Tuesday, April 15, 2008

News from Mattot Arim. Amona and Update Chalamish Brothers



Topic: the famous pogrom of Israeli Police against the youngsters at Amona.  Wed 16 Apr 11:30 AM, Shalom Courthouse in Russian Compound, Jerusalem. Courtroom of Judge Yehezkel Berkley. The time & date are sometimes changed at the last minute,  so please do call to confirm before you come: 0524831905 Evelyn. We can promise that you will not be bored – and that your presence will help make history, in the only Jewish state in the world.



Update regarding the Halamish brothers

Yesterday (Sunday) Yoram Sheftel, a very well known attorney, petitioned the Supreme Court to the brothers' prison sentence until a reply is received from the President to the request for a pardon.Today (14.4.08), a reply was just received deferring the prison sentence until another decision is given.

Please note: When you see future updates about the Halamish brothers you MUST read them quickly and act upon them very quickly (fax, email -- go to courthouse -- whatever you are asked to do). If the brothers, both security officers, do not continue to get alot of very fast-responding help from the public, they will both go to jail for...shooting in the air (a new crime has been born - security officers in Gush Etzion are not even allowed to shoot in the air any more).


Don't be bored on Pessach!

Go to Binyamin! Trips and other events in the area -- see details in the site of the Regional  Council of Binyamin --  http://www.binyamin.org.il/?CategoryID=194&ArticleID=1142. 


The day Jericho was captured:

Learn about it by spending a Shabat at Hogla, right near Jericho -- the Shabat right after Pessach (3 May). The famous Erna from the Matteh of Jericho would love to hear from you. Hakafas with shofars will be held on Friday, staying for Shabat is only 150 NIS per person including meals. Bus leaves Binyanei haUma in Jerusalem at 2 PM on Friday. Bring your shofar. The famous Erna from the Matteh of Jericho would love to hear from you; you MUST  register in advance. 0528699300


Returning to Atarot:

Whoops! Atarot is an industrial area and adjoining airport only 11 kilometers from Jerusalem, but the Kadima-Shas Government has gotten confused once again, and intends to give it away to the Palestinian Terror Authority. Fortunately, a veteran activist, Aryeh King, has set up the Keren leAdmot Yisrael (Fund for Land in Israel) to re-establish the Jewish presence in Atarot. The Fund will be inviting the public to Atarot on Sunday 18 May 2008.  In the meantime, couples and families can sign up for caravans -- only 40,000 NIS/couple or family which includes electricity, legal counselling and more. Preference will be given to agricultural families. You can also buy land for $60,000/dunam - please supply 3 references for this purpose however.   israellandfund@gmail.com * 054-3331057 * 02-6223196


Ask Your Kids:

Ask your school-age kids and you will find that they are learning in school, under the auspices of Pikud haOref (the Homeland  Defense branch of the army) about how we are to protect ourselves against rockets. Our children are not learning about the very best method of protecting ourselves against rockets, namely NOT to establish a Palestinian state. After all, P-A-L-E-S-T-I-N-I-A-N  S-T-A-T-E is merely a code word for "rockets on Tel-Aviv, Jerusalem and Ben-Gurion Airport". So, teach your kids this No. 1 important way to defend ourselves (say No to a Palestinian State) and remind them to explain this principles to their friends -- AND to the teacher -- the next time rockets come up for discussion in class. Also, go into the Pikud haOref site: http://www.oref.org.il/110-he/PAKAR.aspx

 And ask why the head of Pikud HaOref, Aluf Yair Golan, is not protecting us, by banging on the table insisting that no Palestinian State can come into existence?



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Re: Condoleezza Rice - Mother Theresa to Terrorists


Dear Ms. Montrose, amv"sh

Thank you so much for sending me this.  Avi Conway, a fellow activist here in Brooklyn, NY recently spoke to Eli Hertz and acknowledged that his work is phenomenal but we would want him and others to emphasize Torah and the Prophets.  International Law of our century and previous centuries has its roots in Torah and the Prophets.  Torah is our Mesora, our Heritage of thousands of years. 

Because we as Jews have failed to assert our identity and our exclusive rights and entitlement to the Land of Israel the Arabs have filled the void and hove done so instead.  Our entitlement to the Land of Israel is clearly spelled out in the Torah in the Covenant with Abraham, repeated with the Covenant to Isaac and repeated with the Covenant to Jacob our forefathers. It was again reiterated to Moshe Rabeinu and the prophets.  The Arabs have stolen our identity and  claim that they have rights, exclusive rights, to the Land of Israel .  Them and not us.  The United States of America  supports their "rights" and perhaps naively believe that they can still convince the Arabs that Jews also have some rights to the Land. 

The Truth must be told and that truth comes from the Torah.  Only Israel has exclusive rights to the Land of Israel and the Arabs are occupying our Land.  The borders are clearly delineated in the Torah and with the Covenant of Abraham it extends to the Euphrates River. The non extended boundaries of the Land of Israel are delineated in Parashat Masei.  The LAND OF ISRAEL is the PROMISED LAND and it is not promised to the Arabs or any other peace loving nation.  If they really wish to negotiate, negotiate whether Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, etc have rights to what they consider to be their land. We have  rights because as it says in the first Rashi of Breishit, G-d created the heavens and the earth and G-d chooses to whom He will give the Land as an inheritance.  The Land belongs to G-d.   Jews clearly demonstrate this when they keep the Mitzvah of Shemittah once every seven years.  The Land lies fallow and it returns to the Creator. When the Nation of Israel keeps the commandments of the Torah, (and the Land of Israel is a necessary ingredient to keep the commandments), the entire world prospers and peace reigns.  When the Nation of Israel has sovereignty their inner desire is to perfect and better the world and humanity (Tikkun Olam).  This is quite evident with a review of  accomplishments of the Nation of Israel within the State of Israel over the past 60 years.  Check out the latest contributions coming from Israel in technologies in agriculture, medicine,  arts and sciences.

Secular Jews especially have that strong desire to be a Mamlechet Kohanim, a Nation of Priests. Israel consistently sends their teams of rescue workers  and aid to all parts of the world whenever a disaster strikes.  Zaka is out there. Sometimes their aid is even  rejected but their desire to help out is apparent

The Arabs that reject our sovereignty are trespassing on OUR Holy Land and are trying to make sure that OUR holy work will be halted.

Unfortunately, instead of Gush Katif with their beautiful, model communities, producing flowers, bug free lettuce, tomatoes, cultural centers, thriving educational centers and houses of worship, we have a destroyed piece of land not much different than the Lion King's portrayal of the evil kingdom that destroyed what was good and beautiful shooting rockets into population centers. What happened in Gush Katif is a clear warning of what is to happen if we appease and capitulate to our enemies demands.

Jews must unite with the common denominator which is the Torah and that This Land IS MINE, G-D gave this Land to ME! (lead song from the film The Exodus)  Failure to do so has allowed the enemy to come into our homeland and slowly destroy all the good and the potential good we want to share with humanity by keeping and modeling the commandments of our Holy Torah.

American Orthodox mainstream Jewish Organizations such as Agudath Yisroel of America, the Young Israel, the Orthodox Union and even International Chabad are Silent as to proclaiming with clarity the rights to our Land.  It is no wonder that America has no problem undermining our rights when we ourselves are totally SILENT.  These major orthodox Jewish organizations have fantastic networks within America, clout and offices in Washington DC yet they remain SILENT. 

Why are mainstream Orthodox Jewish Organizations representing thousands of synagogues and hundreds of thousands of  caring Jews so Silent?  Apparently, one theory which seems to make a lot of sense to me, is because these organizations feel that speaking out against American Foreign Policy will jeopardize their tax exempt status and their organizations might fall apart.   Privately all the Rabbis agree that a 2 State Solution is a terrible thing. So they will speak out privately but will not to be critical of American Foreign Policy publicly.  The mainstream Orthodox Jewish newspapers and even Jewish media seems to adhere to "do not be critical of American Foreign Policy" .  They will speak out against anti-Semitism and how we are not like Hamas that is out to destroy the entire people of Israel and Western society but rather we are civilized and we negotiate.  Jews feel good about themselves for their oneupmanship over the racist terrorists. 

Our Jewish Leaders by their unwillingness to protest the evil policies of the Israeli gov't and the evil policies of the State Dept headed by Condeleeza Rice, end up by their complicity supporting racist operatives against their own peoples such as the expulsion of Gush Katif and the turning of a blind eye when their brethren are being daily attacked with Kassam Rockets, and most recently, abandoning their brethren in Judea and Samaria by not protesting the dismantling of their security roadblocks.  Are we waiting for another Mercaz Harav attack so that terrorists have freedom of movement?.

Instead of clearly stating that we are ENTITLED to the Land of Israel and THEY ARE NOT, Our "Jewish Leaders" are ACTIVELY promoting the 2 State Solution, negotiating with terrorists, thereby endangering the lives of our people and the lives of the entire world. Shas remains a member of the gov't of Israel enabling them to continue to negotiate Jerusalem and give away Judea and Samaria. . OU remains a member of the JCPA who endorses the 2 State Solution.  The Conference of Presidents (with prestigious orthodox Jewish member organizations) will promote PEACE NOW's agenda and the 2 State Solution. The Silence and lack of Protest of Agudath Yisroel and the members of the nascent CCJER - Coordinating Council on Jerusalem have effectively mobilized their constituencies,  hundreds of thousands of caring Jews to be Silent when Gush Katif was destroyed and when Sederot is being attacked.  Their solution is prayer to the Almighty w/o any concrete measures of activism to stop the Oslo Process, to stop negotiations with Palestinians for a Palestinian homeland,  to stop the abandonment of our brethren in Judea and Samaria,  to stop the removal of Jewish Settlement in the HolyLand and the formation of a Palestinian State chas veshalom, chas vechalilah!

Again, negotiations and talk of a 2 State solution, empowers our enemies and empowers those that wish to destroy us.  Our failure (as a Nation) to claim Eretz Yisroel as ours, has resulted in a void which has been  filled with the Arabs claim that Eretz Yisroel is theirs. Americas need for oil and the threat of Iran has allowed Israel to become the scapegoat.  Malcolm Hoenlein feels that nothing of consequence is actually happening by negotiating.  He will speak of the need for reciprocity,  He misses the point.  Even a "peace loving Palestinian State living side by side in peace and harmony" is a betrayal of our Holy Torah and is a wishful elusive dream of those that wish to pacify the nations of the world who can satisfy Americas need for oil.  Silence is complicit agreement and a  rejection on our part of OUR Covenant.  A Palestinian State will NEVER amount to anything except curses.  It is for this reason alone that these talks have been the source of the rise of anti-Semitism worldwide.

We must publicize the fact that the mainstream Orthodox Jewish Organizations are clearly against the 2 State Solution but are not forthcoming because they are dependent on America for the funding of their many worthwhile projects.  

Do we have a choice?  We must show  dependency on G-d and speak the truth.  We answer to a higher being. Do we risk another Holocaust. Nuclear, biological and chemical weapons are in the hands or soon to be in the hands of evil powers. CHAS VESHALOM, CHAS VECHALILAH.

The secular Jew might have an excuse of being ignorant of the Torah.  Tinok Shenishba.  However, the religious Jew, knows and studies the Torah.  This is a Shemittah year.  It is a year where we do not know where our sustenance will come but with faith in the Almighty we do what we are obligated to do and share our resources with one another. The Almighty is capable of sustaining us and dissipating any enemy threats.  Yet we must do our part. Hashem desires our show of faith in His Word.  Being Silent when the Holy Torah is under attack is not a show of faith. It is a show of weakness of faith.   AIT LAASOT LAHASHEM HEFEIRU TORATECHA.

Our Brooklyn group of Activists wish to raise awareness among the locals that it is imperative that the Silence ends.  EACH and every Jew must take some sort of action for Hashem.  Imagine if each and every Yeshiva student was instructed by the Agudath Yisroel of America, the CHofetz CHaim Heritage Foundation,  Torah Mesorah, the Young Israel, the OU, Chabad International, to write a personal or form letter to the President clearly proclaiming proudly and with clarity "THIS LAND IS MINE, G-D GAVE THIS LAND TO ME!" What an impact this would have!  Hundreds of thousands of letters streaming in to the White House.  Imagine if each and every Parent and/or  member of a Synagogue was instructed to make just one phone call. Calls would be closing the comment lines in the White House.

Finally, let Malcolm Hoenlein, an Orthodox Jew representing the Conference of Presidents know that if he wishes to represent the authentic Jewish position, he must first  and foremost be true to our Torah.  Otherwise, let him step aside for others more qualified to speak up.

Yasher koach on all you activism on behalf of Am Yisroel.

Sincerely, Robin Ticker

On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 7:48 PM, Doris Wise Montrose <doris@cjhsla.org> wrote:

U.S. State Department Undermines Jewish Rights and
Defies International Law
The Tale of a "U.S.-Palestinian Partnership"

April 14, 2008 | Eli E. Hertz

The U.S. State Department has recently released a video on its website displaying remarks on the current activities of the new "U.S.-Palestinian Partnership" headed by Mr. Walter Isaacson, President of the Aspen Institute, and one of the C0-Chairs and the Coordinator of this initiative who stated at that press conference:

"The Partnership will be "trying to get a call center developed ... in East Jerusalem ..."

Mr. Walter continues:

"I certainly think that Minister Barak is very much in favor of this call center" [Is Barak giving-up on 'East Jerusalem'? Is Shass listening?]

Ziad Asali, President of the American Task Force on Palestine stated in the same press conference:

"And what is available to us at this point in time is what we can do in the West Bank and East Jerusalem ... The first call center that's being considered actually is in East Jerusalem."

In the name of "business development and economic opportunities " the State Department is systematically ignoring and undermining Jewish rights to Judea and Samaria and the sovereignty over Israel's Capitol - Jerusalem.

Palestinian Arabs are encouraged by their success' at historical revisionism and global brainwashing (including the U.S. State Department), with the "Big Lie" of a 'Palestinian people.'

Historically, before the Arabs fabricated the concept of Palestinian peoplehood as an exclusively Arab phenomenon, no such group existed. This is substantiated in countless official British Mandate-vintage documents that speak of the Jews and the Arabs of Palestine-not Jews and Palestinians.

The State Department's use of fabricated and loaded terms such as 'Palestinian People' and 'East Jerusalem' is a perilous threat that will only continue to incite Palestinian Arabs - leading to war, not peace.

To Condoleezza Rice: You maintained that you are "a student of international history" and the Jewish people's history is well documented. Palestinian Arabs have nurtured a myth that historically there were two Jerusalems - an Arab 'East Jerusalem' and a Jewish 'West Jerusalem.'

Jerusalem was never an Arab city; Jews have held a majority in Jerusalem since 1870, and 'east-west' is a geographical, not political designation. It is no different than claiming Annapolis, the capitol of Maryland should be a separate political entity from the rest of that state.

Jerusalem has served, and still serves, as the political capitol of only one nation - the one belonging to the Jews.

To view the press conference or read the entire text please click HERE.

CJHSLA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization committed to combating antisemitism and anti-Zionism and actively promotes the right of existence of the State of Israel as a Jewish state and the survival of our Western way of life. We operate solely on donations which are greatly appreciated. Please make your tax deductible checks payable to: CJHSLA .  

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Friday, April 11, 2008

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Monday, April 07, 2008

Fwd: WHERE IS AMERICAN JEWRY by Elyakim Haetzni


Thank you Israel Kaplan and Zvi Katzover, mayor of Kiryat Arba for forwarding Elyakim Haetzni's article Where is American Jewry? (see below)

So why is Agudath Yisroel of America, the Young Israel, the OU and Lubavitch Headquarters silent regarding our rights to the Land of Israel based on the Torah and the Prophets? Where is a massive calling campaign protesting the dismantling of roadblocks in Yesha or against the State of Palestine and protesting the impending incarceration of the Chalamish brothers who  believe that they have a right to defend themselves against Arab Aggression especially when the gov't of Israel has abandoned their security. It has been told to me by insiders that the reason for the silence is NOT because these established organizations are in favor of a Palestinian State G-d forbid.  It is simply because they are afraid of jeopardizing their not for profit tax exempt status if they were to speak out against American Foreign Policy.  They are afraid their entire organizations would fall apart. 

Now let's assume this is there is truth in this assumption.  That explains the Silence on the part of the mainstream Jewish Organizations. 

So where do we go from here? 

This is my advice. Why not say that we will take the mantra of the Breslev Chasidim and rely on Rak Hakadosh Baruch Hu, only on the Holy One Blessed be He.  G-d is forcing us to choose our loyalties. Do we put our faith first and foremost on America or on Hakadosh Baruch Hu and His Holy Torah? We know that choosing G-d's Torah will bring blessings to all of mankind especially to America which has been a Medina Shel Chesed, a State built on charity, One Nation under G-d.... True we have much to be grateful to America.  Yet, what is good for Israel is good for the world including America. 

 Let us speak the truth irregardless of the possible political ramifications and risk  loss of funding from Federal sources for our schools, our school books, libraries, school bus transportation, special ed services, insurance for infertility treatments,  etc.  running into the millions of dollars, and even possibly risk losing our jobs and our political clout. 

This is the message of Shemittah.  We rely totally on Hakadosh Baruch Hu and the graciousness of our fellow brothers and sisters and we are promised much blessings.  We will not starve. 

The alternative approach, which is to continue to remain silent brings with it the risk of G-ds wrath which can be in the form of weapons of mass destruction in the hands of our enemies, earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis  etc.

At the very least, if these organization are afraid to take this courageous step to speak out for our ancient homeland, let the public know and understand the reason of their silence.  Let us clear up any misunderstanding that the reason of the Silence regarding a Palestinian State is not because the Arabs have a legitimate claim to  the Land of Israel.  The silence is simply because the mainstream Jewish organization are afraid to lose their tax exempt status by speaking contrary to American Foreign Policy and are therefore Silent. 

Please call and discuss the points of this article "Where is American Jewry?" with your Rabbanim and ask them to direct their concerns regarding the deafening Silence of American Jewry to

Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky, Rosh Yeshiva at the Yeshiva of Philadelphia and spiritual mentor of the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation 1-215-477-1000


Rav Perlow, the Noveminsker Rav, Rosh Agudath Yisroel of America.

* Rabbi Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Rabbi Avi Shafran, and Rabbi Gertzulin - Public Affairs Department, Agudath Yisroel  212-797-9000 
* Rabbi Pesach Lerner at The Young Israel 212-929-1525
* Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb of the OU 212-563-4000
* Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky, Chabad Headquarters  718 774.4000 / fax 718 774.2718
, dzwiebel@agudathisrael.org, shafran@agudathisrael.org, execthw@ou.org, hq@lubavitch.com

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Israel Kaplan <israelkaplan@yahoo.com>
Date: Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 9:40 PM
To: IZZY <israelkaplan@yahoo.com>

Where Is American Jewry?

By: Elyakim Haetzni        

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

         Complaints we have in Israel against American Jews are not directed at the various George Soroses or Noam Chomskys, or at those Jews uninterested in the fate of the Jews in the Jewish state. We address our cries to those for whom Eretz Yisrael still holds a place in their hearts – and to their organizations and institutions. We ask them the following: Where are you in our hour of need? Don't you know that if we sink, the ground beneath your own feet will quake? Have you not yet learned that the very fact that the Jews have their own country has buttressed your status in the Diaspora?
         Until this very day you regret your silence during the Holocaust, which derived from your great admiration for President Franklin D. Roosevelt and from the fear of being accused of dual loyalties. Today when you weigh those fears against the annihilation of the millions, you see matters in their proper proportions. Yet today your conscience is called upon once more to make a similar decision – albeit one much simpler, for today's America is not like the anti-Semitic America of that time.
         Don't you understand the danger looming over Israel? The entire world, led by the United States, is hunting Israel down to wrest from it Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria, the Land of the Bible – its entire raison d'etre as a Jewish state.
         Don't you see how the entire Negev and the country's south are being shelled or are under threat of shelling from rockets and missiles as a result of the Gaza withdrawal, the destruction of dozens of settlements and the transformation of 10,000 Jews to refugee status? Did their outcry touch your heart? Do you hear today's cries coming from Sderot and Ashkelon?
         Don't you know that while the rockets are falling in the south, Syria and Hizbullah in Lebanon are preparing an attack from the north, and that at this moment tens of thousands of their missiles are aimed at the heart of our country?
         Take note that only the center of the country still enjoys calm. The only reason for that is that the army controls Judea and Samaria, and that is because there are hundreds of Jewish towns there ("the settlements," in the language of our enemies). And now, the United States is pressuring your Jewish brethren in Israel to dispense with even that defense. President Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice have sworn to establish a Palestinian terror state right next to Tel Aviv, Netanya, Hadera and Haifa before year's end – and toward that end, expel 300,000 of our Jewish brothers and sisters.
         And faced with all this, you remain silent? Worse, most of your organizations support this anti-Jewish, pro-Arab policy! Today, missiles are flying from the ruins of Gush Katif and landing in the Negev. On the day that missiles are being launched from the ruins of the Jewish towns in Samaria, please don't say, "We didn't see. We didn't hear. We didn't know."
         You knew very well! The Annapolis Conference, in which a blind, stumbling, defeatist Israeli government open to American pressure knowingly consented to commit national suicide, occurred in your country. Rice, whose total identification with Palestinian interests is patently obvious, is applauded by your audiences. And you call President Bush, the man with the "vision" of a Palestinian state that will endanger every city and village in Israel, "the greatest friend Israel ever had in the White House." You say this when in reality (and history will be the judge) he is the first president openly and explicitly raising the demand and exerting heavy pressure to establish in our midst a devil, a dragon, a dybbuk – in the form of an Islamic, Arabic, radical terrorist state called by the false name of "Palestine." That state would transform every day in the life of the Jewish state to Hell. And all this for the sake of a fictitious people and a fictitious land that never existed throughout history.
         Other voices in the Republican camp, namely Vice President Dick Cheney, senators and congressmen, have not enjoyed support from most of American Jewry, and have subsequently become silent. Quite the opposite, countless Jewish organizations have been supporting the Palestinian agenda.
         Many Jews in America have good reason to be embarrassed that the only organized American community supporting the rights of the Jewish people to its historic homeland in Judea and Samaria and its eternal capital, Jerusalem, consists of non-Jews. They are the Evangelical Christians. For Jews faithful to their patrimony, some Christian churches are more open today than many Jewish temples. Their organizations and media are more open to nationalistic Jews than are the mainstream Jewish establishment. They visit Hebron, Shiloh and Beit El – places that many Jewish leaders stay away from.
         Everyone talks about the political power of American Jewry, but from here we see only the weakness and lockstep obedience to every presiding administration. We ask ourselves, "Why do Christian pastors have no inhibitions about criticizing their president regarding his policy toward Israel, while Jewish rabbis wouldn't dare?"
         Today, money is not the critical factor. It is political pressure capable of meeting the enormous Arab pressure. Regarding your historic omission during the Holocaust, when you failed to exercise your power as Queen Esther did in her time (ignoring the risk to her own life), you have tried to atone with money. Yet all the money in the world cannot bring back to life a single Jewish child. Even today, it is not money that can save us, but rather the political power that you are afraid to exercise. It looks like today, when the American Jewish community is flourishing as never before and enjoying the height of acceptance by the public at large, you do not feel secure enough; hence you are doing the only safe thing – swimming with the flow and cheering on the regime, even at the expense of your besieged brethren in the Holy Land.
         I conclude with two requests: First, that those Jews who support the Palestinian line should at least not emphasize their Jewishness, and add the weight of their "Jewish witnessing" to the brunt of pressure being applied on us. Second, that the not insignificant number of Jews who, like Mordechai in the Scroll of Esther, do not bow down before the president of the United States when he sets out to replace the vision of the prophets with the "vision" of Palestine, should organize themselves and establish an organization paralleling the Jewish protest organizations that in Israel face off with the government and block with their bodies the slippery slide down the Palestinian slope.
         Today, like the air we breathe, we need an organized Jewish political force in the United States that, together with our non-Jewish friends in America and the Jewish nationalist camp in Israel, can breach the siege that is closing us off.
         Attorney Elyakim Haetzni, among Hebron's original settlers, is a prominent publicist for Eretz Yisrael causes.
         Send comments to Zvi Katzover, mayor of Kiryat Arba, at Rivka@kiryat4.org.il.

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