Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Re: [nashimbyarok-WIG] To our friends in the USA לידידינו בארה"ב


Dear Yehudit and Nadia, amvsh

Yasher Koach for your thoughts and prayers!

I think there was great Chasdei Hashem that the category 5 changed to Category 2 in Fla and the death toll in Texas and Fla was as low as it was considering the magnitude of the hurricanes and the massive floodings. Each death is terrible.. not to in any way minimize the tragic loss of every individual...

I think the Tefillot, prayers and unbelievable acts of Chesed, kindness starting from POTUS and FLOTUS in the White House on Federal level all the way down to local  level by Jews and Righteous Noahides were  key factors in mitigating the number of fatalities and aftermath ramifications both in Texas and Fla. 

Can a State bentch HaGomel?

You might be interested in this link. 

Eye to Eye: Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel by William Koenig. Please Share With Trump Administration. TY

On Sep 13, 2017 3:19 AM, <> wrote:


אלול – אני לדודי ודודי לי


לכל ידידנו היקרים בארה"ב הנמצאים בעין הסערה,

אנו מתפללים שישועת ה' כהרף עין תגיע,

תרגיע את הרוחות החזקות ותפסיק את השטפונות וכל אחד יוכל לחזור לביתו

ולשקם את הנזקים הרוחניים והפיזיים.


אתם תמיד אתנו, לבכם אתנו וכעת ליבנו אתכם,

דאגתינו נתונה לכם.

האם אפשר לעזור? נשמח!


העולם כולו רועש וגועש. הקב"ה שולט בו. עלינו להתפלל ולעשות את הטוב בעיניו.


נלך אנחנו כאן למערת המכפלה לעורר את האבות לפעול לפני כסא ה' שישמור על כל ברואיו ובעיקר על בניו.


שנה טובה וברוכה, שנה של בריאות, פרנסה וגאולה




יהודית קצובר ונדיה מטר





Elul – Ani Ledodi vedodi Li ( I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine)

To all of our dear friends in the United States who are located within the eye of the storm,

We pray that G-d's deliverance will arrive without delay,

Will calm the strong winds and stop the floods and that everyone will be able to return to his home

And repair both the spiritual and physical damage.


You are always with us, your hearts are with us and now, our hearts are with you,

We are concerned for you.

 Can we help? We would be glad to!

The entire world is blustery and stormy. We must pray and do what is good in His eyes.

 We will go to the Cave of the Patriarchs to arouse the forefathers to act before the throne of the Almighty, and beseech him to guard all of his creations, especially his children.

 We wish you a good and blessed year, a year of health, good livelihood and redemption

 With warmest regards and gratitude,


Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar





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