From: "Mike Huckabee" <>
Date: Aug 10, 2017 8:13 AM
Subject: PC witch-hunt at Google
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Today's Commentary: North Korea -- Glen Campbell RIP -- Summer of Love anniversary -- "Bloodless coup" is looking more like one -- PC witch-hunt at Google -- News Bits
SPECIAL NOTE: Until August 15, Mike Huckabee newsletter subscribers get pre-release registration for the Mediterranean Experience with Mike Huckabee. Learn more here.
The past 48 hours have seen a frightening ratcheting up of tensions with North Korea, which is ignoring warnings, defying new UN sanctions and continuing to threaten other nations with attacks. Kim Jong Un is reportedly considering striking the United States or our bases in Guam, and the Washington Post reported that the rogue state had developed miniaturized warheads capable of delivery via ICBM, although it's not clear whether that's true or they have the missiles yet that can deliver them. President Trump warned that any attempt by North Korea to attack the United States "will be met with fire, fury, and frankly, power the likes of which this world has never seen before."
Not surprisingly, that strong warning seemed to upset many in the US government and media more than Kim Jong Un threatening to nuke Hawaii. They scolded that it's simply "not helpful;" we need calm diplomacy to deescalate this situation. Because Kim has shown that he reacts well to displays of calm diplomacy instead of strength from people he's threatening to immolate. It's too bad these critics weren't around during World War, so they could have tut-tutted at Winston Churchill that his incendiary rhetoric, like "We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender" might make it harder to talk sense into Hitler.
Sometimes, issuing a strong warning is the best way to avoid war, if it comes from a leader whose warnings are taken seriously. Even if Kim is too deranged to cool his belligerence, it might be enough to finally force China to step in and slap down their out-of-control manchild, or convince the North Korean military that a quick coup would be preferable to a lot of incoming American ICBMs that can actually reach their targets.
Just a reminder: it was the smug, liberal arrogance of the self-proclaimed "best and brightest" with their degrees from Harvard and Yale that gave us the so-called "smart diplomacy" that led to allowing rogue regimes like North Korea and Iran to have nuclear reactors in the first place. Trump is now forced to deal with the potentially devastating consequences of their incredibly dumb "smart diplomacy." We've already seen their brilliant solutions to such problems. Unless they have something more effective than sending James Taylor to Pyongyang to sing "You've Got A Friend" in Korean, maybe they should just pipe down and let the elected commander-in-chief and the military deal with the big, dangerous mess they created.
Mike Huckabee
-- Glen Campbell RIP
By Mike Huckabee
F. Scott Fitzgerald famously wrote that there are no second acts in American lives. But Monday, we lost two great American musical icons who both proved that wrong by rising very high, falling very far, and coming back to even greater heights.
The great singer/guitarist Glen Campbell died at 81 after a long, brave battle against Alzheimer's disease. Campbell was one of the most successful musical stars of all time, releasing 70 albums, selling 45 million records, and placing 80 songs on the charts, nine of which reached #1. One year, he even outsold the Beatles. But even before he was a star, his talent made him one of the top session players in L.A. He played some of the most famous guitar parts of all time, on hits by everyone from the Beach Boys and the Monkees to Frank Sinatra and Wayne Newton.
Summer of Love anniversary
By Mike Huckabee
This summer marks the 50th anniversary of 1967's "Summer of Love," the hippie-led cultural revolution that sought to replace traditional morality with "sex, drugs and rock and roll." Half a century later, this article takes a look at how all that hedonism that worked out for society. Short version: Well, some of the rock and roll was pretty good.
"Bloodless coup" is looking more like one
By Mike Huckabee
"Bloodless coup." That's the term I've used to describe what's being attempted by anti-Trump forces through the special counsel's Russia-and-related-matters investigation. And today, something that happened in July –- but that we're just now hearing about –- goes a long way towards reinforcing that view.
In the pre-dawn hours of July 26, the home of Paul Manafort, who briefly held the position of Donald Trump's 2016 campaign manager last summer until being investigated for work he'd done on behalf of Ukraine, was raided by the FBI. According to Manafort's lawyer, he had been cooperating fully with requests for documents and had, in fact, voluntarily appeared before the Senate Intelligence Committee the previous day. In order to obtain a warrant for the raid, the special counsel would have had to make the argument that it did not trust Manafort to hand over his financial records and other documents. In effect, they'd be accusing him of planning to obstruct justice.
The warrant has been described as "wide-ranging." If investigators turn up anything that puts Manafort in legal hot water, they can always try to bargain with him for information pertaining to their REAL target, and we all know who that is. And if they feel inclined to kick in somebody's door to get to the big prize, they're more than happy to do that.
PC witch-hunt at Google
By Mike Huckabee
It's nice to know that President Trump isn't the only person who gets smeared and misrepresented by CNN. Newsbusters notes that James Damore, the engineer who was hunted down, exposed and fired by Google simply for writing an anonymous critique of the tech giant's rigid leftwing "diversity" policy, was depicted by a CNN reporter as a male chauvinist who claimed that women "aren't suited for tech jobs for biological reasons." Actually, he did no such thing. Take a look at the thoughtful and measured essay he wrote and you'll see that it in no way fits that cartoonish accusation.
The unmasking (there's that word again; what is it with leftists and their obsession with exposing people guilty of thought crimes and flogging them in public?) and firing of Damore has created a massive PR backlash against Google, and rightly so. It's raising all sort of uncomfortable questions about Google in particular and "diversity"-obsessed companies in general, especially the almost uniformly leftist tech companies of Silicon Valley. Some of the better points I've seen:
If men and women are exactly the same in terms of talents and interests, then why it is necessary to have a diversity policy to seek out more women for tech jobs so the tech force won't be heavily male? How can a company claim to value "diversity" when it fires anyone whose thinking differs even a hair from the rigid groupthink of the social justice warrior-approved, PC left that pervades Google? Is it a good idea to allow a company to be large enough to know everything about you and to control the flow of information on the Internet when it believes that you shouldn't even be allowed to hold a job if you disagree in any way with its policies? And is this a sign that it's time for the government to consider Google a dangerous monopoly and bust it up?
I suspect there will be many more to come. In the meantime, I'll just answer the question that a lot of angry Google users are asking right now: yes, there is a search engine that doesn't track you or keep records on what you search for or try to direct you to leftist-approved search results. It's called, and I imagine it's enjoying a huge influx of new users right about now.
News Bits
Turns out it's true that secret operatives of a major government were monitoring and interfering in the 2016 presidential election to help one candidate. But they were agents of our government attempting to help Hillary Clinton get elected. So move along, nothing to see here...
Lately, Canada's government has been hostile to all sorts of basic rights, such as freedom of speech. But it's good to know that they at least draw the line at an attempt to use freedom of information laws to get the government to reveal the location of a fisherman's best fishing hole. This story gives new meaning to the term "government going on a fishing expedition."
Here's a creepy story for those who say there's no mystery left in the world.
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