Monday, September 16, 2019

Rav Kanievsky mentor of UTJ opposes Territorial Withdrawal from Judea and Samaria.


Ultra-Orthodox Party now Opposes Territorial Withdrawals
By David Sidman September 11, 2019


Mr. Cohen said...

In the Biblical Book of Joshua, chapter 13,
starting in the first verse of that chapter,
G*D criticizes the prophet Joshua for failing
to conquer every inch of the Land of Israel.

In the Biblical Book of Judges, chapter 3,
Israel's failure to conquer every inch of
the Land of Israel leads directly to:

[1] intermarriage with the local Gentiles (verse 6).

[2] worshipping false gods of local Gentiles (verse 7).

[3] the Jews then suffer the wrath of G*D (verse 8).

Mr. Cohen said...

500 American Indian nations gave away
their land in exchange for peace.

THE RESULT: 500 American Indian nations have vanished.


Great Britain gave Adolph Hitler land
(Austria) in exchange for peace.

THE RESULT: WWII and the Holocaust.


CONCLUSION: Giving away land in exchange
for peace does not work, which is why Israel
is the only country in the world asked to do it.