Showing posts sorted by relevance for query republican platform. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query republican platform. Sort by date Show all posts

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Ted Cruz. Is there a Chance to Reconcile following Cruz's failure to endorse Donald Trump???


The platform of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz are remarkably similar and true to Judeo Christian values. So this email will focus on what each of these candidates have in common, values that we as Republicans hold dear in our hearts. 

If we can overcome all the personal drama and trauma, hurt feelings, hurtful words in this Republican Convention and throughout the campaign we will all gain!

The ego must be taken down just a notch by each and every one of us.  

I believe we are so close... to unify....

Think positive and it will be positive.

G-d has been acknowledged in this Convention by almost every speaker.  The theme "We are One Nation Under G-d" is not mere rhetoric. Each speaker who said it,  meant it!  It is the foundation pillar upon which America has been built!

Cruz is human as we all are and in all likelihood Donald Trump would have acted in a similar fashion had the roles been reversed.   Now each must find it in their hearts to rise above their personal ego for the common good and move forward.  

There was tremendous admiration and mutual respect between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz before they were in competition.  

Donald Trump does need Cruz's endorsement though it is not that apparent. Ted Cruz has much to offer the Republican party right now, not the least of which is a spirit of unification.  Perhaps Trump can get by without Ted's endorsement but divisiveness and energies will be drained from his campaign and diverting the necessary resources to fight evil, to fight Isis, to fight Iran, to fight Hillary, to nullify ObamaCare, to appeal Common Core, to ensure the Supreme Court Justices are G-d fearing individuals etc.  Basically, the fight for all of our common principles will be lacking in ammunition. Our enemies would love nothing better than to encourage disunity and discord so that we expend our resources with in fighting rather than on winning the election. 

So let us then now focus on the Republican Platform!

Watch Sen. Ted Cruz's full speech at Republican National Convention

Here are my notes of this speech:

  • Congratulates Donald Trump for winning
  • Wants Principles of Party to prevail
  • Talks about Dallas police officers killed recently. Lives destroyed by evil in Dallas, Nice, Baton Rouge etc. 
  • Did we do all that we could? Speaks of a 9 year old daughter Caroline who hugged her father, Michael Smith for the last time.   Is this our last time?  We are fighting to tell our kids and grand kids that we did our best for our future, our country. America is an ideal. Freedom matters. Government power has been the constant that Government decrees. But not here. .. we have no dictator, we have no king or queen. We the people constrain gov't.  Our Nation is exceptional since it was built on 5 powerful words. " I Want to be Free:" 
  • People are angry at political establishment that breaks it's promises and refuses to do the will of the people. We owe our heroes better. Obama and Hillary also want to help our children... profound difference. They think ISIS is a JVTeam. Benghazi Why does it make a difference? Iran, chants of Death to America, Death to Israel. Obama does everything backwards. Closes Guantanamo and open borders. Export jobs, while opening doors to migrants who might be terrorists. 
  • Return to Freedom.... 
  • For the right to  choose our children's education. 
  • Healthcare, choose your own doctor w/o Obamacare. 
  • Taxes:  Provide for family w/o IRS beating down your door. 
  • Internet keep it free from taxes and regulation and don't give it away to Russia and CHina.  Freedom means free speech not PC safe spaces.  
  • Freedom means religious freedom whether you a Christian, Jewish or Muslim. . Bill of Rights protect you. 
  • Freedom means you have rights to protect your family. 
  • Every human life is precious and must be protected. 
  • Freedom means Supreme Court Justices that don't dictate policy but follow the constitution. 
  • Freedom means recognizing that our Constitution allows State and Local gov't to choose policy. That's the way it's supposed to be. Diversity.  If not, what's the point of having States to begin with. 
  • Hillary Clinton believes gov't should make every choice in your life, Healthcare, Education, marriage.  We have seen Brexit vote to leave EU. Voters are overwhelming rejecting political establishment and overly rejecting Big Gov't.  
  • Immigration that protects it's citizens and yes builds a wall. 
  • A gov't that stops admitting Isis terrorists as refugees. 
  • We deserve trade policies that favor the business over the lobbyist and self interest groups.
  • Freedom will  bring back jobs and bring back dignity.
  • 47 years ago America put the first man on the moon.  
  • The Republican Party was founded to defeat slavery
  • Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. Together we passed civil rights act to end Jim Crow laws.  That's our collective legacy.  Those were fights for freedom. 
  • Sgt Michael Smith stood up to protect our rights and so do all the police officers that fight Islamic terrorism.  
  • Don't stay home in November.  STand and vote your conscience... (Here they boo'd him and shouted endorse Trump). 
  • John Smith stood up to protect our freedoms and so does all the Police officers and Marines that protect our freedoms.  And so did the family of Tom Sterling who called to end the violence etc. and so can we. We deserve leaders who stand for principle and unite behind shared values.  
  • Don't stay home in November...If you love our country, stand and speak your conscious up and down your ticket that will be faithful to the Constitution.    Here boo"d and crowd shouts Endorse Trump... 

Ted Cruz booed off stage at RNC for not endorsing Donald Trump

Watch Ted Cruz at  Texas GOP Convention as well. Again he speaks of the principles of the Republican Party and they are consistent with the principles of the Trump-Pence ticket of Today (see below some fabulous speakers at the convention).

At the Texas GOP Convention, Ted Cruz did not endorse Donald Trump He did congratulate him. . It was painful to watch his emotional pain especially in the beginning  when he talked about his campaign. He visibly shared his disappointment that he and his family were not the candidate of choice.  However, he then proceeded to talk about the principles of the Republican party which are clearly consistent of the Trump-Pence ticket of today.  Perhaps Trump and his team have incorporated Cruz's platform into their own. . Here is Ted Cruz's full speech. 

Initially there was good chemistry between Trump and Cruz. They are both good guys. But Ego seemed to have taken over.

 Principles of Conservative Party and the Foundation of the Party. 
  • Our rights come from G-d above.  They are endowed by their Creator....
  • Gov't isn't the solution Gov't is the problem
  • Economic growth is foundation to everything. Growth doesn't come from small gov't, growth comes from small business.
  • Appeal Obamacare
  • Establish a flat tax and abolish IRS
  • We have to protect and follow the Constitution and the Bill of Rights
    • President Obama ignores the Bill of Rights and Constitution (last time he checked it was a "Bill of Suggestions")
    • Defend Religious Liberty
    • Protect 2nd Amendment Rights
    • 10th Amendment. Protection power is reserved to the States and to the People. Federal gov't needs to leave States alone.
      • secure the borders, deliver the mail and that's it
      • Obama delivered a decree (unconstitutional) that every public school must change bathroom policies, Grown men must be allowed to enter little girl bathrooms. PC lunacy. Obama has no power to be the bathroom police of the country.  (I Barak Obama in charge of School bathroom)
      • Appeal common core and abolish Dept of Education
  • Peace through strength especially the Nation of Israel. Utterly destroy Radical Islamic Terrorism.  Can not send men and women from engaging in a battle that ties their hands. We need and deserve a President that has your back ( Law enforcement such as fire fighters, police officers etc.)
Jobs, Freedom and Security. Ted Cruz will continue to fight for these principles. Don't bankrupt our kids and grand kids. Follow the Constitution.  Truth will prevail. G-d's Blessings has been on America and G-d is not done with America. Pulling America back to the Hill, Texans will lead the way... .  

Check out for Other Fabulous Speeches at Republican Convention!  


Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Thursday, November 03, 2016

Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky When Asked, Says That He is Voting for Trump.... "A man is known by the company he keeps" Aesop


Shmuel Koenig, a fellow activist for Eretz Yisroel Hashleima and for Yehuda and Shomron,   asked Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky whom he is voting for and Rabbi Kamenetsky answered, Donald Trump.... Rabbi Kamenetsky also told Shmuel Koenig that if asked, we can tell people but didn't want to publicize.  

That seems confusing to me....

So I debated whether to put this on my blog...

My Mother zul er zeyn gezunt, may she live and be well, always said "Nisht do kin Behaltene Zachen" which means that there are no hidden secrets.  Bill Clinton found out the hard way....

Why would Rabbi Kamenetsky share this important newsworthy information with us, avid Trump supporters, if he really didn't want others to know.. Didn't he knowingly realize, that there are activists like myself in close contact with Shmuel Koenig, who are itching to get the news out there and that he was putting a stumbling block in my blogging path?  

I concluded that Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky personally didn't want to publicize his choice for President due to political considerations but didn't really mind if we somehow let others know.  At least that is what I wanted to believe. (Otherwise I think I need to ask Mechila for this post...)

But the following clinched my decision to post this news...

In order to get an idea as per how Rabbi Kamenetsky's choice would influence voters, we, (avid Trump advocates) asked a well known Rebbetzin and a typical Beis Medrash Yeshivish guy whom they were voting for.  Both replied they wanted to vote for a write-in a candidate.  

In our limited survey among friends and acquaintances, this seemed to be a voting trend in the Jewish Orthodox world.  

When we casually mentioned to these 2 individuals that Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky was voting for Trump both then said, if that is the case, then they too will vote Trump.

It was then that I decided to write this post.  

So the above information is purely for those of you who are sitting on the fence, wondering for whom Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky is voting for to help you decide and in the meanwhile are planning on voting for Miriam M a Brooklyn write-in  candidate.  (see below)

Why Jews Should Vote for Trump.  A digression.... Maybe you haven't heard it all...

"A man is known by the company he keeps" Aesop

A man is judged by the company he keeps....

If you want to know the character of Donald Trump and what his true inner feelings are towards Jews and toward Israel look at the company he keeps. 
(I know my posts are lengthy and people tend not to have the patience to finish reading the entire post, so I purposely put my digression in early on.)

Let us return to the discussion of the latest voting trend of voting for a non candidate.

Apparently the Orthodox Jewish Community is confused as per whom to vote.  The Jewish Leadership is "Neutral" at best or in the case of the OU,  openly supportive of Hillary Clinton.  

On page 11 in this week's Jewish Press there is an ad for Borough Park - Flatbush - Kensington's own write-in candidate for President 


An educated guess would predict that a significant and sizable number of civic minded, intelligent, frum Jews are choosing to vote a write in vote, a wasted vote, since they have been encouraged  by our community leaders to come out and vote but they have not be advised as per whom to vote.  They have come to the conclusion, based on what they have been hearing from Rabbinic and Community leaders, that since both candidates are equally bad they will vote  "neutral",  for a non candidate.  
I wonder how many votes CHAYA M. the Neutral, non candidate, will get from religious Jews in Brooklyn?

Many liberal Jews will opt for a write-in candidate, because they are turned off by Trump's offensive remarks and Hillary's treason. 

Being offensive, apparently for many,  falls into the same category as being treasonous!?!

This non voting choice from the Orthodox Jewish community,  however is quite shocking....  coming from a religious,  fiscally conservative, Torah educated, pro Israel community whose Torah values are much in line with the Republican Party's platform!  

Apparently, secretly they are praying that Hillary is not elected so long as it doesn't affect their bottom line. (Something Trump probably can relate to)... 

How do I know? Because after defending their choice of voting for a non candidate they will add "and let's pray Hillary doesn't win".

This Mehalech, this trend, significantly benefits Hillary's candidacy.  To be "neutral",   is to neutralize the opposition and those who dare to expose the evils and treason of the Obama Administration and of  Hillary and the Clinton Foundation. 

This approach was similarly used to delegitimize Jewish hilltop youth in Judea and Samaria.... Just make them appear to be "Jewish Terrorists" as bad as the Palestinian terrorists...Yemach Shemam. America then can claim to be a third neutral party working with both sides of the Israel/Palestinian conflict who actively engage in terror and human rights violations. 

The best damage control Hillary's camp can hope for is to make both candidates look equally bad. Anyone who actually tries to make Hillary Clinton look like a wonderful candidate for Jews will be taken as a fool and this would be counterproductive. It would serve to hurt Hillary as it would appear to be disingenuous and doing so risks losing one's respect, reputation and credibility in the  Jewish community. ( I genuinely feel sorry for David Greenfield and Menachem Genack....)

Dov Hikind fell into this hole as well.  At a "neutral" forum hosted by the Talmud Torah of Flatbush, mediated by Leon Goldenberg a Board Member of the Agudah, Dov Hikind a Democrat for Trump was  to debate a pro Hillary supporter Menachem Genack CEO of the Kashrut Division of the Orthodox Union.  Hikind backed down and announced he simply can not vote for Trump.  At this forum there was not even a pretense of "neutrality"

Then today on the Nachum Segal radio program JMINTHEAM Jeff Ballabon, a true Trump supporter debated David Greenfield a Hillary supporter, with Nachum Segal being the "neutral" moderator.  Here they almost succeeded in pulling off a proper "neutral" and civil debate. Nachum did not quite succeed however when they started lashing at each other in a most uncivil manner...Nachum tried his best to remain neutral and maintain decorum...

What is clear to me is that when one postures as being neutral, in truth they are coming from a bias.  The questions were clearly formulated so as not to antagonize either candidate since then one would question the neutrality of the moderator.  If a candidate is antagonized by the question the moderator will be accused of a bias. This then biases the questions on the side of sounding neutral rather than on the actual questions themselves.

Here is the catch...

There is no such thing as a Torah neutral position just because there is a Presidential election.  There is just Emes of Torah. 

The Aguda and the OU are political organizations who have been funded directly from the Democratic Party.  Neither party is objective and each are blinded with a bias. Prime Minister Netanyahu as well is a politician blinded by political considerations and no one can look towards him for Torah clarity.

Allow me to be presumptuous, speaking with the spirit of Chevron,  and speak out like the child who sees the Emes of the Emperor's clothing.   

The Child sees with great clarity that the Emperor is naked. 

Any child who learns Torah and about the Bris, the Covenant, which Hashem Promised to our Forefathers individually, Avroham, Yitzchak and Yaakov,  will have Emunah Peshuta, simple faith,  that Har HaBayit, Temple Mount, all of Yehuda and Shomron which includes all the H-ly sites,  Kever Rochel, Maarat HaMachpela and Kever Yosef are an integral part of our Biblical Heritage, G-d's Land.  No leader nor individual, as powerful as they are, has the right to give away our Promised Land. We just learned that from the first Rashi of Breishith.

Hashem is watching this campaign and is wondering why our Rabbinic Leaders have been silent and have difficulty with this basic, fundamental truth and are unable to vocalize and publicize it!

The reason is clearly because foreign gods, the Sitre Acher have infiltrated our holiest of places, our Leadership, our Batei Medrashim and our shuls and schools to confuse us.  

That is why we find ourselves unable to yell out in emotional pain when the gov't of Israel, being under the influence of the Israeli Supreme Court who is under the influence of foreign G-d's, funded by the likes of Soros, and leftist NGO's rule against Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria, and can not unequivocally revoke their decision to demolish homes in Amona and Ofra. 

One does not have to be a brilliant Chacham to know that the destruction of Gush Katif was evil and a tragedy of epic proportions a Bechiya of Dorot, a cause for perpetual mourning,  a continuation of tragedies which all happened on Tisha Baav.  Nor does it take hours of learning Mesechtos, tractates that deal with Property rights to know that the property of 10,000 Jews were cruelly taken away for an idolatrous and false vision of "Peace".

Donald Trump is surrounded by G-d Fearing people.  See above...He is surrounded by individuals who have a proven track record that their support of Israel is real and not merely politically nor money motivated.  

Hillary Clinton on the other hand, is surrounded by individuals who are closely tied to Israel's enemies (The Huma Video in her official capacity has personally empowered Israel's worst enemies. Good Jews who are her strongest advocates are in my opinion, misguided individuals under her political influence who unfortunately will with time be embarrassed to know that they were merely useful idiots who promoted her agenda into office.  

Will others say the same about me for supporting Trump?   That I was a useful idiot?

One can only judge based on the evidence at hand.  

I can honestly say that neither candidate has in any way acknowledged my blog nor my input in any way.  I hope that my only influence comes from my understanding of what is written and what we learn from Torah and from having lived in Kiryat Arba hi Hebron. 

Hillary's platform is to advance the 2 State Solution.  Her close relationship with Netanyahu is contingent on his willingness to advance the 2 State Solution.

How would Hillary respond if  Netanyahu openly rejected the 2 State Solution Narrative? 

Very possibly with a vote in the UN for a Palestinian State and she would probably berate him as she did in the past when there was news of construction in Jerusalem or in areas over the green line.  

How would Donald Trump respond? Probably favorably.

Trump has said that he will be neutral with negotiating for an Israeli and Palestinian peace.  Since then his platform has rejected the 2 State Solution. The Trump campaign in Israel in fact is based in Judea and Samaria.  His "neutrality" has a given that one does not negotiate with terrorists nor with governments that educate and glorify terror.  Hillary's starting point of negotiation is to negotiate unconditionally, with the PA who is Fatah who is in cahoots with Hamas. Both Hillary and Donald claim to be a "neutral" party and a great friend of Israel,  though with Hillary her starting position and willingness to negotiate with evil makes her position extremely untrustworthy and dangerous for Israel. 

Trump and the Republican Platform has clearly been supportive of Jewish Settlement in Judea and Samaria and Trump is probably scratching his head why Orthodox Jews who learn and read the Torah daily haven't at the very minimum acknowledged his platform with great appreciation and Hakoras Hatov.  According to David Friedman, he has had to rely primarily on Evangelicals to do that.  

How will we as Jews be able to face the Borei Olam, the Olam HaEmes, in a Heavenly Court, when they asked us why we were sitting on the fence afraid to speak forthright for Torah because there was a chance that the Democrats would get elected and we needed to be on their good side. 

Are we so afraid of the collapse of our Jewish Institutions and its funding if Trump got elected and who as President may not be so generous with gov't funding for Jewish social programs and institutions? 

Why aren't we afraid of the poison we are ingesting with blood money that has bought our silence about Iran and about the nullification of the Torah  with the Government of Israel's willingness in principle to negotiate for a 2 State Solution. 

This "Solution" would not even benefit Palestinians, as they themselves will find themselves under a corrupt regime, with worse economic opportunity and health and education benefits than under the State of Israel,  and puts all of Israel. not to mention the entire Middle East, in dire danger?

 What about Ein Old Milvado?  

With Nuclear threats, economic collapse etc, we need Hashem to fight for our battles, not Obama or Hillary.  

Rabbosai, but we need to merit Hashem's salvation!  Trump will get his reward for sure in Olam HaEmes, for his pro Torah platform that rejects the Two State Solution. 

How about us?  That can only come when we, the Jewish People testify on G-d's behalf the Truth of the Torah!

But Trump more than anyone knows the power of being bought...  

Trump has not been inconsistent with his Pro Israel stand.  The proof of this can be judged by the company he keeps.  


Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Intervene on Behalf of AMONA! FRom Mattot Arim.....Please sent a letter to MK's


This letter was sent to Leaders of Major Jewish Organizations including Agudah, YI, OU, RCA, Chabad, Conference of Presidents

פַּלְגֵי מַיִם לֶב מֶלֶךְ בְּיַד יְהוָה עַל כָּל אֲשֶׁר יַחְפֹּץ יַטֶּנּוּ:Mishlei - Proverbs - Chapter 21:1

A King's heart is in the hands of Hashem.  Even if Netanyahu or Trump for that matter would want to save Amona, the Hamonei Am must want to  as well.  The people in Israel are protesting very strongly.  That is why the proposal to normalize settlements in Judea and Samaria is now on the Table. 

 This is where Jewish Leadership comes in....The people spoke and elected Donald Trump in spite of Jewish Leadership.  Hashem is giving us another chance. We can't blow it this time.....The time to correct the Chait HaMiraglim is now BeEzrat Hashem!....

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Robin Ticker <>
Date: Tue, Nov 15, 2016 at 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: Shmuel Koenig Letter to Malcolm Hoenlein Subj: Geula. Clarification from Robin Ticker Intervene on Behalf of AMONA!
To: Malcolm Hoenlein <>
Cc: Jewish Leaders and MK's


Dear Mr. Hoenlein, amv"sh

Shmuel Koenig's letter is posted below for the benefit of those CC"d.

When Mr. Koenig was asking you to "transform the President's Conference from a political organization to an Organization that promotes Torah",  I think what he meant to say was that he would like you to transform the President's Conference of Major JEWISH Organizations from merely being a political organization to being a political organization that represents JEWISH interests and consistent with the Torah...and when there is a conflict and our economic interests seem to be at stake,  then the Torah must win over and override Jewish political and monetary interests.  

The Title and link to the post  on Shemittah Rediscovered Blog that Shmuel Koenig referred is 

Rabbinic Leadership failed to present Torah message leading to 70 percent of Jews voting for Hillary

The message of this post is that the vote between Hillary and Donald Trump was not a neutral one if one bases their decision on Torah.  

The Republican Platform vs the Democratic Platform could not have been a clearer choice, night and day, as per which platform is consistent with Hashem's Promise to Avraham Avinu in Alon Moreh and with Avraham's purchase of Maarat HaMachpela and the story of the Akeida where Hashem tells Avraham to take Yitzchok his ONLY son when it comes to our Birthright.  .  

Said Rabbi Yudan the son of Rabbi Simon: This is one of the three places regarding which the nations of the world cannot accuse Israel and say, "You have stolen them." The three places are: the Cave of Machpelah, the site of the Holy Temple, and the tomb of Joseph at Shechem. The Cave of Machpelah, as it is written, "Abraham weighed to Ephron the silver." The Temple: "So David gave to Ornan for the place six hundred shekels of gold" (I Chronicles 21:25). And Joseph's tomb: "[Jacob] bought the parcel of land (at Shechem) for a hundred pieces of silver" (Genesis 33:19).
(Bereishit Rabbah 79:7)
Why then doesn't  Jewish Leadership have  a clear answer to those who claim that we stole the Land? 

Both Barak Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton are strong believers in the myth of the "Occupation".  Netanyahu tried to be neutral... Still pushing for the 2 State Solution?

It is truly quite deplorable that with these Truths staring us in the face 70% of Jews voted for Hillary Clinton. The Jewish Leadership was either pro Hillary or Silent. 

With a Trump Victory, those who have chosen the political route vs the Biblical route are now finding themselves  outside the loop.

However, this is a new beginning.  Chasdei Hashem judged us on the side of Life.  If Thou, L-RD, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand? Tehillim 130:3 אִם-עֲו‍ֹנוֹת תִּשְׁמָר-יָ-הּ--    אֲד-נָי, מִי יַעֲמֹד.

The Jewish Leadership is being given another chance.  Tomorrow is a Knesset Vote for Amona.  The Israel Supreme Court said that Jews "stole" Arab Land and that their ruling to destroy Amona is the "rule of Law".  

Malcolm et al...Can you please step up to the plate and speak up for Torah.  Up in Heaven, in the World of Truth we will be judged. 

Please Lobby for Amona!  Write a letter to Knesset Members!

From Mattot Arim

The law to save Amona has official coalition backing -  

This is extremely important for Israel: Amona and pioneering communities like it are the only immovable thing between Israel's sole international airport (Ben-Gurion) -- and radical Islamic forces to the east.

TOMORROW (Wednesday) afternoon is the Knesset vote on the law to save Amona. We must URGE Yuli Edelstein & others below, to use the full force of their positions of power to ensure ALL coalition members vote FOR  Amona as decided on Sunday. No-show is no-no, enforce coalition discipline!

For example, if Minister Cachlon says he "won't come", Knesset Chairman Edelstein can warn that the Knesset (chaired by Edelstein) will no longer cooperate with Cachlon, if Cachlon does not cooperate with Amona. This is something Yuli Edelstein (and every politician) knows how to do, but will Yuli Edelstein do this? Depends how many letters Yuli Edelstein gets from the public. Write to Yuli Edelstein now, and share this earnest request with your friends -  ask them to write to Yuli Edelstein too!

Example letter to people in positions of power 

Email addresses of Knesset members & ministers  כתובות מייל של חברי הכנסת והשרים:



Thank you very much for helping – and please pass on. 

If it is painful to be standing out in the cold right now, just imagine how cold it can get in the heavenly court. 
Dear Mr. Hoenlein,
I don't know whether you remember me.
I was a representative of Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry at the Greater New York Conference on Soviet Jewry.
Now, I am an activist and I am also a descendent of David Hamelech.
I am calling on you to transform the Presidents' Conference from a political organization to an Organization that promotes Torah.
Now that the election is over, it is time to look back and ask why we didn't promote the republican platform which is consistent with Torah and 70% of Jews voted democratic.
We must speak out on behalf of Shlaimut Haaretz.
The Israeli government has taken a major step in which a ministerial committee unanimously voted to propose to the Knesset that the legal status of the territories be the same as in the rest of Eretz Yisrael.
It is a slap in the face of the Israeli supreme court.
The Israeli people are fed up with the secular supreme court.
The time is ripe for a national Jewish court based on Torah.
We must promote having the non-Jews observe the sheva mitzvot bnai Noach.
Arabs that live in Eretz Yisrael must respect israeli sovereignty and be gair toshav.
For more information, google shemittah rediscovered and look at the top entry.
With best wishes for the geula,
Shmuel Koenig

Saturday, September 30, 2017

US State Dept ‘Clarifies’ Ambassador Friedman’s Remarks on Settlements | The Jewish Press | Hana Levi Julian | 11 Tishri 5778 – September 30, 2017 |


Actually G-d's Covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob includes ALL of Judea and Samaria and not "most of it." The Covenant in Brit bein  HaBesarim include boundaries of Israel  extending up to the Euphrates. Use that as a starting point for negotiation. Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq would flourish under Israel's Sovereignty. No chemical weapons and access to better medical facilities as starters.

Judea and Samaria under Israel's Sovereignty is the best solution and prospect for peace for the Palestinians and for nonJews. Non Jewish residents need only accept Jewish Sovereignty and they will live as a Ger Toshav status in Peace and Prosperity way better than in any other Arab Country. However if they are not convinced, Israel has an open door policy and they are free to leave. Is it fair that there are at least 22 Arab countries in the immediate surrounding territory not to mention countless Muslim countries. There is presently only one Jewish State.  Israel will be better for the Ger Toshav from an economic, health and educational standpoint.

 If the PA insist on becoming a hostile State on Israel's border their own people will pay the price big time. World peace will as well. Just speak to son of Hamas!

The State Dept feels it has a monopoly on deciding US foreign policy even though the Republican Platform removed the 2 State Solution from its platform. This upgraded Platform without a Palestinian State received a standing ovation at the Republican convention. Oslo endangered Israel especially when it gave away it's oil fields forcing Israel to be dependent on others for it's power supply. Gush Katif expulsion rained rockets on Southern Israel. Giving up parts of Judea and Samaria the high ground puts Ben Gurion and the millions residing in Gush Dan (Tel Aviv etc)  heavy population centers within rocket reach and compromises it's supply of water as well. But the real issue is that it is a nullification of the Torah.

Trump's base of Evangelicals supports the Biblical narrative of History rather that the Palestinian propaganda of lies which the State Department has embraced as US policy. 

I wouldn't start up with G-d if I was them...Harvey, Irma, earthquakes etc.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Why G-d Fearing Citizens Can No Longer Register as Democrats


New York has become a One Party State.

G-d Fearing citizens are no longer represented in the NY City Council and the NY State Assembly. 

The Democrats have the majority. Their vote is cast  by toeing in the majority Party Line.

The Citizens of New York  have no real representation.

The Orthodox Jewish Community can attest that many registered Democrats are registered in name only.  Truthfully they identify fully with the Republican party's agenda and platform. 

Furthermore, if a candidate now wishes to run as a Republican he/she needs the handwritten signatures of a percentage of registered Republicans to get on the ballot. However, if Republicans are registered as Democrats it is now extremely difficult to get those required handwritten signatures. 

Recently the Jewish Orthodox community has been bombarded with requests to register as Democrats in order that Chaim Deutch, a great guy, a devoted public servant, an Orthodox Jew who wears his Kipa proudly can run for Congress as a Democrat and be victorious over Yvette Clark. 

The argument is that we have nothing to lose. Register as a Democrat so you can vote in the Primary. Vote for Moderate Democrats and then vote Republican in a National Election. 

Aside from the logistics issues mentioned above, which has made taking back the State to a 2 party State extremely difficult, there is a much deeper and existential threat. 

Chilul Hashem - a void of G-dliness and a desecration of Holiness.

The Democratic Party 2020 is an UnG-dly Party that has been hijacked. 

It is noted and will be noted in years to come, that New York City, home to the greatest number of Torah Jews, were registered as Democrats in 2020.  

That is a Chilul Hashem!!! 

Nobody really gets how and why that has happened!

How can G-d's Chosen people, a Kingdom of Priests, a people chosen to bring G-dliness into this world even consider registering with a "Party" that empowers evil and whose platform violates Universal Morality? 

Consider the following:

The Democrat party agenda violates the 7 Noahide Laws.

  • Not to worship idols  (They worship a subjective definition of values rather than objective moral values passed down for thousands of generations),   
  • Not to curse G-d (They curse Israel and in this way they curse G-d and His Torah)
  • To Establish Courts of Justice (They have Established Kangaroo Courts like the Democrat House Judiciary which is corrupt and votes on party line rather than on evidence or facts)  
  • Murder (Legalizing Late term abortions, empowering nuclear Iran and Muslim Brotherhood),  
  • Immorality (Pushing LGBTQ Pride and promoting Gender fluidity), 
  • Stealing (Taking from those who have and giving it to have nots), 
  • Tearing a Limb from an animal  (dismemberment abortion) 
It's all about the Benjamins
Antisemites typically claim that all Jews care about is the Benjamins and they use that weapon to divide the people.  Therefore, Anti Semites know that if you need the Jews to further an agenda or at least not oppose it, promise them Benjamins.  Unfortunately it works too well.  Our JCC's, our Yeshivoth, our Security and our Jewish Organizations are funded from Democrat sources and we as a community are dependent on the Democrats.  Come election time, this dependency buys silence.  Democrat politicians who are anti Israel, progressive leftists and socialists run unopposed. 

It even worked when it came to fighting a nuclear Iran!

Will we wait for Common Core to be forced down our throats before we say ENOUGH? If the entire culture is seeped with immorality won't it seep into our own culture as well? Aren't all the other reasons stated above enough?

In the No Hate No Fear rally in NY, all the Democratic Leaders marched. Mayor Bill DeBlasio, Governor Cuomo and Senator Schumer among others.  What were their promises? $10 million to fight AntiSemitism, $25 million to fight antiSemitism, $160million to fight AntiSemitism!!! "Throw them some Benjamins and Jews will support you. No need to leave the Democratic Party.  We are there for you!"

Laws of Sodom and Gemorrah slowly being carved into law by a Democrat majority.
Will Security cameras alone do the trick if criminals are allowed back on the streets once they are caught? Will the gun control laws make it impossible for Shuls to have trained armed members, former IDF soldiers for example, on site to help protect the congregants? 

Benjamins alone won't decrease the rise in AntiSemitism and Crime.  

Smart common sense laws:

- Laws that don't allow dangerous criminals back on the street 
- Laws that protects the victims identity from dangerous criminals, 
- Good law enforcement

Has done miracles for deterrence! 

The opposite is true for:

- The Bail Reform laws

- Laws that decriminalize misdemeanors

- Laws that legalize prostitution and weed

- Laws that legalize late term abortions calling it reproductive rights

-Laws that protect gender fluidity rights while endangering traditional protection between the sexes such as separate bathrooms

- Laws that encourage illegal immigrants without vetting

-Laws that force citizens to provide dangerous unvetted criminals safe havens,  

are laws of Sodom and Gomorrah. These are laws that increase crime and anarchy in the city. 

How has the Democrat Party become the Dominant Party in New York in spite of its illegitimacy?
It's been a process that has evolved over a period of time, over 30 years that convinced voters that they must register as Democrats. The argument was that Republicans don't have a chance in New York. Jewish Leadership has been at the forefront of this narrative for many years. They have been receiving Benjamins in the process. Meanwhile, the Republican party and the GOP look at statistics.  Those States that have a chance of winning for the Republicans get their campaigns funded.  Those States that "have no chance" based on statistics, do not.  They look at the numbers in New York. They see that 68% are registered Democrats.  (This is not an accurate representation since many Republicans are registered Democrats as per the narrative mentioned that encouraged right wing conservatives to register as Democrats). There is a low voting turnout rate in NY. This is not surprising if there are no good options for voters.  They see that 58 out of 61 Councilmen are Democrat.  This all happened because we collectively have a defeatist attitude that Republicans simply can't win in New York.

When we fear G-d and are willing to sacrifice all the Benjamins (while being careful to have a plan in place in case when and if the funding stops), it's like the Akeida Story where Forefather Abraham tells his Lads to stay with the Chamor, his material goods, the donkey,  while he and Isaac go up to the Mountain.  Abraham is willing to bring his son Isaac up as a Sacrifice and in that merit, G-d accepted his sacrifice with a ram instead, and that faith in G-d brought Blessings to Abraham and his descendants forever.  The Nations of the world as well will be Blessed through Israel for Abraham's sacrifice.

There are no guarantees in life other than doing the right thing. G-d's Laws are non negotiable.

Resuscitating a Dying Party that masquerades as a legitimate party: Feeding the Sitra Acher, the devil,  with a spark of Kedusha (holiness)
After the SOTU address by President Trump, The Democrats have been exposed as a splintered party, whose leadership are either Marxist Socialist or Progressive Leftist.  Bernie Sanders isn't a real Democrat. He's a Marxist Socialist. Mike Bloomberg a former Republican. The party was exposed as a Do Nothing party. They haven't helped the poor, working Americans, the minorities and their only focus is to impeach Trump who has improved the economy and the lives of all Americans.

President Trump and the Republican Administration has eliminated the most evil leaders in Iran and ISIS. 

The Democratic party is gasping for breath.  It needs someone to come along to resuscitate it to prove to others it's a legitimate party. 

Along comes the campaign to register Orthodox Jews as Democrats. Just the lifeline they need! The Devil needs that spark of Holiness to revive them!  

But instead Let Us Sieze the Moment and..... EXODUS!!!

EXIT from the Democratic Party! Register as Republicans!
Chaim Deutsch, Kalman Yeger, Simcha Felder and Simcha Eichenstein all great public servants should unite and Exit the Democrat party and run on a Republican Party line.  

Orthodox Jews can no longer ignore the facts on the ground that the values and platform of the Democrat party are illegitimate, anti G-d, unAmerican and anti Israel!

This is turn will empower the Republicans across our great nation.  It will encourage many New Yorkers registered as Democrats to register as Republicans the only legitimate party in February 2020.  

WHAT A GREAT KIDDUSH HASHEM (sanctification of Holiness)!

Now that these fake Democrats are gasping for breath, it is not the time to throw them a lifeline. 

The time to register voters as  Republican is Now!  IfNotNow then when?   A quote from the great sage Hillel not taken out of context :)

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Letter to Rabbanim and Askanim: Jewish Community Leaders . Take a Stand and Wake up the People. Or Will We Be Like Noach in His Generation?


Lichvod Rabbanim and Askanim, Jewish Community Leaders etc., amv"sh

2020 Dems Stand With J Street, Hamas and ISIS Against Israel

Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders declare war on the Jewish State by Daniel Greenfield
Fri Nov. 1 updated on Nov. 3rd 2019

Prominent US Reform Rabbi Warns of Growing Anti-Israel Sentiments in Democratic Party. 
Here is a Reform Rabbi sees the truth glaring at us. 

Then there's the scary and terrible abuse of power within the Democratic Party that refuses to accept Donald Trump as President!

Trump, Israel and the Democratic Crack-Up - Caroline Glick
Wed Oct 30, 2019
Nearly every week, the Democrats reach new heights of radicalism. Israel has good reason to be deeply worried.
"...As former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy wrote in his book Ball of Collusion which examines the Russia collusion investigation, the liberal establishment in Washington, "exploited its control of law-enforcement and intelligence to help Clinton and undermine Trump. This is a scandalous abuse of power."

Caroline Glick points out that this radicalism smacks of third world and Civilization Jihad tactics, i.e. using the system to destroy itself from within... 

But there is more...

....It is not only about anti-Israel Sentiments and Deep State radicalism. 

Let me be so bold as to take a stand:

The Democratic Party has an unG-dly platform. 

Ok! I am just a blogger and not a Non-Profit Organization so I don't have to worry about losing tax exempt status for taking a political stand as an Orthodox Jew.

BTW, the law recently signed by Governor Cuomo gives a clear political advantage to the Democrats. 

NY Bars Nonprofits From Political Endorsements After Trump Allows it

Bottom line - Have we been complicit and slowly allowing the Democrats to take power while the Democrats have reached a majority in NY State Assembly?  In the NYC Council there are 48 Democrats to 3 Republicans!  These numbers make no sense!   How did this happen when in  NYC sixty-eight percent of registered voters in the city are Democrats?  Using simple math what is 68% of 51?  I'll save you the trouble. It's not 48 vs 3. It's 35 vs 16.   And many of the so called Democrats in the Council are only Democrats because they have been convinced that there is no way they can win running on a Republican line. 

To quote John Catsimatidis of 970am, NY now is a one State Party.  This is very dangerous for democracy.

The Democrats scout and groom candidates with a leftist progressive agenda and run their campaign. That is how unqualified, unknown, inexperienced individuals with no resources get elected. They have far left progressive, socialist, pro Muslim, pro BDS, pro abortion, pro LGBTQ gender fluidity agendas. They are not challenged with credible alternative candidates from the Republican party who must rely on their own resources to run their campaign.  These candidates do not in comparison get  sufficient backing from the GOP, mainstream Conservative and/or Jewish Organizations. Unfortunately, we are resigned to lose with a defeatist attitude. Only 17% vote probably figuring it's not worth it 

NY is now feeling the repercussions. There is recent legislation putting criminals on the street. NY is no longer has friendly business environment. Many are leaving NY in record numbers. 

  • How many Conservative Jews aligned with Republican values are registered as Democrats? Judging from my own circle of close friends there are many such registered Democrats who are actually Republicans in mind and spirit! So the 68% statistic is not a true reflection of the reality. Many Jews are registered Democrats for practical considerations as per the recommendations of community leaders who are dependent on Democrats for funding..

How did the NYC City Council become so radicalized?

It's a catch 22. The more registered Democrats, the less likely Republicans will even challenge the incumbent Democrats. The problem is that we have been brainwashed to believe NYC is an untouchable Democratic stronghold when in fact it's a self fulfilling prophesy.

Perhaps if those of us who ideologically are Republican gave it a fighting chance,  we can even retake the NYC Council.  

Mayor Guiliani after all was Mayor of the City of NY from 1994-2001.  Not that long ago.  

I think we are unfortunately being bought off at the expense of the will of the voters. The voters are really not happy with our local elected officials and their progressive values!

Is it now surprising that The Reproductive Health Act was passed in January 2019 decriminalizing late term abortions empowering Planned Parenthood etc.?

After Senate Democrats gained a majority in the State Senate in the 2018 elections,[9] they vowed to make the passage of the Reproductive Health Act a priority.[10]

Is it surprising that there is a significant rise in AntiSemitism and hate crimes in NYC?
New York City Sees Surge in Hate Crimes
Anti-Semitic incidents have been the most common attacks this year, NYPD says

We are very worried about Common Core Curriculum and the indoctrination of all NY kids including our own in private schools, in Yeshivas by the NYS Board of Regents.   We are against wasting precious school hours teaching a curriculum we don't like and don't need and whose "values" are diametrically opposed to the teachings of our Torah.

Bottom Line.  We are not  registering as Republicans nor pursuing or backing  Republican candidates...even when they were clearly pro Israel and share our wholesome values and ethics.  Chele Farley vs Kirsten Gillibrand in the Senate race comes to mind.

The Democratic party is white washed on our front cover pages of our right wing papers rather than being exposed for who they really are in  the links above.

The Rabbis and Community Leaders say just go and vote. Vote for whom?   

Why are the Democratic party getting off the hook in spite of their hostility towards Israel?


Perhaps...As far as the media, Jewish right wing  media receive financial support it desperately needs from Jewish institutions and organizations and JCCs who advertise in their papers and are funded by Democrats.

Worthy organizations receive discretionary funding and $90 million a year for Security and Stem benefiting Yeshivas, JCC's and other important and causes.

These Organizations risk losing this needed funding if they fight the Democrats openly.

Meanwhile our streets are becoming more dangerous as criminals are we reluctantly partner with forces bent on destroying the moral fiber of society.

Are well funded programs worth it?

It does not help that the Jewish Republican Party Fundraising PAC like JExodus is following the Republican plan to fund primarily areas where Trump has a chance of winning.   NY is a blue State and accordingly is a "lost cause" from this short sighted perspective  and they will not invest money in such a State to help Republicans get elected when the chances of them winning is unlikely.  But there is lots more here at stake.

By following this direction according to the letter of the law, we are making a very sad mistake. In NY, especially in a State where there is such a concentration of G-d's Chosen people, the message of Universal Morality should be screaming from the Hilltops along with the message From Zion Comes Forth Torah. 

If Republicans want to strengthen their party across America, they should therefore invest in NY especially faith based institutions, their natural ally, and thereby strengthen a G-dly message coming from faith based Rabbis and not only from Christian Ministers. 

When Jews are silent, it is a Chillul Hashem that allows the void to be filled with Radicalism.

Judaism and Zionism are very much intertwined and can not be separated. Our enemies are very aware and will therefore throw whatever juicy bones it takes to suppress a True Faith Stand here in NY... and we foolishly take the bait?

To be fair, I know there is a lot at stake....
The reality is that Jews can no longer separate their private religious lives with those of the society that surrounds them. Again to be fair, remaining H-ly and insulated has been the life saving modus operandi that has preserved the Jewish people in the Diaspora for 2000 years since the Destruction of the Temple.

But now as we approach Messianic Times the rules of the game have changed. We and our children can no longer be insulated with the alien culture that surrounds us. Like in the times of Noach, when a G-dless and corrupt society, coupled with immorality seeps into the very fiber of society,  no one is immune. 

It will take a deep purge, Chas Veshalom, G-d forbid,  to cleanse such a society.... the likes described in the Tochacha.  (rebuke portions in the Torah).

The time has come to actualize the very purpose of our Nation which is to be a Mamlechet Kohanim veGoy Kadosh. A Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation.

Christians have taken a lead in defending the Laws of Universal Morality consistent with the platform of the Republican Party. 

Eventually, evil source of funding come to haunt us as it will corrupt and undermine all of our Torah that feeds off it.

It behooves a State like NY which has the largest concentration of Orthodox Jews to be at the forefront of making a Kiddush Hashem, a Sanctification of G-d's name and take a stand! We can no longer afford to remain silent or sit on the fence. The time has come, and we dare not miss it,  to educate our own people and society at large, why the platform and agenda of the Democratic party is unG-dly as it defies the Laws of Universal Morality, the 7 Noahide Laws.

Anavim, Anavim...I know we are up to the task.

The ACLJ is fighting this battle. It is time that we as Orthodox Jews do so as well. Will we step up to the plate?