Tuesday, September 03, 2019

PRESS RELEASE: Crown Heights Women for the Safety and Integrity of Israel REACH OUT TO ISRAELI VOTERS AS ELECTIONS DRAW NEAR


From: Crown Heights Women for the Safety and Integrity of Israel <cadelstein@aol.com>
Date: Tue, Sep 3, 2019, 12:40 PM
Subject: PRESS RELEASE: Crown Heights Women for the Safety and Integrity of Israel REACH OUT TO ISRAELI VOTERS AS ELECTIONS DRAW NEAR

Rabbi Greenberg
On The Rebbe's Approach to the Modern State of Israel and the Peace Process



Zehut's Peace Plan:

One State Solution 



The One-State Solution: Zehut's Peace Planhttps://www.zehutinternational.com/part-7-the-one-state-solution

Elul 5779/September 2019
Dear Friends,

Many years ago, in the late 1990's, we were debating whether or not to call a gathering of Crown Heights Anash and Tishrei Orchim to rally on behalf of Shleimut HaAretz when Prime Minister Netanyahu would be speaking at Hunter College.  A decision was made to call Rabbi Dovid Chanzin for his opinion.  As many of you will recall, Rabbi Chanzin was a Choshuva Eltera Chosid of the Rebbe blessed with Arichas Yamim and a member of Rabbonei Chabad in Eretz Yisroel.  Rabbi Chanzin responded that not only should we rally but we should do so loud and clear in the name of the Lubavitcher Rebbe!
Regardless of who runs or wins in the upcoming election, the next Prime Minister and Knesset must commit to and be held accountable to make Pikuach Nefesh their first priority.   
Please take the time to open the above links, draw your own conclusions and forward it to your friends and family who can vote in the upcoming election: Because All Lives Matter, Your Voice and Vote Matter!
Crown Heights Women For The Safety And Integrity Of Israel
Mrs. Tamar Adelstein, coordinator


Mr. Cohen said...

Cornelius Tacticus, the famous Roman historian
who lived from year 56 CE (approximately)
to year 120 CE said:

“Much of Judea is thickly studded with
villages, and the Jews have towns as well.

Their capital is Jerusalem.

Here stood their Temple with its boundless riches.”

The Western World (page 141)
by Pearson Custom Publishing, 2009 CE

The Histories by Tacitus,
The Jews (Book 5), paragraph 8 of 13.

NOTE: Remember this when people
attempt to deny that Jews lived in the Holy Land.
Remember this when people attempt to deny
that there was a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.

Yigal Carmon
[President of MEMRI dot org] said:

Two months before 9/11, on Qatar’s state-run
Al-Jazeera TV, [Osama] bin Laden was lionized
in a show dedicated to him. He was called
“the No. 1 Arab and Islamic hero” and
“the conscience of the Arab and Islamic world.”

The program host underlined that as
“the [Muslim] nation thirsts deeply for
someone who will confront America...
not with words and slogans,”
and said that bin Laden was
“the right man for this important role.”

And indeed he was.

SOURCE: Americans are good people —
just ask the Qatari Emir
by Yigal Carmon, 2019/7/14

Jonathan S. Tobin [Editor in Chief of
JNS dot org, Jewish News Syndicate] said:

“Much of that animus stems from the fact that many Liberals have never forgiven the Israeli people for embracing the Israeli Right-wing coalition that Netanyahu now heads, while the Labor Zionist movement that Ben-Gurion once led became marginalized.”

SOURCE: What Will History Say About Netanyahu?
by Jonathan S. Tobin, Editor of JNS dot org, 2019/7/21


Did Captain Kirk believe in negotiating with terrorists?

Captain James T. Kirk said:
“We DO NOT negotiate with those who
threaten our lives or the lives of others.”

SOURCE: Star Trek: Savage Trade
(chapter 17, bottom of page 303) by Tony Daniel,
year 2015 CE, Pocket Books, New York,
ISBN: 9781476765501 * ISBN: 1476765502

Mr. Cohen said...

Senator Lindsey Graham
(Republican from South Carolina) warned:

“You may be tired of fighting radical Islam,
but they are not tired of fighting you.”

SOURCE Lindsey Graham Is Wrong:
It’s Long Past Time to Get out of Afghanistan

by Robert Spencer, 2019 August 31

Saudi journalist Fahad al-Shammari
declared [in a television interview] that:

“the Palestinians are beggars,” and “have no honor”.

SOURCE: PA and Jordanian
incitement against Saudi Arabia

by Yoni Ben Menachem of JCPA, 2019/7/28

Mr. Patrick Condell described the Palestinians as:

“the World's most tiresome cry-babies with a bogus
cause and a plight that is entirely self-inflicted”.

SOURCE: The Great Palestinian Lie
a YouTube video by Mr. Patrick Condell, 2011 October 6

Hugh Fitzgerald said this on Jihad Watch dot org:

“The Israelis have not marginalized the
Palestinians; it is the Palestinians who,
by their relentless attempts to kill
Israelis, have marginalized themselves.”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Concern
about Jewish “White Supremacists” (Part 1)

by Hugh Fitzgerald, 2019 August 9