Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Pro Israel Journalist Tuvia Tenenbom a multilingual journalist and play-write exposes B'Tselem, Gideon Levy, Rabbi's for Human Rights. Hope he creates an Opera entitled "Catch The Jew".


(BTW B'Tselem and Rabbi's for Human Rights were allowed to march in this Year's Israel Day Parade. Protesters who now protest "The Death of Klinghoffer" also relentlessly protested these enemies of Israel marching in the Israel Day Parade. 

Please visit JCCWatch Alert! Boycott Israel Groups Marching in Celebrate Israel Parade. Groups that fund and support the boycott of Israel have been approved by the UJA-Federation to march in the Celebrate Israel Parade.)  Why do Jews like Peter Gelb of the Met and John Ruskay of UJA Federation aid our worst enemies????

The Israeli media have been buzzing about the delicious story of Tuvia Tenenbom and his expose of the shenanigans of the radical Left operating in the West Bank.  Tenenbom is a multilingual journalist and play-write. He is well known as the founder of the Jewish Theater in New York.  Passing himself off as a clueless leftist German reporter, he allowed himself to be hosted by various far-Leftist propaganda groups operating in the West Bank, supposedly "aiding" Palestinians.  He wrote his experiences up in a delightful book called "Catch the Jew," in Hebrew only for now (but in the process of being translated into English).

The findings of Tuvia Tenenbom is written up in YNET as well. 

Holocaust deniers in B'Tselem Op-ed Ynet:  Organization is not dealing with human rights, but encourages anti-Semitism. It's not about criticizing Israel's actions or about healing world; it's about Jewish support of fabricated blood libels meant to assist Hamas. So this is who UJA Federation and the JCRC allowed to march in the Israel Day Parade?????,7340,L-4565828,00.html

...B'Tselem is the main supplier of factual background material thanks to researcher Atef Abu a-Rub who is also a Holocaust denier. The man is responsible for dozens of "researches" and reports about the Israeli abuse in the territories. He is so good at his job that when foreign reporters calls B'Tselem to visit the territories, it is Abu a-Rub who is sent to serve as their tour guide and shows them the area through his eyes.

...Member of B'Tselem public council Hussein Abu Hussein described Israel as a "big monster that attacks us on a daily basis and nibbles through our flesh… we all feel like crushing its head, but just talking will not help, therefore everyone has a role. Atef Abu a-Rub has a role. He is responsible for a flowing supply of "information" to describe Israel as a monster.

Abu a-Rub's story is taken from a fascinating book called "Catch the Jew" by Tuvia Tennenbaum. Tennenbaum, a former Israeli, wrote the book to a German publishing house following a similar journey through Germany, which was depicted in his book "I Sleep in Hitler's Room" Where Tuvia posed as a German reporter and toured the realm of the "human rights kingdom". The results were terrifying.

...Tennebaum asked from B'Tselem a tour in the territories and B'tselem sent Atef Abu a-Rub who, off course, told him his 1001 Arabian Nights tales about the Jews' wrong doings.
It's important to mention that Abu a-Rub also contributes to Gideon Levy's research, so next time someone is reading this research they should know that perhaps, occasionally, they point out to things that needs fixing, but mainly they prove that this is a satanic propaganda mechanism; it is not clear whether B'Tselem and Levy planned it that way, but they sure serve as key players in it.

Tenenbaum wasn't just satisfied with one organization – he joined additional bodies and activists that together created a terrifying industry of lies. One of these organizations is "Rabbis for Human Rights" headed by Rabbi Arik Ascherman. Ascherman sent Tenenbaum with the organization's field agents who thought he was speaking only German and English, therefore spoke in Hebrew and in Arabic, two languages Tuvia is fluent in. They tried hard to provide him with evidence of Israel's atrocities, but he wasn't buying it.




Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Klinghoffer Mock Playbill and ZOA Insert Why Death of Klinghoffer" is a Moral Atrocity


KLINGHOFFER OPERA PLAYBILL C PDF version Oct 24 2014.pd (2 pages)

ZOA:  Why “Death of Klinghoffer” Is A Moral Atrocity

Mock Playbill (Page1)

New York Times: Opinion Letters to the Editor:
    • JUDEA PEARL (Father of victim of terror Daniel Pearl)
      President, Daniel Pearl Foundation
      Los Angeles, Sept. 21, 2014
Executive Director
American Jewish Committee
New York, Sept. 20, 2014

Mock Playbill (Page2)

John Adams, the composer, has stated that he wished to explore the "humanity" (?) of the terrorists.

The Real Cast of Characters

Grand Mufti, Haj Mohammed Effendi Amin el-Husseini (Haj Amin), incited anti-Jewish pogroms in Jerusalem, Hebron, and elsewhere in Israel in the 1920s-1930s, in which thousands of Jews were murdered and thousands of Jews were forcibly expelled from their homes. Haj Amin was an advisor to Hitler and spent WW II in Germany as his guest and advisor. He helped to exterminate Yugoslavian Jews and planned to establish death camps for Jews if his Nazi allies obtained control of the Middle East. Amin is known as the "father" of Palestinian Arab terrorism whose murderous "example" led to attacks such as the Achille Lauro hijacking.

Yasser Arafat, born in Egypt, was a nephew of Grand Mufti Haj Amin. Arafat founded the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). "Chairman" Arafat was the leader of the PLO when the Palestine Liberation Front (PLF) branch of the PLO hijacked the Achille Lauro and murdered Leon Klinghoffer.

Mahmoud Abbas (a/k/a Abu Mazen) (1935 - ), born in Safed, assisted Arafat in his terrorist actions. He received his Ph.D. from Patrice Lumumba University in Moscow. His thesis, based on a falsehood, was titled "The Other Side: the Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism. Abbas, now the "moderate" President of the Palestinian Authority, heads the Fatah Party which recently formed an alliance with the terrorist organization, Hamas.

Muhammad Zaidan a/k/a Abu Abbas (1948-2004), born in Syria, masterminded the Achille Lauro hijacking, was a founder of the PLF, was elected to the PLO Executive Committee of the PLO and planned numerous terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians during the 1970s, 80s, and 90s. After the hijacking, Italy sentenced him in absentia to life in prison. Abbas served as a conduit for Saddam Hussein's payments to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers ($25,000 for every Jewish person killed). He died while in U.S. custody in Iraq.

Youssef Majed al-Molq ("Molqi" in the opera), the lead terrorist, was convicted of killing Leon Klinghoffer and sentenced in Italy to 30 years in prison. He escaped in 1996 while on a 12-day furlough, was recaptured, sent back to prison, and was released in 2009. Mahmoud Abbas is believed to have been instrumental in his release.

Bassam al-Asker a/k/a Abu Mustafa ("Mahmoud" in the opera) was a terrorist and a founder of the PLF. He was tried and convicted for his role in the hijacking and was granted parole in 1991. According to the Lebanese Daily Star, he fled to Iraq where he spent 14 years training Palestinian Arab militiamen to fight alongside Iraqi rebels against the U.S. Army.

Ahmad Marrouf al-Assadi ("Omar" in the opera), the youngest terrorist, was sentenced to four years in prison and fined $1,000 because he turned state's evidence. For this, he was threatened with death by the others during the trial. He became known to Spanish authorities during the trial of Monzer al-Kassar, whom the Spanish government indicted for providing arms to terrorists.

Ibrahim Fatayer Abdelatif (" Rambo" in the opera), a terrorist who was born in Lebanon and was 20 years old when he committed the hijacking, was sentenced to 30 years' imprisonment and served 20. His fate is unknown.

Leon Klinghoffer was a 69-year-old retired Jewish American who served in the U.S. Army. Mr. Klinghoffer came from humble beginnings on New York's Lower East Side. Through hard work and creativity, he became an appliance manufacturer. After a stroke, he became paralyzed on his right side and was confined to a wheelchair. He and his wife were planning to celebrate their 36th wedding anniversary aboard the Achille Lauro when terrorists murdered him.

Marilyn Klinghoffer, Leon Klinghoffer's wife and mother to their two daughters, was a personnel manager for a business and trade magazine publisher. At the time of the hijacking, she had terminal cancer and passed away only five months later at the age of 58. She did not witness the shooting and was told by the hijackers that he had been moved to the infirmary. She learned the truth after the terrorists left the ship.

On October 7, 1985, four PLF terrorists hijacked the Achille Lauro off Egypt's coast. Holding the passengers and crew hostage, they directed the vessel to sail to Syria, and demanded the release of 50 terrorists who were then in Israeli prisons, one of whom was the notorious murderer, Samir Kuntar.

On October 8, after the Syrian government refused the hijackers permission to dock, the hijackers selected for execution, Leon Klinghoffer, a wheelchair-bound Jewish American passenger, and shot him in the forehead and chest. They forced the ship's barber and a waiter to dump his body and wheelchair overboard. At the time, PLO Foreign Secretary Farouq Qaddumi denied that the hijackers were responsible for the murder and suggested that Marilyn Klinghoffer had killed her husband for insurance money.

Samir Kuntar (born in Lebanon), the release of whom was the main goal of the Achille Lauro hijacking, was imprisoned in Israel for one of the most brutal terror attacks recorded in Israeli history. The date of the terror attack, April 22, 1979, followed the ratification of the Camp David Peace Accords by the Israeli Knesset. Kuntar led PLF terrorists, Abdel Majeed Aslan, Muhanna Salim Al-Muayyad, and Ahmad Al-Abras from Southern Lebanon into Northern Israel by sea.

The goal of the operation was to kill civilians in the city of Nahariya. They first killed a policeman, Eliyahu Shahar. The terrorists then entered a residential building and invaded the apartment of the Haran family. They took 31- year -old Danny Haran hostage and slaughtered him along with his four- year-old daughter, Einat. Kuntar smashed the little girl's head on a rock with his rifle.

Danny's wife, Smadar Haran, managed to hide in a crawl space above the bedroom with her two- year- old daughter, Yael, and a neighbor. Tragically, Yael was suffocated as her mother sought to prevent her from making noise as they hid from Kuntar. Several years later, Abu Abbas masterminded the hijacking of the Achille Lauro, demanding that Israel release Kuntar along with 49 other terrorists.

On July 16, 2008, Hezbollah exchanged the remains of two kidnapped Israeli soldiers, Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev, for Kuntar and four other prisoners. Kuntar is hailed as a hero by Hezbollah leader, Hassan Nasrallah, and is now organizing a Hezbollah terror cell on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights.

Please tell the General Manager at the Met that:
The Opera is no place for propaganda masquerading as art.
(212) 799-3100 ext. 2840 (or e-mail

(Insert is Excerpt from a statement written by Morton Klein, President of the Zionist Organization of America, June 13, 2014)              

Writes Morton Klein,
   "The Hebrew words for art and artist, 'ooman' and 'oomanoot' related to the concept of truth.  The words have the same root as 'Amen'—which means 'let this prayer be true.'  Art should be truthful.  It should not be used to spread anti-Semitic falsehoods which incite more hatred of Jews in an era in which innocent Jews are frequently being violently attacked.
    If an opera attempted to justify the lynching or murder of an innocent black, gay, or Hispanic man with false stories about blacks, gay people, or Hispanics, the Met would never dream of staging such a racist or bigoted opera. Maligned Jews deserve the same consideration that the Met would give to any other group.
   'The Death of Klinghoffer' is particularly dangerous at this juncture.   We are living in perilous times.  Jews and Christians are being targeted and attacked throughout the world.   The growth in anti-Semitism has been particularly explosive..  In New York City, physical attacks on Jews tripled last year.  'Knockout game' attacks specifically target Jewish children and elderly Jews in Brooklyn.  This past April, on the eve of Passover, a gunman attacked a Jewish Center and a Jewish retirement home in Overland Park, Kansas.  Although his intent was to kill Jews, all the victims were Christian.  
    In this increasingly perilous environment, one would hope that America's great cultural institutions would at the very least 'do no harm.'  Unfortunately, however, the Metropolitan Opera's eight planned prime time performances of the 'The Death of Klinghoffer,' which maligns Israel and justifies the murder of innocent Jews, is certain to add fuel to the raging fires of racist Jew hatred."
Just recently:
On August 9, 2014 in Miami, Rabbi Joseph Raksin was murdered while walking to the synagogue in the morning on the Sabbath.
On August 19, 2014 in Brooklyn, a group of teenagers beat a 9-year-old Jewish boy in an unprovoked attack.
On August 26, 2014 in Manhattan, a young Jewish couple was attacked on E. 63rd St. and 2nd Ave.
On September 7, 2014 in Brooklyn, a Jewish father and his 5- year- old son were attacked as they walked together to the young boy's school.
On October 13, 2014 in Brooklyn, a group of approximately 75 young men rampaged through and "trashed" a kosher grocery store, assaulting one of the employees.  
On October 15, 2014 in Brooklyn, a 12-year-old Jewish girl was attacked as she  walked home from the grocery store.

Visit for factual and reliable information about the Arab-Israeli conflict

"The opera 'The Death of Klinghoffer' opens by purveying a lie that has incited anti-Semitism and attacks on Israel for the past six decades since its rebirth.  The opera's opening caption is 'May 15, 1948, the day after Israel's creation.'  In fact, the Jews have lived in Israel for thousands of years.  That day was the day of the establishment of the State of Israel with sovereign borders.
    The opening libretto contains defamatory falsehoods which malign Israel and the Jewish People.  Jews did not drive Arabs from Israel or raze Arab homes in 1948.   Instead, Jewish leaders begged the Arabs to remain in their homes and to live together in peace.  Reports from the British headquarters in Haifa, Israel, at the time, confirmed:   'Every effort is being made by the Jews to persuade the Arab populace to stay and carry on with their normal lives, to get their shops and their businesses open and to be assured that their lives and interests will be safe.'
    In fact, the 'Arab refugee problem' was created by the Arab High Committee (AHC) and the leaders of seven neighboring Arab states (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen).   In 1948, the Arab leaders urged Arab civilians to temporarily leave Israeli areas so that the invading Arab nations' war to annihilate Israel's Jews could proceed unencumbered by a local Arab civilian population.    For example, Iraq's Prime Minister Nuri Said declared: 'We will smash the country [Israel] with our guns and obliterate every place the Jews seek shelter in.   The Arabs should conduct their wives and children to safe areas until the fighting has died down.'
    It was well known at the time that Arab leaders were responsible for Arab departures from Israel.  The Economist reported on Oct. 2, 1948: 'There is but little doubt that the most potent of the factors [resulting in most Arabs leaving Haifa] were the announcements made over the air by the Higher Arab Executive, urging the Arabs to quit….It was clearly intimated that those Arabs who remained in Haifa and accepted Jewish protection would be regarded as renegades.'
(For numerous other reports demonstrating the Arab leaders' responsibility for creating Arab refugees and related contemporaneous events, see the well-documented book, Batttleground, pp. 12-37)
    If seven Arab nations had not invaded the fledgling State of Israel in 1948 in an attempt to murder all its Jewish citizens and destroy the State of Israel, there would never have been a single Arab refugee.  The Arabs alone created the problem.   In addition, at Arab leaders' request, Britain helped with the voluntary Arab evacuation, providing trucks for a relatively orderly process.  The Arab departures bore no resemblance to the falsified scenes and lyrics in 'Death of Klinghoffer' depicting Arabs fleeing for their lives from allegedly brutal Israelis.   
    Another lie promulgated by the opera occurs immediately after the opening scene is contained in the caption of the next scene: '1985: 3.7 million Palestinians in Exile.'  In fact, a detailed analysis of before-and –after Arab demographic data, by Dr. Walter Pinner, revealed that the number of legitimate Arab refugees was 367,000 as of 1966 – less than one-tenth of the ultra-magnified propaganda numbers in 'The Death of Klinghoffer.'  Moreover, even inflated British Arab population data was very close to Dr. Pinner's numbers.
Moreover, by contrast to the fewer than 400,000 self-exiled Arab refugees, approximately one million Jews were forced to flee their homes in Arab lands by Arab anti-Semitic pogroms and decrees during the same time period."


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Klinghoffer Protest Rally at Met Opera Oct 29 at 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM In front of Lincoln Center West 64 Street and Broadway

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: JCCWatch <>
Date: Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 6:08 PM
Subject: Klinghoffer Protest Rally at Met Opera Oct 29 at 5:30 PM
To: Robin Ticker <>

Met Opera Protest Rally
Wednesday Oct 29 at 5:30 to 7:30 PM
In front of Lincoln Center
West 64 Street and Broadway

NY Daily News Article: Klinghoffer Opera " Scenes of the Crime"

Anti-Israel propaganda set to music. After the opening night of "The Death of Klinghoffer," Metropolitan Opera head Peter Gelb asserted that protests were driven by propaganda, because many of his critics had never seen the work.

We had found Gelb guilty of staging a show whose anti-Israel prejudice bleeds into anti-Semitism. Our judgment was based on reading the libretto and viewing videos. For fuller perspective, we bought a ticket.

Review: Gelb's production was worse than we had imagined.

The sets and staging confirmed that composer John Adams, librettist Alice Goodman and director Tom Morris had far more in mind than a meditation on the murder in 1985 of New Yorker Leon Klinghoffer by Palestinian terrorists who hijacked the Achille Lauro cruise ship.
Following a stroke, the elderly Klinghoffer got around in a wheelchair. The terrorists singled him out for being Jewish, shot him and dumped him overboard.

Rather than depict a clash of good and evil, the opera finds understanding for the killing in Israel's relationship with the Palestinians. It strives to explain the terrorists' actions as rooted in the Jewish state's alleged sins, starting with the country's establishment in 1948.

In the Met's showing, the creative team also perverted history in ways that only an audience member can see.

The opening scene called "The Chorus of Exiled Palestinians" characterizes early Israelis as brutally driving Palestinians from a land of sweetness and light. The events play out in front of years projected onto a screen: 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973, 1978, 1982, 1985, 1992, 1995, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2011, 2014.

A Met spokesperson said the chronology showed "significant dates in the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict chosen to represent the passage of years between 1948 and 2014."

While the first six mark Arab-Israeli wars, it's unclear what the rest reflect. Left out were 1977 (Egyptian President Anwar Sadat's visit to Jerusalem), 1979 (the Egypt-Israel peace treaty), 1993 (the Israel-Palestine Liberation Organization Oslo accords), 1994 (treaty between Israel and Jordan), 2001 (start of Yasser Arafat's Second Intifada whose suicide bombers killed hundreds of Israelis), 2005 (Israel's withdrawal from Gaza). And so on.

By bringing the cavalcade up to the moment — covering the 29 years since Klinghoffer's murder — the production places the onus on Israel for the Palestinians' modern-day terrorism.

Strengthening the grotesque accusation, the show dresses the Palestinians in black, has the players wave green banners resembling the Hamas flag and places the cast in front of a replica of the security barrier that Israel began erecting in 2002 in response to the suicide bombings — 17 years after Klinghoffer's murder.

So, yes, Mr. Gelb, we saw "The Death of Klinghoffer" for the screed that it is. Outside, looking back through the Met's tall windows, we saw a memorial to another Jew who died in 1985, the great artist Marc Chagall, whose giant, exuberant murals face out on the Lincoln Center plaza.
For shame, for shame, we thought.

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Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 



Top Jewish Leader Hier Calls on Obama to 'Name, Apologize for and Repudiate' Anonymous Official Who Called Israeli PM Netanyahu 'Chickens##t'
OCTOBER 28, 2014 8:03 PM

My Comments:

The time has come for Netanyahu, backed by a strong Rabbinic endorsement to speak out for Israel's Biblical Birthright of all of Israel including Judea, Samaria and Temple Mount.  

Then he as the leader of the Jewish Nation, living in the Sovereign Land of Israel, will definitely prove to the World that he is not "chickenshit"! 

Allow me to explain:

Jews observing the Shemittah as described in the Torah Parshat Behar, demonstrates that we understand that the Land belongs to Hashem as it says Ki Li Kol Haaretz, that Hashem owns the Land. 

 Hashem chooses to whom He wishes to give the Land.  (1st Rashi Breishis).  "Proclaiming Truths in Face of Lies"
 In Hebrew:  להשמיע את האמת מול השקר

Maybe with calling Netanyahu "chickens##t", Hashem is telling Netanyahu not to continue the false narrative of the "Peace Process" and the Two State Solution.  Netanyahu is being "chicken" by not proclaiming truth in the face of lies.

 Netanyahu knows fully well that Abbas and Fatah have no legitimate claim to any part of Israel, and have a terrorist mentality whose agenda is to ultimately destroy Israel.  Surely their joint Hamas/Palestinian unity gov't has made it crystal clear that they have terrorist ideology linked to Hitler and Nazi Germany.  

Netanyahu is afraid of world opinion. He is afraid of American backlash especially the White House and State Dept.  Who can blame him?  

 "Chickens##t" is actually an appropriate reference to  the Peace Process and the Two State Solution" which Netanyahu has yet to denounce.

Hashem Oz LeAmo Yiten, Hashem Yevarech es Amo Bashalom! May Hashem give courage to His people and Bless His people with peace.-- 

Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Monday, October 27, 2014

Fwd: From Israe Arlene Kushnerl: Jewish Voices on Campus, must see very scary you tube, ... What we have on our hands is a war with radical Islamists, who are now focused on Jerusalem, something that must be dealt with, as Naftali Bennett put it, “with an iron fist”. You don't like it? Tough


Very Scary!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Arlene Kushner <>
Date: Sun, Oct 26, 2014 at 3:25 PM

October 26, 2014

The word "tough" has different meanings, and I am actually using it in more than one sense in this posting.  The first meaning – difficult to deal with – applies to the video directly below.  From "Jewish Voices on Campus," it is exceedingly important and I ask you all to take the time to see it:
A message of hate bred on the tongues of terrorists now poison our college campuses today and it's up to us, the Jews, the Christians, the Muslims to stand up for peace; it up the us, the students in pursuit of the freedom of education to push back and stop these radical, hate-driven organizations. Stop violence. Stop bigotry. Stop anti-Semitism. 
(Thanks to those readers who sent this to me.)
The second meaning I want to apply is slang, as in "You don't like it? Tough." 
Orwa Abd El-Wahab Hammad, from the village of Silwad near Ramallah, was killed by the IDF on Friday.  Arab sources said he was 14, the IDF says he was 17.  Born in America, he has lived in Arab villages in Samaria since he was a small boy.  He was shot because he was about to throw a Molotov cocktail into on-coming traffic on Highway 60.  A Molotov cocktail is a home-made incendiary device, serving as a fire bomb, that can set its target on fire. Thrown at a car, it could be lethal and might cause multiple deaths.
Explained an IDF spokesman: "The forces fired immediately to neutralize the danger...."
Now, partly because of this, we've got rioting by Arabs in certain parts of eastern Jerusalem for the third consecutive day.  These riots have been encouraged by Hamas

official Mahmoud Al-Zahar, who has told Palestinian Arabs in eastern Jerusalem to rise up against Israel and continue "resisting."

"The escalation [of violence] in the city is the solution to 'Israeli aggression.'"

A Palestinian protester burns a tire during clashes with Israeli security officers in the Issawiya district of Arab east Jerusalem on October 24, 2014. (Photo credit: AFP / AHMAD GHARABLI)

Credit: AFP / Ahmad Gharabli

See critical information below about Hamas involvement in this situation.


Now, it's not Israeli officials saying "tough," it's me. They are too diplomatic. But I am expressing a forthright and honest sentiment.  Not a single iota of regret.  No way. The Arabs don't like it that one of their youth was shot?  If he had not been attempting to create chaos and danger for Jews driving in nearby cars, he would still be alive.
As it happens, the death of this boy is not the only reason for the rioting. The crowds are also "agitated" about the death of Abdel Rahman Al-Shaludi, the terrorist who killed baby Chaya Zissel Braun when he ran his car into a crowd at the Light Rail station. 
He was shot by a security officer at the scene and died some hours later. There are – I would say "incredibly," except that this seems par for the course – claims by Arab sources that what happened was merely a "traffic accident" and that there was no reason to shoot him.
His funeral was supposed to be today, and when a terrorist is being buried that always stirs up the crowds. As I write I am not sure whether he was buried, or will be in the remaining hours of the day.  Israeli officials sought to delay the funeral, and then to limit the size of the crowd.
I call your attention here to a critically important piece, written by Pinchas Inbari – who is an Arabic speaking Israeli journalist and exceedingly knowledgeable – for the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs.  "The Role of Hamas and Fatah in the Jerusalem Disturbances."
What is going on here in Jerusalem is not simply a matter of local Arabs expressing "distress."  What we have on our hands is a war with radical Islamists, who are now focused on Jerusalem. And so, we are back to my first definition of "tough,' as something difficult to deal with.  But something that must be dealt with, as Naftali Bennett put it, "with an iron fist" (all emphasis added):
"The deterioration of the security situation in Jerusalem cannot be understood only on the Israeli-Palestinian level; it is umbillically connected to the chaos in the Middle East and to the great struggle between the moderate Sunni regimes and the Muslim Brotherhood, which seeks to make the Jerusalem issue a rallying cry of the 'Arab Storm.'  The Brotherhood's strategy hopes to unite all of the regions Islamic movements around the idea of the Muslim Caliphate with the Al-Aqsa Mosque [on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem] as its hub."
Inbari documents the "call of the Muslim faithful" to liberate the Mosque in a variety of contexts, both with regard to Hamas and Fatah.  He says:
"On the issue of funding Fatah activity in Jerusalem, eyes are turned to Qatar, the great financier of all the movements that are undermining regional stability, including in Israel.  The large sums evidently being used by the websites of Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood to wage the Jerusalem campaign indicate that much Qatari money has already flowed their way, and Fatah is now waiting in line.
"Fatah's very weak standing in the Al-Aqsa compound was apparent in the attack – wild to the point of life-endangering – on Palestinian religious affairs minister Mahmoud al-Habash when he visited the Al-Aqsa Mosque at the end of June this year.  His attackers were Hamas and Hizbat-ut-Tahrir men, and the Palestinian Authority's security forces had a very hard time rescuing him.  The joint attack also conveyed a message that these two movement, which have struggled over hegemony on the Mount, have reconciled and are now acting in unison.
"Yet everyone is competing for Qatar money – a fact that only spurs local groups towards greater levels of violence. Fatah's joining of the Al-Aqsa campaign as a wagon hitched to fundamentalist Qatar may well herald a take-over of Ramallah by the radical Islamic movements – unless the Palestinian Authority regains its bearings in time."
Scary as hell, my friends, and I will continue to report on this.
Today it was not only police that were out in large numbers to quell the violence, but other security forces as well. Whatever it takes.
Israeli security officers run during clashes with Palestinian protesters in East Jerusalem on October 24, 2014 (Photo credit: Ahmad Gharabli/AFP)
Credit: AFP / Ahmad Gharabli
Please do know that, as horrific as it is, all of Jerusalem is not in turmoil.  I live in the city, in a western neighborhood, and everything is entirely peaceful.  The violence is occurring in certain Arab neighborhoods in eastern Jerusalem and in certain parts of Jewish neighborhoods past the Green Line that abut Arab neighborhoods, and at key points such at the Mount of Olives and the Temple Mount.
A major point here:
The US is on the wrong side with regard to this entire matter. Not surprising, but exceedingly distressing. 
There is, first, the growing relationship of the Obama administration with Qatar, the major funder of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Then there is what we are seeing in terms of State Department positions in response to what is going on here.  Last week I expressed great anger at the statement, after the Al-Shaludi attack, that, "We urge all sides to maintain calm and avoid escalating tensions in the wake of this incident."  Instead of expressing concern for the Israeli populace and standing with Israeli attempts to protect those citizens. "Morally blind by design," I wrote. And indeed this is true.
Now we have the latest press statement from Jen Psaki:
"The United States expresses its deepest condolences to the family of a U.S. citizen minor who was killed by the Israeli Defense Forces during clashes in Silwad on October 24.  Officials from the U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem are in contact with the family and are providing all appropriate consular assistance. We call for a speedy and transparent investigation, and will remain closely engaged with the local authorities, who have the lead on this investigation.  We continue to urge all parties to help restore calm and avoid escalating tensions in the wake of the tragic recent incidents in Jerusalem and the West Bank."
As commentator Yisrael Medad has pointed out, the term "clashes" is severely misleading.  There were no clashes. There was an Arab youth threatening Jews, who had to be stopped.
Aaron Lerner, director of IMRA, minced no words in his description of the State Department statement, beginning with his title, "US declines to indicate if opposes murdering drivers with Molotov cocktails in State Department statement":
Question: Why wasn't State Department Spokesperson Jen Psaki able to come up with a formula in the wording of the indicate that the United States of America does not condone, under any circumstances, the throwing of firebombs?"
Indeed!  It is apparent to me, and I am reasonably certain Lerner intends to suggest the same, that it is not that Psaki was unable to come up with the wording, but chose not to.
I will mention here – and return to this – that when Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon was in the US recently, it has now been revealed, he was denied access to certain key officials with whom he wished to speak.
© Arlene Kushner. This material is produced by Arlene Kushner, functioning as an independent journalist. Permission is granted for it to be reproduced only with proper attribution. 
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Robin Ticker
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