Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Tu B'Shvat Seder Material and Beautiful and Genuine Eretz Yisroel Videos in Honor of Tu B'Shvat


Aish offers wonderful material about the TuB'Shvat Seder. There are great  Tu B'shvat Menus.  Even if you never celebrated Tu B'Shvat in this manner, it's not too late to look into it (like I am doing)....

Kabbalistic Tu B'shvat Seder
On Tu B'Shvat, you can ponder a world-full of fruits for hours. From Aish

Tu B'Shvat Recipes
Creative Tu B'Shvat Recipes
With a Middle Eastern twist!

Tu B'Shvat: 7 Species Menu
Celebrate with these incredibly tasty dishes.

Beautiful Eretz Yisroel Videos

From Jewish Heritage Project:
Other genuine,  thought provoking Videos from Judea and Samaria


Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Yekutiel Ben Yaakov <>
Date: Tue, Jan 19, 2016 at 11:42 PM


The Israel dog unit I.D.U. needs immediate assistance to place more security dogs in vulnerable areas in Israel.
Please read this short message, because your involvement in this project might very well be the assistance needed now in saving many lives in Israel.
The I.D.U. operates two different types of canine units in Israel that actively daily engage in life saving service. One unit raises rescue dogs and responds in searches for missing people with SAR dogs.

The other unit raises security dogs to protect Jewish towns in Israel.

Two months ago Gennadiy Kaufman, a gardener in Hebron called us at I.D.U. and asked us to give him a trained protection dog. Gennadiy came to his first class to learn how to handle such a dog. Unfortunately we had allocated every possible security dog we had in our kennels to earlier requests for dogs. We had to put Gennadiy on hold because we did not have the funds to import more dogs at that time. Several days later, we received a message from Gennaidiy's wife to pray for Gennadiy as he was stabbed by an Arab terrorist in Hebron and he was in critical condition. Gennadiy died 3 weeks later. Gennadiy would most likely be alive today if he had a well-trained obedient and fierce security dog escorting him at his side during his work in Hebron. (see attached pic of Gennadiy).

Several days ago Dafna Meir was stabbed to death by a 15 year old Arab terrorist in her home, in front of her small children in Otniel South of Hebron. Dafna's  murderer was seen on security cameras running away and hiding in the brush outside of the yishuv. A good patrol dog could have prevented that infiltration and surely would have been able to find the terrorist while he was hiding nearby.  (see attached pic of Dafna and her husband Natan before she was brutally stabbed to death).

Two days ago, in Tekoa a pregnant woman was stabbed in a store.

Yesterday I got three more urgent calls from good Jews who are scared and who want to do something to increase the security of their families and communities. One man called from Susya, he is a member of Susya's emergency response team and also a responder for Magen Dovid Adom. He works in Hebron. He needs a dog to go with him on the calls to protect him and to help catch terrorists who might G-d forbid try and massacre people in his area. He is prepared to train twice a week with us to ready himself and the dog for service. He is prepared to pay something but does not have the type of money needed for us to immediately import a good dog ready for service. We don't have the time to start training a pup to be ready in 15 months for him.

Yesterday, we also received a call from a man in Tekoa. Last week we added to our waiting list Rav Gadi from Maaleh Zeitim on Har HaZeitim. This week we allocated one dog to Elaazar to a skilled handler there who will commence immediate patrols in the vulnerable Gush Etzyon area.
Please help us during this critical hour for Israel. Help us bring more service dogs to Israel. Help us sponsor dogs. Help us sponsor the maintenance and training of the dogs and our noble volunteers who live in our dorms and who help in the training of the dogs as well as in emergency response with the dogs.

We also need volunteers who want to do something meaningful and unique to save lives in Israel. Take a year or two off, come to Israel. Combine work with the dogs with Torah studies or with continuing your high school or academic studies. We will provide room and board. We desperately need good volunteers and funds so that we can answer the calls of the many people who are crying out for our help.

The sponsorship of a dog is approximately 5000 dollars. The maintenance of a dog and handler for a year is approximately 3600 dollars.
We can't bring Gennadiy back now, but we can - with your help, G-d willing prevent the next tragedy.

I have five dogs ready for service waiting to be shipped from Europe now. All I need is 25,000 dollars to buy and ship them over now.

Thanks, With Love of Israel,

Yekutiel (Mike)

Funds can be sent to Michllelet Magen Eretz Yisrael, POBox 6592 Jerusalem Israel (my tel 0544876709) (011972544876709).
Please forward to people who you think would be interested in getting involved with this special project.
A few brief videos that you should watch about dogs protecting Jews in Israel:

See how one Bar Mitzva boy and one Bat Mitzva girl play a role in protecting Jews in Israel with a family protection dog:

See how a dog can live with and protect a Jewish family in Israel :

A short amateur video taken by someone at one of our training exercises:

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Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Parshat Haman! Say now. Close To Dusk EST. Parshat Haman, prayer for livelihood said traditionally Tuesday of Parshat BeShalach



Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Meet the Jewish Hilltops: The Baladim - HaKol HaYehudi. Jewish Terrorists?


Meet the Jewish Hilltop Youth: The Baladim from Hakkol HaYehudi

honestly, do they look like terrorists to you? 

Actually from the video it looks like the violence is coming from the Israeli Police. Not from the Hilltop Youth...

Friday, January 15, 2016

Duma Blood Libel thoughts. Hilltop Youth - Sacrificial Lamb Parshat Bo. Judea and Samaria the real picture! Shabbat Shalom UmeVorach!


I looked on Arutz7 and I was surprised to find no articles about the Duma case today. 

 I thought to myself that my recent posts on  has made some impact.

Duma Blood Libel calling Hilltop Youth Jewish Terrorists. Yesterday Tue. Jan 12, 2015 New York Times Print Edition, Front Page blurb to article on page A9, Front cover Forward January 15, 2016

Perhaps the powers at large suddenly realized that the Diba Raah, the slanderous libel against these hilltop kids,  that they themselves have helped fuel,  has the makings of a full grown blood libel against Israel and against the Jewish People wherever they live. It can easily escalate out of control as did blood libels in the past G-d forbid!

Arutz 7 is not blameless because they published articles from right wing nationalists and politicians and Rabbi's who are credible and who "testify" that indeed there exists violent,  potential Jewish Terrorists operating in a Jewish Terrorist Network,  in these hilltop communities in Judea and Samaria.  

But it backfired.  G-d is running the show.  The leftist media, Haaretz, even the Forward,  came to the Hilltop Youth defense.  Maybe their motive was not entirely pure but their questions left gaping holes into the accusation narrative. It became clear that accusations were being made, the guilty verdict was in, in spite of no fair trial.  Who orchestrated this?  

It seems like the Establishment, the gov't, the judiciary who can easily pull strings to obscure justice. 

The Establishment, right and left, have a self interest to keep the status quo. 

Why are these kids so threatening to the establishment that they, the Establishment, would go to such lengths to persecute and prosecute?  

Possibly because there is truth and justice on the side of these supposed "Jewish Terrorists".  

Lets examine their wild, violent and terror like behavior.

For this we need some background.  Many of these hilltop youth were very young when the Expulsion of Gush Katif happened.  

Some of their family members were at Amona  

Some of their family members were victims of Arab Terror.  Probably they and their friends were the recipients of terror attacks, being  stoned, molotov cocktails, stabbings etc.  They saw that the Establishment, not only did not protect them sufficiently, but they also were biased against them.  Not only were they not sufficiently protected,  but if they tried to defend themselves they, the victims were arrested and prosecuted.  They the establishment were smug in their policies in Judea and Samaria until it hit them in Tel Aviv when the terrorist was at large, and there was public outrage to do something and they themselves felt threatened.  Then suddenly Shabak went to work against the real terrorist, for which their was real proof,  and targeted his friends and family until they finally caught and neutralized the terrorist and stopped him from further terror attacks. 

How does any sane individual deal with betrayal and the deep emotional pain of injustice?  

Well if I was a psychologist I would give this kid a big punching bag, hang a picture of whomever is causing resentment and tell the kid to just let it out on the punching bag. Hit as hard as you can.  Let it out. Cry,scream, don't keep it in because it will destroy you.

So the kid, trusting his psychologist does just that!  It helps him feel somewhat better.  It allows him to vent in a non destructive way.  But unbeknownst to the kid a camera is there filming his anger and frustration being taken out on the punching bag.  It is then used against him to show that He is the enemy.  He is the violent terrorist! 

Betrayed again by someone he trusted....Now why would the psychologist do such a thing?  Perhaps because if he took the kids allegations seriously it would incriminate the Establishment from which he himself is part and parcel, gets his livelihood,  and would force him to take on his client's case against the Establishment, to  help to correct the grievances that were committed against this kid and his family.  

This is way out of the psychologists realm, of course.  In fact, he himself might be an agent of the Establishment who has a political agenda to isolate some of the hilltop youth population and try to make them look bad so that nobody seriously investigates their own criminal actions. In addition, it is much too painful to expose and face the terrible intolerable acts perpetrated against this idealistic community who were brutally thrown out of their homes and whose livelihood and family life were almost destroyed due to some misplaced vision that peace with the Arabs comes about by painful concessions.  As if this wasn't bad enough, these battered families now had to face an empowered enemy who knows that they could get away with acts of terror, again and again without serious retribution especially when they target the communities in Judea and Samaria. 

Really addressing these grievances means that we are taking the Establishment to task for introspection and admitting guilt and feeling truly remorseful and making a serious commitment and amends not to do it again.  Basically the elements of Teshuva, repentance.

Yes, that is why these kids are extremely dangerous. 

These kids are not controlled by the establishment, financially or otherwise, and being disenchanted with the system these kids have tried to escape from their clutches as they see it and being teens they think they are omnipotent.  

They engage in civil disobedience since they have lost respect for an establishment who has committed INTOLERABLE ACTs far worse than unfair taxes, no different than the Founding Fathers of the United States of America!

How does the Establishment respond?

Lets shut up these kids once and for all.  We will incarcerate them and torture them and break their spirit!  We are powerful just like Pharaoh!  

And G-d hardened Pharaoh's heart in spite of the plagues.  

The lives of these Israelite kids became intolerable to the point where they can not take it anymore. In their distress they cry out to G-d, their only hope for salvation.  

This week we are in Parshat Bo.  The last of the Plagues...The Egyptians themselves will eventually recognize G-d and His Justice.  They will shower the Israelites with presents and sent them on their way.  Please G-d willing, may we be worthy of of the final redemption, Bimhera Beyameinu Amein!

PS.  Am I comparing Netanyahu and the Israeli Gov't and the Israeli Judiciary to the evil Pharaoh?  It surely seems that way.  But there is one major difference. These are our brothers whom we love who are doing this to us. We believe that they are like Joseph's brothers and that there is greatness among them.  We believe that like Josephs brothers they will be shamed for having misjudged and mistreated Joseph their brother and finally recognize that it is Joseph who truly loves them and  wants only the best for them, wants to feed and clothe them and protect them. Like Joseph, these kids do not want to destroy the Gov't even though their actions can be misinterpreted.  They just want the government and those who empowered and went along with their evil ways to do Teshuva.   

Hoshiva Shofteinu KeVaRishona - Please G-d return or Judges as of day of old..... S

Shabbat Shalom Umevorach  to all!


Here is news from Judea and Samaria.  A perspective of the Jewish community of Judea and Samaria, that the media does not share nor wish you to be aware of.

  • Please subscribe to Itamar News Updates.  Itamar is a community near Shchem in Samaria,  located in the inheritance portion of Joseph, near Josephs Tomb. 
Itamar News Updates Jan 15 2016

Please read the posts of Hakol HaYehudi which speaks from the perspective of the hilltop youth community. 


Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.