Thursday, January 26, 2006

Letter to President Bush - Hamas and Democracy


President Bush is in a bind. On one hand he wants to promote democracy. Hamas won democratically. On the other hand, Hamas' platform calls for the destruction of Israel. America does not want to call for the destruction of their ally Israel.

President Bush responded as follows. Hamas won because the people in Palestine were dissatisfied with the Palestinian Authority. Apparently the government did not provide adequately for the needs of the people. The people simply want adequate services, housing, employment etc. President Bush suggested corruption among the PA. So the voice of the people spoke and that is a good thing according to President Bush.

Dear Mr. President,

DO NOT BE NAIVE. Hamas won because the people approved of its platform!

Yes it's possible for democracy to fail. If all of Americans would vote democratically to end democracy then what is your solution?

The failure is the fact that while democracy has proven to be a wonderful form of government, it is not the appropriate government for Israel. Israel, is bound by the Torah. That means they are bound by 613 commandments. Some of these commandments are impossible to accomplish when they are not in ownership of the Land. The Roadmap calls for 2 Democratic States living side by side. This is in direct contradiction to the Covenant.

In the Covenant, G-d promises the Land of Israel which includes Judea, Samaria and Gaza, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and to their seed as an eternal inheritance. The children of these founding fathers of Israel acquired the status of a Nation following the Exodus from Egypt and receiving the Torah on Mount Sinai.

Please Mr. President, as a believing Christian, do not disregard the Covenant. The Covenant is fundamental to the Old Testament. Disregard of the Covenant is making a statement that the Bible is irrelevant to our day and age.

Blessings for all the Nations of the world are forthcoming when the Nation of Israel are able to keep their commandments on the Land of Israel.


Robin Ticker

Sunday, January 22, 2006

What to do to Help Jews in Hebron stay on their Land

In a message dated 1/20/06 6:47:59 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Worldwide Fax Campaign Underway

With Hevron in headline news, I have been getting a lot of calls from concerned individuals all over the world who want to know is happening in Hevron and what they can do to help.

The situation in Hevron is very tense. The current struggle involves two strips of homes which are literally across the street from Avraham Avinu neighborhood, where I live with my family.

The area in question is owned by Jews who were forced to abandon their property in 1929 when Jews were massacred and the survivors were forcibly expelled by the British. Arabs stole the land and built a market place on it. In 1967, when Hevron was liberated, the land was not given back to the rightful owners; instead the Arabs were allowed to continue using it.

Today only a very small percentage of the Jewish owned land in Hevron has been resettled by Jews. The Rebbe cried about this, “they kill and then they inherit!”

In the last ten years the army evacuated this Arab market for security reasons, but still did not grant permission for the rightful owners to reclaim their property. In 2001, Arab snipers murdered 10 month old Shalhevet in her carriage in the playground of Avraham Avinu. In response to that terrorist attack, the Jewish community in Hevron settled the property.
The legal owners "Kollelot HaSefaradim Eretz Yisroel" endorsed this action.

Young Jewish families with support from abroad began to renovate the shabby, dilapidated storefronts of the market and with their own hands, created lovely living quarters for themselves.

The absurdity of the matter is that both the government and the courts recognize that the homes are on Jewish property. Furthermore, throughout Hevron you can see Arabs building grand structures, all without permits and still no penalty from the government. Only Jews renovating the inside of existing structures on Jewish property are harassed and are prevented from getting proper permits.

The residents of Hevron are known to be uncompromising and strong. The entire Jewish world benefits because of it. Thanks to these committed Yidden Baalei Mesirus Nefesh, we have access to Maaras HaMachpela, and to the resting place of Rebbitzen Menucha Rochel.

The Lubavitcher Rebbe spoke many times about how important it is to have settlements in Yehuda and Shomron. Of all the settlements, Hevron is seen as the pinnacle of strength. When Hevron holds onto its property, the other settlers are encouraged that it can be done. If Hevron would fall, G-d forbid – even one neighborhood in Hevron – the other settlements could be discouraged. We cannot let that happen.

Escalating the events that occurred in the past week, hundreds of youth came to protest in Hevron. These youth were in Gush Katif and are still hurting from witnessing its destruction.

Besides the fact that the ‘riots’ were blown out of proportion in the media I personally may not agree with everything that went on this week in Hevron, but I still think it is important for history to know, that in one city in Eretz Yisroel, when they came to expel Jews from their land, the Jews went crazy.

There is a convenient and quick way that you all can help. The leaders of Hevron think this campaign will be effective and make a change for the better.

In the past year, Chabad of Hevron has had two incidents at the Tziun of Rebbitzin Menucha Rochel which were resolved thanks to dozens of faxes sent to the right places. Being that this situation goes beyond our local authorities, we need hundreds, even thousands of faxes, from as many places as possible, Stationery coming in from all over the globe is very influential in Ertez Yisroel.

The evacuation decree threatening Hevron is not a government decision. It is an order from the Justice Department and therefore it can be changed Bederech Hateva! Your role is to have local leaders, rabbis, organizations, businessmen, and of course yourselves write a short letter in your words and fax it in! This is something that can be done from abroad and without the interference of expenses.


Faxes on stationary of an organization are most effective. We need faxes from as many locations as possible, as well as many faxes from each location. Unique wording is more effective than a pre-written form letter. You can use Hebrew or English or the language of your country. A brief, clear message is what is needed.

Let them know that you expect the conflict in Hevron to be settled peacefully to the benefit of Klal Yisroel. We want cooperation not confrontation.

Jews all over the world depend on the community of Hevron as the guardians of the holy Jewish site of Maaras HaMachpela which is undisputedly a Jewish site. They are the guarantee that what happened at Kever Yosef will not happen to the Kever of Avraham, Yitzchok and Yaakov, Sara, Rivka, Leah and Menucha Rochel.

Let them know you find it despicable that Jews living on Jewish owned land in the Jewish homeland are subjected to being expelled by Jewish soldiers.

Here are the fax numbers you will need:
President Moshe Katzav: 02-5631932
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert: 02-6705361 02-5664838 02-5638693
Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz: 972-36976218

Please send me a copy of your faxes, my fax number is 972-29605770

Forwarded Message:
Subj: Save Hevron Fax Campaign from Danny Cohen
Date: 1/20/06 5:47:59 A.M. Central Standard Time
Sent from the Internet (Details)

This blog's focus is on Shemittah


When I invited members to Shemittah Rediscovered I didn't realize that it meant that members had the ability to post to the blog. I simply thought it meant one can comment. (I was new to blogging) It's not that I have anything against the extra posts and I am happy to read them in their respective blogs. But I don't want to change the focus of my blog of Shemittah to other topics. Therefore, I am asking all members to relate their posts somehow to Shemittah or refrain from placing posts in order to keep the focus on Shemittah as was my original intention.

Thank you Yoel Ben Avraham and Batya Medad for getting me into blogging and I am not against the dialogue of Yoel ben Avraham and Turmos Ayya resident. I myself while living in Kiryat Arab went with an elderly Yemenite women (over 80) by the name of Miriam Yefet to the shuk of Hebron (now under siege by the army) and they (the Arabs) loved her in Hebron. (I helped her with the packages) They ran to do her bidding. She told them quite up front that this Land is Our Land and they respected her. She was able to distinguish between those that hated Jews and those that didn't. She aided the poor in Hebron and being that she spoke their language she also understood them.

I personally believe that Eretz Yisroel is an inheritance for Am Yisroel as promised repeatedly in the Torah. If Moshiach would tell us from which shevet we are from we would all be displaced. The non Jew has the status of a Ger Toshav whereby he would need to accept the sovereignty of Nation of Israel and the Torah just like the people of Israel would need to accept the Torah.

According to the Torah, Hashem says "Li Kol Haaretz". The Land does not belong to individuals. However, Hashem decides who to give the Land and has given it to Am Yisroel as a Nachala. Each Shevet and each person has their Nachala that belongs to them. That is my answer to the Arab who says "How can you kick me off my Land? " If the Mossiah would come and tell me that the Nachala I have isn't rightfully mine (as in the Jubillee year) then I would pick myself up and leave without argument. The Torah is the way of peace so when this happens Bimheira Biyameinu it will be done with love and joy. Each and every person who respects the Torah has a place to live on this earth and the blessings of wealth and prosperity are for Jews and Non Jews alike if we keep the Mitzvoth, Chukim, Mishpatim of the Torah.

Is Dialog Possible?

A Jewish "Settler" resident of the modern Jewish community of Shilo which grew up beside the site of ancient Biblical Shilo exchanges email messages with an Arab, resident of the village of Turmosayya, located in the valley beneath Shilo. Is there a place for true dialog between the two?

Friday, January 20, 2006

Live Video's from Hebron


Video of Tzippy Schlissel mother of 10's arrest

Scroll past the pictures for the video and click on play.


Taken from EFSI Blog

IsraelReporter Shlomo Wollins continues his updates and live videos from Hebron. Don't read the news reports and summaries, check the video's and see for yourself!

(When you get to Israel Reporter scroll down to the pictures and click on the pictures. VIDEOS-click pictures to stream video clips)

These are the titles of the 9 VIDEO clips
- Video Coverage of Second Invasion of Chevron
- Exclusive Interview (English) with Chevron Leader mid-Invasion
- Video-walk in Midst of Riot Police Sweeping Buildings to Arrest Child-Protestors
- 10+ Riot Police Arrest Chevron Local Teenage Girls Refusing to Show ID
- Chevron Young Girls Stand Next to Riot Police Commandos and Sings Songs Expressing Strength, Faith, & Lack of Fear of Horses and Soldiers
- Chevron Young Boys Follow Expulsion Troops Chanting: “Police State!”
- Riot Horses from Germany Exit From Military Invasion on Chevron Streets
- Nightly “Kumsitz” (Singalong) Next To Campfire in Chevron Shuk
- Riot Police Sweep Shuk and the “Orange Donkey”