Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Lmaan Zion lo Echesheh


The following is a response to Hakhel's message (see below).

Again, beautiful in words but empty in action. Like the Emperor's garments. Your Torah is dressed in the most beautiful of finery and the most eloquent Divrei Torah. Yet where is a united proclamation that Eretz Yisroel is the Inheritance of Am Yisroel? The Promised Land was promised to our Patriarchs starting with Avraham as an inheritance for their seed as an eternal possession. Doesn't eternal include the present? Aren't Jews all over the world and Israel their seed? If there was a true Tzipisi Leyeshua, these words would replace the words of your Divrei Torah. The Convergence Plan and Roadmap are against the Torah. A child of 5 knows the first Rashi of Breishis. Yet the Gedoilim have been silent.

The Children will speak the truth and the Leaders will be embarrassed. It's even worse. The chait of the Miraglim was akin to idolotry. They didn't merit Olam Haba. They perished immediately for misguiding the hundreds of thousands of their followers. The rest of the Nation were allowed a gradual punishment. In fact, those that sat in meetings, many members of the Sanhedrin joined with Korach and they perished. These are two blatant examples where the Leaders were wrong and were punished severely.

Let me add that Gedoilim alone is a bathroom word. Without Torah, Gedoilim Batorah are simply Gedoilim.

These are words of harshness. Yet, it is not nearly as harsh as the Chillul Hashem that is as a result of the Silence. Is the Admor M'Gur, Rav Shteinman, Rav Kanievsky, Rav Eliashiv, Rav Kamenetsky of the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation speaking out? Are their Shamashim even allowing them too or updating them on current events? Is this lack of Emunas Chachamim? Or is it simply exposure of an Avoda Zara that has pervaded Orthodox Jewry. To put our blind trust in people who are simply human beings rather than in believing in Toras Moshe MeSinai and really believing in the fundamental Truth that has been repeated hundreds of times in the Torah that Eretz Yisroel is our Inheritance and we are obligated to keep the Mitzvoth. The second Dibra of the 10 Commandments is that we shouldn't have other Gods. If only these Gedoilim would make this Kol Korei that Eretz Yisroel is the Divine Ordained Land for Am Yisroel the Seed of the Patriarchs, exclusively, and that the Convergence Plan and Unilateral Withdrawal and the Roadmap are all a contradiction to the Torah. If only they would say please voice a protest by calling the White House or sending an email or supporting the March of the Youth (Separate marching for boys and for girls) over the Land of Eretz Yisroel fulfilling Kum Hishalech command to Avraham Avinu and to future generations.. These youth are acting on their love and yearning for the Land. Why not admit it? If only they would speak out and end the Silence as is the group L'Maan Zion Lo Echesha, then hundreds of thousands of people would follow their lead. The expulsions would be stopped in its tracks. The Chillul Hashem would end.

The Miraglim were Tzadikim before the Chait Hamiraglim. Let this generation be the rectifiers of this Chait. Let individual Gedoilim Batorah stand up and collectively take a claim to Our Land. Let the Chofetz Chaim Foundation be Metaken the root of Lashon Hara this Tisha Baav which stems from Chait Miraglim. Or will it simply not be on the Agenda? Please Hashem, let my words prove to be false. I wish to be proven wrong because I know how desperately we need our Gedoilim Batorah.


Robin Ticker

Hakhel Email Community Awareness Bulletin-One of Only Six


One of the six questions a person is asked after his 120 year stay in this world is "Tzipisa Li'Yeshua"--did you sincerely await the Redemption (Shabbos 31A)? Indeed, the Rambam writes in the 12th Foundation of Faith that we must await Moshiach every single day. Further, as we all know, in the 15th brocha of Shemone Esrei we all plead "...for your salvation we hope every day."

We asked HaRav Yisroel Belsky, Shlita, for the Makor, for the source, in Torah that we must wait for this fundamental principle. HaRav Belsky, Shlita suggested two possible sources. First, the Pasuk in Beraishis(49:18): "LiShuasecha Kivisi Hashem"--for your Redemption I wait Hashem. It is well known that the Brisker Rav Z'tl could recite this Pasuk several times during any given day. Various explanations may be given for his practice. We suggest that perhaps he was careful to constantly remind himself throughout the day to await redemption--by reciting its Makor in the Torah. Moreover, it is interesting to note that the nusach of the 15th bracha of Shemone Esrei seems to indicate that our longing for redemption should go on throughout the day ("KOL HAYOM"), and not necessarily be limited to our thrice daily recitation in Shemone Esrei. Although the Avudraham and Radak in Tehillem seem to learn that "KOL HAYOM" simply means ever day and not throughout the day, it is conceivable that the Brisker Rav felt that the literal translation of the words "KOL HAYOM" mean that one has to await Moshiach throughout the day, and not necessarily at a formal or fixed time.

The second possible source for this fundamental principle of our faith suggested by HaRav Belsky, Shlita,is the Pasuk in Chabakuk (2:3) "Im Yismahmeah Chakeh Lo"--if he be delayed await him-- which is the phrase utilized by the Rambam in the Ani Maamin mentioned earlier. For further explanation on the meaning of this Pasuk, see the Malbim there.

Now that we have identified Torah sources for our longing, WHY is it that we are to long in this way? HaRav Belsky, Shlita, explains: "The main reason is that no one should come to terms with a world that is devoid of Kedusha, Chochma and Gilui Shechina and a host of other attributes." HaRav Belsky, Shlita, referred us further to the words of the Rambam which immediately precede the 13 Foundations of Faith ,which are presented by the Rambam in his Introduction to the 11th Perek of Sanhedrin. There, the Rambam writes that we strive for the times of Moshiach not for the resulting glory, grandeur or riches, but rather for man's resulting advancements in wisdom, proper conduct and closeness to Hashem... so that at long last our hearts of stone are replaced with hearts of inspired and sincere, truly righteous behavior, from young to old.

Is this not worth thinking about more than in a flashing moment or two in the course of a day beset by the problems, or at least issues, of this world?

We are about to enter the heart of Tammuz. We must recognize that the times and dates in the past which have been so extremely unpleasant for us and our people could provide just the opposite experience for us. Have you thought about what would have happened on the 17th of Tammuz had B'nei Yisroel not made the Eigel--we would have forever possessed the unbroken, original first set of Luchos!

Similarly, if the spies would have come back with the right report on Tisha B'Av, it could have been a day of rejoicing--and not crying----all these years! These days are days of happening. Let us break away from the estrangement and void that we have brought upon ourselves--and strive to draw closer to man's true fulfillment.

Perhaps we can start by especially thinking, hoping and praying for the Yeshua just a little bit more during these days--from time to time through the day. In this zechus, may we directly see and experience the Kedusha, the Chochma, the Gilui Shechina we so sorely, sorely lack--speedily and literally in our days!

Hakhel MIS

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Monday, June 26, 2006



Due to weather and other considerations, the RCRF cruise was relocated to a restaurant. Strong activists came. There was networking. Future brainstorming and networking are planned. This is grassroots and when we unite we are stronger than what we can do individually. To become more involved please leave your email address in the comments. As one of the participants said she became a whole army. She related how following the expulsions she went to a hotel where some of the refugees were deposited. They had no real food except for cake and cookies. She rounded up 10 Breslov boys and they brought in borekas and food and fruit and vegetables and Chamin for Shabbos. As she put it, she became an army.

Each person spoke about their particular focus or organization. I spoke about ending the Silence about the Biblical Claim to the Land. The Bible is the no. 1 reason for the struggle. Security lapses and humanitarian atrocities are consequences for not speaking out for the Torah. If we really have a yearning to keep the Mitzvoth, there is no way we could even contemplate giving away our land.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Please go on Cruise sponsored by Rachels Children Reclamation Foundation


This letter is being sent to those of you who live in NY and those outside of NY. For those of you who live outside NY please forward this letter and Evelyn's press release to your friends that you think can perhaps attend. The date is Joseph's birthday. This is not simply any old cruise. It is one of major significance given the serious humanitarian and security crisis that we are experiencing today in the Land of Israel. It is possible to make a statement and stop the evil. It just takes individuals like yourselves that don't believe this is a lost cause. There will be political officials and press at the event.

This cruise is a statement about our Mother Rachel and her son Joseph. Many, many years ago Egypt became the wealthiest country due to Joseph. Egypt and the surrounding countries sold all they owned in return for food that only Joseph had in Egypt. Joseph sustained them.

Joseph left the Land of Israel at age 17 when he was sold by his brothers. He lived in Egypt till he died at the age of 110. He served Egypt from the age of 30 as viceroy, only second to Pharaoh. Yet on his deathbed what does he command his children? In Breishis Perek 50 Pasuck 24 Joseph says to his brothers. "I know that G-d will remember you and take you out of this land and bring you up to the Land that He promised to Avraham Yitzchok and Yaakov. (25) And Joseph made the Bnei Yisroel swear saying G-d will remember you and you should bring up my bones from this."

Joseph represents the Diaspora Jew. Yet all of Israel uses Joseph for their traditional blessings to their children. They bless their children to grow up like Joseph's children who were born and bred in the Diaspora in Egypt. (see Genesis Chapter 48 Pasuk 20) (And he (Yaakov) blessed them on that day saying whoever comes to bless his sons will bless them with their blessing. A man will tell his son "May G-d make you like Ephraim and Menasheh"..Rashi.) In spite of the surrounding culture of Egypt steeped in idolatry, Joseph made sure that his children knew who they were and who their roots are and Yaakov himself asserted that Joseph's children are no different then Yaakov's children that were raised in the Land of Israel in Yaakov's house insulated from an alien culture..

If your priority is stopping future expulsions, then Rachel's tomb is right up there. Joseph is extremely significant. Even without a large Jewish resident population in Bethlehem, it's significance to our Nation is beyond words. Attending this cruise is making a statement about the Diaspora Jew and that we too are linked permanently to the Land. The fight for Kever Rochel is the same as the Commemoration of Gush Katif. It's important to let the gov't know that people care and that we collectively will do whatever we can to stop this ongoing tragedy.

If you can't come personally, send, email to whomever you can. We need to present a united front. Gush Katif, Hebron, Rachel's Tomb, Joseph's tomb in Shechem and the communities in Samaria. It's all the same battle.

Please do what you can to make this cruise a momentous one. Please check your email for a copy of the Press Release sent out by Evelyn Haze about the cruise.


Robin Ticker

Rachels Children Cruise Press Release - from Evelyn Haze

You're Invited to a major display of affirmation of Ima Rachel, a role
model for the whole world and Kever Rachel, the 3600 year ohel of Rachel
Imeinu visited by Jews across the world. Join RCRF on Monday evening June
26 for a evening cruise to the Statue of Liberty and celebrate the joy of
Rachel on Yosef's birth. Bring flashlights as we affirm our roots and to
spotlight the cause for Rachel's tears for her children exiled from Gush
Katif and those suffering barrages of rockets on their schools, businesses
and homes in Sderot, Alumim and Ashkelon today. Open mike for your Rachel
and immigrant stories. DVDs, Carlebach Songfest with Laible Ben Moshe,
Glatt Kosher Buffet, wine, your birthday, anniversary, graduation cakes.
Don't forget the cameras as we anchor under the brightly lit Statue of
Liberty which welcomed refugees to the New World. Remember, it is Rachel
Imeinu who welcomes us ancient Jewish people back
to our Old Biblical land which many of our brethren never left.

Rachel Imeinu, Mother of Israel
by Evelyn Haies, President Rachel's Children Reclamation Fdtn, RCRP
60 West End Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11235
After conquerring the Temple Mount in 1967, HaRav Shlomo Goren marched with
his troops to Kever Rachel.
An Arab came towards him from the fields below and returned the giant key
to the door added in 1841 by Sir Moses Montefiore
with permission from the Ottoman empire. The Gorens have this key until
this day.
As the soldiers came upon isolated Kever Rachel, they fell down on
the ground and cried. Some said they saw Rachel Imeinu hovering over them.
When we first put the mezzuzahs on the walls of our new house adjoining
Kever Rachel, which my son David who is in Givati and HaRav Benny Elon
placed on the wall with HaRav Shmuel Rabinowitz standing by, a picture
shows a clear elegant bust of a woman glowing on the wall. This was the
first mezuzzah put on a Jewish home since the re-occupation of Kever Rachel.
After the passageway to our building where Nachum Segal was
pictured was destroyed following a visit by Mofaz and Ehud Olmert, we were
denied passage as it was claimed unsafe. Soldiers were no longer housed in
our very large basement because the ground floor windows were exposed. When
we came to examine our house Beit Bnei Rachel and took pictures with IDF
officials, in the picture there is a vague white feminine image floating in
the air above, much like the artwork of Baruch Nachum of Kiryat Arba, who
gave me a picture of Kever Rachel in a Torah scroll with the Moshiach
blowing a shofar overhead at our Torah ceremony in 1998.
From Kever Rachel, HaRav Goren and his troops went on to liberate
the Holy City of Hevron, a city also embraced
and supported by Sir Moses Montefiore during the Ottoman occupation. His
diaries record that there were three yeshivas and 489 Jews living in Hevron
in 1865 including the Slonims and Shneersons.
The Sefer Torahs of our foundation, Rachel's Children Reclamation
Foundation is in the Aron Kodesh built by HaRav Goren with stones from the
Mount of Olives which is in the room of the Kever. Rabbanite Goren was a
1998 awardee of RCRF
to honor her husband's attachment to Ima Rachel. It is her Kever in Beis
Lechem, the House of Bread, that is the spot of her burial from 12 stones
to four pillars to a single room to the two rooms and the expanded facility
of this day. This development of Kever Rachel is displayed on the wall of
Beit Bnei Rachel, the place that houses a yeshiva, weekly women's learning
groups and will develop a Museum of Jewish Aliyah with contributions of
Jews across the globe. We are collecting histories, stories, your aliyah story.
After the reclamation of Beis Lechem in 1967 occupied by Jordan
for a brief 19 years, Prime Minister Levi Eshkol ordered the annexation of
this area including Kever Rachel. This was never renegged but ignored as is
the Amendment to Oslo II , September 28, 1995 protecting 29 Jewish holy
sites with the complete Jewish control of Kever Rachel, Kever Yosef,
Shalom Synagogue and Hebron forever.
Join RCRF on Rosh Chodesh Tammuz and celebrate the birthday of
Yosef Hatzaddik and the eighth anniversary of our dedication of a Sefer
Torah for Rachel Imeinu in Beis Lechem as well as the anniversay of the one
year anniversary of the Sefer Torah dedicated for our house Beit Bnei
Rachel on Derech Chaya Rachel, Beis Lechem, now housed in the Aron Kodesh
built by HaRav Goren and soon to be permantly in our Beit Bnei Rachel.
Call Evelyn Haies for details and reservations 718-648-2610. Volunteers and
sponsors needed. The larger the group the lower the rate.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

If we only had that yearning for Torah and Mitzvoth...


I feel that a lack of yearning for Eretz Yisroel from Hamonei Am, from each and every Jew be it in Israel or in the Diaspora, is the true cause for the expulsion of Gush Katif. This cause must be rectified or else future expulsions that are in the making may G-d forbid actualize. Sharon and the Palestinians were simply Hashem's messengers but not the root cause of the expulsion. Our lack of yearning for the Mitzvoth of Eretz Yisroel is the root cause.

Hashem is waiting for all of us, each and every Jew whether in Israel or in the Diaspora to express the yearning to be in Eretz Yisroel and to keep the Mitzvoth. Giving away the Land makes it impossible to keep actual Mitzvoth. For example, farmers in Yishuv Itamar in the Shomron near Shchem, can now do Leket, Shikcha, Peah and Shemittah to name a few Mitzvoth. These are hands on Mitzvoth. Just like you need a hand to do Tefillin one needs the property of Land to keep these Mitzvoth. If there was a true yearning among the Gedoilim Batorah, and among those that learn and believe in the Torah, there would be a Kol Korei in Hamodia and Yated saying that giving away the Land of Israel is not an option for Am Yisroel. How can any other entity, even the most friendly democratic State, actualize the ultimate purpose of Am Yisroel and Eretz Yisroel which is only through the performance of Mitzvoth.

What a Chillul Hashem to give the Land of Israel to an entity that actually wishes to erase any vestige of Torah and Mitzvoth and holiness and whose platform openly wishes to destroy anything holy and destroy the Nation that is divinely entrusted to bring that holiness into this world.

Gedoilim Batorah can influence hundreds of thousands of ehrlich Yidden to voice a protest against the Roadmap and against the Convergence plan and express their yearning for Eretz Yisroel and a yearning to keep the Mitzvoth of Eretz Yisroel. Hashem is waiting for us to speak up for the Torah and for Hashem's Bris with our Forefathers, Avraham, Yitchok and Yaakov. If we only proclaim G-d's sovereignty of the Land (Ki LI Kol Haaretz) and recognize our own obligations of keeping the Mitzvoth, we would eliminate the cause of our pain and suffering. No matter where a Jew lives, Eretz Yisroel has been promised to us as a gift and we in turn are obligated to guard it and keep it by not only learning Torah but also by doing the actual Mitzvoth that can only be done on a piece of property within the boundaries of Eretz Yisroel. Those boundaries are spelled out very explicitly in the Torah. When we perform the Mitzvoth,(See Torah Reading of Shabbat Shevuoth Aser Taaser) Hashem then promises us much blessings, security and peace and the entire world will be blessed as well.

Rav Kanievsky, Rav Shteinman, Rav Eliashiv and the Gerer Rebbe. Please end the Silence. Your voices will be echoed by hundreds of thousands. Bush will pay attention. Please just try it. Put a Kol Korei in Hamodia and the Yated and the Jewish Press about Bris Avos, Hashem's Covenant with our forefathers. Humanitarian issues and Security concerns are not the reasons to support our Brethren ruthlessly expelled from our Land. They are simply the consequences of not speaking out for the Torah thereby creating a chillul Hashem. If you are truly our Leaders and Gedoilim Batorah then you will rise to occasion and speak out. Your voices will bring a new spirit to Am Yisroel and blessings for the world. In that zechus may Hashem bring blessings upon you and yours, may you be blessed with Arichus Yamim with health, happiness and much Nachas from your families and from Klal Yisroel.

Please forward to Rabbi Rebibo editor of Hamodia and to Rabbi Lipshutz editor of Yated and Rabbi Klass of the Jewish Press. I would hope that Rabbi Rebibo and Rav Lipshutz and Rabbi Klass would then forward this to the Gedoilim Batorah begging them to please come out with a Kol Korei in their paper that the Land of Israel is promised to Am Yisroel and that only Am Yisroel is obligated in keeping Mitzvoth that will bring blessings to the entire world. The Roadmap and Convergence Plan are in direct contradiction to the Torah since boundaries of the "other" State are within the recognized boundaries of the piece of property that has been given as a gift exclusively to the People of Israel. It is a Mitzva to voice protest to the Roadmap Plan and to the Convergence Plan and this will be a true Kiddush Hashem. Our Nation is waiting for our Gedoilim Batorah to take a unified Lead. This will make our generation worthy of the coming of Moshiach.