From: "Mike Huckabee" <>
Date: Aug 29, 2017 11:21 AM
Subject: Defining hate crimes
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Today's Commentary: Defining hate crimes -- California attacks free press -- Coming soon -- Antifa and Nazis have a lot in common -- Obama immigration record under microscope -- News Bits
From the "About Darn Time" File: An Evangelical Christian ministry is suing the Southern Poverty Law Center for defamation for falsely labeling it as a "hate group." The SPLC has identified a number of actual hate groups, but in recent years, they have followed the "progressive" left down the anti-free speech rabbit hole by branding as "hate groups" faith-based organizations whose views on trendy leftist causes such as same-sex marriage don't hew exactly to theirs. At the very least, it damages their reputations and harms donations. At worst, it inspired a mentally unstable man to go into the offices of the Family Research Council and try to launch a mass shooting.
The SPLC not only needs to stop branding differences of religious opinion as hate crimes, but it should also consider that under its own definition, which involves demonizing entire classes of people, you could make a case that the SPLC itself is a "hate group."
Mike Huckabee
-- California attacks free press
By Mike Huckabee
Well, for a while, it looked as if justice would prevail in California, with most of the charges against the undercover reporters who exposed Planned Parenthood being dismissed by the judge. But the Attorney General, who seems to think that job involves being Planned Parenthood's hit man in exchange for campaign donations, refiled the charges, and the judge refused to dismiss them – even though, as their attorneys pointed out, this is clearly in violation of state law that mandates deadlines for refiling charges. They expressed confidence that their clients would prevail in court, but I wonder if it will take appealing until they are out of California to do that. This is so clearly a vindictive attack on freedom of the press and standard undercover reporting practices that even some liberal media outlets that openly support Planned Parenthood have condemned it as prosecutorial overreach.
From the Antifa protesters bashing people in the head before they can express ideas they disagree with to Planned Parenthood trying to jail reporters for exposing what they do behind closed doors, you can always spot a movement that's morally and intellectually bankrupt by how frantic it is to prevent the public from hearing its opponents' arguments.
Coming soon
By Mike Huckabee
Here we go again: conservative pot-stirrers Milo Yiannopoulos and Ann Coulter have accepted an invitation from the Patriot, UC-Berkeley's conservative student newspaper (yes, there actually is one of those), to speak on campus in September. Both had previous appearances canceled when black-clad crusaders for shutting down speech they disagree with rioted, attacked people, smashed windows and set fires, as the police mysteriously stood by watching. The UC-Berkely Administration claims that it is its responsibility "to provide safety and security for its community and guests, and we will invest the necessary resources to achieve that goal," and while they defend the right to protest peacefully, "we will not tolerate violence." Well, that's a refreshing change of policy. One might argue that it has always been their responsibility, but let's see if they take it seriously this time,
Incidentally, the speeches will be part of "Free Speech Week," a celebration of the "Free Speech Movement" that was born at Berekley in 1964 and died there in 2017.
Antifa and Nazis have a lot in common
By Mike Huckabee
For all those in politics and the media who insist on keeping up the ludicrous narrative that all the violence in America comes from the right and the leftist, Antifa crowd are just a group of righteous young Nazi-fighters comparable to the heroic troops who liberated Europe in World War II: gaze upon these multiple photos and videos of the mob violence they inflicted at UC-Berkeley on peaceful citizens who were just trying to exercise their First Amendment right to hold a prayer rally for the President. If this was like D-Day, then the "D" must stand for "deranged" or "despicable."
When Trump said the violence came from "many sides," this was what he meant. But technically, he was wrong. The violence isn't coming from "many sides," but from two sides: far-right and far-left. Condemning this kind of lawless, mindless violence from the far-left does not mean you condone neo-Nazis or white supremacists. It just means that you have the basic amount of intelligence required to recognize despicable, un-American thugs when you see them, no matter whether they are dressed in white sheets or black hoodies. And maybe now that the left side is assaulting journalists, too, some of them will finally have the blinders knocked from their eyes.
Obama immigration record under microscope
By Mike Huckabee
A report by the Center for Immigration Studies reveals that among the federal government's 800,000 or so backlog illegal immigration cases that piled up during the Obama Administration, as many as 200,000 were "administratively closed" without action. That means they didn't get bogged down or lost in the system, the government just let them go without doing anything to enforce the law, leaving tens of thousands of illegal immigrants free to wander across America.
This is yet another of many examples of how an alleged "Trump crackdown" or policy change that sparks outrage and protest, such as increased border security or barring transgender military recruits, really isn't much of a change at all. They're mostly just examples of the government once again enforcing laws and policies that have been on the books for decades, but for some reason, from 2008 to 2016, were simply ignored.
News Bits
Much of the left seems to get its "news" these days from Comedy Central leftist activists masquerading as comedians. But when given the choice of choosing life or choosing snark, most Americans know which one to pick.
If you want to get up to speed fast on the new military transgender rules, here are five things you need to know:
Jeff Sessions explains why police will now have access to military equipment denied them by President Obama.
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