Wednesday, April 29, 2015

VoteTorah - THE TIME IS NOW, VOTE TODAY! VOTING ENDS TOMORROW! From Rabbi Pesach Lerner Vote Torah!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rabbi Pesach Lerner <>
Date: Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 4:05 PM

  • Wed, 29 April 2015 , 10 Iyyar, 5775   י׳ בְּאִיָּר תשע״ה

It is not every day that we can do something simple and easy that will provide tremendous short and long term benefits for Jews in Israel and worldwide. Often, our dinner-table debates have no impact, but today we can actually make a difference. BUT TIME IS SHORT – we must act before April 30!

vote-torahThe Israel based World Zionist Organization, the WZO, has a direct impact upon the way both private donations and Israeli government funding – hundreds of millions of dollars – are spent to encourage Aliyah, build new communities throughout greater Israel, and service Jews and Jewish communities in Israel and abroad.

Its decisions affect whether the shlichim sent by the Jewish Agency to communities around the world are Torah observant or not, the type of geirus-conversion encouraged by those and other representatives of Israel, the nature of the Jewish education provided to thousands in the former Soviet Union, South America, and small communities in Europe, and many other areas of critical concern. Their decisions may even affect what the Kotel looks like in the near future.

The WZO purports to represent world Jewry, with elected parties that reflect the sizes of their constituencies – similar to the parties in Israel's Knesset. It has major influence with Knesset representatives and government officials.

Voting for representatives to the next WZO Congress is now in progress; voting ends on April 30. The greater the Orthodox representation in the Congress, the greater our influence will be upon Knesset decisions affecting millions of Jews in Israel and beyond.

This is not a situation in which a large sum of money will be spent either on behalf of Torah, or on neutral activities that might or might not be beneficial. On the contrary: if the funds and influence are not used to invest in authentic Judaism and in Torah education, much of these resources will be spent trying to change Jewish tradition and the religious status quo in Israel. Will Orthodox standards be preserved, and funding for Torah endeavors maintained or increased, or will the very meaning of the word "Judaism" – and critical matters such as conversion, marriage, divorce, Shabbos and Kashrus – be watered down to the most liberal of American definitions?

Consider the battle in Israel today for the definition and future of Judaism in the Jewish state (and across the Jewish world). The previous government radically decreased support for Torah, threatened imprisonment for young men who remain in yeshiva, and endangered both authentic Jewish standards and the offices that preserve them. Much of the agitation for these changes came from liberal American movements, which claim to represent the majority of American Jews but in actuality face a lack of interest and involvement from their purported members – only 25% of American Jews are now members of their synagogues and temples, hardly the 90% they claim to represent.

It is precisely because these American movements are in decline and losing relevance that they 
have taken their fight to Israel, hoping to regain recognition and legitimacy on holy ground. They are allocating serious financial and manpower resources to acquire votes – in the words of the Reform movement itself: "a successful election... is the single most effective way for the Reform movement to influence policy and shape the society of Israel." Their statement continues:vote-torah "In short, these elections are the strongest way for U.S. Reform Jews to promote and encourage the progressive ideals... A Jewish state that holds true to the ideals of religious pluralism, the growth of Reform Judaism in Israel, women's equality in all areas of life, democracy, a solution to the ongoing conflict and so much more."

Not to be outdone, Mercaz, representing the American Conservative movement, plans to leverage a successful performance in this election to demand full recognition of conversions, marriages and divorces failing Halachic requirements, and to divert funding from shuls and yeshivos to build and support Conservative synagogues.

Millions of WZO dollars were distributed over the past several years to support the agenda of liberal American movements, and they hope to receive a still larger share of the pie this time around. This is a key moment for Orthodox participation. We, who are much more active and more honestly concerned for Torah and mitzvos, can easily match and exceed their efforts.

We are all well aware that Orthodox Jewry is much younger, expanding rapidly, and that our typical family stays active and within Orthodoxy. Yet, what is self-evident to us is unknown to the typical Israeli, the typical Member of Knesset, and even to many of those who represent the "Jewish establishment" here in America. Now is the time for the Orthodox community to step forward and show our strength and our commitment.

If and when the majority of votes in the WZO election's North American section come from the Orthodox, this will dramatically change the perception of who is American Jewry. Knesset members will recognize that the Orthodox community represents the majority of active Jews in the United States, those deeply committed to the future of Judaism and the welfare of our brethren in the Holy Land. The liberal movements are claiming members who are, sadly, disappearing from the Jewish community and losing interest in Israel.

During a recent meeting with Israel's Chief Rabbi, Rav Dovid Lau, he told me that the Torah community's turnout in this election is extremely important. I encourage you to vote for the RELIGIOUS ZIONIST slate (slate #10) to preserve Torah standards and oppose the efforts of the liberal American movements. Every one of us that does not vote gives non-Torah voices greater influence, with repercussions for our brethren in Israel and beyond.

Dialogue with your Rabbi and colleagues, with family and friends, and cast your ballot, and encourage others to cast their ballot, TODAY, for the RELIGIOUS ZIONIST slate (slate # 10) at Please see for additional information about this important election.

Your voice will not only count today, but will have ramifications in Israel, and around the world, for years to come.

Rabbi Pesach Lerner
Executive Vice President, Emeritus
National Council of Young Israel,
Co-Chairman, American Friends of 
The International Young Israel Movement, Israel Region

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

VoteTorah or VoteZOA in WZC; WZO funds Mir Yeshiva and Bais Yaakov Seminaries in Eretz Yisroel catering to Diaspora Jews. That is why you should vote even if you don't call yourself a Zionist! .


Dear Friend, Neighbor, Relative, Fellow Parent and/or Shul Member, amv"sh

The WZC or the World Zionist Congress elections are ending this Thursday.   If you don't consider yourself a Zionist but you consider yourself Shomrei Torah UMitzvoth, Yirei Shamayim, an Ohev Yisroel this email is also for you!  This vote affects Torah Hashkafa and funding for Torah education for Jews like yourself and your family members  Please read on!

If you consider yourself a Zionist than this email is definitely for you and is a reminder for you to vote in the WZC election and to send a reminder to all your contacts whom you think should vote. 

The deadline is coming up. Just a few more days. Voting closes this Thursday night April 30th midnight . Fyi the delegates are voted for every 4 years so the ramifications of these elections will continue for 4 years until the next vote.  

The WZC have 450 delegates from throughout the world,145 come from America. The Conservative Movement, the Reform Movement and the Orthodox Community are all represented.

If you are more Chareidi, "black hat" camp, or have a Chofetz Chaim Hashkafa, and  think it doesn't affect you directly, than let me ask you this.   Perhaps you or your child or a friend or a friend's child or relative attended Mir Yeshiva in Eretz Yisroel which gets funded directly from WZO or  received a scholarship for a Bais Yaakov Seminary like Bnos Sarah, that receives funding from Masa? Check out these Bais Yaakov Seminaries which are funded by Masa coming from the WZO? (search for "bais yaakov")  

 This information alone should suffice to convince you to vote and to convince others to vote. Hakoras Hatov if nothing else.

Part of the billion dollar budget that comes from WZO had been allocated to these Yeshivoth as well as other programs.  This happened because delegates within the 450 member of the WZC (World Zionist Congress) within the WZO (World Zionist Organization) appreciate the value of Torah and Jewish Education. 

This may surprise you but that is the reality.  The Vote Torah slate from America for example has 35 delegates. Some very influential members of important committees come within their ranks. 

Well I'm not a Mizrachist  nor a Religious Zionist you say.  

Let me beg you to have an open mind.  This should not be a political decision.  People may convince you it is politics and concerns helping a Zionist organization and better not to get involved.  They advise your focus to be on learning Torah, davening, being ehrlich and convince you this is nisht inzere sugia.  (not a concern of ours)

Please think logically about this argument. How is this election any different than any election.  Don't you want a Torah position to dominate politics rather than the opposite.  Our Rabbanim always encourage us to vote so that our values will be represented properly. This is no different. This vote actually does affect you directly and indirectly.   It affects the Mi hu Yehudi vote, the  Who is a Jew vote in the Knesset and it affects allocations to Jewish education which includes educational grants for Jews in the Diaspora. We all know how expensive it is to study a year in Israel.   If you do not vote, you indirectly empower those who do not share Torah values because they will get the most votes and the most funding.

 Is it any surprise that Israel politics is dominated by those without a Torah Hashkafa. if you or others like you don't take the time to vote nor appreciate why it is relevant to you who can you hold accountable that you are not represented and that they get all the benefits and funding?

 Wouldn't you want delegates who believe in Torah to carry key positions on the committees which help to decide how funds are allocated?  Surely you do.  If that is the case, doesn't it make sense to vote for a slate and for delegates who are likely to vote to allocate monies into programs and Hashkafa most to your liking?

Torah Observant Jews have demography on its side.  Torah observant Jews should have more delegates representing them because it is a truthful representation of their demography. This demography will not be represented nor reflected if they have no representation.

Let me explain how the secular "Zionist" effectively convince the Torah community, (and unfortunately the leaders fall for it),  to take less of what they truly deserve.   They convince them that being a Zionist is to be anti Torah. They convince the community to be passive by feeding on the desire to stay away from anything labeled as "Zionist" which translates to something secular and by extension treif..  

But they are fooling you and don't fall for it.  This will keep you out of the picture and they will make decisions that affect you according to their values and beliefs.

Torah Observant Jews daven 3x a day or at least try to.  We daven for Zion and cry for the Beit Hamikdash, and for Zion whose literal translation means a marker.  Hamakom (The Place) Asher Yivchar Hashem, refers to the designated spot assigned by Hashem for the Beit Hamikdash. That is the accurate and truthful definition of Zion.  It is in all of our prayers be in Shacharit, Mincha and Maariv not to mention bentching. We sing it each time the H-ly Ark, the Aron HaKodesh is opened when we read from the Torah.  "Ki Mizion Tezei Torah Udvar Hashem  MeYerushalyim".  From Zion, Torah will go Forth and the Word of G-d from Jerusalem?

By definition, as a Chareidi Torah observant Jew that makes you a Zionist even if you don't want to call yourself one or be labeled as such.  

However, like so many other truths, the lexicon, the terminology has been hijacked.  "Peace" Now stands for support of the Palestinians who speak of wiping Israel off the map.  "Human rights" council in the UN are headed and  represented by regimes known for their worse abuse of human rights, who deny freedom of religion and turn women into their slaves and deny them the freedom to safely walk the streets unaccompanied.  

Unfortunately the term Zionist has morphed into a false mental image of someone who is anti Torah. 

One who is knowledgeable in Torah knows that only in the Land of Israel, specifically Zion, the place of the H-ly Beis Hamikdash can Torah Law, truth and justice be actualized to its fullest. 

But don't we need a Sanhedrin for this to actualize? Moshiach has yet to arrive!

In answer, surely we can all agree that in order to actualize our dream of returning to Zion of thousands of years, we first must acknowledge that Zion is fundamental to Torah rather than the opposite.. 

By definition, a true Zionist is one who desires Torah and G-d's Word to spread to the 4 corners of the earth.

So don't feel that by declaring yourself a Zionist you have turned your back on Torah.  

Quite the opposite, you are representing  Torah and you are voting for Torah.  Don't let strangers, a wolf dressed in sheep clothing convince you otherwise. We must take back our Heritage and be a proud Zionist, the bearer of Torah, truth and justice.

It is for this reason Mishpacha Magazine, Rabbi Twersky active in the Agudah in Chicago and many Rabbanim have called upon their constituents to vote in this election. The importance to vote or a debate regarding the matter was written up in and Yeshiva World

I hear you say. The sponsors for slate is predominantly Dati Leumi and not Chareidi. 

in answer let us take our cue from the Talmud.  The Talmud is the perfect example that within the framework of Torah we have our differences.  Hillel and Shamai are the perfect examples. Hopefully next election we will be united around Torah and not be divided by false narratives that convince Torah Jews that to be a Zionist means to be anti Torah. 

I hope you are convinced to vote! 
There are different slates in this election which resonate with Torah Hashkafa. is obviously one of them.

The other slate is ZOA. slate and slate share Torah values. VoteTorah had 35 delegates and ZOA has had 4 to 5 delegates in the Congress. 

Here is a promotion for ZOA as well. ZOA has been a strong defender for our rights in Judea and Samaria and does important work to stop BDS which targets Jews and business in Judea and Samaria.

from ZOA:

Your Vote Matters!   The Zionist Organization of America/ZOA: DefendJews&Israel'sRights slate has the right priorities for our times:

The Zionist Organization of America/ZOA: DefendJews&Israel'sRights Slate's Number One Priority Is To Assist and Rescue Jews Endangered By Global Anti-Semitism: Your vote for the Zionist Organization of America/ZOA: DefendJews&Israel'sRights slate will help us ensure that the Jewish Agency has the priorities and resources needed to rescue and assist Jews in France, Sweden, Iran and all over the world who are in grave danger due to rising worldwide anti-Semitism. This is an absolutely critical life-saving priority now. Now is the time to focus on saving and protecting all Jewish lives.

 A Vote For The Zionist Organization of America: DefendIsrael'sRights Slate Is Also A Vote to:
  • Help Jewish Students Who Are Under Attack On College Campuses
  • Defend Undivided Jerusalem and Jewish people's rights to live in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria
  • Oppose a Fatah-Hamas terrorist state and oppose sending tax dollars to the Fatah-Hamas regime
  • Fight Against BDS (boycotts, divestment and sanctions)  
  • Expose the truth about the Arab war against Israel, and the Palestinian Authority's incitement to violence against Jews in schools, mosques, media and speeches
  • Promote Zionist and Jewish Education
  • Support freeing Jonathan Pollard

The Zionist Organization of America: DefendIsrael'sRights slate is YOUR slate - a slate of America's leading Jewish activists*, who will fight to defend Jews and Israel's Rights.  Every stream of Judaism and every Jewish ethnic group is represented in the ZionistOrganization of America/DefendJews&Israel'sRights slate.
It only takes 2 minutes of your time & $10 (only $5 if you are under age 30).

For further info: or


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Monday, April 27, 2015

Isis and Iranian Threat


  • Libya – ISIS mass murder of Christians continues

  • Op-Ed: Obama's Last Red-Line: Blockade of Iranian Weapons to Yemen 
The all-too realistic scenarios that will follow if Obama fails to set a red line for Iranian arms supply to the Houthis. Pub
lished: Sunday, April 26, 2015 7:30 AM 


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Chareidim and Rabbanim who were/are Zionists


  • "The Zionist Rabbi" whose followers abandoned him, and were killed

After the death of Rebbe of Munkatch there came a successor - young prodigy who married his daughter and led the whole community of Hungary. When war broke out, he called on his followers to leave everything and move to Israel, but they refused. In a rare step he relinquished his role as Rebbe, and predicted the  heartbreaking systematic elimination of his followers. Now the special story of the "Zionist Rabbi" who immigrated to Israel and believed that anyone who is not learning-  must fight , is made public. 

His son a judge Yair Rabinovitz tells why his father chose to leave the position of Admor

"All my life I asked him this question, upon a large number of occasions - but only close to his death, he agreed to tell me about it. He told me: 'I was the Rebbe, and I called upon Jews to go to Israel, and warned them the Nazis are coming within a short period to Hungary - and they refuse to listen to me? If I am the Rebbe, they are not supposed to question my words. Incidentally, the reaction of the Hasidim was tough. They told him, 'Rebbi, if you need money, then ask. Why are you being scary for no reason? '"

The Rebbe became a Zionist

As part of the film "Children of Hope of Munkatch", about the children of that town - Chedva Erez a girl from the town recounts: "In that year or so, Jabotinsky came to speak at Munkatch. All high school students, the Zionist students of the gymnasia gathered, and it was rumored that the young rabbi walked around there, and tried to listen to Jabotinsky's speech ". 

--  Translation with the help of google translate:

"הרבי הציוני" שחסידיו נטשו אותו, ונספו

לאחר פטירת האדמו"ר ממונקאטש, קם לו יורש - עילוי צעיר שנישא לבתו והנהיג את כל קהילת הונגריה. כשפרצה המלחמה, קרא לחסידיו לעזוב הכל ולעלות ארצה, אך הם סירבו. בצעד נדיר ויתר הרבי על האדמו"ורות, וחזה בשברון לב בחיסול השיטתי של חסידיו. עכשיו נחשף סיפורו המיוחד של "הרבי הציוני", שעלה ארצה והאמין שמי שלא לומד תורה - צריך להילחם

למה אבא בחר לעזוב את האדמו"רות?

"כל חיי שאלתי אותו את השאלה הזו, ובמספר רב של הזדמנויות - אך רק סמוך לפטירתו הוא הסכים לענות לי על כך. הוא אמר לי: 'אני הייתי הרעבע (כינוי לאדמו"ר), ואני קורא ליהודים לעלות אחרי לארץ ישראל, ומתריע בפניהם שהנאצים מגיעים תוך פרק זמן קצר להונגריה - והם מסרבים לשמוע בקולי? אם אני רעבע, לא אמורים להרהר אחר דבריי'. אגב, התגובה של החסידים לקריאתו הייתה קשה. הם אמרו לו, 'רבי, אם אתה צריך כסף, אז תבקש. למה אתה מפחיד את כולם סתם?'"

הרבי הפך לציוני

במסגרת הסרט "ילדי התקווה ממונקאטש", על ילדי העיירה ההיא - משחזרת חדווה ארז, בת העיירה: "באתה שנה בערך, הגיע זאב ז'בוטינסקי לנאום במונקאטש. כל תלמידי הגימנסיה הציונים התאספו, והשמועה אמרה שגם הרב הצעיר מסתובב שם, ומנסה להקשיב לנאום של ז'בוטינסקי".

    • The Kaliver Rebbe personally experienced Auschwitz and Mengele on his very person. He saw his relatives massacred. He was left alone. He who has devoted his life to instill the lessons of the Holocaust, testifies here about some of the horrors he had seen: "He who was there - and saw children ripped from their mother's arms and thrown into the fire - can not forget "

האדמו"ר מקאליב: "ביקשתי מאלוקים: תן לי להגיד שמע ישראל"

האדמו"ר מקאליב עבר את אושוויץ ומנגלה על בשרו. הוא ראה את קרוביו נטבחים, ונותר לבדו. מי שמקדיש את חייו להנחלת השואה, מעיד כאן על כמה מן הזוועות שראו עיניו: "מי שהיה שם - מי שהיה רואה איך הוציאו מידיים של אמא ילדים ילדות וזרקו לתוך האש - לא יכול לשכוח"

Eim HaBanim Semeicha was written by Rabbi Yisachar Shlomo Teichtal, and published in 1943. Teichtal grew up as a staunch anti-Zionist Chasid of theMunkatsher Rebbe. However, during the Holocaust, Rabbi Teichtal changed his position from the one he espoused in his youth. The physical product of that introspection is the book, Eim HaBanim Semeicha, in which he specifically -book, Rabbi Teichtal strongly criticizes the Haredim for not supporting the Zionist movement. When it was written, it was a scathing criticism of the Jewish Orthodox establishment, and Agudat Israel in particular.
He writes:
It is clear that he who prepares prior to the Sabbath will eat on the Sabbath (Avodah Zarah, 3a), and since the Haredim did not toil, they have absolutely no influence in the Land (of Israel). Those who toil and build have the influence, and they are the masters of the Land. It is, therefore, no wonder that they are in control... Now, what will the Haredim say? I do not know if they will ever be able to vindicate themselves before the heavenly court for not participating in the movement to rebuild the Land. (p. 23)


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Monday, April 20, 2015

Fwd: PART II: ACTION NEEDED NOW! Re: Iran - We Cannot Stop Our Vigilance! from Lynne and Nessim Tammam Yom Hashoah Mobilization Committee

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lynne Bursky Tammam <>
Date: Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 10:20 AM
To: "" <>, "" <>
Cc: Lynne Bursky-Tammam <>

Dear All,
There are two critical developments of which everyone should be aware:    
  • Senator Schumer stood by his statements, his words, and his promises.   Now, we have to praise him for that and encourage him to maintain his courage, his fortitude, and his commitment in the face of formidable obstacles within his own party.   Please read the article below to fully appreciate the extent of Senator Schumer's actions in response to the pressure from his constituents.  That includes every single one of you who, made a phone call, wrote an e-mail, wrote a letter, wrote an article, or who stood outside of his office!!!  
    Senator Schumer was and continues to be instrumental in getting the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act enacted as it was formulated by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.  Securing a veto-proof majority continues to be the goal.   The Senate is expected to vote on the bill imminently.   If and when a deal is presented to Congress, we will have to work tirelessly to make sure that 60 votes are secured against it IF it is a bad deal.   (This is the result of one of the amendments that was made to garner the votes needed for a veto-proof majority.)  

  • Russia is ready to complete the sale and transfer to Iran of one of the most advanced anti-missile systems in the world.    If these missiles are shipped to Iran within the next 6 months or sooner, Iran will be able to fire a single battery of missiles at multiple targets up to almost 90,000 feet!    This will make any offensive against Iran far more difficult or nearly impossible from the air.     We must encourage Congress to increase sanctions against Russia that are severe enough to discourage them from delivering to Iran one of the most advanced anti-missile defense systems in the world.  Increased economic sanctions will make it more costly for Russia to sell the missiles than to not sell them.   

1)  Call Senator Schumer at 202-224-6542 or 212-486-4430.  You can e-mail him at   You can also send a postcard to 780 Third Avenue,  Suite 2301  N.Y., N.Y. 10017  or to 322 Hart Senate Office Building   Washington, D.C. 20510 (Postcards take less time to pass through security.   You can send two postcards with two different messages.)
Sample message:  "First, and foremost, I am calling/writing to praise you for your display of courage and integrity at this historic juncture.   Your efforts to secure passage and enactment of the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act has come at a perilous time for the United States and its allies, not to mention Israel.     I and all your constituents who are terrified about the prospect of Iran having nuclear capability are confident that you will continue to garner the necessary support in Congress to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon. 
With the extremely alarming news that: 1) Iran is heavily arming terrorists in the West Bank, promising that this move will 'lead to Israel's annihilation'; 2) that Iran supplied much of Hamas's arsenal, training, and technical expertise in its recent war with Israel," 3)  that Iran has a direct presence on Israel's border with Syria and may be establishing elements of its nuclear program; and 4) that Russia is planning to transfer the S-300 advanced anti-missile defense system to Iran,  we are counting on you more than ever to fulfill your promise to be a 'shomer' for the security of Israel and the United States.    As you have stated, 'We must do everything to prevent a nuclear Iran...this issue is far too important for the United States, for Israel, and for the entire Middle East.'"    
Secondly,  the Russian sale of the S-300 missile system to Iran is of grave concern.  The most severe sanctions possible should be enacted against Russia if it intends to proceed with this sale.  This sophisticated missile system will make it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to launch any air offensive against Iran if that, G-d forbid, should be necessary."
2)  Call Senator Gillibrand at 202-224-4451 or 212-688-6262.   E-mail her at and send an e-mail to Moran Banai, her assistant for Jewish interests and foreign affairs, at     You can send a postcard to her at 780 Third Ave.  Suite 2601  New York, N.Y. 10017 or 478 Russell  Washington, D.C. 20510.
Sample message:    I am calling/writing for three reasons.   First, I am aware that you voted to reaffirm sanctions against Iran in the budget passed before the holiday recess which was of critical importance.   Sanctions are what brought Iran to the negotiating table. 
Secondly, your office stated on April 9 that you had "not decided as yet" if you would co-sponsor the bill.   Did you sign on as a to co-sponsor the Corker-Menendez bill?  We are counting on you to be on the right side of history at this extremely perilous time and vote for the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 and ensure its enactment despite all obstacles.    We are all depending on you to make sure that Congress ensures that Iran, the world's foremost leader of state-sponsored terrorism, is prevented from having nuclear weapons. 
Thirdly, the Russians' decision to transfer the S-300 sophisticated missile system to Iran, the regime that has sworn to "wipe Israel off the map," is of grave concern.  This missile system will make it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to launch any air offensive against Iran if it should become necessary.  We are asking you to fight for the most severe sanctions possible against Russia if they proceed with this sale."
3)  If Iran remains intransigent with their continued refusal to allow inspections, their insistence on continuing with nuclear weapon research and development, and their insistence on removal of all sanctions immediately, we must fight for greater and more punishing sanctions to be imposed by the United States.    Contrary to what President Obama, Secretary Kerry, Congresswoman Boxer, Greg Rosenbaum (Chairman of the National Jewish Democratic Council) , the New York Times and others have been promoting, the imposition and enforcement of the most severe sanctions is a last chance for diplomacy that will force the Iranians' hands.   The alternative, as Former Ambassador John Bolton has advocated, is military action (NYT, 3/26/15).  IRAN, THE WORLD'S FOREMOST LEADER OF STATE-SPONSORED TERRORISM, THE ROGUE NATION THAT IS SEEKING REGIONAL DOMINATION, THE NATION THAT HAS SWORN TO "ANNIHILATE ISRAEL AND WIPE IT OFF THE MAP," CANNOT BE ALLOWED TO HAVE A NUCLEAR BOMB UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. 
4) As reported in the Times (4/11/15), Stephen Bittel, a Miami-based business executive and prominent fund-raiser for  Democrats is having a huge fund-raiser for Senator Schumer in Florida later this month.  Bittel said, "Jews of every persuasion were expected" to attend.   Mr. Bittel was quoted as saying "I think that the problem is we are in the most polarized political environment in my adult life.  It's unfortunate."   IF YOU KNOW ANYONE IN FLORIDA WHO MIGHT BE ATTENDING THIS EVENT, LET THEM KNOW THAT THE PROBLEM IS THAT IRAN IS SEEKING TO "WIPE ISRAEL OFF THE MAP" AND IS ON A QUEST FOR REGIONAL DOMINATION!   ALLOWING A NUCLEAR IRAN IS NOT A MATTER OF POLITICS!   IT IS NOT A REPUBLICAN OR DEMOCRATIC ISSUE!   IT IS AN ISSUE THAT WILL HAVE GRAVE CONSEQUENCES FOR ISRAEL, THE U.S. AND THE ENTIRE WORLD.    Please send your contacts in Florida information and articles regarding alarming developments related to Iran.  

At this time of Holocaust Remembrance,  we should let all those with whom we have contact understand that NOW is the time to put into action the words "NEVER AGAIN."   Much of American Jewry in the 1930s and early 1940s did not know what was happening in Europe.  We have information!   We are informed!   We have no excuse for not acting!    In the face of the enormity of the danger of a nuclear Iran, we cannot remain silent and we are obligated to act in the memory of the millions whose voices were silenced during the Shoah.  
WE CANNOT STOP OUR VIGILANCE!   As Benjamin Netanyahu said on April 1st, "the greatest threat to our security and to our future was and remains Iran's effort to arm itself with nuclear weapons." 
Most sincerely and with prayers for the unity of the Jewish people at this dangerous time,   
Lynne Bursky-Tammam and Nessim Tammam
Chairpersons, Yom Hashoah Mobilization Committee



Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.