Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Zocher Habrit, Returning to G-d re: Yaron, Ronald Lauder's Pro-2-State WJC Ad,


Dear Chavrei Knesset, Leaders of Major Jewish Organizations, Jewish Media, Rabbanim and Activist List ,

Egypt has been taken over by the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran is a very real nuclear threat.  All this is happening at an alarmingly fast pace.  

There is only 1 weapon that Jews have that can fight all the others.  Our most powerful weapon is G-d.  G-d is AllMighty. G-d is All powerful.  G-d is our Salvation.   

Ok before you call the police on me for harassing you with such emails, please just reflect for 1 minute.  When the enemy has a gun pointing at a soldier, what is there left to do if not turn to G-d?  If the soldier still has a weapon at his disposal he will most likely use the weapon and pray as well.  The greater the threat the more likely, G-d comes into the picture.  

So now the question is what can we do for G-d so that He will want to help us?  Prayer, wearing Tzizit, Tefillin, eating Kosher, keeping Shabbat, studying Torah? Being holy and not allowing our eyes,ears,mouth, nose, heart, hands and feet to get contaminated with unholy things. All True.  

These Mitzvoth are all part of our Torah and as a Jew we are obligated to observe them. 

My Dear Friends, It seems to me that the biggest test of this generation, our generation, the generation that has been blessed with the return to Zion is our willingness to claim and settle the Land of Israel.  The biggest Yetzer Hara, evil inclination,  for our generation, to religious Jews as well as unaffiliated Jews alike,  has been to recognize G-d's Divine will and promise that  the Land of Israel as being designated for a special and more holy purpose that can only be actualized with Jews living, settling in the Land of Israel keeping the commandments.

is it just coincidence that the world just became an even unsafer place with  the MB winning in Egypt immediately after the HaUlpana decision to throw Jews off our Land? How about the latest news about Iran?

Now that our enemies are increasingly gaining strength in developing WMD (weapons of mass destruction)  shall we not turn to G-d?  

You say you don't want to hear all this nonsense.  Or you say, I am a believing Jew and don't lecture me.   You still believe you have strong weapons at your disposal.  Remembering our Covenant with G-d and our forefathers and speaking out for our Covenant is not necessary. You feel it would just be counterproductive, bringing the wrath of the world upon us. You still want to believe that the "peace process" is the only practical answer and since G-d's Covenant is a negation of the "peace process" you will ignore it for now rather than stir up the hornets nest.   

How long will you guys wait?  How long will it take for you to figure out that my emails are not the enemy but rather your refusal to use your most powerful weapon, G-d.  He is Allmighty and Allpowerful and can fight off His enemies.  You have the ability, if you so choose, to reject the false G-d, aka "the Peace Process and The 2 State Solution" and courageously proclaim G-d's Covenant with the Jews and with the World and believe with your heart and soul that this will ultimately bring our redeemer, our redemption and  peace and prosperity to mankind! 

Please look forward to my next email which will be entitled "Zocher Habrit, More News that is Fit to Print" and if your advertisers don't like it let them find somewhere else to advertise

On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 10:05 AM, Buddy Macy <> wrote:
Shalom Yaron (please call me Buddy),

Your response to my deep concern, and that of many others, appears to be a "form" email. Although Jerusalem Online may very well be "bringing its viewers and subscribers an unbiased, true, and accurate daily news update from Israel", Ronald Lauder's ad (please see bottom of email) brings your viewers and subscribers information that is not only biased and speculative, at best, but that which promotes a policy which many among your audience believe would lead to Israel's demise. As a fellow pro-Israel activist wrote, you would not accept an ad from an Arab-"Palestinian" suicide bomber, so why would you accept a submission which endorses a policy that is tantamount to the unleashing of thousands of such murderous weapons
throughout Israel?!?

My original email to Jerusalem Online must not be considered within the context of technical legal media policy; it is about morality -- it is about right and wrong! Ronald Lauder's ad promotes the expulsion of tens of thousands of Jews from their homes and communities. Do you believe that such activity is supported by any of the writings or teachings within Judaism? Where is it written that Jews have the right to destroy their fellow Jews' homes? Ronald Lauder's advertisement promotes a policy, the implementation of which would represent an obscene abuse of the political process for personal and organizational gain, while causing tremendous agony for tens of thousands of Israeli citizens. The ad falls under the classification of profanity, and it must be retracted immediately.

It would be in Israel's best interest if you would return the compensation provided by Mr. Lauder for the ad, and to state clearly and unequivocally that Jerusalem Online erred in publishing Ronald Lauder's advertisement, and that there is no association whatsoever between Jerusalem Online and Mr. Lauder's World Jewish Congress ad. The above statement should be promoted utilizing all means available to you.

Most sincerely,

Buddy Macy

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Yaron Yoels <>
Date: Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 5:41 PM
Subject: RE: Jerusalem Online's Promotion of Ronald Lauder's Pro-2-State WJC Ad
Cc:,, Prof MK Arieh Eldad <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, galcom <>, Lior Eshed <>, Liran Eshed <>,,, "Russell F. Robinson" <>

Dear Mr. Macy,

Thank you for your detailed email. 

JerusalemOnline is a news service, active for over 6 years, bringing its viewers and subscribers an unbiased, true, and accurate daily news update from Israel in full collaboration with Channel 2 news, the leading news Channel in Israel. 

JerusalemOnline and its team absolutely do not support any opinions or political views reflected in the news or the advertisements shown on the website, email or any form of media.

As for now, JerusalemOnline is a free service, fully supported by its founders and advertisers. 

JerusalemOnline will continue to bring you the most accurate news and most interesting video articles from Israel.


Thank you for contacting us and for watching



Yaron Yoels | CEO


Fax: +972 -77-4701393



תיאור: תיאור: C:\Users\Gil\Desktop\logo.gif

Begin forwarded message:

From: Buddy Macy <>
Date: June 22, 2012 11:36:05 AM GMT+08:00
To: <>, <>, <>, <>
Cc: <>, <>, Prof MK Arieh Eldad <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, "Russell F. Robinson" <>
Subject: Jerusalem Online's Promotion of Ronald Lauder's Pro-2-State WJC Ad

One cannot determine from the World Jewish Congress advertisement, below, whether Jerusalem Online supports the position taken by Ron Lauder in his letter appearing in the ad. However, one knows for sure that Jerusalem Online has accepted compensation for an ad which contradicts the values and beliefs of most of its readers and supporters!


Four of Israel's most esteemed Knesset Members: Moshe Ya'alon - Israel's Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Strategic Affairs and former Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces; Dr. Arieh Eldad - Brig. Gen., Retired, who served as the chief medical officer and was the senior commander of the Israeli Defense Forces medical corps for 25 years and head of the burns unit at Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem during the height of the Intifada; Yuval Steinitz - Israel's Finance Minister and the former chairman of both the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee and the Knesset Subcommittee for Intelligence and Secret Services, and an active member of Peace Now before Oslo; and, Danny Danon - chairman of World Likud and Chair of the Knesset Committee for Aliya, Absorption and Diaspora Affairs, have all stated publicly that implementation of the two-state "solution" would result in the destruction of Israel.*


That Ron Lauder, an American citizen, has chosen to promote a policy which the above four respected and admired Knesset Members believe would lead to the demise of Israel, is more than curious. And, Jerusalem Online's acceptance of compensation for the promotion of Lauder's personal beliefs through his position at WJC, is more than questionable. For the sake of clarity and truth, I urge Jerusalem Online to issue a public statement as to its official position regarding the two-state "solution."


Most sincerely,


Buddy Macy



---- Forwarded Message -----
From: JerusalemOnline Marketing <>
Sent: Friday, 22 June 2012 7:39 AM
Subject: Join Ronald S. Lauder's quest for peace in the Middle East

Join Us Now


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Sunday, June 24, 2012

re: Clarification - In Answer to Uzi Baruch- Editor of Chief of Arutz7 regarding the Lauder ad promoting a 2 State Solution


Dear Uzi,  amv"sh

Uzi, Thanks for the clarification.  It's not convincing. As Editor in Chief of A7, your readers expect you to filter out the non Kosher stuff in advertisements as well. While the submitter, in this case Ronald Lauder,  might not be a leftist organization whose activities damage Israel, the message of the ad certainly does damage Israel.  

By rejecting the ad, you are not boycotting or rejecting Ronald Lauder. You are rejecting the contents of the ad just like you would reject an ad that included indecently unclad women.  Whether or not the submitter is upright and highly respected is not relevant.   Your policy must be not to put in ads that promote a 2 State solution.  

Arutz 7 is one of a kind.  We don't want it to be like all the others. 

Would it be consistent for the KOSHER GAZETTE (fictitious name) to advertise Pork? Won't some people start believing that Pork is kosher because the Kosher Gazette advertises this product? How about a health magazine putting in Cigarette ads in their publication? 

At the very minimum put a disclaimer like they have on cigarette ads  that reads "Arutz7 believes that the contents of this ad is dangerous to Israel and if implemented dangerous to the protection of Jews throughout the world."  If they still want to advertise with your disclaimer then perhaps you will not be liable in the prohibition of not putting a stumbling block before the blind (your audience). But it still is questionable whether it is wise to do so. If this ad serves to convince the A7 audience that Netanyahu's policies are laudable then the money A7 receives from this ad has the potential of being blood money G-d forbid. 
Sincerely Robin Ticker

PS: If Arutz 7 changes in any way it would be extremely depressing!  writes:

From: Arutz-7 Mailing
date: Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 9:38 AM
subject: Clarification


Dear Arutz Sheva Readers in Israel and the world over,

I am taking this opportunity to respond to readers' critical reactions to our acceptance and posting of an advertisement from the president of the World Jewish Congress, Mr. Ron Lauder

I wish to make it clear that Arutz Sheva is a nationalist Zionist website that champions and promotes the cause of Greater Israel.

Arutz Sheva is the sole voice in Israel and the entire world that emphasizes the central importance of all of the Land of Israel and faithfully guards our land from its detractors.

Arutz Sheva will never run advertisements, no matter what the financial inducement, of leftist organizations in Israel and the United States whose activities damage Israel. However, the advertisement about which some of our readers complained is far from fitting into that category.

Mr. Lauder is a highly respected figure in the Jewish world. He serves as president of the Jewish Congress and is a close friend of the Prime Minister of Israel, Mr. Binyamin Netanyahu.

We regret that the Prime Minister and many Jews feel that the way to achieve peace is through the establishment of a Palestinian state, but we cannot, as a website that serves as a forum for world Jewry, boycott or reject a respected Jewish figure who does not agree with us. Mr. Lauder has many accomplishmentns to his credit in many areas that have helped Jews the world over - as does the Prime Minister.

Arutz Sheva's website has been expanding exponentially for the past several years, thanks to the good people who help us continue to be the voice of Greater Israel and sound the dangers facing our country and World Jewry.

We will continue to serve as a clear and unequivocal voice - and a brave and powerful one - while respecting our fellow Jews, wherever they may be.

Arutz Sheva is against a Palestinian State in Judea and Samaria and has posted many articles and opeds that make that stand clear. The advertisement's posting is an opportunity for those readers who feel as Arutz Sheva does to explain their position to the advertiser by writing to the Opinion section at Arutz Sheva. We will post those responses that are written poitely and explain the reasons behind the writer's position.
Uzi Baruch

Editor in Chief

Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2012 1:35 PM


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Zocher Habrit. More news fit to print and if your Advertisers don't like it, let them advertise elsewhere. Judea and Samaria are NOT Occupied Territories, 2 State Solution is Stupid, seditious or suicidal? Southern Israel under attack!


Dear Rabbanim. Knesset Members, Media and Activists for EY List: 

Why must we be upfront with the world as per G-d's Covenant with Israel regarding the Land of Israel?

Plain and simple.  This is Torah.    See First Rashi of Breishit! 
 Ait Laasot LaHashem, Hefeiru Toratecha /Tehillim 119, 126. It is time to do for Hashem for our Torah has been pushed aside, annulled

The Torah is the source, the root and foundation of  why Israel is the Ancestral Homeland of the Jewish People.  

Once this is proclaimed loud and clear, it will negate the lie that Jews are the Occupiers.  

Dear Rabbis, Knesset Members, Jewish Media and Bible Believers, Are you helping in this regard??????? 


  • Feeds the 2 State Solution, 
  • Supports and Justifies Terror against Israel
  • Promotes BDS against Israel.  

The Time to Speak the Words of Torah is NOW! 

Our success in  publicizing the following news items will depend on our faith in the prerequisite above.
Proclaim the truths of TORAH to the world!  All else will then fall into place and true peace will prevail.

By: Eyal Schwartz
Published: June 24th, 2012
Issue of June 22, 2012
      By: Anav Silverman
      Building damaged by rocket shrapnel in the Eshkol Regional Council near Kibbutz Kissufim this past week. Photo: Daniel Hagbi, Sderot Media Center. Over 100 rockets fired from Gaza struck southern Israel this past week, with 65 of those rockets clobbering Israeli communities in the northwestern Negev in a single day, on Wednesday. In the worst of the rocket escalations, a home in the Sdot Negev Regional Council was directly hit by a rocket on Wednesday, with the mother and her child...


      Robin Ticker
      Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

      Most of these emails are posted on 

      Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

      Friday, June 22, 2012

      News that is fit to print even when your advertising doesn't like it! Too bad. Let them take their business elsewhere.


      Please see attachments:

      Praise for Mohammed on Synagogue WallsVandals sprayed praise for Mohammed on the walls of a synagogue in the village of Maor. 

      Americans For a Safe Israel
      1751 Second Avenue (91st Street)
      New York, NY 10128
      Tel:   212-828-2424; 800-235-3658; Fax: 212-828-4538;
      Contact: Helen Freedman, Executive Director
      June 21, 2012
           AMERICANS FOR A SAFE ISRAEL/AFSI has written often about the indignities suffered by Jews at Israel's holy sites. The AFSI Chizuk group has visited the Temple Mount many times, escorted by Rabbi Richman of the Temple Mount Institute, and we are always subjected to indignities. I, personally, was detained by the police a number of years ago because I had a prayer book in my possession.
           Below is a report from Arutz Sheva about the latest outrage at the Temple Mount and MK Dr.Aryeh Eldad's call for an end to Muslim Occupation of the Mount.
           Below that is a letter I wrote to the Jewish Press in response to an article by Michael Freund on the same subject. My letter covers a small sampling of Jewish holy sites that have been given away to the Arabs by the Israeli government, or which are in danger of being lost to Jews. The letter was published in the June 22, 2012 issue of The Jewish Press. Your comments are welcome.

      1. MK: End Muslim Occupation on Temple Mount
      by Maayana Miskin
      MK Aryeh Eldad (Ichud Leumi) called Thursday to end Muslim control over visits to the Temple Mount.
      "The time has come to end the occupation," he declared in a letter to Minister of the Interior Yitzchak Aharonovitch. "The Muslim occupation that occurred 1,300 years ago, and is still in effect on the Temple Mount, of course."
      Eldad was angered by the arrest of a Jewish visitor to the Temple Mount on Thursday morning, and the police's decision to ban Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, who heads the Temple Mount institute, from visiting the holy site.
      "This is an unacceptable escalation of the affront to freedom of worship in Israel, and another step toward abandoning the Jewish people's holiest place to the Arab enemy and the Waqf," he charged.
      Rabbi Yehuda Glick said that Rabbi Ariel had been refused entrance to the Temple Mount on Wednesday as he attempted to ascend in honor of Rosh Chodesh, the beginning of the next Jewish month. Police told Rabbi Ariel that he was permanently banned, and would not say why, Rabbi Glick said.
      The Jewish man arrested Thursday morning was detained after quoting to his companions from the Mishnah, Rabbi Glick added. Jews are forbidden to pray on the Temple Mount, but are normally allowed to speak.
      Also Thursday, a Jewish visitor to the Temple Mount complained that Islamic Waqf officials had ordered him to remove his kippah because it offended them.
      Jewish Holy Sites

      Michael Freund's June 15 column, "Take Back the Holy Sites," touched a deep chord in me, since my AFSI Chizuk mission was in the ancient synagogue in Naaran in April of this year. We had stopped in the Jordan Valley, close to the area where Joshua crossed into Jericho, and then drove into a beautiful nature preserve. We walked through bountiful banana fields in order to reach the beautiful synagogue. We were overwhelmed by the setting, the mosaic floor, parts of which were still intact, the beautiful pillars, and the spirituality of the holy place. We were escorted there by a group of soldiers, many of whom joined in the Minchah prayers that were said at the site.

      You can imagine our distress when we read about the desecration of the synagogue.
      We felt that same distress when we read about the destruction of Joseph's tomb in Shechem by marauding Arabs, immediately after the holy place had been turned over to the Arabs for "protection." Kever Yosef had been one of our regular visiting sites on our AFSI Chizuk missions. The last time we were able to go there, it was only at midnight, on a specially arranged bus, with military escort.

      The Temple Mount in Jerusalem is another holy place on every AFSI Chizuk itinerary. The shameful, humiliating treatment we receive when we arrive there, escorted by Rabbi Chaim Richman, is disgraceful. But we usually manage to ascend the Mount, followed by Arab Waqf members who walk closely behind, checking to see that we don't move our lips in prayer. Israeli police follow us also, to reinforce the Waqf's demands.

      At the Cave of the Patriarchs, in Hebron, we must also usually suffer the indignity of having most of the rooms closed to Jews throughout the year. Jews pray in an open courtyard, covered with a tarpaulin that is fails to keep out cold, heat, rain and snow. We will be visiting this November 10 to commemorate Abraham's purchase of the tomb for his wife, Sarah. On this special Shabbat, Parashat Chayei Sarah, the cave is entirely open to Jews. How tragic it is that in the Jewish land of Israel, Jews suffer so much intolerance and degradation when it comes to our holy sites.

      Freund is absolutely right. Israel must take back sovereignty over its holy sites.

      Helen Freedman
      Executive Director Americans for a Safe Israel/AFSI
      --- Original Message ----- From: Jacques Gauthier
      To: 'Renanah Goldhar'
      Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 8:36 PM
      Subject: FW: Jerusalem Conference PR

      Jacques P. Gauthier, Ph.D.
      Barrister & Solicitor / Avocat

      Hello Religious and Community Leaders, and Friends,

      Please see:

      a) press coverage of Dr. Gauthier's recent conference in Jerusalem on
      Jerusalem - see two links below, and

      b) the petition by Howard Grief, on Israel's land rights under international
      law - see attachment.

      Thank you!

      Joe and Renanah Gemeiner

      Gauthier & Associates / Associés
      Barristers, Solicitors / Avocats
      77 Bloor St. W., Suite 1700
      Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1M2
      Tel:             (416) 927-8787       / Fax: (416) 927-7888

      JSR International Marketing
      Josh Reinstein
      Tel:              +972 50 752 5521   

      Journalists:  Please do some investigative reporting!  Indeed it is very worrisome and confusing why all of a sudden Ketzeleh and Rabbi Melamed are encouraging the settlers to not protest in any significant way.    Daisy Stern of Hebron is Barry Chamish's source.  Please check out what they are reporting!  "Daisy Stern" <>, "Barry Chamish" <>, 

      Barry Chamish writes:
      Ketzaleh and Rabbi Melamed were the main purchasers and builders of the piece of real estate named Givat Ha'Ulpana, see first of all their bravado after hearing about the plans to use brutality against the residents, see how right away they said ' no violence', how Ketzaleh described the savage attackers as the residents' brothers, and then observe how they immediately folded. See how the Yesha Council, and Zambish himself, are directly involved in the Givat Ha'Ulpana situation, and how once again the residents trust him completely, even coming to his defense; naivete knows no bounds.  What's going ON???????  This is very strange.  Also please rewatch the Miraglim series.  

      Miraglim 1  9:39 minutes

      Miraglim 2  9:52 minutes

      Miraglim 3  9:53 minutes

      Miraglim 4 4m 9:03 minutes

      According to this documentary The following Yesha Council members deceived the public and acted as if they were the leaders of the struggle when in fact they collaborated with the Police who were then able to control the masses into effectively and methodically implementing the expulsion.   

      Among the Members of the Yesha council who were Traitors were 

      Zambish - Ze'ev Chever, 
      Pinchus Wallerstein, 
      Bentzi Lieberman and
       Rafi Ben Saad. 

      Among the Rabbanim who collaborated with the Police in the expulsion were

      Rabbi Shlomo Aviner
      Rav Druckman
      Rav Zviki Bar Chai
      Rabbi Mordechai Alon
      Rabbi Yaakov Gross
      Rabbi Zvi Kostoner

      Here are the links on Youtube or just search Miraglim 1-4

      More on this topic:  Check all these articles out on Arutz 7. I am unable to copy the links easily. I am having an issue with copying text with links as the links are not copied.  I need to manually do it. Just go on the first link and the other links on Arutz7 will be accessible via the article. 

      'Ulpana Agreement Benefits Settlement Enterprise
      Hershkowitz Happy with Agreement on Ulpana
      Land Pioneer to Ulpana: Get it in Writing
      Ulpana Residents, Government Sign Agreement
      Bet El's Ulpana Neighborhood: The Background & Facts
      Rav Melamed: No Solution is Perfect
      Mosque Damaged in Suspected 'Price Tag' Attack
      'Mini Yom Kippur' as Jews Fast, Pray for Ulpana
      Ulpana: State Seeks More Time
      Beit El Rabbi: Some Fights Can't be Won

      Rav Melamed: No Solution is Perfect
      Elkin: Legal Obstacle to Beit El Building � Solved
      �Mini Yom Kippur� as Jews Fast, Pray for Ulpana
      Bet El�s Ulpana Hill: Outrage and a Sane Plan of Action
      Ulpana: State Seeks More Time
      Beit El Rabbi: Some Fights Can�t be Won
      Report: Police Gearing Up for Major Ulpana Assault
      Ulpana Prepares to Fight Expulsion � Pictures
      Ketzaleh: No Violence, We'll Say 'Shema Yisrael'

      Now to put you in a better mood after reading the above 

      Mi LaHashem Elai  Miami Boys Choir Song


      Robin Ticker
      Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

      Most of these emails are posted on 

      Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

      Re: Journalists, please be truthful. Does advertising play or does not play a part in generating the news? Am I spitefully paranoid as Bill Narvey suggests?


      Dear Bill,

      Thanks for your comments.  They were most welcome. 

      Dear Journalists amv"sh

      My first hand experience has proven to me that PR and Advertising go hand in hand. If we want to influence a paper to put in a certain article the best way to do so is to purchase advertising. 

      Look, I understand the Newspapers need money.

       Yet, are checks and balances in place to ensure that the way the money comes in from advertising has no influence on the editorial content?  

      Dear Journalists,  I can't believe Bill Narvey is so very naive.  Please relieve him of his ignorance and email him that what I know to be true first hand is common practice with religious Jewish papers and Jewish programming on radio.  Am I spitefully paranoid or have I touched a nerve of truth?  

       Bill Narvey writes "It is highly doubtful an advertiser with a political agenda will place many, if any  ads in a media outlet that does not share its views, with the idea of influencing that media outlet to change their views to accord with the advertiser....They would buy shares in a particular media or throw money at it in a way that maximized the chances that they could ensure that media outlet stayed on the message that the party seeking influence wanted."

      My comment to Bill:
      Unfortunately, advertisers with political agendas do place ads in such papers.  They will also try to influence in the other ways you suggested though it was not quite clear to me what you meant by "throw money".  Please elaborate.    Thanks.  Robin

      PS:  We are looking for financial backers to back a paper that does not rely on advertising for day to day operations. 

      On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 9:28 AM, Bill Narvey <> wrote:



      I really don't know what to make of your reaction to Macy's broadcast mail out under the heading RE: II's Promotion of Ronald Lauder's Pro-2-State WJC Ad.


      I do sense some spiteful paranoia in your thinking.


      I think what you are saying is that any print media publication will be influenced to the point of view of their advertisers, especially those advertisers who place more and more ads.  In other words, money talks and the media can be influenced by an advertiser that has a hard core political agenda in mind.


      I disagree. 


      Businesses or organizations choose to place their ads in particular media for a number of factors such as, the particular media's political leanings, distribution size,  their ad needs to reach a particular segment of the population that has greater interests in specific things which a particular media outlet caters to, like local communities, sports, family, education, religion etc. and for other reasons as well.


      Advertisers if they have enough money to purchase influence with a particular media,  would not choose such an indirect way of doing so, like placing ads.  They would buy shares in a particular media or throw money at it in a way that maximized the chances that they could ensure that media outlet stayed on the message that the party seeking influence wanted.  


      It is highly doubtful an advertiser with a political agenda will place many, if any  ads in a media outlet that does not share its views, with the idea of influencing that media outlet to change their views to accord with the advertiser.


      Sorry Robin, but I don't think your views stand up to scrutiny.




      From: Robin Ticker []
      Sent: Friday, June 22, 2012 6:40 AM
      To: Bill Narvey
      Cc: Buddy Macy
      Subject: Dear Bill, any comments to this post? Fwd: The Payoff! Et tu Arutz7? Et tu Jewish Voice? Et tu Jewish Press? Et tu Zev Brenner?Et tu 5 Towns Jewish Times? Anyone left out there? Did you sell your Jewish Voice? Sounds of Silence. No reports on the evi




      Bill, I'd appreciate your comments.  I am sure Buddy would as well. Thanks. Robin Ticker

      ---------- Forwarded message ----------
      From: Robin Ticker <>
      Date: Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 8:16 AM
      Subject: The Payoff! Et tu Arutz7? Et tu Jewish Voice? Et tu Jewish Press? Et tu Zev Brenner?Et tu 5 Towns Jewish Times? Anyone left out there? Did you sell your Jewish Voice? Sounds of Silence. No reports on the evils of a 2 State Solution, ......
      To:,,,,,, Tamar Yonah <>,,, Hillel Fendel <>,
      Cc: Buddy Macy <>,, Prof MK Arieh Eldad <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20sand30s <>, Alan Hirsh <>, Algemeiner <>, "Daniel J. Perez" <>, Dovid Efune <>, Editor Jewish Press <>, Hamodia <>, hidabroot <>, Jerry Lippman <>, Jewish Connection <>, Jewish Voice NY <>, Jonathan Mark <>, Karen Green <>, Larry Gordon <>, Malka Eisenberg <>, Mayer Fertig <>, Michael Rothchild <>, Morty Mehlman <>, Nachum Segal <>, Nachum Segal <>, Nachum Segal <>, Naomi Mauer <>, Pinchas Lipschutz <>, QJL <>, Queens Jewish Chronicle <>, radio hidabroot <>, releases Jewish Voice <>, Yaakov Klass <>, Yaniv Meirav <>, Yishai Fleisher <>, Yishai Fleisher <>, Yishai Fleisher <>, Yitzy Halpern <>, Zev Brenner <>



      Dear Arutz7.  You, our most beloved, and others, our very dearest of  friends and true lovers of Eretz Yisroel,  being bought off by $$$? Who knows where this $$$ originated from.  Maybe Soros or EU? 


      We are told.  Netanyahu doesn't really believe in the 2 State Solution.  Ronald Lauder doesn't believe in a 2 State Solution.  They are master politicians who have to say what they say for PR purposes. They are interested in enhancing their Public Opinion image but they are not stupid. 


      Bill Narvey <> wrote:

      Lauder is not worth getting worked up about


      Why get worked up over Lauder's initiative on behalf of the World Jewish Congress to reach out to Abbas to implore him to come to the bargaining table?  It's a nice gesture, but it won't mean a thing to Abbas and his Palestinian cadre.  


      I suspect Lauder knows that, but has an ulterior motive.  He really wants to put front and center for all Americans to see that the WJC is pro peace via the 2 state solution.  It's a publicity  positive image stunt initiative for the WJC to play to the U.S. Jewish community, for the Obama administration and for Americans at large.


      But whether or not Netanyahu or Lauder actually believe in a 2 State Solution, the left make sure that they must prove that they mean what they say. 


      That's how your paper or radio show is being used.  A brilliant PR strategy campaign of the left. And they unlike us have very deep pockets.


       It starts with just one ad.  Then when they see a publisher can be bought off,  it continues and before we realize, choices of what to print is under their influence. Paid journalists will follow the direction of the publisher or risk being fired. Of course a journalist with strong convictions has the option of quitting and put his entire faith in G-d for his livelihood. 


      In working with right wing media, the main goal is to neutralize any negative press against the Gov't of Israel  especially when the gov't of Israel implements a "publicity  positive image stunt initiative'' as Narvey suggests, like destroying HaUlpana. The Gov't of Israel doesn't really want to be anti Settler.  They just want to be perceived by the world as "Pro Peace".  


      And the leftist world is demanding that they show proof that they are serious and not just playing a political game.


      Re: the right wing media:  Let me review the rules of what you may or may not print once your are under "the influence".  This is of course speculative.  I would appreciate your input to get a clearer understanding.    Let me know if I am on target.  After all I am not a journalist and these are my observations. The following apply especially on front covers and back covers and all parts of the paper that get the most exposure. 


      • Never print anything critical of Netanyahu and the Government of Israel's policies.  We are paying you very good money so...If you have a very right wing audience, say nothing overt against a 2 State Solution.  You might sneak in some poll against the 2 State Solution to make your paper credible but don't make it very obvious or put it on the front page..  
      • Don't speak out against the NGO's like NIF,  leftist operatives within Israel, and don't give a voice to those who protested NIF marching in the Israel Parade.  If you have a Right wing base of readers, just leave this controversy out of the news altogether. When you can, take the side of the JCRC and Federation who is paying you good money and receive their funding by leftists. 
      • When dealing with a religious population, always talk about Unity and against Lashon Hara.  Therefore, in order to be unified we must never  speak against the leaders of the State of Israel publicly. We don't want to raise the level of antisemitism which you claim happens when we speak negatively against our own people.   You claim that talking against any Religious and Public leaders divides us and is Lashon Hara! This works wonders when you want to silence the opposition or want to Silence protest. If  your readership is sympathetic towards the settlers,  and your audience is, just be neutral and don't validate their ideology. Don't validate the Settlers struggle for our right to live in all parts of Eretz Yisroel.  If you must, only do so embedded in your paper. We allow you to portray them in a sympathetic and human light.  After all we don't want to lose your readership completely. We will leave the leftist papers who are totally under our control to demonize them.
      • Never print anything to suggest that the government of Israel is not as democratic as people believe.  That would destroy the argument that the gov't won in a democratic election and if you don't like their position, elect a different gov't.  However, if they are not really democratic it makes it much more difficult to elect a different gov't because they control the election process. Therefore no news about the Election fraud between Netanyahu and Feiglin and the fact that the numbers were fabricated in the last Primary..   
      • Don't display pictures of any destruction of outposts or families being thrown out of their homes in high profile spots.  It would only make the gov't of Israel look bad. It would generate too much sympathy for the settlers.  A little sympathy is ok to make you credible but you can not over do it. 
      • Don't let people know that the military rule under the Civil Administration orders under Barak won't afford the same civil rights to those living in Judea and Samaria as other  Israeli citizens. 
      • Don't let your readers to know that our 2nd ammendment right, the freedom of self defense and to protect oneself does not really apply in Judea and Samaria.  Even soldiers are not really allowed to shoot or use force when threatened because if they do they are subject to reprimand and possible demotion.
      • The more friendly pictures between the Rabbanim and the gov't officials the more trusting the public will be of the gov't of Israel's motives.
      • Have pictures of Rabbanim like Rav Steinsalz and influential politicians like Peres in pictures together especially on the front page so that it is perceived that  that the Rabbanim are sanctioning  the gov't policies like supporting a 2 State Solution. 
      •   It is ok to report positively about growth in Judea and Samaria and the latest building permits approved only when you have to counter any negative press about expulsions and when the gov't is destroying places like HaUlpana.  This card must be used sparingly. Sometimes there is no choice and you have to play your cards right. Make sure that people won't believe that the gov't is doing anything substantial to hurt the settlers and give your readers the impression that the gov't is really on the side of the Settlers..  
      • Don't report on the unofficial building freeze over the last few years in Judea and Samaria that has starved the settlements of much needed housing and services.  It would only take away the brownie points gained from the la test building approvals that were part of the deal to sweeten the destruction of the HaUlpana homes.Readers might come to the conclusion that these deals are as a result of desperation by the Settlers and this would make the gov't look bad.
      • Don't report how certain Yesha Council members betrayed the Gush Katif people by collaborating with the gov't and it seems the same thing is happening once again.
      • Definitely don't publish this or my next email to you.   Or else..  There are no shortages of media personnel who will sell their soul for a buck.   We are davka choosing you and not the others.  We are offering more to you than others because you risk losing your base of loyal readers, and we desperately want you to keep your audience in order to influence these readers to take a passive role. It would be stupid of us to want you to lose your base. Don't be too obvious in changing your orientation.     Our goal is merely to neutralize any negative press against us and the leftist policies. We want your audience to be passive and not actively engaged in protest.  We don't really expect you to outwardly support our agenda.  
      • Just follow our rules and you will be taken care of... 



      CHVRA,  each and every one of you can take your paper and turn it into a weapon against a Palestinian State!  You can take it into a weapon and fight for God  Or you can take the money and be Silent  You can take the money and tell yourself you are a grasshopper in the scheme of things and your voice won't make any difference anyway.  You can hide the truth and take the money.  But will your children pay the consequences?  How will you answer them when they ask you "How come your were silent?" 




      On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 3:30 PM, Buddy Macy <> wrote:

      One cannot determine from the World Jewish Congress advertisement, below, whether Arutz Sheva (Israel National News - INN) supports the position taken by Ron Lauder in his letter appearing in the ad. However, one knows for sure that INN has accepted compensation for an ad which contradicts the values and beliefs of most, if not all, of its readers and supporters!


      Four of Israel's most esteemed Knesset Members: Moshe Ya'alon - Israel's Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Strategic Affairs and former Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces; Dr. Arieh Eldad - Brig. Gen., Retired, who served as the chief medical officer and was the senior commander of the Israeli Defense Forces medical corps for 25 years and head of the burns unit at Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem during the height of the Intifada; Yuval Steinitz - Israel's Finance Minister and the former chairman of both the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee and the Knesset Subcommittee for Intelligence and Secret Services, and an active member of Peace Now before Oslo; and, Danny Danon - chairman of World Likud and Chair of the Knesset Committee for Aliya, Absorption and Diaspora Affairs, have all stated publicly that implementation of the two-state "solution" would result in the destruction of Israel.*


      That Ron Lauder, an American citizen, has chosen to promote a policy which the above four respected and admired Knesset Members believe would lead to the demise of Israel, is more than curious. And, Arutz Sheva's acceptance of compensation for the promotion of Lauder's personal beliefs through his position at WJC, is more than questionable. For the sake of clarity and truth, I urge Israel National News to issue a public statement as to its official position regarding the two-state "solution."


      Most sincerely,


      Buddy Macy



      From: []
      Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2012 1:35 PM
      Join Ronald S. Lauder's quest for peace in the Middle East


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      Robin Ticker
      Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

      Most of these emails are posted on 


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      Robin Ticker
      Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

      Most of these emails are posted on 


      Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 



      Robin Ticker
      Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

      Most of these emails are posted on 

      Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.