. We need the Jewish community to wake up to the disastrous reality of the occupation.
The anxiety in the American Jewish establishment over "what is happening to our young people" is reaching a fever pitch of absurdity, as communal leaders and spokespeople frantically try to remedy the symptoms while refusing to acknowledge the true root of the problem: We're not disengaging from Israel, in fact we're paying attention to what's happening in Israel - and we are angry.
The latest edition in this ongoing category error is Ari Shavit's epiphany ('Only a 'Jewish Peace Corps' Can Save Zionism From Its Millennial Crisis') that, to save the Jewish future and Israel's public image, we need a "Jewish Peace Corps" which would be "a joint venture between Israel and the Diaspora," that will engage young people in "universal do-gooding," from Yerucham to Rahat to Ferguson.
Shavit dreams for the day that Israel will be identified with human rights and "the effort to make the world a better place," instead of with, "occupation, oppression, settlements, fanaticism and reactionary-ism."
The hypocrisy of expecting feel-good social justice projects to offset millennials' deep outrage at the grave injustices committed by the Jewish state is almost too much to bear.
Shavit blames the Israeli government because it, "refuses to understand and internalize," the crisis among Jewish millennials. Yet, it is Shavit himself, and every Jewish establishment leader peddling similar arguments, who refuse to understand and internalize this crisis.
My peers and I don't need any more multi-million dollar ventures to save us. What we need is for the community to wake up.
What we need is for the community to stop willfully blinding itself to the disastrous reality of holding millions of Palestinians under military occupation.
We need the community to stop justifying policies that deny Palestinians the ability to move freely, to sleep safely in their homes without the fear of a military raid, to access water and resources, to live without terror that their homes could be bombed to rubble, and to protest the unjust conditions of their lives nonviolently. None of these policies are moral, and none of these policies make Jews safer.
Moreover, we need the community to stop policing and demonizing those of us who say these truths in public and are fighting for change. We need the community to stop holing itself up behind walls and tanks and guns, as well as behind redlines and standards of partnership.
We are not too naive to understand what is going on or so selfish as to be lured away by more free programming. Listen to us when we say that the status quo is unbearable and untenable. The community as it stands today is a community we refuse to participate in.
No public relations trick can save Israel's image. The problem isn't with the hasbara. The problem is nearly 50 years of occupation. The problem is rampant racism in Israeli society. The problem is attacks on human rights defenders by extremists and by the state. The problem is a Jewish establishment that ignores or justifies all of this.
Sending young, mostly Ashkenazi Jews to do volunteer work with Bedouins in Rahat or African Americans in Ferguson to demonstrate solidarity with people of color is completely missing the point. We hear those people saying the same thing we hear from Palestinians: that band aids and kind words won't end state-sponsored racism and violence.
It is insulting to young Jews' intelligence, and to communities leading their own struggles against oppression, to expect that another "do-gooding" program can mask the violent abuse Israel inflicts upon the human beings living under its rule every day. No amount of so-called "social justice activism" around the world can distract or make us care less about that. Nothing, except actually addressing it.
Despite the panic about the disengagement of young people from the community, across the country I see principled, courageous, loving, and yes, incredibly angry young people calling on the establishment to change course, to actually do something to end the occupation instead of simply paying lip service to it.
I see J Street U demanding transparency from Jewish Federations to ensure their funding is not further entrenching the occupation. I see Open Hillel insisting Hillel allow a vibrant debate about Zionism and BDS inside its walls. I see Jewish Voice for Peace calling on international corporations to stop profiting off human rights abuses.
I see the Center for Jewish Nonviolence bringing American Jews to do civil resistance work in solidarity with West Bank Palestinians. I see IfNotNow building a mass movement to challenge our community to genuinely stand for freedom and dignity for all in Israel/Palestine.
We millennials have one simple question for our community's leaders: do you support equal rights for all people and if so, what are you going to do about it?
We are doing this out of love for our community and love for our neighbors. We know that Jewish liberation is inextricably tied to the liberation of all people.
My generation isn't disaffected; we're passionate and we're mobilizing. The question is not whether my generation will remain Jewish; it's whether our parents and grandparents will follow our lead as we build the kind of Jewish community that celebrates universal values and struggles for justice.
Those who truly want to help young Jews connect to the Jewish world should live out the values they profess. Fight for an end to the occupation and for freedom and dignity for all in Israel/Palestine. Commit to restoring the moral soul of the Jewish community. Prove to young people that this is a community worth believing in.
You have a choice.
Simone Zimmerman is an activist and organizer based in Brooklyn NY. She is a leader of IfNotNow, an emerging movement of young American Jews working to end their community's support for the occupation. Follow her on Twitter:@simonerzim
The latest edition in this ongoing category error is Ari Shavit's epiphany ('Only a 'Jewish Peace Corps' Can Save Zionism From Its Millennial Crisis') that, to save the Jewish future and Israel's public image, we need a "Jewish Peace Corps" which would be "a joint venture between Israel and the Diaspora," that will engage young people in "universal do-gooding," from Yerucham to Rahat to Ferguson.
Shavit dreams for the day that Israel will be identified with human rights and "the effort to make the world a better place," instead of with, "occupation, oppression, settlements, fanaticism and reactionary-ism."
The hypocrisy of expecting feel-good social justice projects to offset millennials' deep outrage at the grave injustices committed by the Jewish state is almost too much to bear.
Shavit blames the Israeli government because it, "refuses to understand and internalize," the crisis among Jewish millennials. Yet, it is Shavit himself, and every Jewish establishment leader peddling similar arguments, who refuse to understand and internalize this crisis.
My peers and I don't need any more multi-million dollar ventures to save us. What we need is for the community to wake up.
What we need is for the community to stop willfully blinding itself to the disastrous reality of holding millions of Palestinians under military occupation.
We need the community to stop justifying policies that deny Palestinians the ability to move freely, to sleep safely in their homes without the fear of a military raid, to access water and resources, to live without terror that their homes could be bombed to rubble, and to protest the unjust conditions of their lives nonviolently. None of these policies are moral, and none of these policies make Jews safer.
Moreover, we need the community to stop policing and demonizing those of us who say these truths in public and are fighting for change. We need the community to stop holing itself up behind walls and tanks and guns, as well as behind redlines and standards of partnership.
We are not too naive to understand what is going on or so selfish as to be lured away by more free programming. Listen to us when we say that the status quo is unbearable and untenable. The community as it stands today is a community we refuse to participate in.
No public relations trick can save Israel's image. The problem isn't with the hasbara. The problem is nearly 50 years of occupation. The problem is rampant racism in Israeli society. The problem is attacks on human rights defenders by extremists and by the state. The problem is a Jewish establishment that ignores or justifies all of this.
Sending young, mostly Ashkenazi Jews to do volunteer work with Bedouins in Rahat or African Americans in Ferguson to demonstrate solidarity with people of color is completely missing the point. We hear those people saying the same thing we hear from Palestinians: that band aids and kind words won't end state-sponsored racism and violence.
It is insulting to young Jews' intelligence, and to communities leading their own struggles against oppression, to expect that another "do-gooding" program can mask the violent abuse Israel inflicts upon the human beings living under its rule every day. No amount of so-called "social justice activism" around the world can distract or make us care less about that. Nothing, except actually addressing it.
Despite the panic about the disengagement of young people from the community, across the country I see principled, courageous, loving, and yes, incredibly angry young people calling on the establishment to change course, to actually do something to end the occupation instead of simply paying lip service to it.
I see J Street U demanding transparency from Jewish Federations to ensure their funding is not further entrenching the occupation. I see Open Hillel insisting Hillel allow a vibrant debate about Zionism and BDS inside its walls. I see Jewish Voice for Peace calling on international corporations to stop profiting off human rights abuses.
I see the Center for Jewish Nonviolence bringing American Jews to do civil resistance work in solidarity with West Bank Palestinians. I see IfNotNow building a mass movement to challenge our community to genuinely stand for freedom and dignity for all in Israel/Palestine.
We millennials have one simple question for our community's leaders: do you support equal rights for all people and if so, what are you going to do about it?
We are doing this out of love for our community and love for our neighbors. We know that Jewish liberation is inextricably tied to the liberation of all people.
My generation isn't disaffected; we're passionate and we're mobilizing. The question is not whether my generation will remain Jewish; it's whether our parents and grandparents will follow our lead as we build the kind of Jewish community that celebrates universal values and struggles for justice.
Those who truly want to help young Jews connect to the Jewish world should live out the values they profess. Fight for an end to the occupation and for freedom and dignity for all in Israel/Palestine. Commit to restoring the moral soul of the Jewish community. Prove to young people that this is a community worth believing in.
You have a choice.
Simone Zimmerman is an activist and organizer based in Brooklyn NY. She is a leader of IfNotNow, an emerging movement of young American Jews working to end their community's support for the occupation. Follow her on Twitter:@simonerzim
On Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 9:21 PM, Yisrael Medad <> wrote:
If Not Now is an emerging movement of young American Jews organizing to end the American Jewish community's support for the occupation. We are inspired by the sage Hillel's famous dictum: "If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am only for myself, what am I? If not now, when?"If Not Now is creating a mass movement around the principle that the project of Jewish liberation is inextricably bound to the freedom and dignity of the Palestinian people. We will be the generation to end our community's support for the occupation and create a Judaism that stands for the dignity of all people.Throughout the winter and spring, we are bringing this movement to cities across the country, running small, weekend-long orientation trainings on our movement DNA - our collective strategy, story, and structure - that will ensure unity for our movement as we grow to scale.Sign up now to get information about trainings happening in cities near you, or to bring a training to your city.IfNotNow welcomes and celebrates our community's vast diversity of identities and experiences. We are building a diverse, vibrant Jewish network -- across spectrums of race, class, culture (Mizrachi, Sephardic, and Ashkenazi), sexuality, gender identity, ability status, nation of origin, and age -- and are working to prioritize Jews who have identities that have been marginalized by the mainstream community.
Robin Ticker
Robin Ticker
Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch. May their memories serve as a blessing.
Most of these emails are posted on
Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Judicial Terrorism and Faked Hate.... fyi,
Most of these emails are posted on
Settlers and Hilltop Youth are often accused and framed with faked Muslim hate crimes that are labeled Jewish Price Tag vandalism and Jewish Price Tag Terror with trumped up accusations consisting of assault, arson, murder etc.... The goal is to slander them and their community and to establish and give credence to a false phenomenon called "Jewish Terror".
One should never jump to conclusions when they hear of a hate crime directed against Muslims by Jews and rush to condemn it. It is much more likely than not that it is another frameup against the Jewish Settler or Hilltop youth, with police or ISA believing and or possibly fabricating false reports without credible evidence to back it up.
Yehuda Glick: Police aided our enemies with 'judicial terrorism'
Temple Mount activist Yehuda Glick vindicated in court, looks to return to Temple Mount.
This MO Modus Operandi is hitting America as well.
FAKED HATE: MUSLIM CHARGED with ANTI-MUSLIM BOMB Threat to Dearborn High School -
Robin Ticker
Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch. May their memories serve as a blessing.
Most of these emails are posted on
Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Fwd: An Open Letter to the Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah re: Writing an Open Letter to Netanyahu to Free Meir Ettinger who has been slapped with 4 more months of Administration after 6 months in isolation
Lichvod HaRabbanim shlita
What drives me to write these words comes from having lived in Kiryat Arba, Hebron, being so connected with our Forefathers, our Avos and Imahos Avrohom, Yitzchak and Yaakov Avinu, Sarah, Rivkah, Leah Imeinu buried in Maarat HaMachpela, and from the cries of Rachel Imeinu buried on the way crying for her children who refuses to be consoled...Rachel Imeinu cries for the children of her son Yosef, who was thrown into the pit by his righteous brothers. She cries for her precious son Efraim whose inheritance is near Kever Yosef near Shchem, the same hilltops of these hilltop youth. She cries for her children who are lost...
I am disappointed that as far as I know, Rabbanim, have not tried to influence and protest the Government of Israel's (GOI) decision to extend Meir Ettingers Administration Detention sentence.
Yesterday the following email was posted to plead with those who love the Torah to please write a letter to the Prime Minister.
End the Sinas Chinam Against the Hilltop Youth
By Robin Ticker
Writing Campaign to PM:
As of Feb. 23, 2016 Meir Ettinger the grandson of Rabbi Meir
Kahane ob”m hy”d had his administrative detention orders extended for another 4
months following 6 months of isolation.
According to Wikipedia, Administrative detention is arrest
and detention of individuals by the state without trial, usually for security
reasons. The reasoning behind administrative detention often is based upon
contentions that the suspect is likely to pose a threat in the future. It is
meant to be preventive in nature rather than punitive e.g. in order to remove
the threat of dangerous terrorists. Administrative
detention was first introduced by the British and French colonial authorities
prior to and during World War II created as a mechanism to control political
dissent. Opponents maintain that in
essence, administrative detention is a form of collective punishment and a
violation of human rights.
For those of you unfamiliar with the case, Administrative
Detention for Meir Ettinger is a politically correct, legal way to lock him up
in one of the highest security cells surrounded by dangerous Arabs and subject
him to mental and physical anguish.
There have been no specific charges or accusations filed against Meir
Ettinger nor others who are being held under administrative detention.
We can merit so many Mitzvoth by writing one simple letter
to Prime Minister Netanyahu in protest of Meir Ettingers incarceration as well
as in protest of the immoral and unjust administrative detention imposed on
many hilltop youth, violating their
basic human rights. Please send your
email to Please cc: me at
Pikuach Nefesh (Savings one’s life)
Meir Ettinger's life is endangered, isolated in a cell that is surrounded by
Arab terrorists. He conducted a hunger strike in protest which thank G-d he ended
but the factors that lead to his hunger strike still exist! We can therefore still assume that his life,
physical and emotional is in a precarious state...)
Pidyon Shvuyim -- Pidyon Shvuyim
(Hebrew: פִּדְיוֹן שְׁבוּיִים, literally:
Redemption of Captives) is a religious duty in Judaism to bring about the
release of a fellow Jew imprisoned unjustly by the authorities. The release of
the prisoner is typically secured by a ransom paid by the Jewish
community. We are not asking for money
but simply for letters.
Shmos Perek 23 Parshat Mishpatim Pesukim 1-8
1 You shall not accept a false
report; do not place your hand with a wicked person to be a false witness.
א לֹא תִשָּׂא שֵׁמַע שָׁוְא
אַל תָּשֶׁת יָדְךָ עִם רָשָׁע לִהְיֹת עֵד חָמָס We have good reason to believe that the Israel
Security Agency (also known as ISA or
Shin Bet) has provided false reports about the hilltop youth among them forced
confessions. Unfortunately, many
influential leaders, Rabbanim across the board, political figures and
journalists have accepted these false reports as truth and the slander has been
spread throughout the secular and Jewish media.
2 You shall not follow the majority
for evil, and you shall not respond concerning a lawsuit to follow many to pervert
"לֹא-תִהְיֶה אַחֲרֵי-רַבִּים לְרָעֹת וְלֹא-תַעֲנֶה עַל-רִב לִנְטֹת אַחֲרֵי רַבִּים לְהַטֹּת ב
Just because the majority of the
media and political figures and even Rabbanim have condemned hilltop youth for
Price Tag vandalism, arson and the murder of innocent Arabs we may not pervert
justice and must conduct a fair investigation as to precisely what exactly
happened and not rely on forced confessions..
3 Neither shall you glorify a poor
man in his lawsuit.
ג וְדָל לֹא תֶהְדַּר בְּרִיבוֹ: It must be a fair
(As does the Torah, I am now
embedding in our discussion about pursuing justice the Pesukim regarding helping
with your enemy's donkey. There is much we can learn from this juxtaposition.
Many Rabbanim hold that Meir Ettinger and the Hilltop youth reject and threaten
Rabbinic authority when they promote going up to Har HaBayit etc. and in this
respect consider them their enemy. Yet the Torah says that when our enemy is
down we come to his aid. What a
tremendous Kiddush Hashem it would be if Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah and the Aguda
would demand a fair and open investigation of the hilltop youth! We pray for
Shalom and Unity in Am Yisroel)
4 If you come upon your enemy's
bull or his stray donkey, you shall surely return it to him.
ד כִּי תִפְגַּע שׁוֹר אֹיִבְךָ אוֹ חֲמֹרוֹ תֹּעֶה הָשֵׁב תְּשִׁיבֶנּוּ
לוֹ: Please restore the good
name of these boys who have been
slandered as Jewish Terrorists in a blood libel against them.
5 If you see your enemy's donkey
lying under its burden would you refrain from helping him? You shall surely
help along with him.
ה כִּי תִרְאֶה חֲמוֹר שׂנַאֲךָ רֹבֵץ תַּחַת מַשָּׂאוֹ וְחָדַלְתָּ
מֵעֲזֹב לוֹ עָזֹב תַּעֲזֹב עִמּוֹ
Please write a letter!
6 You shall not pervert the
judgment of your poor man in his lawsuit.
ו לֹא תַטֶּה מִשְׁפַּט אֶבְיֹנְךָ בְּרִיב (These kids are
vulnerable. They have been outcasts either by choice or by force, many of them
never recovered from the severe trauma and betrayal they experienced from the
expulsion from Gush Katif and Amona or of a similar nature. The Jewish people
owe them an apology rather than to compound to the trauma)
7 Distance yourself from a false
matter; and do not kill a truly innocent person or one who has been declared
innocent, for I will not vindicate a guilty person.
ז מִדְּבַר שֶׁקֶר תִּרְחָק וְנָקִי וְצַדִּיק אַל תַּהֲרֹג כִּי לֹא אַצְדִּיק
The hilltop youth claim that the allegations against them are
false and fabricated and they deny the allegations… that is until they were
tortured. One just turned 17, Jewish boy, a Duma suspect, who happens to be an
American citizen, showed the scars of an attempted suicide following being
8 You shall not accept a bribe, for
a bribe will blind the clear sighted and corrupt words that are right. ח וְשֹׁחַד לֹא תִקָּח כִּי הַשֹּׁחַד יְעַוֵּר פִּקְחִים וִיסַלֵּף דִּבְרֵי צַדִּיקִים: Does government funding for Political
entities and Yeshivoth come into the picture that distorts clarity of what
really happened in Duma and their quick condemnations of hilltop youth?
Vayikra Perek 19 Pesukim 15-18
15 You shall commit no injustice in
judgment; you shall not favor a poor person or respect a great man; you shall
judge your fellow with righteousness.
טו לֹא תַעֲשׂוּ עָוֶל בַּמִּשְׁפָּט
לֹא תִשָּׂא פְנֵי דָל וְלֹא תֶהְדַּר פְּנֵי גָדוֹל בְּצֶדֶק תִּשְׁפֹּט עֲמִיתֶךָ:
The truth must be investigated and the words of influential politicians
or even influential Rabbinic or governmental leaders should not be taken more
seriously than the words of the poor and vulnerable.
16 You shall not go around as a
gossipmonger amidst your people. You shall not stand by [the shedding of] your
fellow's blood. I am the Lord.
טז לֹא תֵלֵךְ רָכִיל בְּעַמֶּיךָ
לֹא תַעֲמֹד עַל דַּם רֵעֶךָ אֲנִי יְהוָֹה:
The slander regarding the Duma case clearly reminds us of this Pasuk
where almost everyone was quick to condemn them thereby engaging in character
assassination and a blood libel..
17 You shall not hate your brother
in your heart. You shall surely rebuke your fellow, but you shall not bear a
sin on his account.
יז לֹא תִשְׂנָא אֶת
אָחִיךָ בִּלְבָבֶךָ הוֹכֵחַ תּוֹכִיחַ אֶת עֲמִיתֶךָ וְלֹא תִשָּׂא עָלָיו חֵטְא:
Silence of evil is evil, to quote Glenn
Beck. How can we be silent at this
travesty of justice? Not coming to their defense points to Sinat Chinam against
the hilltop youth in our hearts and fueling Sinat Chinam between Chareidim and
Dati Leumi communities. Will we allow them to be locked up to satisfy our own
18 You shall neither take revenge
from nor bear a grudge against the members of your people; you shall love your
neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.
יח לֹא תִקֹּם וְלֹא תִטֹּר אֶת בְּנֵי עַמֶּךָ וְאָהַבְתָּ
לְרֵעֲךָ כָּמוֹךָ אֲנִי יְהוָֹה:
Amein! Ken Yehi Ratzon!
Tizku LeMitzvo
There have been no specific charges or accusations filed against Meir Ettinger nor others who are being held under administrative detention, other than of a broad category called "Nationalist Crimes". There is no way of defending oneself of any charges. There is no trial and no conviction.)
We are One People. We should be feeling the deep pain of Meir Ettinger and all those kids who have been placed under Administrative Detention. For some incarcerated it meant physical and mental torture. Pshuto KMashmaoh! Literally in order to obtain forced confessions of violent criminal acts that they never committed. For others, administrative detention means staying locked in ones home, not being able to be free to go as they please, slandered and isolated as lepers in Israeli society,branded in the media, for crimes that they did not commit.
Going on Youtube to watch these kids give their side of the story is surely using the internet in a Kosher way to do a Mitzvah! The excuse not to go on the internet is no excuse for someone who needs the information and is required to get the evidence. Would we refrain from putting out pieces of bread for bedikas chometz out of fear we might forget one piece? We just try to be careful...Shouldn't we also be careful not to add to the Torah?...
Actually it is us, Am Yisroel that must bang Al Chait. We owe many of these hilltop youth an apology for the crimes for which they were the victims... like the expulsion at a young impressionable age by the IDF from Gush Katif, Amona, etc.... Do we really want to compound their trauma????
Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah have much more Achrayus as they are the leaders and they will be held accountable in a Heavenly Court! No one wants to take their job from them chas veShalom to take away their leadership role. But all agree that we want Rabbinic Leadership al Pi Hatorah as it says in the Torah and then we must not deviate right or left from what they say. If their Leadership is not coming from a Torah source but rather from a non Torah source, for instance if blinded etc, they would be misleading the entire congregation.
We wouldn't want what happened to the Miraglim to happen to our Spiritual Leaders. Why was Am Yisroel also punished because of the Chait HaMiraglim. Because they should have protested. They too were at Sinai...
In the sin of the Chait HaEgel, the people collectively were accountable for the sin of the minority few the Eirev Rav. They were punished for silent acquiescence. If the hilltop youth are being held unjustly, tortured for their Torah beliefs, by the government of Israel, we as a nation are obligated to protest!
My connection is to Hebron. I am an outsider so my vision is not clouded. I personally cannot relate to this tremendous Nisayon of our generation by our leaders since I am a Pashute Jewess and I too have my limitations. It's a blessing not to be in a leadership role not to be tested...
But I am worried that we will collectively be Chayav Bidei Shamayim...
I do not doubt that there are considerations, that are not trivial, by speaking up and writing a letter on Meir Ettinger's behalf. However these considerations are trivial, as I see it, to what Am Yisroel will lose by not protesting. I remember Gush Katif...WWII, There are many possible scenarios that are too scary to write about. We surely need unity and Zechusim at this time.
We understand that by questioning the Silence of the Gedoilim in this matter of the hilltop youth, we are bringing up matters which might lower the esteem and respect of Rabbinic Leadership by the Hamonei Am. Perhaps, for this reason, our Emunas Chachamim is questioned and we have been perceived as an enemy who are on the warpath to discredit Torah Shebaal Peh, Halacha Moshe MiSinai.
Please believe us that this is not the case. In fact it is only because of our faith in our Gedoilim BaTorah that we feel comfortable to challenge the silence, and what we interpret to be misplaced humility to not take more of a Leadership Torah Stand in this matter.
But precisely because of this perception , it would be that much more powerful if Rabbonim would, in spite of their hesitation to support the hilltop youth, davka because they object to the message of the Hilltop Youth, write a letter asking Netanyahu to abolish the Administrative Detention Law. This law violates basic human rights, with no habeas corpus to protect them. What a message of unity that in spite of their differences they demand that the Israeli gov't not to consider nor treat these Yiddishe Neshomas as Jewish Terrorists.
This Diba Tova on behalf of these youth, to call for a fair and open trial whether or not they agree with them would be an amazing Tikkun on many different levels and would bring a much needed zechus to Am Yisroel and Eretz Yisroel. Israel today is defamed and slandered internationally. Is it perhaps Middah Keneged Middah, what the State of Israel deserves for defaming and slandering and torturing innocent Hilltop youth and the people of Israel deserve for being complicit with not protesting.
The Holocaust did not come in a vacuum. We need unity.
If Meir Ettinger was being held hostage by Hamas wouldn't Gedoilim BaTorah rule that everything must be done to free him from captivity?
If Meir Ettinger was being held hostage by Hamas wouldn't Gedoilim BaTorah rule that everything must be done to free him from captivity?
If Shabak is fabricating false evidence shouldn't it be exposed and if Meir is indeed guilty, of inciting the hilltop youth to conduct acts of random violence against innocent Arabs, shouldn't they bring the charges in an open hearing allowing him to defend himself? Isn't this Torah?
If one is obligated to help his enemy with his load that is weighing him down surely we are commanded to help Meir Ettinger ease his burden of being in prison for no defined reason. Maybe if Rabbanim would Insist that he be formerly charged with documented evidence as is normal procedure in any respected Jewish and non Jewish court of law and allow him to defend himself from these charges, the government would pay attention. In a heavenly court, surely it would be duly noted...we will all be subjected to give a Din VeCheshbon...
If one is obligated to help his enemy with his load that is weighing him down surely we are commanded to help Meir Ettinger ease his burden of being in prison for no defined reason. Maybe if Rabbanim would Insist that he be formerly charged with documented evidence as is normal procedure in any respected Jewish and non Jewish court of law and allow him to defend himself from these charges, the government would pay attention. In a heavenly court, surely it would be duly noted...we will all be subjected to give a Din VeCheshbon...
We believe that the Rabbanim can help overturn draconian laws of Administrative Detention destructive to the very fiber of Am Yisroel, destroying young peoples lives, with their involvement and protest. Their daily Tefillot can be actualized of Hoshiva Shofteinu KeVarishona, bringing unity between Dati Leumi and Chareidi, actualizing Shma Yisroel, unity within our Nation and with our Creator. Surely this will bring tremendous Nachas to HKBH to rip up any evil decree against His people.
On the other hand, how will they, the MGH justify in Beit Din shel Maala that they did not even try....
With love of Am Yisroel, the Torah and Eretz Yisroel and may be Zocheh with no Jew left behind to bring Moshiach and bring the Geula Bimheira Beyameinu Amein! Ken Yehi Ratzon!

Robin Ticker
Robin Ticker
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