Friday, June 16, 2017

Fwd: Parshat SHLACH: Spies in the Limelight..... Shabbat Shalom! Excellent LINKS!


Thank you Chava for sending: KT

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Date: Fri, Jun 16, 2017 at 11:04 AM
Subject: Parshat SHLACH: Spies in the Limelight..... Shabbat Shalom!

Parshat  SHELACH

The sin of the Spies who spoke ill about the Land of Israel ...

Moshe sent twelve spies to tour Eretz Yisrael. They returned 40 days later, carrying a huge cluster of grapes, pomegranates and figs, and reported they they had seen a lush and bountiful land. But ten of the spies spoke negatively (dibat ha'aretz) about the Land of Israel, warning that the inhabitants of the land were giants and warriors "more powerful than we". Only Caleb and Yehoshua insisted that the land could be conquered, as G‑d had promised.  

The people wept that they would rather return to Egypt and considered stoning Caleb and Yehoshua. As a result, Hashem decreed that this generation would wander in the desert for 40 years, during which time they would die in the desert. Only their children would merit to enter Eretz Yisrael.   

A group of remorseful Jews stormed the mountain to enter the border of Israel but were defeated by the Amalekites and Canaanites. They had lost their opportunity forever to enter  the Land of of their fathers.  


The Error of the Spies

How was it possible for the spies to mislead the Jewish people and convince them that even G‑d could not help them, when the Jews themselves had constantly witnessed the miracles performed on their behalf? 

The Jewish people experienced supernatural victories over their enemies. When they were pursued by the Egyptians, G‑d Himself split the sea for them. They should have understood that just as G‑d had performed miracles for them in their war with Egypt, He would also perform miracles for them in their battle for Eretz Yisrael. 

Mystical sources explain that the spies did not want to enter Eretz Yisrael, preferring to remain in the desert, because they did not want to descend into the realm of the material and occupy themselves with the mundane.

While the Jews were in the desert they were cut off from the material world; even their food and drink transcended materiality, and their clothing grew along with them.

However, upon entry into Eretz Yisrael the manna ceased and they were forced to eat physical bread, which involved physical labor such as plowing and sowing. The spies preferred the wholly spiritual lifestyle of the desert.

Despite their lofty idealism, the spies' aspirations were misguided. The mission of a Jew is to create a dwelling place for G‑d within the nethermost level by transforming the physical into a vessel for G‑dliness. They could only accomplish this in Eretz Yisrael, for it was only there that the primary manner of spiritual service consisted of performing physical mitzvos.

The spies mistakenly thought that only two kinds of conduct are possible — the natural and the supernatural — and that these are mutually exclusive. In truth, G‑d is not bound to these two paths, for He equally transcends both the natural and the supernatural; furthermore, He is capable of integrating Heaven and earth. 

Therefore, since G‑d desired that the Jews provide Him a dwelling place by performing physical mitzvos in Eretz Yisrael, the Jews had nothing to fear from the inhabitants; although the world retains its natural characteristics, G‑d would guarantee the Jewish people — as they exist in a natural state — success that is truly supernatural.

The spies mistakenly thought that the Jews' relationship with G‑d was limited to their otherworldly actions — praying, studying Torah and performing mitzvos. 

They failed to realize that the Jewish people exist supernaturally even while functioning in the natural world.They also failed to perceive how a G‑dliness that transcends nature exists within nature. (Based on Likkutei Sichos)

                                           Image result for olive trees israel

"The Sefat Emet similarly explains that The Zohar states that the spies thought: 'Here (in the desert,) we are the leaders (of Bnei Yisrael) in the Land (of Israel) we will not merit to be the leaders.'". According to the Zohar, they were concerned about losing their spiritual influence by entering Eretz Yisrael, and therefore decided that for the sake of the Torah, it is better to dwell in the Galut. 


Harvesting the Fruit of the Land

Why did Moshe instruct the spies to bring back fruit from the land? Based on the above approach, an interesting answer can be suggested. Moshe was not commanding these spies to merely scout the land. He was commanding them to begin the process of possession. They were to represent the nation and assume ownership of the land. Moshe's instructions to collect a portion of the fruit of the land can be understood in this context.According to Torah law, land can be acquired in three ways. First, it can be acquired through payment. Second, ownership can be transferred through a document. Third, land can be acquired through chazakah. Chazakah means performing an action that demonstrates ownership. If a person wishes to transfer ownership of land to another person, the recipient can establish possession through demonstrating ownership..(Rambam, Mishne Torah, Hilchot Mechira 1:3)How does a person acquire a parcel of land through chazakah? What specific actions are regarded as demonstrations of ownership? One of the forms of chazakah is harvesting the fruit of the land. Through harvesting the fruit the person demonstrates possession (Rambam, Hilchot Mechira, 1:16)  

We can appreciate Moshe's instructions. The spies were to initiate the process of possessing the land. He commanded them to perform an act of legal acquisition. They were to utilize chazakah. The harvesting of the fruit was an expression of this chazakah. (Rav Shimon Yosef Miller, Shai LaTorah (Jerusalem 5753) result for harvest israel images


SAYINGS OF OUR SAGES: Eretz Chemda, A Beloved Land

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Hashem said to Moshe: "The Land is precious to Me, and the people of Israrel are precious to Me. I will therefore bring a precious people into a precious Land. (Bamidbar Rabba 23)

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It is better to live in the deserts of Eretz Yisrael than in the palaces of other lands (Bereishis Rabba 39)

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Rav Simai taught: Why did Moshe Rabbeinu desire to enter Eretz Yisrael? Did he need to eat its fruit or enjoy its good produce? No, Moshe said, "The Jews were commanded to do many mitzvot, which can only be performed in Eretz Yisrael." (Sota 14)

** ** ** ** **

Rav Levi said, When Avraham travelled through Aram Naharayim and Aram Nachor he saw people eating, drinking and partying. He said, "I want no part of this land." When he reached the mountains between Tzor and Acco he saw the people working. They were weeding at weeding time, hoeing at hoeing time. He said, "I wish to have a part in this Land!"  (Bereishis Rabba 39) 


Light and Dark Spaces

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The holier something is, the more darkness it attracts in counterpart. 

Because the Land of Israel is so infused with holiness, it attracts such great negativity from every source, Jewish and non Jewish, spanning the gamut from secular liberal leftists to Neturei Karta. 

Despite the fact that an entire parsha of the Torah is devoted to the grave sin of speaking lashon hara against Eretz Yisrael, and despite the fact that we are aware of the universal negative reverberations which this sin effected throughout 2,000 years of Jewish exile, the negative yetzer to malign Israel continues to be a powerful one. The power of this sin, which is rationalized in a myriad ways by a myriad of people, seems to have infiltrated every level of Jewish and world consciousness. 

Only one fifth of the Israelites left Egypt during the exodus on a journey towards Eretz Yisrael. Only two of the Twelve Meraglim spoke positively of the Land of Israel and merited to enter it.  

It is a special merit to love Eretz Yisrael.    

May we be blessed with the courage, clarity and spiritual vision to be part of the minority of Caleb and Yehoshua. May it be said of us that we too have a "רוח אחרת" - a different spirit. (Bamidbar 14:24)  


My Hevron 

חברון שלי

כי לכלב נתתי את חברון, כי רוח אחרת הייתה עימו

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Wellsprings of Yearning

by Rav Avraham Yitzchak Hacohen Kook  זצ״ל

Image result for springs  israel images

The heart yearns to attain an understanding of Eretz Yisrael

of the faith of Eretz Yisrael

Of the holiness of Eretz Yisrael

I will walk before Hashem

in the land of the living

This is Eretz Yisrael, This is the land of of life

Have mercy Hashem, Have pity God,

Merciful and Gracious 

Have mercy and let me merit to return to You with complete teshuva

and return me to the land of Your beauty

to praise Your inheritance

Have mercy, merciful Father

Save us

God of deliverance

click here to hear: The Wellsprings of Yearning:


For Hashem your God is bringing you to a good Land; a land with streams of water, 

Image result for sachne israel

of springs and underground water coming forth in valley and mountain; a land of wheat, barley, grape, fig and pomegranate; a Land of olives and date honey; 

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..... A Land whose stones are iron and from whose mountains you will mine copper..Image result for mountains Eilat.

(Devarim Deuteronomy 8:7)

***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***

Promise of the Land of Israel to Abraham (Gen 12:7; 24:7)

כי את כל הארץ אשר אתה רואה לך אתננה ולזרעך עד עולם

לך אתן את הארץ הזו וברך כל מיני תבואתה עד העולם

CLICK HERE to hear Avraham Fried : I Will Give You This Land...":


LIPA Shmeltzer: From the Four Corners of the World

click here:


Image result for israel from space


Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 


Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Fwd:Mike Huckabee ; Mueller should investigate his team

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From: "Mike Huckabee" <>
Date: Jun 16, 2017 9:05 AM
Subject: Mueller should investigate his team
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The message you have just received was delivered by Mike Huckabee and includes a message from him about his upcoming tour to Israel in February 2018. 

Today's Commentary:  Mueller should investigate the leakers on his team -- A homerun -- Method to Comey's madness



The big story from yesterday is that special counsel Robert Mueller is reportedly investigating President Trump for obstruction of justice in firing former FBI Director James Comey. This despite the fact that several top intelligence officials and even Comey himself have admitted under oath that Trump did nothing to obstruct the investigation of the "Russian collusion" story for which no evidence has ever been unearthed, and that as President, Trump has the legal authority to fire the FBI Director at any time for any reason, including that he didn't like how an investigation is going. So why would Mueller be wasting taxpayer money investigating Trump for something he hasn't been accused of and that he has the power to do anyway? Shouldn't Mueller be busy explaining why he shouldn't step down himself for his obvious conflicts of interest due to his newly-exposed deep personal ties to his own top witness, Comey?

Well, there could be a simple explanation. The story came from the Washington Post, which cited unnamed sources close to the investigation. If that's true, then the sources are leaking information about a confidential federal investigation, which is a federal crime, and Mueller should immediately help root them out so that they can be arrested and prosecuted if he wants his investigation to maintain even a shred of credibility. If it's not true, then it will join an ever-growing list of anti-Trump WaPo stories based on anonymous sources that made big headlines but later turned out to be a giant pile of used diapers. So maybe the prudent thing to do would be to wait until the claim is verified by a more reputable source than WaPo, like Mueller himself or the National Enquirer, or possibly a Magic 8-Ball.



Mike Huckabee


Message from Mike Huckabee:  

For believers, a visit to Israel is more than just a trip to a fascinating foreign country – it's an opportunity to experience the complex and beautiful Holy Land that was the setting for the teachings, the battles, and the miracles of the Bible.

If you have ever considered visiting Israel, learn more about my February 2018 tour at


A homerun

By Mike Huckabee

One of the few bright spots was the reaction of political leaders to the attack on Republican Congress members by a rage-filled leftist. Bernie Sanders was horrified to learn that the shooter had been a supporter of his, and he issued a strong statement condemning violence in pursuit of political motives. Both House Speaker Paul Ryan and President Trump offered eloquent comments, calling for unity and appealing to people's better natures to renounce violence and hatred and see political opponents as fellow human beings. Nancy Pelosi stood and offered rare praise and support for Ryan, and many Democrats even praised Trump, some likely for the first time in their lives.

And in a gesture that carries immense symbolic weight, yesterday's annual Democrats vs. Republicans charity baseball game, a friendly, bipartisan tradition since 1909, went ahead as planned, with both teams wearing LSU gear in honor of Rep. Scalise. That's the first home run we've seen out of Washington in quite a while.


Method to Comey's madness

By Mike Huckabee

It seems obvious from former FBI Director James Comey's recent testimony that then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch tried to give political cover to Hillary Clinton by instructing him to call the criminal investigation into her email server a "matter" instead. I didn't go to law school, but a careful look at Comey's testimony shows me that he, in turn, has done what he could to give Lynch cover as well. Call it "pay it forward" inside the Justice Department.

"I don't know if it was intentional or not," says Comey of Lynch's instruction, "but it gave the impression that the attorney was trying to align how we describe our work with the way it was being described in a political campaign."

The key phrase: "I don't know if it was intentional or not."

Remember, Comey has said he gave Hillary a pass because he didn't know if she intended to break the law, when, in fact, the presence of intent is irrelevant to the laws against mishandling material. Now, with Lynch, it's even easier for him to use the issue of intent to provide a shield, because the charge of obstruction actually does involve intent. By casting doubt on her intent, he has protected her. It helps that Lynch never reveals the tiniest glimpse into the shrewd inner workings of her mind. She can stonewall better than anyone I've ever seen. Does anyone think this woman ever in her life does anything that's not intentional?

Surely anyone not blinded by partisanship can see what's going on with this investigation. Comey gets to appear forthright while helping both Hillary and Lynch avoid prosecution, leaks his own memo to achieve the appointment of a special counsel, and ends up as the main witness in a "trumped-up" investigation of the President led by his very close friend and mentor, Robert Mueller, who now has an obligation under the law to step away from that duty.


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Message from Mike Huckabee:  

For believers, a visit to Israel is more than just a trip to a fascinating foreign country – it's an opportunity to experience the complex and beautiful Holy Land that was the setting for the teachings, the battles, and the miracles of the Bible.

If you have ever considered visiting Israel, learn more about my February 2018 tour at

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Parshas Shlach. Tikkun Chait Hamiraglim. Leah Goldsmith blog...Where is Jewish Leadership? From Matot Arim. Oslo 2? Netanyahu and Greenblatt Not a Good Pair


As Mattot Arim points out moving the Embassy to Jerusalem is the least of Israel's problems! 

Way more is now at stake!  

Jews, Wake up and smell the fire!  Please read till the end of this post to read Mattot Arim Action item of what you can do to help the situation. 

I feel the terrible disappointment by our good friends Mattot Arim on the recent developments in Judea and Samaria with the supposed right wing Likud Government in cahoots with Pro Israel President Trump presently engaged in giving away Israeli land for designated Arab building  in AREA C!!!!

The only difference I have with Susie Dym of Mattot Arim is that I strongly feel that the hearts of Kings are in the Hand of G-d.  If these very pro Israel leaders and very Pro Israel advisers are giving away Eretz Yisroel to our enemies,   it is a reflection on the Jewish People.  

It is hard to listen to the heartfelt plea of Leah Goldsmith, an Eishes Chayil, wife of former Mayor Moshe Goldsmith of Itamar. 

She writes: ....And like Yosef, the dream was not recognized. In fact- the return to Biblical Israel was shunned by the greater part of our brothers, let alone the world

Leah's Blog-  The Jubilee of 50 Years – The Pseudo of the "West Bank" (?) and Parshat  Shelach 

Leah speaks from her soul deeply connected to the Land of Israel.  

Then please watch the powerful video of Reb Amnon Yitzchak. (Hebrew) Which has us proclaim to ourselves that Settling the Land of Israel is a Mitzvah D'Orayta being fulfilled each and every minute!
מצוות ישוב ארץ ישראל | הרב אמנון יצחק 

Let us address a very basic question raised by David Bedein of Israel News Resource Agency.  Is Jerusalem considered Corpus separatum (Jerusalem), an international entity by the USA  rather than as part of Israel. If not, then why can't Jerusalem, Israel be noted on an American birth certificate or American Death Certificate?

Let each and every reader ask themselves. Do I and the collective Nation of Israel truly deserve Israel?  Why are we Silent?   When Silence is a Sin is a book based on the writings of the Rebbe of Lubavitch on the obligation to Protest and the Obligation to Settle the Entire Land of Israel.   

Let us be honest and aske ourselves. "Do I as an individual or we collectively,  desire our Precious Land?"

Where is True Jewish Leadership? We want to hear the voices of the Knesset Members!  We want to hear the outcry of all the major Jewish Organizations in America. We want to hear each and every Jew. Nowadays with Social Media there is no excuse!  How about each and every Jewish publication and media outlet.  Are we clueless as per the 450,000 Settlers living in Judea and Samaria holding on to the Land with their fingertips?  Is our only intervention merely a superficial concern as per where the American Embassy should be?  Are the lives of our Jewish Brothers and Sisters living in Judea and Samaria insignificant as their homes are demolished and unable to build homes according to their natural expansion needs? Surely these measures are succussful in stunting growth and forcing young families to move elsewhere.  

We all know what happens to a once beautiful Jewish neighborhood once the kids move out and settle to the up and coming neighborhoods. 

We want to hear the Voice of Torah!  We want to hear an outcry from Agudah, Young Israel, Orthodox Union of America and Chabad International to name some.  We want the Roshei Yeshivoth to voice their disapproval of giving away Hashem's Land to a very likely enemy and to those who are not commanded to keep the Commandments. 

 If one truly wants to hear music would one give his precious violin to a museum for safekeeping?  How about giving it to someone that hates music?  Wouldn't one logically conclude that either they don't value their violin nor appreciate the music that can be produced....  It's very sad....

Time for Jews to unite on what is written in the Bible with all the Bible Believers of America. 

The 2 State Solution is a nullification of the Torah! 

Can The Trump Administration treat Judea and Samaria like just another piece of Real Estate?

The answer is NO!

This Precious Real Estate does not belong to Prime Minister Netanyahu nor President Trump nor Jason Greenblatt nor Avigdor Lieverman nor any high level advisers. We are merely Trustees of the Land.  

Can the Trustee negotiate to give away something that is not theirs to negotiate? 

This Prime Real Estate belongs to an Almighty G-d who has instructed the world as per HIS proper intentions for this Land. 

To defy G-d's Plan is to negate what is written in the Torah. It is Heresy.  IT brings curses.

This Biblical Truth,  believing that what is written in the Bible is True, believing that the Covenant between G-d and the our forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and repeated to Moses and the Nation of Israel is fundamental and true, that the Land of Israel is the Eternal Heritage and inheritance of the Jewish People is a belief system shared with Righteous Noahides  who put Trump into office.
Pastor John Hagee: Israel Key to Trump's Surge  

Is it happenstance that talk of impeaching Trump is on the rise in spite of the fact that all serious accusations against him are based on fake news? 

Fake news includes accusations against Israel that we are  "Occupiers"  of Palestinian Land.  How else does one justify the 2 State Solution.  

Israel has rights to the entire Land based on the delineated boundaries in the Bible.  In addition, Israel won rights to the territory in East Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria, fair and square in 1967 in a defensive war when Israel was attacked by all sides by her enemies.  

Would America consider giving the land it acquired in the Revolutionary War back to England?

Pushing Fake news to become the foundation of establishing a new reality, deserves Fake News in return..Yesh Din VeYesh Dayan...

This is a very bad deal!

This means Jews can not build and settle on their ancestral Homeland.
This means that Jewish lives are being placed in danger!
This weakens President Trump because Israel's enemies now know he can be intimidated.
This weakens President Trump because he is betraying the trust of his loyal base not to mention risking G-d's displeasure for going against the Bible the foundation upon which the United States of America was established by our founding fathers. 

Israpundit: Ted Belman
Israel continues to give away area C

Related Stories in Arutz7
Times of Israel
Israeli plan to double size of Qalqilya enrages settler leadersLiberman-led initiative would see 14,000 new homes for Palestinian city; Samaria council head: 'Has government… gone completely mad?'

Jerusalem Post  



The problem of UNRWA is well known among experts on the Arab-Israel conflict.



Rawabi was created by Palestinian businessman Bashar Masri. It is designed for a population of 40,000. The first batch of families, over 350, moved in this summer.

PM: I've built less in settlements than Olmert, Barak, Sharon

Speaking at Zionist Congress in Jerusalem, Netanyahu says the claim that Israel builds settlements excessively is 'a violence-aiding Palestinian lie.'


EMAIL ADDRESSES: ISRAELI MINISTERS & MK's: כתובות מייל של שרים וח"כים

The American embassy not moving to Jerusalem is unfortunately the LEAST of Israel's problems in trying to survive the Jason Greenblatt era without too much damage.

Of greatest concern by far is that Jason Greenblatt is a Palestinian state supporter.  (my comments: Jason Greenblatt helped draft the Republican platform together with David Friedman which took out the 2 State Solution from the Platform. Why would he now change his tune to become a Palestinian State Supporter.  My guess is that he like Netanyahu are going along with the narrative based on the fact that they know the Palestinians can never be a true Peace Partner. The PA jihad education and payment to terrorists are quite evident. PA leadership have in the past rejected any agreement for their own State as it requires recognition of Israel.  The Trump Administration are not so naive to believe the PA will suddenly change their tune. Trump, Greenblatt want to appear as fair negotiators now so as to give the Palestinians a chance. The PA will try their best to be deceptive.  When it is crystal clear that the Palestinians will be unable to reject jihad, recognize Israel etc. then Trump/Greenblatt will reject the Palestinians as a Peace Partner  and offer a chance to Jordan instead as per Bolton's plan.  This unfortunately will happen only after having putting down some very dangerous facts on the ground, enticements and recognition to PA giving rise to more empowerment, endangering Jewish settlements and the road in the process.. Using Jordon as an alternative to the PA is doomed from the start as well and endangers the King of Jordan not to mention settlers living in Judea and Samaria and the rest of Israel )

  Therefore, Jason is irresponsibly demanding permits for massive Palestinian building in Israel's strategic Yehuda-Shomron region which overlooks Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv and Ben-Gurion airport

Netanyahu, for his part, is weakly agreeing.  (Mattot Arim is letting Netanyahu off lightly...Netanyahu has encouraged from his end,  Trump and Greenblatt in this direction.  He has done so by being consistent in his commitment to the 2 STate Solution! Had Netanyahu and his administration assertively rejected the 2 State Solution and adopted the Levy Report, and normalized Judea and Samaria and annexed Judea and Samaria, Trump and his administration from their part very likely would have gone along)

This dangerous process resulted – just this week--  in ANOTHER 14 thousand Palestinian building approvals in the Israeli part of Yehuda-Shomron.  
This is after a previous batch of 20 thousand Palestinian buildings received a thumbs-up just 2 weeks ago!

Both men (Jason and Netanyahu) are being irresponsible; both need to hear strong protests from Israelis -- and from their friends abroad.  As you will recall, Abba Eban, Israel's iconic ambassador, always frankly warned that Israel without Yehuda-Shomron will have "Auschwitz borders".
Jason and Netanyahu are careful to remain inaccessible to the public. So, the only way for you to express your great concern (unless you know the Greenblatt family personally) is via Israeli MK's and ministers -
See email addresses above between the Hebrew and English sections of this email. Israel is a small country, so emails from the public WORK. Please forward any response you get to 
Example email (or write your own) –
Dear Israeli MKs and ministers, 34,000 Palestinian buildings  in Israeli-held Yehuda-Shomron is unfair to tiny Israel and dangerous. Jewish families should be building there – it's the only Jewish self-determination area in the world!
The Palestinians all belong to the ancient Arab nation which (unlike the Jews) has 20 spacious countries to build in. Do Jason and PM Netanyahu truly fail to understand why Palestinian building "must" take place in Yehuda-Shomron, and "must" be in Area C (the hilly region directly overlooking Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem)??
Please stop this disaster before it is too late. Sincerely, (YOUR FULL NAME)   

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In Hebrew 
אוסלו2  מבית היוצר של נתניהו  והאח ג'ייסון

תהליך "אוסלו2" של נתניהו וג'ייסון תפס תאוצה: כל כמה ימים צץ דיווח. הנה למשל בערוץ   20: 

דורי גולד, נאמנו של ראש הממשלה, חשף השבוע את  המהות של אוסלו2:
קידום מיידי  של מאמץ בינלאומי מסיבי לבנות לפלשתינים באיזור יהודה ושומרון.
ותמצאו את המלים הבאות (קבורות מתחת לרעיונות גרנדיוזיים שמהם  לא ייצא דבר):
at the outset ...promote a massive international effort for the construction of new housing

בדיעבד אפשר לראות שמטרה זו של "קידום הבנייה הערבית" דוהרת קדימה זמן רב. לא נפל לנו האסימון:

 * השבוע אושרו 14  אלף יחידות דיור  פלשתיניות ליד כפר סבא – באיזור סי  
בנט, חוטובלי ושקד מגנים. יריב לוין דורש לבחון מחדש את כל ההחלטה

* לפני פחות מחודש, אושרו 20 אלף יחידות דיור פלשתיניות באיזור סי -  ביום 21.5.17, יום לפני ביקור טראמפ

*לפני 8 חודשים – עוד אישורי בנייה לפלשתינים.
כמות האישורים הוסתרה מהציבור (עד היום) "כדי להימנע מלחצים מצד המתנחלים"!

בשנת 2014, נתניהו הסכים לאשר כביש-גישה בשטח סי - לעיר פלשתינית בת 40 אלף תושבים

כבר ב-2013, נתניהו מסר בשקט  שטח באיזור סי, בגודל של עיר שלמה, לשימוש פלשתיני
20 אלף דונם - שטח העיר כפר-סבא כולה, למשל, הוא 14 אלף דונם

לשם השוואה – נתניהו גאה בכך שהוא בנה בממוצע, כל שנה,  רק 1500 בתים לשנה למתיישבים יהודים.
נתניהו התפאר (באנגלית כדי שלא נשמע) שזה פחות ממה שבנו קודמיו (שרון, אולמרט, ואהוד ברק,7340,L-4713814,00.html

ראש מועצה-איזורית שומרון מזהיר במפורש:    
בנייה ערבית מסיבית ביהודה ושומרון  = מסירות שטחים לכל הדבר!!
השרים והח"כים יתאמצו לבלום את הסכנה רק אם יקבלו פניות רבות מהציבור (מאיתנו!).
לכן – שימרו על ילדיכם וארצכם, פנו לנבחרי הציבור. למשל:

הנדון: תהליך אוסלו2 של נתניהו-ג'ייסון משתולל, עליך לשים את האצבע שלך בסכר!

שר וח"כ יקר,

תהליך אוסלו2 דוהר קדימה. 14 אלף בתים לפלשתינים רק השבוע בשטח הישראלי של יהודה ושומרון,  20 אלף בחודש שעבר, מספר לא ידוע של בתים פלשתינים הוגנבו לאיזור הישראלי גם שנה שעברה!

ח"כ (ובוודאי שר!) ששותק  - חייב לדעת שבגללו אנו עלולים "לפספס" את יהודה ושומרון.  
תפקידך לבלום מהלך שגוי זה.

הפלשתינים שייכים לאומה הערבית שבבעלותה 20 מדינות + איזור איי + איזור בי. האם באמת אינכם מבינים את המשמעות, כשהפלשתינים דורשים לבנות ולהתפתח דווקא באיזור סי -- שחולש על ירושלים, תל-אביב ונמל-תעופה בן-גוריון?? עד מתי תימשך שתיקתך?


Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.