Friday, July 15, 2016

Shalom Pollack on Terror Attack in Nice, France. Shocked?


From: "Shalom Pollack" <>
Date: Jul 15, 2016 5:58 AM
Subject: shocked!

A truck plows into a large crowd in France.

The world is shocked.

It would have been an even bigger surprise if the driver was not Muslim. At least some things don't change.

In the  last few years Muslims have begun driving their vehicles into Jews on the streets of Israel. Cars, trucks, the list of victims pile up.

Was there shock in France when this new form of mass murder was introduced to the war between good and evil?
Wait  a minute. What good and evil? Israelis were killed. Can we be sure who is good and who is evil here?
It is the price of  the "occupation" and frustration on the part of "apartheid"....

It began with air high jackings.  As long as Israeli planes were targeted, it was not a shock that concerned the enlightened world. In fact that same world chose to bribe the terror groups and take up their"just" cause in the hope of turning their terror elsewhere, preferably against the uppity Jews who  thought they finally  had security in their own state.

When Israeli coffee shops and schools and synagogues were targeted
 by the same terrorists cuddled by Europe, led by France, it was not a shock that caused  much concern.
Our European "friends" shook their heads and offered us advice."give in". While they paid the terrorists black mailers off, we were advised to give in.

Israel would not take their advice and thus when Israel defends herself against the murderers, the Europeans  draw a moral equivalency  - at best.
It's the "settlements" VS terror. Which is worse? Mmmm...tough question. What a sad situsation . Tsk, tsk. So when "settlers are murdered in their beds, the enlightened ones explain that it is  a tragic situation brought on by the Israelis themselves.
We will not ask the silly question,"What about the unceasing terror attacks  before the "occupation" of 1967?
Why bring up old history? (As Shimon Peres says, "history is not important").

Question: Which occupation is the French guilty of, or the Belgians, British, Spanish etc..?

Well , well ,well, now it is  beginning to be shocking. Indeed.

You would think that something would be learned here by the intelligent folks of Europe. But no. They have not slowed down any of their monumental efforts to weaken Israel in it's conflict with Arab terror.
The EU proudly displays their emblem on thousands of Illegally built Arab homes in Israeli controlled territory, creating facts on the ground that impede Jewish control. This is totally illegal but Israel does not dare stand up to  our European friends.

The EU facilitates the day when Mr. Abbas, a holocaust denier and  who names streets after mass killers, will have his own state.
Never in the history has so much money and political capital been spent on the creation of a country.  (that has no historic claim or basis).
Ishmael is being joined  by Essau to put it to Jacob.

Isn't it  actually rather poetic how Europe, that has done so much to hurt Jews and it's only tiny, embattled country, is reeling from the same terror that they abetted.
Isn't it a wonder of Biblical proportions that against all logic, these traditional Jew haters flung their door wide open to the worst  barbarians. Now third generation Muslim immigrants  are unleashing death upon their kind and knave hosts. Perhaps the guests are not being treated with enough sensitivity. Stop the apartheid!

When things just do make sense, look for  a higher cause.

 Did not God state it clearly to Abraham a long time ago?,"Those who bless you I will bless. Those who curse you, I will curse."

In this week's Torah reading, God made it clear that even the great sorcerer Bilam could not curse the Jews if God wished other wise. The Bilams of Europe need to meet and reassess  - fast. It may be too late.

America, learn a lesson.
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Fwd: Daniel Greenfield's article: Exploiting Dead Cops to Promote Their Killers

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Sultan Knish" <>
Date: Jul 15, 2016 7:52 AM
Subject: Daniel Greenfield's article: Exploiting Dead Cops to Promote Their Killers
To: <>

Daniel Greenfield's article: Exploiting Dead Cops to Promote Their Killers

Link to Sultan Knish

Exploiting Dead Cops to Promote Their Killers

Posted: 14 Jul 2016 08:35 AM PDT

In Dallas, Obama mentioned the name of dead sex offender Alton Sterling more times than those of the murdered police officers whom he was pretending to memorialize. After quickly dispensing with the formalities of eulogizing the slain officers, Obama demanded that "even those who dislike the phrase 'black lives matter'" should "be able to hear the pain of Alton Sterling's family".

 Alton Sterling was a convicted sex offender, burglar and violent criminal who was shot while reaching for a gun. His family may mourn him, just as every criminal's family mourns their own, but it was obscene to class him together with five police officers who were murdered by a violent racist while doing their duty.

It is even more obscene when Obama's favorite sex offender displaces the murdered police officers.

And yet that was Obama's theme in Dallas. Murdered police officers were contrasted with dead criminals. The proper thing for Americans to do, as Obama told us, was to mourn both officers and criminals, to respect the sacrifices of the police and the anti-police accusations of #BlackLivesMatter.

Obama did not come to Dallas to mourn the murdered police officers, but to defend the ideology that took their lives. And this is what he has done from the very beginning.

Before the shootings, Obama expressed his "condolences for the families of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile" and insisted that the criminal justice system was racist. His statements and speeches after the shootings echoed the same talking points and spin complete with the claims that accusing the police of racism is "not to be against law enforcement".

"When people say 'Black Lives Matter,' that doesn't mean blue lives don't matter", he famously said.

That's true. Black Lives Matter doesn't mean that blue lives don't matter. It means that blue lives are evil. As Ta-Nehisi Coates, an author on Obama's reading list, wrote of the dead police officers who gave their lives on September 11, "They were not human to me." That's the kindest thing that the black nationalists whose cause Obama has championed have said of the police.

In a more recent article titled, "The Near Certainty of Anti-Police Violence", the MacArthur Genius Grant recipient and son of a Black Panther suggests that black resentment of police makes their murder predictable.

"Sanctimonious cries of nonviolence will not help," Coates writes. "The extent to which we are tolerant of the possibility of more Walter Scotts and Freddie Grays is the extent to which we are tolerant of the possibility of more Micah Xavier Johnsons."

It's the core black nationalist message made more palatable for liberal audiences. Underneath the word games, the attempt to treat the ideological justifications for the mass murder of police as inevitable, is the same message delivered by Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley, the #BlackLivesMatter supporter who assassinated two NYPD officers, who had posted, "They take 1 of ours…Let's take 2 of theirs". Obama's message was even more polished than Coates, but not really so very different. Coates had polished up the radical black nationalist message for liberal audiences. Obama's speechwriters shaped his for a national audience. But underneath the religiosity and praise of the police was sheer contempt.

In one of the nastily cynical moments, Obama claimed that "to honor these five outstanding officers who we lost" we would have to act on "uncomfortable" truths such as his claim that the police are racist. "Insisting we do better to root out racial bias is not an attack on cops, but an effort to live up to our highest ideals," he spun.

While the media applauded his "healing", Obama was just recycling his speeches from before the Dallas shooting. The talking points had not changed. They had only been moved around a little to exploit the police officers murdered by a #BlackLivesMatter supporter in order to promote #BlackLivesMatter.

Indeed this had always been Obama's first and foremost priority.

After the shooting, his initial response was to emphasize that the anti-police protests were "peaceful". At Dallas, in his praise of the police officers, he insisted on inserting that same description of a "peaceful" protest "in response to the killing of Alton Sterling of Baton Rouge and Philando Castile of Minnesota". The choice of words, 'killing' rather than 'death', is significant.

The "shootings in Minnesota and Baton Rouge" were equated with the murders of police officers in Dallas in a breathtaking bit of moral equivalence. Americans were encouraged to grieve for sex offender Alton Sterling and the murdered police officers at the same time. And, just in case there was any ambiguity about which side he was on, Obama warned that "we cannot simply turn away and dismiss those in peaceful protest as troublemakers or paranoid."

It was a defense of #BlackLivesMatter at a memorial for their victims.

Obama's spin was that he was calling for unity when in reality he was pushing the divisive agenda of the hate group whose rhetoric helped lead to the killings. He was not a healer, but an arsonist.

There was nothing unifying about his exploitation of a memorial service to push anti-cop messages or to call for gun control. Neither message is in any way, shape or form unifying. They are as divisive as can be.

Obama did not come to Dallas to mourn, to heal or to unify. His sole purpose was to protect his #BlackLivesMatter hate group from the consequences of its rhetoric. Americans were fed lies about peaceful protests featuring armed members of hate groups who had called for the murder of police.

#BlackLivesMatter draws its inspiration from a cop-killer. It has deliberately targeted white people in much the same fashion that Micah X. Johnson did. The only real difference between Johnson and the black nationalist hate groups frantically trying to distance themselves from him in much the same way that mosques do from the latest Islamic terrorist is that he followed through on a lot of their rhetoric.

Johnson was not trying to get a job writing Black Panther comics or making YouTube videos. He actually did the sort of thing that #BlackLivesMatter role models like Assata Shakur did. He killed police officers.

For Obama, Dallas was a bump in the black nationalist road. It was, like every Islamic terrorist attack, an unfortunate incident from which we shouldn't draw any conclusions, except perhaps that guns are bad. The goal is to redirect our attention to the next set of #BlackLivesMatter protests or the next celebrity tweeting about gun control and how mean those men with guns who aren't on their payroll are.

He did not come to Dallas to praise the dead, but to enlist them in the service of his anti-police agenda.

Not only had Obama's actions led to the murder of police officers, but he was determined to whitewash their deaths and exploit them as weapons in his war against the police.
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Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Ascending Har HaBayit in memory of Hallel-Yaffa Ariel hy'd ob"m


In the popular book Garden of Emuna, Rav Shalom Arush, (translated by Rabbi Lazer Brody) writes that there is " no Tribulation without Transgression".  

But our hearts cry out.  "What transgression is commensurate with this particular heart wrenching Tribulation?  

Her mother Rina in her euology at Hallel's funeral that Hallel"s only fault was that she was almost perfect.

Through introspection the Ariel family strongly feels that Hallel's heart that was so tragically stabbed by a vicious intruder who violated their holy abode in Kiryat Arba is symbolic of intruders now violating Hashem's Abode on Temple Mount.  They have taken it upon themselves to correct this Chillul Hashem, this desecration of Hashem's H-ly Name by inviting others to ascend Har HaBayit in a demonstration of asserting Israel's claim to this H-ly Mountain the site of our H-ly Temple. . 

In the YouTube video, Amihai Ariel also asked that the Mughrabi Gate, the only gate through which non-Muslims are allowed to ascend to the Temple Mount, now be called the Hallel Gate, in memory of his daughter. Hallel, a popular name in Israel, means "praise" and is the collective name for the psalms that were sung in the Temple service.

Hundreds Ascend Temple Mount in Moving Memorial Ceremony for Slain Teen

Rina Ariel "Our heart of our daughter was stabbed. It has something to do with the heart of the nation.  This is the heart of the Nation. It's a long story. It's not easy.. but help about it...think about to build the Beit HaMikdash...This is what we need....

Largest Jewish Group this Year Enters Temple Mount with Hallel Ariel’s Family


Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Israel Puts Palestinians on Defensive Over 'Martyrs' Fund' By MOHAMMED DARAGHMEH AND JOSEF FEDERMAN, ASSOCIATED PRESS BANI NAIM, West Bank — Jul 11, 2016. My comments


Israel Puts Palestinians on Defensive Over 'Martyrs' Fund' 

[My comments:  The money withheld from the PA should go directly to the victims and/or family members of the victims of these terror attacks. Money will not be awarded to the families of the terrorists but rather the families of the victims. This is only fair and just.  In addition, any individual that wishes to match these amounts as a charitable contribution to the victims and/or the families of the victims of terror, should be encouraged to do so, and it should be legit tax deduction approved by the IRS  and in Israel by Mas Hachnasa,  Israeli tax authorities.]


Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.