Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Fwd: Oz veGaon and New Sovereignty Presentation - MK's speak for Israeli Sovereignty over Judea and Samaria
Thursday, January 08, 2015
Fwd: Oz veGaon snow update. The leader Moshe and his leadership qualities from Women in Green
Friday December 12th at 9:00 am Rabbi Isser Klonsky, Rabbi
of Givat Mordechai, will, please G-d, give a lecture in Oz veGaon on
the topic: The Torah Commandment to apply Sovereignty over Eretz
Rabbi Isser Klonsky, talmid of Rabbi Zvi Yehuda Kook, was sent by him
to be in the Rabbanut in Givat Mordechai, Jerusalem. In the IDF Rabbi
Klonsky served in the commando unit of the Jerusalem Brigade, in
which he participated in the wars of Israel.
He was one of the main activists in Gush Emunim, partner to the aliya
to Hevron and during the battle against the withdrawal from Sinai he
served as Rabbi of "Hatzer Adar" in Yamit.
He was one of the founders of Ulpanat Zvia that turned into a chain of
ulpanot and yeshivot.
The Phantom Nation - The Invention of the "Palestinians" Shai Ben Tekoa Friday at Oz veGaon:
November 14, 2014 From Women in Green: Continuing to strengthen Oz veGaon
Thank you to Lisa Melamed for another moving picture slideshow of the hill:
A month and a week later - Givat Oz V'Gaon is thriving, BH
Week 3 in givat oz v'gaon
Oz veGaon with our soldiers in the south + schedule
1) Oz veGaon with our soldiers: we are collecting items for our
soldiers in the south: toiletries, deodorants, toothpaste,
toothbrushes, socks, undershirts, dry treats, etc. Please bring it to
the hill by Friday 11:00 am and we will send it to the south.
2) Below is today's and tomorrow's schedule at Oz veGaon. A flyer
will, please G-D, be distributed today with the schedule till Tisha
Today Tuesday July 22
8:15 Schacharit
Work on the hill
5:30 pm Workshop for children with Ziona Toby
6:00 pm Hebrew lecture by Shlomo Neeman and Yehuda Etzion on the Temple Mount
6:30 pm First aid course with Hani Karazi
7:15 pm Mincha
8:00 pm shiur in Hebrew for women with Rental Milo on Parashat Masei
Tomorrow Wednesday July 23
8:15 Shacharit
Work on the hill
5:30 pm children workshop with Lilach Shimon
5:30 pm Yehuda Glick on the Temple Mount
7:15 pm Mincha
8:15 pm Maariv
8:30 pm Shiur in Russian the Zionist midrasha
For details-
Women in Green:
Yehudit Katsover 050-7161818 Nadia Matar 050-5500834
Zionist Midrasha:
Efraim Golobev 054-9769257 Michal Lukimson 054-7679043 Chaya Tal 052-6028499
Please continue to be partners in the Oz veGaon development:
Women For Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
For online donations to Women in Green:
To subscribe to the Women in Green list,
please send a blank email message to:
Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch. May their memories serve as a blessing.
Most of these emails are posted on
Fwd: Oz veGaon and New Sovereignty Presentation - MK's speak for Israeli Sovereignty over Judea and Samaria
MK's Stand Strong - Say Yes to Sovereignty
Saying 'Yes' To Sovereignty
Women In Green continues call for Judea-Samaria annexation in
elections, presenting candidates' statements on the issue in
MK's Stand Strong - Say Yes to Sovereignty
Saying 'Yes' To Sovereignty
Women In Green continues call for Judea-Samaria annexation in
elections, presenting candidates' statements on the issue in
Thursday, January 08, 2015
Fwd: Oz veGaon snow update. The leader Moshe and his leadership qualities from Women in Green
Friday December 12th at 9:00 am Rabbi Isser Klonsky, Rabbi
of Givat Mordechai, will, please G-d, give a lecture in Oz veGaon on
the topic: The Torah Commandment to apply Sovereignty over Eretz
Rabbi Isser Klonsky, talmid of Rabbi Zvi Yehuda Kook, was sent by him
to be in the Rabbanut in Givat Mordechai, Jerusalem. In the IDF Rabbi
Klonsky served in the commando unit of the Jerusalem Brigade, in
which he participated in the wars of Israel.
He was one of the main activists in Gush Emunim, partner to the aliya
to Hevron and during the battle against the withdrawal from Sinai he
served as Rabbi of "Hatzer Adar" in Yamit.
He was one of the founders of Ulpanat Zvia that turned into a chain of
ulpanot and yeshivot.
Friday December 5th at 9:00 am at Oz veGaon Dr Miriam Adahan, author,
psychologist and educator,
will talk about "How to educate children without criticism."
Miriam Adahan is a psychologist, therapist, prolific author and
founder of EMETT
("Emotional Maturity Established Through Torah") - a network of
self-help groups dedicated
to personal growth. She lives in Jerusalem, and has recently written
on the struggles of life in the terror-beset land.
Dr. Miriam Adahan's groundbreaking approach to human emotions has
revolutionized the way that the Jewish world approaches psychology.
With over 15 books published in numerous languages all over the world,
there is barely a home that hasn't been touched by Dr. Adahan's
methodology. With over 40 years experience in counseling, lecturing,
writing and training counselors, Dr. Adahan's well-spring of knowledge
and vast experience of the human condition cannot be duplicated.
Hundreds all over the world have Dr. Adahan to thank for the success
of their relationships and the emotional well-being of their families.
Quietly residing in the outskirts of Jerusalem, Dr. Adahan truly is
the reigning expert when it comes to modern Jewish psychology.
psychologist and educator,
will talk about "How to educate children without criticism."
Miriam Adahan is a psychologist, therapist, prolific author and
founder of EMETT
("Emotional Maturity Established Through Torah") - a network of
self-help groups dedicated
to personal growth. She lives in Jerusalem, and has recently written
on the struggles of life in the terror-beset land.
Dr. Miriam Adahan's groundbreaking approach to human emotions has
revolutionized the way that the Jewish world approaches psychology.
With over 15 books published in numerous languages all over the world,
there is barely a home that hasn't been touched by Dr. Adahan's
methodology. With over 40 years experience in counseling, lecturing,
writing and training counselors, Dr. Adahan's well-spring of knowledge
and vast experience of the human condition cannot be duplicated.
Hundreds all over the world have Dr. Adahan to thank for the success
of their relationships and the emotional well-being of their families.
Quietly residing in the outskirts of Jerusalem, Dr. Adahan truly is
the reigning expert when it comes to modern Jewish psychology.
November 14, 2014 From Women in Green: Continuing to strengthen Oz veGaon
Current events at Oz veGaon
OZ V'Gaon Fall Schedule (in Hebrew)
English translation follows Hebrew text
אלול בשמורת בעוז וגאו”ן
למרות שחופשת הקיץ הסתיימה, בעוז וגאו”ן ממשיכים ב”ה להתקיים פעילויות שונות ומגוונות:
להלן רשימה חלקית של אירועים שהתקיימו:
* ערב שירה עם להקת שירת הלוויים בהשתתפות הרב גדעון פרל ונציגות של משפחות הנערים
לינק להופעה המלאה: &list=UU2BQ9Ug9niueKD0R6Nf3F2A
* ביקור תמיכה והזדהות של תושבי רעננה וכפר סבא בהובלת חברנו אילן הירשפלד
* יום עבודה לפיתוח עוז וגאו”ן על ידי סטודנטים מקנדה שבאו לארץ עם תוכנית המנהיגות של קרן קיימת לישראל
* יום עבודה לפיתוח הגבעה על ידי בני עקיבא חיספין בגולן
* פיקניק בעוז וגאו”ן של 50 עולים סטודנטים מברית המועצות השייכים לתוכנית “שישישבת”
* שבע ברכות
* מסעדת אנא טיכו בירושלים שסגרה את שעריה,תרמה חלק מהציוד של המסעדה לכבוד הקמת בית קפה חברתי בעוז וגאו”ן-תודה!
* ערב סליחות שאורגן ע”י הרב רפי טוויל (תמונות מצורפות קרדיט מירי צחי)
* ברית מילה של משפחת ברנר
* מוצ”ש - ערב שירה בציבור שאורגן ע”י נוער גוש עציון
בנוסף מגיעים כל הזמן אנשים מקרוב ומרחוק כדי להרבות נוכחות בגבעה. הן על ידי לימוד, קיום ישיבות עבודה, ופיקניק ושמחות עם המשפחה וכו’
בע”ה בשבועיים הקרובים מתוכננים להגיע קבוצות רבות של תלמידים להמשך עבודת פיתוח הגבעה.
אתם מוזמנים גם!
בראש השנה יתקיימו בעוז וגאו”ן בע”ה כל התפילות
אנחנו מחפשים ליום הראשון של ראש השנה חזן למוסף. חוץ מזה כל התפילות כבר אורגנו.
תודה לאנשי אלעזר, אפרת , מגדל עוז ואלון שבות.
אנו קוראים לכם כבר היום להירשם לשהות בעוז וגאו”ן בראש השנה – נא התקשרו למיכל לוקימסון 054-7679043
לתושבי הישובים הנ”ל המתכוונים להגיע לתפילות במשך ראש השנה- - אנא הודיעו לנו בהקדם כך שנדע בוודאות שיש לנו מניין
רשמו ביומן:
בע”ה יום שישי א’ דחול המועד סוכות 10/10 בשעה 11:00: שמחת בית השואבה בעוז וגאו”ן
*עם הרב דב זינגר, סגן השר אופיר אקוניס, ח”כ הרב אלי ישי, ראש מועצת גוש עציון מר דוידי פרל ונציגות המשפחות .
*בתוכנית: להקת בנצי טי ופעילות לילדים, בלונים, מתקנים אתגריים, בעלי חיים ועוד
* כל המעוניינים להפעיל דוכנים עם דברי אומנות, בגדים, ספרים, צעצועים וכו מתבקשים לפנות למספר 0505500834
החורף מתקרב. בלילות כבר קר. מבצע התרמה לאוהלי חורף לעוז וגאו”ן ממשיך במלוא התנופה. אל תשאלו מה יהיה בחורף. תרמו והיו שותפים חמים.
לפרטים לתרומות אנא הקליקו על:
דרוש: מתנדבים לשמירה בעוז וגאו”ן
נשמח למתנדבים לשמירה בכל שעות היום והלילה. נא לפנות לאלישיב קמחי 054-2007354
בברכת עוז וגאו”ן
יהודית קצובר ונדיה מטר
Although summer has ended, a wide range of activities continue to be held at Oz veGaon
Here is a partial list of what has taken place:
* A sing-along evening with the Shirat Halevi'im group, with the participation of Rabbi Gideon Perl, and representatives of the three boys' families
Link to a short video with English subtitles:
Link to the entire performance:
* A solidarity visit by residents of Raanana and Kfar Saba, led by our dear friend Ilan Hirschfeld
* A work day for the development of Oz veGaon by students from Canada who came to Israel with the Jewish National Fund Leadership Program
* A work day for the development of Oz veGaon by Bnei Akiva, from Hispin in the Golan Heights
* A picnic at Oz veGaon with 50 olim students from the FSU, from the Shishishabbat (Friday-Saturday) program
* A sheva berakhot
* The Anna Ticho restaurant in Jerusalem, that closed, donated some of its equipment for the establishment of a social coffee house at Oz veGaon- thank you!
* An evening of selihot was organized by Rabbi Rafi Tawill (attached photos: Miri Tzahi)
* The first brit milah (circumcision) at Oz veGaon by the Brenner family
* A Motzei Shabbat (Saturday night) sing-along evening that was organized by Gush Etzion youth
In addition, people keep coming from near and far to increase the Jewish presence on the hill: to study, conduct business meetings, picnics with the family, and the list goes on. In the coming weeks, different groups of schoolchildren are expected to come and continue the development of the hill.
You are invited, too!
Rosh Hashana at OzveGaon:
All the Rosh Hashanah prayers will, please G-d, be held on Oz veGaon. We still need someone to lead the Mussaf prayer on the first day; all the other prayers are covered - our thanks to the residents of Elazar, Efrat, Migdal Oz and Alon Shvut.
You can already sign up today for spending Rosh Hashanah at Oz veGaon: call Michal Lukimson, 054-7679043.
For those from the nearby yishuvim mentioned above who plan on davening in Oz veGaon on Rosh Hashana, please tell us so we know for sure that we will have a minyan.
Mark your calendar: Friday, first day of Hol Hamoed Sukkot at 11:00 am - come one come all to Oz veGaon
Please G-d, October 10, Friday, the first day of Hol ha-Moed of Sukkot, at 11:00 a.m.:
Simhat Beit ha-Sho'evah at oz veGaon
* with Rabbi Dov Singer, Deputy Minister Ofir Akunis, MK Rabbi Eli Yishai, head of the Gush Etzion Regional Council Davidi Perl, and representatives of the families
* On the program: Benzi Thee's band and activities for children - balloons, adventure playground, animals etc...
*Want to have a stand for works of art, clothing, books, toys, and more? Call 0505-500834
Winter is approaching, and it's already getting cold at night.
The campaign for winter tents at Oz veGaon is ongoing. Please Contribute and be active - and warm - partners.
For details:
Needed: volunteers for guard duty at OzveGaon
Volunteers are needed for guard duty, around the clock. Please call Eliashiv Kimhi - 054-2007354
With the blessings of Oz veGaon
Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar
- חמישי –שישי בעוז וגאו”ן
- חברים יקריםתזכורת- הלילה בין חמישי לשישי בחצות וחצי- סליחות בעוז וגאו”ןפרטים בפלייר המצורףכל בני המשפחה מוזמניםמחר יום שישי י’ אלול 5/9 בשעה 9:00 בבוקר שיעור מפי הרב אורי סמט בעוז וגאו”ןעל הנושא “מלחמה על אויביךאתם מוזמנים לבוא לסליחות ולהישאר באתר הקמפינג עד הבוקר- הביאו אוהל, שק”ש וכולהסעות להרצאה בבוקר נא צרו קשר עם חוי ברוק 050-4166198חברתנו היקרה רנה מרגוליס עסוקה בהכנות לחתונת בנה וזו ההזדמנות שלנו לאחל לרנה ולכל משפחתה מזל טוב ולהגיד תודה על כל מה שאת עושה רנהלהסעות מקרית ארבע חברון נא צרו קשר עם רבקה ריבק 054-8034853הזמנות להסעות עד 13:00 היוםהמעוניינים להיות בשבת בעוז וגאו”ן מתבקשים להרשם אצל מיכל לוקימסון 054-767-9043שבת הקרובה תהיה בע”ה השבת העשירית שלנו בעוז וגאו”ןיום טוביהודית קצובר 0507161818 נדיה מטר 050-5500834סליחות בעוז וגאו”ן!יום חמישי ט’ אלולבלילה בין חמישי לשישי, בשעה חצות וחציכולם מוזמניםמבוגרים, גברים, נשים נוער וטףפרטים בפלייר המצורףאנא העבירו לכל רשימותיכם ובפייסבוקDear Friends,we remind you that tonight between Thursday and Friday at 12:30 midnight, there will be selichot at Oz VegaonDetails below -The entire family is invitedTomorrow Friday September 5th at 9:00 am there will be a shiur by Rabbi Uri Samet from Migdal Oz about the topic “War against the enemy”The shiur is in Hebrew with simultaneous translation into EnglishYou are invited to come to the selichot and stay at the Oz veGaon camping site till the morning. Bring your tent and sleeping bag and join us...For transportation from Jerusalem for the Friday morning lecture: please call Chavi Bruck: 050-4166198Chavi is temporarily replacing our dear friend Renee Margolis who is busy preparing for the wedding of her son.This is our opportunity to wish Renee and her entire family Mazal Tov and thank you Renee for all you do!For transportation from Kiryat Arba Hevron please call Rivka Ryback 054-8034853 by 1:00pm todayFor those wishing to spend Shabbat in Oz VeGaon please register by calling Michal Lukimson054-7679043This please G-d will be our 10th Shabbat in Oz veGaon!KoltuvYehudit Katsover 0507161818 Nadia matar 0505500834SELICHOT in Oz veGaon!This coming Thursday night 9th of Elulat 12:30 at night(the night between Thursday and Friday)Everybody is invitedAdults, men, women, youth and childrenPlease forward to all lists and facebook
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thank you to Lisa Melamed for another moving picture slideshow of the hill:
A month and a week later - Givat Oz V'Gaon is thriving, BH
Today Thursday August 7th
5:30pm Children’s workshop with Yehudit Eisenberg
7:15 Mincha
8:15 Maariv
Tomorrow Friday August 8th
9:00 am Lecture by Roni and Joanne Lottner –training in faith (in Hebrew with simultaneous translation to English)
Preparations for Shabbat on the hill
Kabbalat Shabbat with Rabbi Rafi Tawil
Arvit, Kiddush and Seuda
For those who want to spend Shabbat on the hill, please register by calling Michal Lukimson 054-7679043
Shabbat on the hill
8:30 am Shacharit
10:30 am Kiddush
Shabbat Meal
6:00 pm Mincha and Shiur
Seuda Shlishit
Arvit, Havdala
-For those coming from outside during the Shabbat-To make sure all is ok with the eiruv, please call 050-5500834 a few hours before Shabbat
-For those coming through Migdal Oz- there is a lock with a code. Please call 050-5500834 before Shabbat to get the code
-Rabbi Efrait paskened that those walking to OzveGaon on Shabbat in the dark or close to the dark hours- must have a cellphone with them.
Security: 1208 or 1-700-705-000
-It is suggested to walk to the hill with a group of people- especially in the dark
Sunday August 10th
5:30pm Children’s workshop with Ziona Toby
7:30 pm Special evening of love songs in honor of Tu BeAv
With Adam Tsachi and his choir
With the participation of MK Shuli Muallem
Monday August 11th
5:00pm Music chug for children with Tirza Ben Yaakov
5:30pm Magician! Rabbi Victor Attia
Week 3 in givat oz v'gaon
Oz veGaon with our soldiers in the south + schedule
1) Oz veGaon with our soldiers: we are collecting items for our
soldiers in the south: toiletries, deodorants, toothpaste,
toothbrushes, socks, undershirts, dry treats, etc. Please bring it to
the hill by Friday 11:00 am and we will send it to the south.
2) Below is today's and tomorrow's schedule at Oz veGaon. A flyer
will, please G-D, be distributed today with the schedule till Tisha
Today Tuesday July 22
8:15 Schacharit
Work on the hill
5:30 pm Workshop for children with Ziona Toby
6:00 pm Hebrew lecture by Shlomo Neeman and Yehuda Etzion on the Temple Mount
6:30 pm First aid course with Hani Karazi
7:15 pm Mincha
8:00 pm shiur in Hebrew for women with Rental Milo on Parashat Masei
Tomorrow Wednesday July 23
8:15 Shacharit
Work on the hill
5:30 pm children workshop with Lilach Shimon
5:30 pm Yehuda Glick on the Temple Mount
7:15 pm Mincha
8:15 pm Maariv
8:30 pm Shiur in Russian the Zionist midrasha
For details-
Women in Green:
Yehudit Katsover 050-7161818 Nadia Matar 050-5500834
Zionist Midrasha:
Efraim Golobev 054-9769257 Michal Lukimson 054-7679043 Chaya Tal 052-6028499
Please continue to be partners in the Oz veGaon development:
Women For Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
For online donations to Women in Green:
To subscribe to the Women in Green list,
please send a blank email message to:
Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch. May their memories serve as a blessing.
Most of these emails are posted on
Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.
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