From: "Mike Huckabee" <>
Date: Mar 3, 2018 12:30 PM
Subject: Hate wins
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Today's Commentary: Hate wins -- "Huckabee" Preview-- A tariff primer -- Guns save lives -- History lesson -- The View-- Additional Mike Huckabee commentaries
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Dear Board Members:
It appears that I will make history as having the shortest tenure in the history of the CMA Foundation Board. I genuinely regret that some in the industry were so outraged by my appointment that they bullied the CMA and the Foundation with economic threats and vowed to withhold support for the programs for students if I remained. I had NO idea I was that influential! I'm somewhat flattered to be of such consequence when all I thought I was doing was voluntarily serving on a non-profit board without pay in order to continue my decades of advocacy for the arts and especially music.
The message here is "Hate Wins." Bullies succeeded in making it untenable to have "someone like me" involved. I would imagine however that many of the people who buy tickets and music are not that "unlike me."
I hereby tender my resignation effective immediately. I hope this will end the unnecessary distraction and deterrent to the core mission of the Foundation which is to help kids acquire musical instruments and have an opportunity to participate in music programs as students.
Mike Huckabee
-- "Huckabee" preview
By Mike Huckabee
Fluff up the couch cushions or set the DVR, but whatever you do, don't miss tonight's brand new episode of "Huckabee" on TBN! My guests will include best-selling author Joel Rosenberg to talk about his recent visit with Middle East leaders and his new ripped-from-the-headlines thriller, "The Kremlin Conspiracy." I'll talk movies for Oscar weekend with Christian film critic Ted Baehr, and we've got some terrific music from country star Craig Morgan, who'll take us all to a party at the "Redneck Yacht Club." I'll also have an inspiring Huck's Hero you'll want to meet, a discussion on gun control and the NRA, a word about this week's CMA controversy and a lot more surprises.
To see where you can TBN from your local TV provider, or to watch clips and full previous episodes, visit
A tariff primer
By Mike Huckabee
For those baffled by all the fury and debate over President Trump's announcement of new tariffs on imported steel and aluminum, here's a quick primer on what tariffs are, why they're imposed and what their effects can be. As I pointed out here, though, despite all the apocalyptic predictions, it's impossible to say yet what the effects will be, because so far, there are no details of what Trump wants to do that couldn't fit into a tweet. Read this and you'll be prepared when the plan actually appears.
Guns save lives
By Mike Huckabee
In an age when Van Jones on CNN can make comparisons of the NRA to the KKK and not be called on it, it was good to see former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice shock the women on "The View" by saying that she supports the Second Amendment because privately-owned guns saved her and her family from racists.
Click the link to read her harrowing account of how, as a little girl in mid-century Alabama, she and her family and neighbors were targeted by the White Knight Riders. Her father and his friends would stand guard at the head of their neighborhood and fire guns into the air to scare them away. She said they knew that Birmingham's notoriously racist "Commissioner of Public Safety," Bull Connor, and the police department wouldn't protect them.
To deflate the hosts' misconceptions even more, Rice added, "I'm sure if Bull Connor had known where those guns were, he would have rounded them up. And so I don't favor some things like gun registration."
03/1072094-condoleezza-rice- view-bull-connor/ So just to clarify this history lesson for CNN commentators: The White Knight Riders she referred to were the KKK, an organization founded by Southern Democrats. Bull Connor: also a Democrat. The black people who asserted their Second Amendment right to own personal firearms to defend themselves when the government couldn't or wouldn't also formed chapters of the NRA to protect those rights (the NRA allowed blacks to join and form NRA chapters when many other organizations refused them entry). So you see, it was black NRA members against the KKK, not KKK-loving NRA members against black people.
If you're interested in learning more about the history of African-Americans using private firearms and forming NRA clubs to protect themselves from racists, here's an in-depth article about it at Note that after his house was fire-bombed in 1956, Martin Luther King Jr. applied for a gun permit, which the State of Alabama declined to issue. Guess which organization fought state permitting laws that denied the Rev. King his right to protect his home and family from violent racists? I'll give you a hint: three letters, and they aren't K-K-K.
History lesson
By Mike Huckabee
Interesting history lesson: I wonder how many Trump-hating New Yorkers who are paying a month's rent for "Hamilton" tickets realize that the hero of that hip-hop musical would have been outraged at liberal judges overreaching their very limited powers to block the President's immigration and national security measures.
The View
By Mike Huckabee
I enjoy sparring with the ladies of "The View," but I was taken aback recently when Joy Behar suggested that Vice President Mike Pence, and anyone who thinks that Jesus has spoken to them, is mentally ill. That's the kind of statement that can come back to bite you, and not just when your time is up on Earth. It's also pretty uncomfortable for a liberal talk show host when someone points out that the god you do believe in – the great and mighty Oprah – believes in all sorts of New Age spiritualist ideas, and she even said she asked God to tell her whether to run for President. When you depend on the approval of "The View's" audience for your livelihood, you may be able to get away with insulting Jesus, but not Oprah.
Personally, of course, I don't think anyone is mentally ill for seeking the guidance of Jesus in deciding what political policies to pursue. Seeking guidance on how to run the country from "The View" -- now THAT'S crazy.
Additional Commentaries
Chicago's example
Broward County, Florida: another swamp that needs draining
Monica Lewinsky, 20 years later
Florida bombshell: Armed deputy cowered outside school during shooting
Memo to Jeff Sessions
Canada revives "death panels"
The scandal runs as deep as in 1972 (UPDATED)
Mueller ups pressure on Manafort and Gates to cut a deal
ICE needs to keep it up, not pull back
My tribute to Billy Graham
Media narrative on "Russia" indictment is wrong
Is America the only place?
CIA argues it shouldn't have to comply
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