Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The Truth about the Duma Suspects. These are not Violent Settlers! Martin Sherman on Duma. Hakol Hayehudi Sounds like a Blood Libel against Jewish Hilltop Youth


In Tribute to the Duma Suspects, The Boys In The Hands of Shabak. Uzia Tzadok 13 Singing KeSheHalev Bocheh - When the Heart Cries

Into the Fray: Presumption of Guilt  By MARTIN SHERMAN \  01/07/2016 
The attempt to equate Arab terrorism against Jews with Jewish "terror" against Arabs is playing right into the hands of Israel's most vehement detractors.

 ...Chaim Levinson, Haaretz correspondent covering Judea-Samaria, writes: "... however, apart from their confessions, which were extracted under torture [sic], the Shin Bet and police have no additional evidence incriminating them. The [Duma] file has a several additional problems the Shin Bet and the prosecution will have to contend with in order to convict the two."

He notes: "Except for the confessions of A. and Ben-Uliel the Shin Bet and police have no further evidence tying them to the crime. At the scene there were no forensic indicators at all and surveillance of the area produced nothing useful. The statements of the Palestinians witnesses were contradictory and confused."

Op-Ed:David Wega:A pedophile collaborating with the PA to kill is not a crime, but dancing with an unloaded gun at a wedding can get you arrested.


Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Campaign to Divide and Conquer Yesha. Duma Suspects get Guilty Verdict! Condemned in the Media. Verdict is decided before the Trial has begun...


Verdict Guilty! by Credible Right Wing Nationalist Leaders! No fair trial needed, forced confessions, tainted Judicial evidence...biased Judiciary

Jury:                        Verdict:

Bibi Netanyahu:         "Terrorist Acts performed by Jews" 
Naftali Bennett:            Duma Arsonist Terrorists.
Moshe Yaalon:              Radical Jewish Terrorists
Hananel Durani:          Anarchists, not part of religious Zionism
Rabbi Eliezer Melamed:   Violent group of hilltop youth
47 Rabbis  (list below)    Jewish Terror. 

 Rabbi's who reject and oppose with disgust every expression of hate and violence such as "price tag" directed towards Arabs:
Dr. Chaim Charles Cohen:There is a small, extreme, anti-Zionist, sometimes violent, fringe Right  
Op Ed Arutz7 very subtle yet very damaging from an author who claims to be a 'balanced, professional and both realistic and idealistic analysis of the questions sparked by the Duma arson investigation" who concludes "today we are dependent on the Israeli judicial and security forces to properly handle the above threats to the ongoing enterprise of Yesha Jewish settlement." Again, where is his evidence that this small, extreme group exists other than coming from Israeli judicial and security forces with an agenda?????
Caroline Glick:              Jewish Terrorists with active terrorist networks 
                                            Homegrown enemies...

We need only look in the Torah to find a precedent of unfounded hatred among brothers of Bnei Yisroel.  Joseph's brothers were quick to accuse him of wrongdoing. They threw him into the pit.  Even when they actually met Joseph in Egypt they still did not recognize their brother nor even considered his innocence. 

Deja vu... 

What will it take to face reality and the truth... that these kids, (just like Yosef HaTzadik, who wasn't perfect either at 17 years old),  are anything but what they are being accused of... Is it coincidence that this is all happening in the territory of Yosef HaTzadik in the hilltop of the Shomron...

But why are all these "right wing" leaders so quick to condemn their own when they can simply wait until there is a guilty verdict from objective judges,  following an objective and fair trial? 

Why is Yaalon and the powers at large,  so anxious, so desperate,  to get credible personalities and leaders within the Yesha community to condemn the Duma suspects to defame them and convict them in the media with a guilty verdict before a Trial has begun?  There are so many condemnations being blasted in the media by many trusted Right Wing Nationalist that we are seeing a pattern. Trusted Nationalists.  They first distance themselves from these hilltop youths and then condemn them. I assume there must be some incentive to badmouth these kids as "Jewish Terrorists".  Alternatively, perhaps there are punitive threats if they do no condemn them? Here is the bottom line:

They testify that there are Jewish Terrorists.  Jewish terrorists who are acting as part of an organized group of Jewish Terrorists. 

This is the wanted treasure!   Nobody really wants to know more than that. This is what is sufficient for a blood libel.  Obama and our enemies, the UN, the EU, the Leftist Media will run with it....

I have no doubt that there exists incentives and blackmail towards Israel's gov't leaders, Netanyahu, Yaalon etc by internationals forces to achieve this prized objective which is to acknowledge Jewish Terrorism and Organized Jewish Terrorism even if it is fabricated!  

What real evidence is there other than forced confessions,  and condemnations in the media by respected individuals using evidence coming from Israeli judicial and security forces with an agenda against Judea and Samaria settlements,  without a fair trial or judge(s) who are clearly objective with no hidden agenda? 

The Judiciary apparently has conducted an investigation of themselves, since apparently there is no one else who provides proper oversight, and examined the way this investigation has been conducted and has determined that they are (surprise) innocent of any wrongdoing.  (see Mike Huckabee on Abuse of Power and who oversees the Justice Dept. Just apply his statements re: NSA(National Security Agency) to ISA (Shabak).

 "The Prime Minister said the ISA interrogations are carried out under law and under the close supervision of the Attorney General and Ministry of Justice, as well as the courts, and with their consent." Ayelet Shaked confirms  this. 
Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked the latest to defend ISA, says she 'was told' interrogations were 'under the law.' 

'Who is investigating Weinstein's Duma torture orders?' Movement for Governability and Democracy asks Attorney General: Who's probing your conduct over Duma case torture?

In light of the fact that it is obvious that the evidence against these kids have been unsustainable on almost all of the cases and/or only evidence gotten by self incriminating confessions following torture or threat of torture,  isn't something glaringly amiss in the Judiciary????

I have been told from 2 reliable sources close to the families that the trial is now going to be a closed court whereby no one will be allowed to see the State Evidence.  Sounds like a Kangaroo Court to me. No surprise on this one.....Follows the pattern of unwarranted and unlawful Administrative Detention, unlawful arrests, unlawful torture....These kids and young adults are being hit with trauma big time!
fyi A kangaroo court is a judicial tribunal or assembly that blatantly disregards recognized standards of law or justice, and often carries little or no official standing in the territory within which it resides. Merriam-Webster defines it as a "mock court in which the principles of law and justice are disregarded or perverted".[1] The term may also apply to a court held by a legitimate judicial authority who intentionally disregards the court's legal or ethical obligations. A kangaroo court is often held to give the appearance of a fair and just trial, even though the verdict has in reality already been decided before the trial has begun.
  • Rabbi Eliezer Melamed , Rosh Yeshiva of Har Bracha  calls them Violent group of hilltop youth
  • 47 Rabbis quick to condemn these kids without them having a lawyer or a trial or reliable evidence  Calls it Jewish
    We the undersigned rabbis reject and oppose with disgust every expression of hate and violence such as "price tag" directed towards Arabs.  
    The names of those who signed are rabbis:Hananiya Avitan, Ori Einhorn, Chaim Borganski, David Bigman, Menachem Blank, Binyahu Broener, Rachamim Barchiyahu;Baruch Gigi, Avraham Geiser, Yehudah Gilad, Oriel Ganul, Yehoshua Greenstein; Oren Duvdevani, Benny Holtzman, Tzachi Hershkowitz;Ayal Vered, Mordechai Vardi, David Zano, Tzvi Yanir; Yehudah Yesharim, Aharon Katz, Benny Lau, Ronen Lobitz, Amit Mashiach, Chaim Navon, Meir Nehorai;Ronen Noyberg, Asher Sabag, Danny Segal, Yair Silverman, Yisrael Samet, Ilan Sayadia, David Stav, Rafi Feuerstein; Tzvi Koren; Avi Kanai, Avichai Ronzki, Avraham Ronikov, Shmuel Reiner, Aryeh Stern; Sharon Shalom, Shlomo Riskin, David Shmuel, David Simchon, Yosef Shanah, Moshe Shefter, and Yuval Sherlow. 
Rabbi Avichai Rontzki, the former chief rabbi of the Israel Defense Forces, also issued a statement. “I am the rabbi of ‘Ruvi’ Ben-Uliel, the father of Amiram,” he said. “I held the babies at the family’s circumcisions. The father is the salt of the earth, but sometimes rabbis’ sons kick in all directions, acting contrary to their fathers,” he added.
read more:

Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Monday, January 11, 2016

Fwd: Shocked and Deeply Dismayed Letter to NORPAC Manhattan by Buddy Macy: Re: Raising Money For Hillary Rodham Clinton for Pres Exclusive and Intimate event $2,700 per person $5,400 couple. Watch Video of Hillary coming down on Israel.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Buddy Macy <>
Date: Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 5:28 PM
Subject: AVI, re: Subject: NORPAC Manhattan: Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton for President (D) Thursday 1/14 5:30 PM
To: Avi Schranz <>

Avi, I am shocked and deeply dismayed at NORPAC's sponsorship of the upcoming Secretary Hillary Clinton for President event in New York City.

Hillary Accuses Israel of Lacking Generosity and Empathy with Palestinians

HERE*, in her own spoken words, is what Sec. Clinton said in regard to Israel at the Saban Forum Opening Gala Dinner on November 30, 2012 in Washington DC:

So, look, I'm not making excuses for the missed opportunities of the Israelis, or the lack of generosity, the lack of empathy that I think goes hand-in-hand with the suspicion. So, yes, there is more that the Israelis need to do to really demonstrate that they do understand the pain of an oppressed people in their minds, and they want to figure out, within the bounds of security and a Jewish democratic state, what can be accomplished.

Regarding the phrase, "oppressed people", I agree with Mrs. Clinton: the Arab-"Palestinians" have been oppressed by THEIR OWN Arab leaders and people for many generations. They could have had their own state numerous times, as she had pointed out during her remarks at the Saban Forum. Additionally, during the 19 years that Judea & Samaria was under Jordan's control, not one move was made by the Jordanians to settle the "Palestinian Homeland." So, Sec. Clinton's statement incorporating "oppressed people" was dangerously and quite possibly, purposefully, misleading. 

And, as for Israelis understanding the pain of an oppressed people, is Mrs. Clinton not familiar with: the destruction of both of the Great Jewish Temples, the nearly complete genocide by the Romans, the waves of anti-Jewish pogroms and expulsions from the countries of Western Europe during the last centuries of the Middle Ages up to and including the Spanish Inquisition in 1492, the pogroms in Russia from the 1880's thru the Stalin era, the pogrom in Hebron (in JEWISH Palestine!) in 1929 by rioting Arab mobs led by a primary collaborator and planner with Hitler and Eichmann of the Final Solution - Haj Amin al-Husseini - and, the Holocaust...not to mention Israel's five wars for her very survival with her Arab neighbors, hundreds of terror attacks and thousands of rockets launched from Gaza into Israel. THE ISRAELIS DON'T UNDERSTAND THE PAIN OF AN OPPRESSED PEOPLE?????????????

Avi, Hillary Rodham Clinton is no friend of the Jewish State. I urge you to cancel the fundraising event, immediately!

Most sincerely,

Buddy Macy


Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

More on Duma: Please Differentiate: The Good Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed vs the Bad Rabbi Eliezer Melamed


The Good Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed:

Letter From Rav Zalman Melamed to the Knesset Re: Youth Being Tortured by the Shabak
 ...It is an urgent mitzvah of Pikuach Nefesh - saving human lives. You (Knesset members) should not serve in a government which endangers Jewish lives, and if the torture does not stop, you should cease to support this government.
  (Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed is Chief Rabbi of Beit El, as well as the Rosh Yeshiva and Dean of the Beit El Yeshiva Center Institutions. Rabbi Melamed is also Chairman of the Rabbis Council of Judea, Samaria, and Gaza. He is the founder and head of Arutz Sheva news station)

The Bad Rabbi Eliezer Melamed

Please note: Once upon a time in 2009 the now Bad Rabbi Eliezer Melamed was charged with "undermining democratic principles" and "inciting" students to refuse IDF orders to expel Jews from their homes. 

In fact there was a time that Rabbi Eliezer was considered unruly :Rabbi Melamed Rejects 'Hearing;' MK Ben-Ari: Barak 'Obsessed'
Hesder yeshiva Rabbi Eliezer Melamed will not accept Barak's summons to a "hearing" Sunday night. MK Ben-Ari says Defense Minister is "obsessed." 
 They explained that Defense Minister Barak has "pre-determined his facts" and accused him of using the media to speak with the rabbi. Sounds familiar

Barak Ousts Rabbi Melamed's Yeshiva from 'Hesder' Program 12/13/2009
Defense Minister Ehud Barak has announced he is tossing Rabbi Melamed's Hesder yeshiva out of the IDF. "Keep the army out of politics," he said:

Probably the Yeshiva became reinstated into the Hesder Program....but Rabbi Eliezer Melamed has learned his "lesson"...

Now in 2015 Rabbi Eliezer Melamed is singing a different tune defaming Hilltop youth calling some of them violent. Ok he differentiates between good and bad Hilltop Youth.  By doing so he is giving ammunition to our enemies who need some proof that indeed there are Jewish Terrorist. He has forgotten that sometimes the Defense Minister has "pre-determined his facts" and uses the media against the accused.  Rabbi Eliezer Melamed is credible because he is an insider and surely what he says is true.  From there the libel and defamation spreads out of control. 

Probably he doesn't want his Yeshiva to lose it's funding again. 

Judaism: Defining the difference between good and bad: "Clearly, there are youth among the residents of the hilltop communities who publicly bring shame to the Torah and the nation....
The basic foundation of education is the ethical distinction between good and bad. Therefore, it is necessary to say that the attitudes and behavior of the violent group among the hilltop youth are absolutely bad.
" quote from Rabbi Eliezer Melamed, Rosh Yeshiva of Har Bracha, not Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed of Bet El. 

My personal comments is that Hashem, please don't test me....

Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Menachem Genack, NORPAC Manhattan: Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton for President (D) Thursday 1/14 5:30 PM//do u believe this??!! OU, AGUDAH seem to side with Democratic Party


In spite of over 100 billion dollars of sanctions relief, hovering and threatening Israel, not to mention the entire Middle East and with ballistic missiles even America, soon scheduled to be released to the Terror State of Iran ... Rabbi Genack supports Hillary...

US barrels toward lifting Iran sanctions By Julian Hattem - 01/09/16 03:52 PM EST
The United States is steaming ahead with implementation of the nuclear deal with Iran, and appears ready to lift sanctions as soon as this month. 
The final step in the years-long process could be just "days away," according to Secretary of State John Kerry.

Menachem Genack :
Why I Support Hillary Clinton For President. She will apply deep strategic thinking to deal with the foreign policy issues confronting us.Tue, 12/22/2015. Special To The Jewish Week

 and now Norpac is running a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton. 

FYI Rabbi Genack was founding Chairman of NORPAC, a pro-Israel political action committee that has grown to be the biggest pro-Israel PAC in the country. He also serves on the executive committee of AIPAC the same group that went with the Rabbis on September 9th to lobby Congress and basically failed to make much of a difference. Schumer didn't lead against the Iran Deal and Gillibrand, Jeffries, Booker came out for the Deal.  

In answer to Rabbi Menachem Genack, please visit the blog of Rabbi Jonathan Ginsburg

What Jews, and everyone else, need to know about Hillary that you won't learn from mainstream media:
If someone says they will vote for Hillary,  ask them if they know this about her? Please make sure to scroll down to see the links of evidence.

Why is Benghazi so serious? Hillary and Obama were hiding treason

I want you to compare Menachem Genack's August 24, 2015 regarding Iran Nuclear Deal with Glenn Beck's speech September 9, 2015 in DC. .  

Genack describes the deal as a Misguided Policy and For US: A Lost Opportunity for Mideast Security, fait accompli, and admits that it has flaws that will inevitably lead down the path to a nuclear-armed Iran and a dramatic shift from a nuclear-free Iran to an ongoing containment mode Note this was August 24th, 2015. As far as Menachem Genack is concerned this deal was merely an unfortunate lost opportunity. No serious attempt to Stop Iran...But yes it's unfortunate....a bad deal.   No mention of G-d, no mention of miracles, no mention of Covenants......

Rabbi Genack says he does not speak for OU but it is quite clear that he and the OU Rabbi's took the side of the Democratic Party together with a Misheberach for Obama on September 9th 2015 in Washington DC when they sent a bus of hundreds of Rabbis to waste their time in my humble opinion, representing tens of thousands of Jews, in  Washington DC to "protest" the Iran Deal which was a fait accompli according to them basically to vent.   Teshuva and Aseret Yemei Teshuva and the opportunity to change things around was not in their mindset. They stood on the backs of the 500 Rabbi's who came down to Washington DC in October 6, 1943 2 days before Yom Kippur to protest the Nazi Genocide.   They were turned away then...Not clear what message this OU protest was to make.  We will assure Congress that we will simply vent but we understand the Iran Deal is a fait accomplil, so that they won't turn us away when we lobby and vent. 

OU Advocacy told the 200-300 Rabbis representing tens of thousands of Jews not to attend the other rally on the Western lawn of the capitol, following their own rally,  because it was a "political rally" and the OU is an "apolitical" organization.  

Too bad these Rabbi's missed Glenn Beck's very non political Torahdik address,  words that should have been said at their Rally and weren't. Too bad they didnt join with the tens of thousands of staunch Israel supporters, most of them non Jews, Tea Party Patriots,  because of OU's apolitical stance. 

Glenn Beck's Powerful Message at DC Rally To Stop Nuclear Iran Deal September 9th 2015: Choose LIFE Trust in G-d to fulfill His Promises

Treaty or not, the Nation of Israel will stand.  No Jew in Europe would have thought in 1944, that G-d would use the unending night to hold true to His promise and restore the Nation of Israel, but He Did!  And I testify to you that He will do the same again today in His Time and His Way.  This era of confusion and era of darkness will end cause our G-d is a G-d of Covenants.  

We as His people must understand, He will keep all of His Promises.  He has told us He will Bless those that Bless Israel.  He will curse those who curse Israel. 

I make you this promise and warning today.  Those words will be fulfilled.  Our actions as a Nation, and as individuals today, the reason I am here... because I want to be seen by the Almighty G-d because our fate is being sealed.  
LET THIS DAY BE DECLARED THAT WE WILL SERVE NO OTHER KING BUT G-D! He is a Mighty and a Just G-d and a G-d of Miracles. and I beg all with eyes to see and ears to hear...  I beg, this is our last call to return to our roots and to choose Life. The hour is later than we think and the morning will come.  

And I warn those who stand on the sidelines and claim ignorance and helplessness... not to stand, IS TO STAND...not to speak, IS TO SPEAK, there will be no spectators in this struggle.  G-d will not hold you blameless! 
We are told by those in power that we must give in or the world will abandon us.  First of all I believe that is a lie, but if it were true, GOOD, So Be IT!  We are supposed to be the Shining City on the Hill.  That's who we are. That is our purpose.  We have to be a light in a world of darkness. We are the ones who are supposed to stand for Morality.  Speak for those who can't protect themselves.  Let the world abandon us.  If that's who they are, we'd be better off alone.  
Which one sounds more authentic, more true to Torah and who is still fighting????
Rabbi Genack now supports Hillary Clinton and conveniently does not address the 100 billions of dollars soon to be released to the Terror State of Iran, intent on the destruction of Israel, Hashem Yishmor, if Obama and Hillary get their way Chas Veshalom! 

Rabbi Menachem Genack is blinded and clueless. Norpac is as well. 

Shochad Maaver Pikchim is all that I can say. How can Menachem Genack be a trusted CEO for Kashrus when he is so blinded is what I am thinking.  Others are quite repulsed as well and not only with Obama's Iran Deal.

Iran Deal Advocacy: Rabbi's, OU, Agudath Israel vs Neturei Karta. Neturei Karta Wins? Search on Youtube for "Rabbis DC" and see what comes up

Is there a connection with the funding Agudah and OU receive from Capital Hill and their Silence? I hate to be Choshed Biksherim but I don't see any other explanation for this blindness!

Government Funds are desperately needed and have been mandated to our Yeshivot and private schools for Education and for Security.  However, please Hashem, let this money not be used to bribe and Silence Agudah and the OU and the tens of thousands of Jews whom them represent, to fight with our might about speaking out with pride for our G-d Given rights to the Land of Israel and specifically for Jewish settlement and annexation of Judea and Samaria and our Biblical Heritage sites, Har Habayit, Maarat HaMachpela, Kever Rochel, Kever Yosef and against a Nuclear Iran and to stop the 100 billion sanctions soon to be released to Terror.  $100 or even $200 million dollars is a lot of money but it is nothing compared to $100 billion or more. HashemYishmor. 

  • VIDEO from Agudath Israel: A GREAT WAY TO START THE NEW YEAR: NY STATE YESHIVOS TO RECEIVE $40 MILLION  "All that knocking finally paid off"... Rabbi David Zwiebel  monies owed to them from 2006 [following Gush Katif..  My comments RT]  Why was Schumer so busy with this instead of the Iran Deal?
  • Advocacy Pays Off for Our Community's Security.Posted on Wednesday, December 16th, 2015 at 5:15 pm in Homeland Security. The Omnibus Appropriations Bill introduced in Congress yesterday, and expected to pass this week, included a proposed $20 million appropriation for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP)—a program that has helped Jewish day schools and shuls across the country improve their security.
  • OU Advocacy Center » Federal. A Victory for Jewish Education. Posted on Friday, December 11th, 2015 at 11:35 am in Tuition Affordability. year, working together with state and federal legislators, our advocacy efforts helped bring more than $209 million in government funding to Jewish day schools and synagogues across the country. Today's success is another important step on behalf of our schools, Jewish education, and Jewish families.