Sunday, July 23, 2017

Fwd: Moshe Feiglin: On Har HaBayit: Surrender Now Will Lead to Terrible War

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From: "Moshe Feiglin" <>
Date: Jul 23, 2017 10:00 AM
Subject: Moshe Feiglin: Surrender Now Will Lead to Terrible War
To: <>

They murdered two Israeli police officers. They murdered a family. But they are the 'victims' and the 'insulted'. They are the ones who must be appeased and they are the ones who now have the legitimacy to continue to murder Jews.

Because for fifty years we have been saying that the Temple Mount is theirs.

It is not Israeli sovereignty on the Temple Mount that creates war; it is the denial of that sovereignty that opens the door to conflict.

The temporary price that Israel will pay for leaving the metal detectors in place at the entrance to the Temple Mount and clinging to our sovereignty there is nothing compared to the all-out-war that we are inviting to our Land.

If we surrender now and remove the metal detectors and prove with finality that the Temple Mount truly is theirs – and only theirs – we are admitting that they were right to murder the Jews.

If the beating heart of the Holy Land belongs to them – then the rest of the Land belongs to them, as well.

And all their murderous acts throughout Israel are simply part of their just war against the Occupation.

There is a price for clinging to the justness of our sovereign existence in the Land of Israel.

But if we surrender now, we will bring the most horrendous of wars upon ourselves.

A war of a People who has lost its sense of justice.

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Friday, July 21, 2017

Fwd: Memo to the President from Mike Huckabee on the failure to Repeal Obamacare July 27, 2017


Let us continue to pray for the Administration to be successful to implement a Health-care system good for Americans while figuring out what went wrong. My guess as an political outsider  is follow the money trail and drain the swamp. 

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From: "Mike Huckabee (Personal)" <>
Date: Jul 21, 2017 2:43 PM
Subject: Memo to the President
To: <>


In light of the Republican Senate's abject failure to keep its promise to repeal Obamacare and come up with a better, market-based system, President Trump said that we'll just let that program continue on its current death spiral. He said, "I'm not going to own it. I can tell you the Republicans are not going to own it." But he predicted that as it failed on its own, Democrats would come around to working with Republicans to replace it.

I think he might be too optimistic, or maybe he's yet to figure out that Washington doesn't work rationally, like the business world. Democrats know (and count on their media allies to hammer home) that voters expected Republicans to do something about this awful program. With them having failed to act, if it goes under and leaves people without coverage, most will blame whoever was in charge when it happened. This is how politics works (case in point: the mortgage meltdown was caused primarily by policies initiated by Carter and Clinton, but it happened when Bush was in office, so Democrats still blame him for it and get away with it.)

Republicans should disabuse themselves of the notion that Democrats will humble themselves and come with hat-in-hand to work with Republicans to save Obamacare from collapse. Obamacare was designed to collapse, so it could be replaced with single-payer government health care. They expected Hillary to be in office when that happened and sign it into law. They never expected Trump would win, but they also probably never expected that Republicans could win the House, Senate and White House and still fail to do what they'd been promising for seven years. If it collapses in 2018, just in time for Democrats to blame it on Republicans before the next election, that's exactly what Democrats will do.

Yes, I know it will be tricky to run for office on the premise that "the people who were elected to fix the unfixable disaster of a health care program we created failed, so put us back in charge!" But as illogical as that sounds, I've seen similar appeals work, especially when the Democrats have so much help, not only from the media, but from their opponents.


Mike Huckabee

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US State Department Blames Israel’s “Settlements” for Palestinian Terrorism - Breaking Israel News | Latest News. Biblical Perspective.



Comments: Please pass on to Jason Greenblatt, David Friedman, Jared Kushner and members of the Trump Administration who can influence foreign policy.

After reading about the State Department's annual report to Congress on terrorism, it seems quite clear that Rex Tillerson and the State Department have a bias against Israel.

Let us set the record staight!

As MK Tzippi Hatoveli pointed out, the Palestinians are oppressed by their own leaders who keep their people in refugee camps and whose corrupt leadership has over the years pocketed billions of dollars.  They have ongoing policies awarding terrorists and their families with generous stipends..

And Tillerson is blaming the Jewish Settlers for the unrest? Shame on him! 

 Tillerson's recommendations to empower the Palestinian Authority and blame Israel is actually hurtful to the Palestinians themselves who rather than being encouraged to better their lives with opportunities living peacefully under Israels Sovereignty are taught to glorify jihad and commit jihad and hate Israel and America. 

The State Departments report seems to justify Arab aggression while putting blame on Israel for defending herself. 

Are Jewish lives Hefker (of no value)? This bias endangers the lives of peaceful Jewish settlers whose only crime is defending themselves and building homes and lives for themselves and their families in Judea and Samaria their ancient Biblical homeland!

What a disappointment. Wish there was someone in charge in the State Department on Israels side whose vision wasn't so off.

In addition, the State Department should reevaluate funding they have given to Palestinian Police. I would recommend that they contact David Bedein investigative journalist who has found that the sophisticated training and weapons supplied by the USA has been used against Israel.  What else would you expect from highly trained soldiers whose education from an early age, even in Israel proper and in the Palestinian territories has been to hate Israel and the West?

David Bedein has done comprehensive research and produced videos of UNRWA funded schools and training camps and translated their textbooks. Rex Tillerson and the State Dept are ignorant of facts on the ground and should be thoroughly briefed.

Dear Mr. Tillerson, 

One need only to look at the celebrations and dispersal of candy following 9/11 in Palestinian territories in the West Bank (as designated as such by State Dept) to understand that those who blame the Jewish Settlers also blame the USA. 

Dont expect sincere expressions of gratitude for your report on their behalf. They, Palestinian police, are for good reason, suspect to have no compunction using your aid to shoot or stab any American who they consider a kfir (an outsider to Islam in the name of Jihad). 

The values of the leadership of the Palestinians are not consistent with what we in America take for granted as they are not consistent with the laws of universal morality. This is reflected on the constant terror attacks against innocent civilians. Israel's response to defend itself is totally justified and should not be perceived as aggression nor murder!

House Committee Approves Strict Restrictions on US Funding for UN and Palestinian Authority | Jewish & Israel News